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On Epic World-Building…
Vox had an interesting post about the number of characters in epic fantasy novels and why this is the fundamental reason that the fat, boomer, George Rape Rape Martin will not finish his excretable fantasy saga before his heart pops and he dies.
I am not a fan, I found his books unreadable, and the very basis of his writing to be foul beyond words. it is the antithesis of why I read any fiction. Fiction should have something of the heroic in it. it can be a noir, it can be gritty, harsh, all of the above, but without some sense of the good, some numinous influence towards higher things, what is the point. the nihilist emo-goths that only want to write about rotting flesh and despair can all die in nuclear fire for my money.
Anyway, this is not about G Rape-Rape Martin and his crappy writing and even worse philosophy, but about the hard-core fact that go towards building an epic sized story.
Now I don’t write epic fantasy novels. I have done a couple of divertimentos in the Inferos Vortex books, and maybe one day they may add up to a decent sized book, but I am not sure if they qualify as fantasy. They tend to be a mix of quasi-horror, gritty gun stuff, some dark humour and a splash of science fiction “technology”.
What I have written, and God willing will also continue eventually, is epic Science Fiction. Nazi Moon clocks in at 827 pages, and since Vox made me thing about how many main characters I have, and I keep notes (so many notes, you have no idea how autistic I get about my SF world-building) I went to check, and over that length, I have some 63 characters, but several are just one-time appearances and others temporary ones, because I like to give some credence and personality even to the “extras” on my mental film set.
When it comes to primary characters I have about 15, which sounds like a lot, and there are about an equal number of secondary or lesser characters that have repeat appearances, but then, in truth, I am only half-way. I do plan to write three more books in that series. When I will get to them I do not know, but if I don’t die in the apocalypse first, I will finish them.
Life Imitates Art
It is not new for me to write some fiction that later gets revealed to be a lot closer to fact than anyone, including me, had ever thought.
It is also the case that my non-fiction, tends to both be correct as well as ahead of the current paradigm of how reality operates by several decades.
This has been consistently true in really all of my published books, starting with the Face on Mars, which predicted realities about Mars and its magnetosphere as well as many other aspects of the Face and related “City” that have now essentially been proven true even if the level of “noise” from NASA and other current events has had the tendency of sweeping most of these facts under the conscious threshold of most people.
This makes it so that The Face on Mars remains absolutely relevant today and still explains more about human history, what happened on Mars (with factual, empirical evidence, not some woo-woo opinion) antigravity technology, and its origins and consequences than any single volume work ever written to date. And despite one of it central concepts being plagiarised by journalists like Graham Hancock, they still get the baseline history and its rather obvious deductive conclusions wrong, mostly because they have their own egos and pet opinions to overcome. A problem I don’t suffer from since I am merely genuinely interested in the facts, wherever they may lead me.
My personal opinions or imagined flights of fancy I put in my fiction work, as I did over a period of almost 30 years in my fiction omnibus of three books collated in one: Nazi Moon.
And as it turns out, a lot of the fiction in that story, certainly as relates to the technology, but also as it relates to human history to some extent, has outperformed my wildest expectations, since many of the things I thought I was simply “exaggerating” for cinematic effect, in fact prove to be a lot closer to already existing technology than I was aware of at the time of writing.
This is not really all that surprising, because if you are interested in physics, astronomy, space-flight technology, and so on, as you discover some of the enormous lies we have been fed and discover the truer aspects of certain concepts and technologies —and then you find geological and astronomical evidence that fits perfectly with the discovery and the theory you might have pieced together— then, any speculative projections you might make in order to write related science fiction will likely have a logical projection and thread that is often going to fit reality. Even if that reality is hidden or unknown to you when you come up with it.
What I did not expect was that I was spot on even with my most recent fiction, (In the Shadow of Monte Castello) which is what I would call mostly fantasy. That is, the “science” part of my Inferos Vortex series is pure “handwavium”.
Or so I thought.
As it turns out, my absolute fancy guess at the “real” purpose of CERN, turns out to… well… actually be the real purpose of CERN.
At this point I really don’t know what to say, other than load up on silver, small forges, and get thee to a Sede priest right away for baptism and bottles of Holy Water!
And yes, I promise the Inferos Vortex Series is going to be very quick. Book 2 will be out this month, and we’ll see if I do a book 3 or more, but if I do I promise they will be fast on each other’s tails unlike my Overlords of Mars (Nazi Moon) series which took me years to do.
I can say this with some confidence because I wrote book 1 – In the Shadow of Monte Castello in a little over a week. That’s because I wrote it mostly as a divertimento thinking about the opening scene as I was walking on the fields of my property late at night. When I decided to put it down, the rest followed completely naturally and amusingly. I genuinely had a lot of fun writing it. And the same goes for book 2, which is already 80% done despite the last month having been extremely difficult time-wise, and the book being considerably longer than the first one. I will definitely get book 2 out in the next couple of weeks or so and then we will see if it warrants a book 3. Which I have no idea about yet, as I rarely know how things will go until I see where the story goes myself.
What?! You think I control all aspects of what the characters in my story get up to?!? Those guys all have minds of their own. They’d run off the pages and roam the world free if I didn’t keep them inside the computer on my desk!
PS: all links above are to Amazon versions for paper copies only, but a few books are only available in E-Book format only and all E-books are available cheaper and only directly from my E-book store here.
The Gamma Saga Continues!
Did you all miss ShadoHand, ladies and gents? He of the striped chest and iron bicycles and four cold showers a day (to cool down his ShadoHand activities, no doubt, since he does not have anything to do with women, of course, being a tragic incel, errr… Manly man, that mannilly goes his own Way. (With a Hand. Like a Shadow!)
Fear not, the blognovella that is the Saga of ShadoHand continues, and like all good soap operas, will probably never, ever, ever end. But first, here he is in all his glory!
In case you missed the unmissable and very entertaining first three episodes of this dumpster fire of a human, exemplary specimen of manly Sigmaness, here they are, in order:
Part II – The Education of the Gamma
Part III – The Virtuous Spiral
Today, now that we have ensured the pilot first few episodes of this blognovella have been a resounding success with our audience, we announce the next instalment: The Unhinged comment.
Which can be found for your amusement, along with the previous one and my response to it, here: The Comments
Here is his glorious insanity in full glory:
We really need to update his skill set ladies and gentlemen! We are doing this schizophrenic trainwreck obvious manliest, manly, Sigma, a disservice by not including his deeply important work on piezoelectric sources of energy! Which ONLY a Millennial could do. Certainly in this fashion anyway.
But the kicker? The reference to Douglas Jones is what really made my day and cracked me right up.
Douglas Jones, is a character in my latest novella, In the Shadow of Monte Castello (the sequel is being written as we speak) which has had really excellent feedback, so I am hoping it may become an alternative to Monster Hunter International type of novels that people might enjoy. I’m fairly sure Larry Correia wouldn’t mind nor care even if I did become in any way relevant competition to his books (fat chance, but one can dream) as our styles are quite different, and he’s actually a very decent guy from every interaction I had with him online.
Anyway, Douglas Jones, the character in the novella, is based on an actual guy I kinda know, and he knows I based this character on him. He was as amused by the reference as I was. He’s now such a badass that his alter ego gets used to threaten people who mock you for your incomparable stupidity and Gammaness. If that is not a glowing review for my character-writing abilities, I don’t know what is.
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Never had any
Take note, young Western man. When Zog wants you to fight and die for them, this is the way.
I studiously avoided conscription, which was compulsory back then in Italy, thanks to having lived overseas since I was a small child.
But it was the very principle of the thing I rejected. The idea that some scummy politician (or rather, (((whoever))) runs them) would get to decide where I went and whom I’d supposedly have to kill or be killed by, for reasons and concepts that would at best be completely opaque to me and, in almost every case, something I probably fundamentally had issues with.
I’d sooner take my chances hunting the politicians that start this crap, and even better, their masters. And so should every young European think. Besides, the death penalty has been completely done away with. Worst case if one refuses conscription he gets 3 meals a day in prison. You may have to fend off a few gay Algerians or whatever, but still beats getting your lungs literally ripped out of your throat by a thermobaric bomb-drone that went off a few dozen metres outside the structure you thought you were safe in.
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By G | 12 July 2024 | Posted in In the Shadow of Monte Castello, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within, The Jews, Zombie Apocalypse