Even those who were ardent Trump supporters (and I was too in a limited fashion, because if nothing else Trump helped expose the fake media to the average normie in a way that is now hard for anyone to deny) are finally realising that it’s all part of one big swamp, and neither side of it is on your side.
What has become absolutely obvious is that like it or not, accept it or not, pretend to go along with the politically correct narrative they have been running for 80 years or not, “The Jews” control this planet. Primarily through the creation of a completely absurd system of fiat money that they have managed to fool the entire world into using for now over 100 years. Which when coupled with usury, a practice that used to be outlawed by Catholics for centuries, becomes truly a tool of enslavement for the whole of humanity.
But they also massively influence and own the mass media and the “entertainment” branch of film and TV media (read propaganda machine) and therefore the general zeitgeist of the planet too.
Which is why they can mass murder Palestinian civilians including babies and children and literally steal their organs for sale, along with now expanding “their” territory in to Syria while genociding the remaining population of Gaza without anyone but the Houtis of Yemen doing anything about it, or even talking about it, and why Benjamin Netanyahu, an absolute war criminal if any ever existed, can also still travel around with impunity or any fear of censure.
More people are waking to this reality daily, but still not anywhere near as many as should before anything can change.
What very few people realise, is that there are two factions of Jews at the top of the pyramid of power and while they are in competition with each other, neither of them is on your side.
I believe the Chabad Lubavitch sect are supposed to be the more “Orthodox” ones, which perhaps means they follow the Talmud idea of “sex with children” (i.e. pedophilic rape) who are under age 3 not being a crime, more zealously, given the level of verified sexual child abuse in their ranks.
The other side is more the liberal atheist types that are rampantly for transgenderism, homosexuality, and every form of degenerate sexual practice involving children especially. Of course, both sides are predominantly for all that stuff being fostered on us gentiles first and foremost.
And of course no one at all will tell you that the reason the second world war was fought, was because Hitler had decoupled Germany from the Rothschild banking system, and brought Weimar Germany back from the total degeneracy that had been fostered on it after the first world war. Nor will they tell you that the books the Nazis were burning were the ones on transgender theories and the beginnings of discussing things like sex changes, which today we have being applied to underage children even without parental consent.
No one will explain either that the motivating forces behind the eventual collapse and often outright murder of the various European Royal houses was performed by the Jewish inspired Freemasons, Illuminati, Carbonari and the other multitude of names that the various secretive Satanic sects go by.
The only religion that has ever called them out for what they are and stood against them, throughout human history, has been Catholicism, though all people sooner or later become aware of their modus operandi, and invariably try to exile them from their land. After all, if you get kicked out of 110 countries and over 1000 times, including from before the time of Christ, as is recorded in at least some of the Roman writings from 55 BC, perhaps, the problem is really you, and not everyone else.
But today, to criticise a Jew, or worse The Jews, collectively, is social suicide.
So, although many are becoming aware, none yet dare speak out publicly. And of course, the same goes for any other undesirable group of people as long as they are not caucasian.
It’s just “not done” nowadays, to call Indians from India an ethnicity that, from a European perspective, is composed wholly of pathological liars. Or that the average IQ of an African is at least one standard deviation lower than that of the average Caucasian. Or that the IQ of the average Japanese is at least 5 points more than the one of the average European.
No, no, all these things are unmentionable subjects, and that is why the swamp will remain, and eventually infest everyone’s lives, because it’s already here and has been for ages, all that has changed is that now it is simply becoming more obvious.
So… don’t put your faith in any saviours beyond Christ. All others are just false prophets; yes even if they happen to be saying the thing you want to hear and maybe even actually doing some of them.
No one is coming to save you. Not Trump, nor any other politicos. You got to save yourself.
So start building up those self-sufficient communities ASAP.
The Uncivilised Man
A recent conversation with the wife highlighted something I have always known but probably assumed wasn’t as prevalent even with people you are close with. Possibly because in the family I grew up in this was understood as I understand it. And our lives and some of the work my father, myself and my brother all did independently of each other also confirmed this reality:
Violence is a normal part of life on Earth. So learning about it and how and when it is required to be applied and when it is not just right, but even necessary to do so, was simply something we learned in the normal course of life, like maybe other kids learn to go to football practice or learn to ride a bicycle and understand sometimes you’re likely to fall and so on.
In polite society (which really is a nice way of saying the mollified, metrosexual, “all violence is bad” generic faggotry that has been promoted, pushed and inserted into every narrative ever since the end of WWII) the idea you may have to resort to violence is seen mostly as some barbaric act of fate and bad luck, and certainly not anything you ever could or should do in cold blood.
Some may even agree that certain people need killing, as the saying goes, but like most “civilised” meat eaters would balk at the idea of butchering their own meat from a living animal, most of these people would either not be able to go through with it, or would be (and probably remain) traumatised by the act of taking a human life, no matter how justified.
As a hypothetical, a guy who rapes children, if you had the opportunity to kill him with absolute certainty that you never suffer any legal consequences for it, how many would actually be able to pull the trigger themselves? And if you want to add another layer to it: then go on to have lunch normally 15 minutes later?
And of those people who could do that, and not be traumatised (i.e. have the lunch), the overwhelming majority would be men. Mostly men that have had experience with killing and/or combat. Maybe soldiers or hunters. And of course, a few sociopaths.
Even under justified conditions, say the defence of your loved ones, modern western society tends to view the use of violence by private citizens as a basically illegal and dangerous thing that should be the exclusive monopoly of the government.
But not too long ago in terms of historical perspective, a man caught stealing or poaching from another man’s farm, was liable to get killed for it if he was caught. And frankly, while it might be a bit extreme even if it were legal, to blast say the truffle thieves I have encountered, you can see that if the law was that I was in my right to so, that would very quickly put a stop to truffle thieving. At least after the first dead body for thieving. And I doubt it would need more than one of them to get the point across.
Now you might think that this is wrong and doesn’t work, but it is you that is wrong. Places like Singapore and Saudi Arabia, that have the death penalty, and severe penalties for theft (like cutting off one hand for the first offence) have almost none of the crimes that get punished severely. In fact even littering is a non event in Singapore, because the penalty for it is a hefty fine and a couple of weeks of humiliation in public for it.
You might not like the fact, but the fact is that human beings respond very readily to pain. Some 40 years of martial arts experience has made this fact as solid in its truth as any engineering reality. One even more reliable that gravity.
And if the West is to ever be salvaged or recover from the onslaught of uncivilised third worlders that between Christmas and New Year have killed hundreds of people around the world, from the muslim stabber in Rimini here in Italy (shot dead by the carabinieri) to the various attacks and mass murders in the USA, Berlin, and many other places, mostly ignored intentionally by the presstitutes pretending to report the news (with apologies to street whores on crack, who compared to mass media journalists are paragons of virtue), it is not going to be sone by voting or even the “powers” of “government” [the illegal, illegitimate, bought and paid for puppets of the (((Americans)))]. It will happen only and because of organised, normal men who retained the capacity to do violence when required.
The mass of culture-clashing invaders, be they “legal” or not, aided and abetted by a completely inverted and corrupted legal system, is intentionally creating conditions of lawlessness, rape, general crime, and murder that are unheard of in the original native population of the various countries.
The natural reaction at some point will be to push back, at which point those doing so will be killed/shot/jailed/vilified by the lackeys of the puppets pretending to be legitimate governments.
So in fact, the very first people that would need to be removed, even before the immigrants, would be those who intentionally created these conditions with the idea of starting precisely the kind of race riots that will eventually erupt.
The puppet-masters must be target n.1.
Only then will the puppets then be next in line to lose their positions.
And only thirdly would it become necessary to repatriate the immigrants to the fourth generation, which at that point might even be accomplished calmly and non-violently for the most part.
Those immigrants permitted to stay would have to ideally number a total of less than 2% or so of the native population, and even then have conditions they need to remain under, being immediately deported (at minimum) for breaking them (such as being convicted of any crime and so on).
Any country doing that, decoupling from the USA and its (((masters))) who also did away with all international banking cartels, reduced all taxes to no more than 10% of income total, put all government budgets and government employee salaries online for all the public to see (and possibly vote on) and issued its own, usury-free and gold and silver backed currency, would quickly become a paradise on Earth.
Which is why every single leader who tried to do that suddenly found themselves on the receiving end of the “American” war machine.
But now is the time for smaller countries beside Russia to “break free”. And if you can just do some of it, the rest will follow. They can’t put out EVERY fire this time.
Yes the game is rigged and it’s rigged against you.
Yes you are financially very limited and they are not.
But ultimately, they are weak little cowards hiding behind layers of bureaucracy, obfuscation, subterfuge, and shadows. Because they are basically human cockroaches, the light of truth burns them.
So spread the word and share this post. The Uncivilised Man is going to be required on some levels if any Western cultures are to survive.
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By G | 2 January 2025 | Posted in Billionaire Pedophiles, Clown World, Mass Murderers, On War And Civil Unrest, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within, The Jews