Archive for the ‘Social Commentary’ Category

Non Serviam – TMOS 5a

There is only one true way to improve things.

Above all: to deal in truth.

To act in the name of good (which means the dogmatic position of the Catholic Church as far as I am concerned. You, dear reader are unlikely to agree unless you too are a 1958 Sedevacantist, but I understand, I too was a heathen for most of my life).

And acting in the name of good, whether you realise it or not, means permanently removing pedophiles, child killers and rapists from society. And of course also removing permanently all those people who aided and abetted them and hid their crimes. It also means getting rid of fraudsters, con-men and usurers, if not permanently at the very least to place them in such a situation where they are not able to practice their deceptive ways, and where their labour is used to provide compensation to the offended parties.

In short, it means dealing justice to all who deserve it, charity to those who deserve it AFTER justice has been served, and ONLY then, not before. Mercy to those who deserve it but also punishment to those who deserve it too.

The death penalty absolutely needs to come back for certain crimes, that too is non-negotiable. And secret societies of Satanists, that is Freemasons, illuminati, carbonari, skull and crossbones and so in should not only be outlawed, but membership of it should be grounds for receiving the death penalty in fact.

Freemasonry is a Satanic, anti-human, evil thing as is all Satanism.

There are many other social rules that it would be good to impose too, but this post is not primarily about that. Each group or society of people will have certain things most agree need to happen. What I wrote above is generally acceptable to most people, and the only real exception might be those too innocent, or too ignorant and lazy to look into freemasonry properly who assume it’s just a friendly social club.

If they bothered to research things a bit, they too would mostly agree that what might seem as a harsh punishment (death penalty for membership) is in fact quite sensible.

So let me now add the part no one wants to talk about:

If you agree with the above in general terms, then you also need to recognise that NONE of the political alternatives being presented to you currently are based in truth. None.

They are only different shades of lies.

Trump is not going to save anyone nor drain the swamp. And the swamp creatures that are almost certainly pedophiles of the worst sort have just had their homes NOT burn down when every house around them has in fact been lasered from the sky into ash. The trees have not however. Isn’t it amazing how Tom Hanks, Oprah, and such people have not had their home burn down?

Weird trees that don’t catch fire eh?

Do you remember Tom Hank’s face/reaction when Ricky Gervais presented the golden globe awards and accused the entire room of being pedos? It was a very worried face. And there is plenty of evidence, circumstantial though it may be. As for Oprah, she’s been feeding young meat into the machine for decades.

My point is this:

No one is going to get justice by voting for any politician. They ALL need to go. And a lot of them need to be punished for horrific crimes, along with their puppet-masters who are mass-murderers of the worst kind.

No one will get justice other than by creating a literal alternative society that is based in truth above all and has a moral foundation that equates child rape to a death sentence. And preferably not a quick death either.

Even if you are a young atheist and still do not understand this yet —think it through and you might realise it— any moral foundation of that sort has to be rooted in belief in a higher power (i.e. God). Absent a higher authority than man, there is no reason at all, for any morality whatsoever. Nor can you defend there being one. If it’s all just one nihilistic black hole of meaninglessness then, whether one rapes and kills children to satisfy their urges or serves in a soup kitchen is neither here nor there. You may prefer one over the other but there is absolutely no logical reason you can claim one is objectively “better” than the other aside your personal preference; and you have zero objective argument why your preference should be superior to anyone else’s.

So… once you realise every actual functioning society humanity has ever had was based on a religion and its morality, and if you agree with my idea that pedophiles deserve death, as do those who help them, hide them and cover for them, guess what, at removes a couple of world religions from the equation right away, because they have child rape as acceptable in their unholy books: Islam and Judaism.

There may be other views that are at least not pro-child rape, like shintoism, at least some buddhism, or generally zen-agnostic type of views like Taoism or Daioism. But in any case, false versions of any of those religions, that is, people who may pay lip service to them but don’t actually follow them, are really not relevant, which of course means most “christians” too are just another species of lukewarm NPCs.

Which means that the only people who might actually have a chance of changing the world for the better are those of us who:

1. Have a religion that is essentially good which means does NOT include child rape as part of it, or in any way acceptable to it.

2. Actually live their religion.

3. Reject the falsity and evil of the world in favour of their religion.

That is the baseline premise of the people who MIGHT actually change things.

The follow-on from that is that they therefore also need to:

1. Create an alternate society that comes into being, sustains itself, and grows that does not rely in any way on the current ones populating our Satanically dominated planet.

2. Is able to defend itself from the inevitable attacks that the Satanic Clown Worlders will eventually launch.

3. Must become able and willing to remove the evil doers and replace them with both people and systems that better guard the good, freedom, and above all justice based on truth for all, the most defenceless first: i.e. children; and rewards based on merit not fictional ideologies.

Ultimately this means to re-conquer all those positions of power that are currently inhabited by corrupt and evil people who are as allergic to truth and goodness as bacteria is to ammonia and sunlight.

The astute reader may also have realised that of all the world religions, only one clearly states that it is not just a decent thing to do, but the dogmatic duty of a man to defend the innocents.

So. Gentle reader. Guess what?

This means if you plan to serve the good, your very first step, needs to be to stop serving the evil of the machinery we are all currently being trapped by to various degrees.

Hence… we stop serving it.

Non Serviam.

The Meaning of Hedonism

Young men (and women) think that when they come across a “Bible Zealot” or “hardcore Christian” which is what most would assume I am (they would be wrong because I am not a Bible alone moron and what passes for both “hardcore” and “christian” today is laughable) that talks about “hedonism”, we are imagining young people are on some orgiastic drunken revelry on the daily.

Allow me to correct that misguided view.

First of all I am GenX not a boomer so I neither resent nor hallucinate the situation of millennials and zoomers. In fact I mostly pity them, at least when they are not completely pathetic, in which case I am mostly frustrated by their lack of animus.

More importantly, I understand better than most that hedonism today is not really the orgies of the collapsing Roman empire. It is more a wasting of time while waiting and hoping against hope for “something better” to come along.

When you are raised with no understanding whatsoever of what Catholicism actually was and has always been and continues to be in those small number of families who still hold to it, you cannot help but go wrong in life.

The only sense of “the right way” I had in my upbringing was a code of honour that can best be defined —as John C. Wright did— as being that of the noble heathen. That is a man who keeps his word and does as his personal honour commands. It is a far cry from Catholicism and possibly the best level of civilisation that sort of way can aspire to is that of feudal Japan.

Possibly Imperial China too, but my understanding of Japanese codes of honour is superior (and closer) than the Chinese version of it. The Roman Empire too fas founded on it on arguably surpassed both Japanese and Chinese achievements, but in any case, no one can deny that all of those systems were far more brutal, uncharitable, and lacking in mercy and kindness when compared to Catholicism.

The point here is that absent the framework of what a good life actually is, meaning the proof of it, the reality of it you can see and verify for yourself, how is any young person to decide on how to best approach life?

If you DO know, things become a LOT simpler. But if you do not know, what a good life really means, you’re almost certain to get lost in all sorts of distractions.

I never saved really. I did buy some property (land) at age 26 after writing the first edition of the Face on Mars, and some 25 years later it helped me to sell it and put a deposit on a house in Italy. But as I had no intention to make any children (until I was 40 and gradually I had realised a lot of life’s “givens” were contemptible lies spread by boomers) I spent most of my time indulging those interests that caught my attention. And unbelievable as it may sound, the main one was a search for true love. Which resulted in much heartache and a lot of women. After a while it got so I sort of stopped believing in it but carried on enjoying the women. The rest of my time was filled with doing what I liked or interested me. Reading, martial arts, studying the human mind, ancient things and places, writing, visiting places I wanted to see… but always also that search for that one woman.

And eventually I found her.

But it was a very long, tortuous and far more painful and difficult road than it needed to be.

Had I been taught, and more importantly, shown, that family is the main point of life. Had my own family I was born into been less of a shitshow, how many years of distraction would I have saved. How much more could I have done and thus be leaving my children?

I don’t regret my life at all, because every part of it brought me to where I am now, married to the right woman finally and with enough children too. And if I had not taken this particular road I would not be with her or have the children I do, and as was very cleverly shown in a delightful film called About Time, that reality is inconceivable to me.

But the point is that if you are say in your twenties, or even thirties, (and yes, even 40s or 50s, I am living proof of this: It’s never too late) and you realise deeply that the main purpose of life is actually to create a family that is as happy and prosperous as you can make it, then, regardless of your actual situation, your priorities, your actions and your activities will be radically different than if you think having the latest iphone, knowing the latest political gossip, or cheering for this or that sports team, or traveling to see X place for the instagram cred, or getting another notch on your belt, matters at all.

And the kind of actions and activities that you will focus on will be such that, yes, perhaps you might have less “fun” (or time wasted on things that ultimately don’t matter, depending on your perspective) but you might also have a more concrete base from which to start that family.

Had I aimed to built something for the future starting in my early 20s, I would probably be able to live off rental income even with six kids by now. It’s also true that for my particular character that was never really going to be a likely road, so there is that to counter, I have always been too curious, and probably, as a good friend pointed out, too capable, to ever worry about the future, and indeed I am not especially worried about it now either, but it certainly is a lot harder than it could be.

Having a much harder life is not necessarily a bad thing. It makes you more capable in many ways (assuming you survive and overcome). But there is certainly something to be said for not having to work into your 80s. Probably anyway. Then again, I have Jean Parisot de Valette as a somewhat inspirational figure; and he was swinging his two-handed sword on the walls of one of the castles of Malta, wounded in a leg and not wearing his full armour at age 71, so… if you have that kind of character, what I can guarantee is that your life might indeed be very hard, but not boring. The issue however is not you, but your children, and while for some the idea of swinging a sword at muslim invaders’s heads in our seventies might be appealing (and for some of us possibly inevitable!) the fact is that if you’re instead leaving your children a few well-stocked and well-defended castles, and yet have also instructed them in the proper running of a city-state, you’d be far better off.

My children on the other hand will have to learn on the job, as it were, and perhaps that is as fate or God ordained. After all, we do have an 800 year known history of doing things this way; and while my branch of the family is indeed the silver one (that is filled with curious explorers and war-like adventurers, of minor noble rank) and not the gold branch that had the much higher nobility titles and actual castles to their name, it is also true that our side of the family has some truly extraordinary people in it; several of whom have been talked about in history books or left monuments with their name on it for a time.

But… if I had somehow a crystal ball at age 20 that told me I would have six children all under the age of 14 at age 55, aside the utter shock, I probably would have worked like a possessed man (as I tend to do most things) towards securing far more land and property and wealth than I have done. And even without the crystal ball, if I had simply thought creating a family was the main aim in life, I would have done so too.

Instead, the boomer poison of “the world is horrible, why would you want to bring more innocents into it?” Infected me well into my early 30s at the very least. And that is a lie that is directly related to someone not having any belief of any real substance in a Loving God.

Generic Zen-Agnosticism tinged with Shintoism is not exactly ideal for the consideration of family creation. And there hasn’t been as much need for wandering samurai, thankfully.

It took until the end of my 30s to realise that having children was the right way to live. And I am not unintelligent, which is demonstrated by the fact that I had come to this conclusion even though I was still essentially agnostic, and very much aware of how the levers of power on this planet work, which is not a position a person as objectively rational as I am is likely to come to without having a belief in God.

In fact I had come to this conclusion based only on the possibly irrational belief that my capabilities were enough to protect a child of mine even under such dystopic conditions as we have on this planet. Whether you think that is arrogance or confidence is debatable, but I am basically certain it would have been true if I limited myself to one or two children.

Adding the knowledge of a Loving God has removed a HUGE amount of the concern about having more children. And no, it does not mean miracles fall unceasing from the sky, the practicalities of feeding six children instead of two, as well as clothing them, educating them and so on are real, but you tend to find a way as you reorganise your priorities. And yes, maybe they will not all have the latest iphone and brand name clothing, but guess what: that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It makes them more imaginative and capable if they need to work for things, and if you are a decent parent you will also be able to help them get over a truly noxious aspect of modern life: caring excessively what other people think.

It’s a little different for girls than boys, but generally speaking, it is always best to err on the side of NOT caring what other people think than vice versa.

The emotional scars left by being overly concerned about other people’s opinions can be a truly devastating thing, particularly for girls, but boys too. Luckily my three youngest children already exhibit many traits that make me pretty secure in the view that this will not be an issue for them. If anything, the main worry might be to keep them from being arrested or chased out of towns for being possibly too cavalier about social rules in general!

All the people I knew at school that were from wealthy families, as a very frequent general trend, almost invariably tend to become what I would consider less accomplished human beings that even some of the absolute social rejects that everyone assumed would amount to nothing.

As a rule they tend to hold on to their wealth but be rather vacuous creatures with little to offer in terms of interesting personalities or life stories.

These apparent digressions, are not meandering, meaningless recollections and reflections of my life, they are intended to show you, and hopefully help you, see different aspects of life from different perspectives so that you might realise several things:

  • The nihilistic depressive narrative of the boomers is a lie.
  • The aimless apathy of the millennials or zoomers who are afflicted by it is weak, pathetic and unseemily for anyone with an ounce of self-respect.
  • The “hard” road may often be the better road, and even if not, at least you will have more cool stories and have seen a side of life the cocooned and perfumed princes of the planet will never know.
  • In short, the old adage is still mostly true: wounds heal, and chicks dig scars

All that said… it is only a foolish or imprudent man that does not plan (somewhat loosely, to allow for life’s inevitable detours) for the future. Especially when he envisions a numerous family in it.

Plan accordingly young man, and realise that hedonism might just be your indulgence in fancy clothes and package holidays, without a single Roman orgy in sight.

The Critical Mass of NPCs

Playing old style RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons really was far more useful than anyone could guess at the time. And the almost 40 years we have had of computerised “RPGs” have now conclusively proven the benefits of the old style pen and paper, in-person games around your living room table, are in no way similar or even remotely close to any benefit of playing online versions.

The difference, of course, is due to the old style RPGs being an activity that stimulates and therefore develops the imagination. It literally improves your ability to think. Across the board. You improve your interpersonal skills by relating to other human beings face to face and in real time while also having to imagine (and describe) scenarios and situations presented to you and your reaction to them as a player character (which may have quite a different outlook than you as a real person do). Such activity promotes neural connections that would normally not be achieved in anything close to the same duration of time.

You also need to improve your generic reading comprehension as well as writing (if you create scenarios), and elementary mathematics as well as concepts such as economies of scale, troop movements, and depending on the game the math can be quite advanced. We knew how to do gravity assisted slingshot calculations by age 15 or so because it was a way to ensure your scout ship with damaged drives could still refuel and escape the gravity well of the gas giant before hyperspace jumping out of imperial hunters’ range.

This is why I created STCZA, both in paper format on Amazon or cheaper PDF you can print yourself.

But my point here is another.

In any large scale campaign with a good referee and decent players, you sometimes have to deal with the inevitable horde.

It can be a horde of orcs, or a horde of irate NPCs out for your party’s blood, or any other number of situations where a force composed of not particularly effective, strong, or intelligent creatures mass together in such numbers that regardless of how powerful, smart and efficient your party is, it has to give way or be overrun.

In our case, the real world here on Earth in 2025, the situation is not really different from a very large campaign world where different player characters and their respective groups, can play at various levels of difficulty whilst facing the situations posed to them.

In broad terms, we live on a planet that is run by an extremely evil and somewhat balkanised oligarchy. Some tiny pockets of resistance, goodness and genuine player characters trying their best to safeguard what they can also exist; but… as in all epic films, they are very much the underdogs.

It’s not exactly that the evil overlords are so numerous or even effective or intelligent per se.

It’s rather the way things are.

The pedovores in charge, are a class of vampiric creature with a penchant for raping, torturing and eating children. While this is generally known amongst the Player Characters (PCs) of Earth, it is mostly unknown by the largest swathes of Non-Player Characters (NPCs) and even assiduously denied by the boomer generation. Furthermore, the pedovores have a stranglehold on global news and entertainment as well as politics of every balkanised nation. They do this by a combination of applied brute force, deception, constant propaganda and having a monopoly on the very creation of the medium of exchange, which they then dole out to their lackeys.

The NPCs are mostly divided into three categories:

The puppets – they run governments, pretend to be famous entertainers of great talent and great and wise scientists of importance. They do the bidding of the pedovores on pain of death or similar, exposure as vicious pedophiles, total financial ruin and so on.

The bought – these guys basically do the bidding of the pedovores secondary roles for the concessions of having more money, protected lives and generally living far better than most. As long as they keep the wheels of the satanic machinery turning without asking questions. A few may even think they are just good guys in good jobs. But these might be the few brain damaged ones.

Standard NPCs – Oblivious to most of reality that does not immediately impact them directly, the sheer number of these, and the ease with which they are directed, means that they are effectively the equivalent of an unthinking zombie horde.

Now, as a PC, what would you think is the smart play?

Think on it a second.

The answer should be relatively obvious.

Consolidate (create hardcore communities of PCs with great and varied skills and abilities, but all focused on resisting and eventually defeating the enemy).

Reclaim Power (This applies mostly to grass roots political movements that range from the PTA, to the HOA to the local council, local police station, university posts and so on. Take them over, don’t give an inch and get like-minded people in next to you as they did for the last 70 years, then push back on all their nonsensical bureaucracy, lies, transgenderism, DIE false ideology, godlessness, etcetera, etcetera. In the second stage it also means the ability to hold on to whatever community you have built by the use of force, because sooner or later, the pedovores will want to take you out)

Rebuild (This means everything that leads to total self-sufficiency and self-protection)

So: what are YOU doing to build a community of zealots?

In the interim, somewhere along the line, this will also likely mean to direct the zombie hordes in directions that in the end do serve them best, but in some way, leading always involves directing large numbers of NPCs. Not in a self-serving way, it needs to be highlighted. And leaders who truly serve the people’s needs only end up in one of two ways: lionised at best for a bit, and often crucified for it sooner or later. In no case is such leading the fruit of democracy though. It is always, inevitably, far closer to a benign dictatorship. And in that respect, you should not be fooled into thinking Trump is anything akin to that. He is part of the same Cabal, just the other side of the coin.

How can we know? Look at his comments concerning the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

The Final Solution

Since the restart of this blog, I explained the focus would be more on solutions than describing the problems.

If by now you still don’t know that people like Bill Gates the still surviving younger (Alex) Soros, Klaus Schwab and their mass-murdering, pedophile, child-raping, murdering and cannibalistic puppets and friends are the problem, along with the mostly Jewish established creators of the absurdity of ex-nihilo fiat currency, controllers of almost all entertainment and mass media… well… in that case, young man, you have a looooong and dark road ahead of you filled with increasingly dystopian revelations.

But that is precisely the point. Everyone that might be, or aspires to be, or is, what I would define as Player Character material, as opposed to NPC status, by now should be aware that you and yours are basically going to be the hunted by the zombie hordes pushed by the various pedovore puppets, or if you become enough of a target, by the pedovores directly.

Smaller states *might* have SOME leeway, but not much, see Robert Fico, the prime minister of Slovakia, who was shot in a serious assassination attempt. But there may be places like El Salvador that really are being run by someone that possibly is not in the pockets of the Cabal. Possibly. Even then it’s a gamble as many such places are relatively easy to corrupt by the usual means. And in any case they are more liable to be third world type places, where you might not fit in. Like say Niger, who recently kicked out the French occupiers.

Places like Guadeloupe may well have a sudden and possibly violent push for independence from France, and depending on the global landscape it may achieve it.

Things are moving very fast now, and will only accelerate. Of course Trump always talks a bigger game than he actually plays, as is generally the nature of American politicians, but recently he has made quite overt statements about taking over Greenland and even Canada. Clearly the American Empire, led —as always— by it’s master, Israel, sees the refusal of Russia to become the latest balkanised prey, and China’s imminent “reunification” of Taiwan, as things it needs to counter with American expansion of military force as well as territory, both in the European theatre as well as the middle East.

We, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Greeks and so in, are of course, hostages to our own bought and paid for puppet governments, servants and lackeys of the (((Americans))) who reduced every country around the world that they control to simply a business branch of America Inc.

And we would very much love for all the American military bases to simply vanish into thin air, but it is becoming clear that Clown World will hang on tooth and nail to every part of the globe it can, going so far as to attempt to assassinate minor countries heads of state and hack the blogs of essentially insignificant bloggers like myself, in order to keep the false narrative of the greatness of American “democracy” going. No matter how many people they have to kill to get morale to “improve” about Clown World’s homoglobalist agenda of mass murder and eternal slavery.

The key to surviving and eventually overcoming this state of affairs is only one:

The creation of communities of people that are:

1. Impervious to Clown World Propaganda.

2. As resistant and immune to infiltration as any group can ever be.

3. United in an eternal and constant and clear enmity with Clown World and all it stands for.

4. Capable, and willing to protect their ethnicity, culture and ways of life by all means available intelligently used.

5. Producing lots of children who are members of this community.

Every requirement for this is met by being a proper Catholic and forming a community with actual Catholics, which means, 1958 Sedevacantist.

You may not like it. You may not want to be a Catholic (because you have been lied to about what a Catholic is), but this is the reality we face. And at least for now, we are still way better off than Catholics were under the mantle of Roman Emperor Nero.

And don’t be fooled. There is only One True Church, and it is the Catholic one. Don’t take my word for it, by all means, do what I always suggest: know for yourself.

My books (non-fiction ones) help cut the research time down considerably, because they are filled with references, but you can also just study things on your own and look for ways to falsify your own preconceived as well as your new ideas.

When you are done, you may still want to read Believe or Reclaiming the Catholic Church to confirm your own findings.

So that’s the Final Solution: Build communities.

My Position on the Nazis

Given the “scary cover” of Nazi Moon, which is the collection of the first three books of rhe Overlords of Mars Series (as well as the first iteration of the cover for book 1 of that series – Overlords of Mars : Inception) and my author’s notes in the first two book being clearly anti-nazi, while the author’s notes in the third book might be seen (by people who can’t read for comprehension) as being pro-nazi, I figured it was time to clarify my position with regards to “the Nazis” and Hitler himself.

I think to a great extent, Vox Day already covered a lot of the ground on the why of my own views in his own clarification post here.

Being as unlike Hitler I actually am a devout Catholic (which also means I am a 1958 Sedevacantist, as these are the only actual Catholics left), Hitler’s and the Nazis in general, Pagan New Religion that they wanted to be based on racial lines and use to completely eradicate Catholicism (Christianity is Catholicism and vice-versa, all else is just heretic Churchianity, as anyone capable of reading and interested enough in looking at actual Church History and the Bible can conclude if they are objective and not already brainwashed a priori) is obviously not anything I agree with.

That is enough to make me clearly anti-Nazi ideologically.

Which does not mean I will also pretend certain realities about that period of history will be ignored or swept under the carpet just because they happen to align with “Nazism” in a more general sense.

For example, I absolutely do NOT believe 6 million Jews were gassed to death in concentration camps. But then, no one else does either, including holocaust historians in Israel.

Was there a persecution of Jews? Sure. And if you want to call it a holocaust, knock yourself out. But if you want me to feel especially bad specifically for the Jews, you may not want to be holding your breath. At least not until after everyone acknowledges publicly that “the Jews” —in the general sense just as “the Nazis” is used— have been responsible for far more human misery and death than any other ethnic tribe or religion on the face of the Earth since the beginning of recorded history.

Marxism and communism are both Jewish ideologies, the invention of the contraceptive pill was done by a Jew (1) as was the general attitude towards abortion, promoted by Sanger and today abortion being claimed by prominent Hollywood Jews as part of their religion.

The Bolsheviks (Jews) killed more nominally Christian Europeans than did the Second World War.

Jews caused holocausts of Palestinians (doing it today) and Lebanese with horrific crimes that simply go ignored by the mainstream narrative and their involvement in pernicious practices of usury, financial deceit and the literally absurd invention of fiat money and how it is operated by private enterprise run by powerful Jewish families, is again, a topic that is as forbidden to speak about as it is of whether gas chambers to gas people ever did or even could exist in Auschwitz and other concentration camps.

In short, the attitude that Jews are the most victims that were ever victimised as a people and deserving of some special treatment because of it is not only something that I don’t subscribe to in any way and never will, it is also an outright lie that inverts the truth that as a people, Jews, their ideologies and general practices in their host nations have undoubtedly caused more death and misery than any other people.

In fact, the intentional murder by forced marches, starvation, exposure and outright murder of German civilians after the second world war os multiples of times higher than the total number of Jews killed in it. The Morgenthau plan, which was “officially” abandoned, got actually put into practice by de facto behaviour of the allied forces against the defeated Germans. It is estimated something like ten million Germans were murdered this way, while the best estimates of the total number of murdered Jews, which ranges from 300,000 to 500,000. Certainly a tragedy, and we are happy to call it a holocaust if that is what the laws force us to do, but let us also then call out the multiple holocausts the Jews caused against the Germans, the Ukrainians and the Russians.

And let us also look with more care into the financial reasons that started, financed and caused the first and second world wars. Work that Antony Sutton has already done in three volumes, none of which have been found in error.

Just like none of the work of David Irving , who was a renowned historian for many years, before he looked into the Jewish holocaust and started to report back on his findings. After that Mr. Irving was publicly made a spectacle of and his work intentionally destroyed by the UK police. His vilification was total and people like me who had no real idea or interest in the details at the time just saw his picture plastered on the front page of various papers for being some callous, evil, neo-nazi denier of the holocaust. And as most did not have today’s awareness of the fact that almost all the mass media is also controlled by Jewish interests, and in any case is filled with the worst sort of liars from too to bottom, everyone just assumed Mr. Irving was indeed just some crazy vicious racist/holocaust-denier.

But Mr. Irving did not deny the Jewish Holocaust. He simply demonstrated the real extent of it in ways that were irrefutable even if not especially new. In fact, the entire Jewish Holocaust scenario began to appear in the 1960s. Before then, no one even discussed it. Including the people who had physically seen and even liberated some of the concentration camps. There was no outcry about gas chambers masquerading as showers in the immediate aftermath of the end of WWII.

Aside all that, there is another aspect of the Nazis that has to be acknowledged as being objectively superior to everyone else at the time: their technology.

The Nazis rediscovered the principles of antigravity and invented stealth technology as well as various devices to power their submarines far in advance of anything the allied had, and using different principles of physics,

They also invented the first jet engines and various other “wonder weapons” such as, for example, the foo fighters, some kind of smallish floating ball or disc that essentially acted as an advanced predatory arial mines against incoming enemy aircraft.

They had various ideas and concepts, some repugnant in character, others neutral, that in any event are absolutely noteworthy. As is Hitler’s implementation of various financial methodologies, and removal of various corrupt Jewish officials who had inserted themselves into the government.

In short, no, I do not subscribe to Nazi ideology, but I don’t subscribe to American or Israeli ideology either.

1. From wikipedia:

Pincus remained interested in mammalian reproduction systems and began to research infertility.[6] In 1951, Margaret Sanger met Pincus at a dinner hosted by Abraham Stone, the director of the Margaret Sanger Research Bureau and medical director and vice president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), and procured a small grant from the PPFA for Pincus to begin hormonal contraceptive research. Pincus, along with Min Chueh Chang, confirmed earlier research that progesterone would act as an inhibitor to ovulation.

In 1952, Sanger told her friend Katharine McCormick about Pincus and Chang’s research. Frustrated by PPFA’s meager interest and support, McCormick and Sanger met with Pincus in 1953 to dramatically expand the scope of the research with a 50-fold increase in funding from McCormick. Pincus was interested by Sanger’s work with impoverished women with histories of many pregnancies. Sanger indirectly influenced him to create a successful contraceptive to prevent unwanted pregnancies.[6]

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