Yes, all the names mentioned are of Jews

But I am sure that’s it’s just a Cohencidence.

Probably nothing to do with the passages in the Talmud that says it’s perfectly acceptable and no sin at all to rape children under the age of 3.

The video below is only a couple of minutes long. Look at the way the Zyklons are trying to shut the prof down when he shows the links between Anarchists (antifa types), homosexuality, and pedophiles. Using unassailable facts, no less.

Maybe one in five Zyklons really is not just LGBT, but actually is a pedophile?

What say you Zyklons?

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6 Responses to “Yes, all the names mentioned are of Jews”

  1. Cooper Chauvin says:

    Devils advocate, but it sounds like a few brainwashed morons making alot of noise. Emotional reactions based on the fact that he is attacking queer theory. They are triggered by the fact that he is associating people they like with pedophelia. And he is not wrong, but they take it as a personal attack on their brainwashing. I assume there is a majority of people that are silently nodding along. I would not count out the idea that the morons are paid agitators either.

    • G says:

      I don’t think that’s devil’s advocate at all. The Internet has allowed a small number of freaks that in the past would have been ignored as the local freak to get megaphones, and since they are monomaniacs, they eventually convince a few and somehow their mental illness begins to spread. After all, I was never convinced by the idea that mental illness is not contagious. Not that I think there is necessarily a “virus” that does so, but I do think that people influence each other and mentally ill people with single point focuses are going to shift the Overton window in their favour to some degree or other and much more so when there is mass media total efforts to do so.

  2. realwesterner says:

    Years ago I observed to my wife that a cartoon whose main character was a certain, porous, absorbent, seabound creature that has a broad application in many kitchen cleanup endeavors was normalizing nerdfulness and other characteristics like whining and various preadolescent/feminine behaviors to American youth. Now the deviant/antisocial/never sat at the cool kids’ table/can’t differentiate between good attention (like comes with success) and bad attention (that comes with poor performance, poor attitude, poor outlook, a mindset based on fallacy and falsehood) are asserting themselves, garnering prominence and power, and stepping to the forefront in all their autistic/asperger’s, deviant, scoliopathic and self-unaware glory. Society is and will continue to pay a very heavy price for this phenomenon. POS’s like Adams in NY, his brotato the obtuse DA of NY Alvinnnn Bragggg, and the long list of various Klaus Schwab butt suckers like Jewcinda what’sherface in NZ, and Katanje Hobbs (AZ governor) who could never survive in any real “real world” environment on any level beside drive thru attendant are now large and in charge. Heaven help us.

  3. CAE says:

    Perhaps it’s me watching mobile but is there a way to get the external link (YouTube or wherever the video was posted). Thanks.

    • G says:

      I forget. I download stuff to use later as I come across it and by the time I use it I have no idea where I got it from most times. Where embedding is an option I try to use that.

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