There are only a few reason that those of you that are mentioned in the title hate and/or reject Christianity.
Firstly, obviously, you are abysmally ignorant of it. This is not really your fault. The world has gone to great lengths to make sure you only know outrageous lies about it. In fact, most people, never, ever bother to educate themselves enough about Christianity to even make the first step in understanding that if Christianity is true, then the ONLY version it can be MUST be either Coptic, Eastern Orthodox or Catholicism. It really is childishly simple, but even just the first step of understanding why any and all branches of Protestantism are ridiculous nonsense is beyond most people.
Secondly, and it is related to the first, most of you have absolutely no clue about basic logic, reason and objective reality. Worse still, you have been trained from birth to lack not just the fundamentals of these things, but rather, the actual CAPACITY to do or know any of them.
And really, these two reasons alone are enough to ensure you keep riding along on your merry way to Hell.
Should, however, you somehow, miraculously, get past these two almost insurmountable barriers, you will still reach an impassable wall of dread so firmly rooted in the bedrock of your identity, that you are almost certainly going to pretend, even to yourself, that it doesn’t exist.
“There is no impossible wall there, that’s just the end of the realm. Nothing to see here. Moving on.” Is pretty much what you do when you encounter it.
Why? Well because that wall is love.
And you don’t have it. You have no love, you do not know how to give it, you probably have never received it. That is why you are a blob of lard that paints its body and hair to try to be noticed, in any way, by anyone.
Your blubber and your pink hair and your screaming rage against the patriarchy, misogyny, your “right” to murder babies, your tragic involuntary celibacy, and everything else you Social Justice Warrior about, are nothing more than shields against the brutal reality of how unlovable you feel —-and increasingly are—- as each day goes by.
At the same time, you throw up these loud shields, you are also, really, desperately, tragically, hoping against logic, reason, truth and beauty, that someone, anyone, will notice you and as a result perhaps give you a little bit of attention, even if just to observe how insane (yes, in-sane, that is unhealthy) you are. Because at least it’s something.
It’s a “kind” of distant relative thrice removed from love, but “attention” is better than facing the eternal void you have inside you.
Well, let me tell you, you poor, lost, emotionally handicapped creature:
It may be true that your parents never loved you.
It may be true they even resented, hated or abused you.
Or it may just be that you bought into the lies from a young age and that is all you have left now, the emptiness of the lies about Christianity, patriarchal Catholic family life, family in general, and above all, God, truth, beauty and Human salvation.
It may be true that you have become so repulsive that the only human connection you can have is that tenuous thread of desperation shared by the other denizens of the hell that is your festering activism for ugliness, death and “equality”.
But you know who still loves you? Until that last, eternal moment when you still reject Him and cast yourself in an eternity of the raging loneliness and fear and anger that is a million times worse than the one you live with now, because then it will be without end?
God still loves you.
Our Lord and Saviour of Humanity, Jesus Christ loves you. And if you can realise it for just one second, if you can let yourself know that despite how utterly repugnant you feel, you are, you have made yourself, that despite it all, God LOVES YOU, really, truly, and infinitely loves YOU, you specifically, you the human wreckage that you are, if you can feel that for just one second, you will never again be able to forget it.
And it will chew at you and persecute you, and hunt you down like the malignant, half-dead, rabid dog you are, and it will squeeze you, and make you cry rivers of pain and bitterness and fear and loneliness out of you.
It will slowly, inexorably, grind you into dust underfoot, as it forces you to face every corner of your idea of your own unworthiness.
And slowly, painfully, endlessly, it will force you to realise that it is not just true, but real, present, active: God loves you.
And as you, eventually, filled with utter shame at how unworthy you are to do so, you begin to attempt, to try, like the broken child you are, to love God back, you will begin to transform, and through his Grace, invariably, find love also here, in some form, somewhere, on this Earth and life, despite all the lies, and our own, twisted hearts and broken minds, we yet find, others among us, broken and twisted as all humans are, that yet, having felt that presence of God and His Love, however imperfect we are at sensing it and even more imperfect at reciprocating it, we find that they can love us, and that we can love them.
Learn this.
You have read it here now, and in some way, somehow, you know it’s true. So you can keep running towards the flames, screaming as loud as you can that “it’s not true, it’s not true” and fight your way into the lower circles of Hell just so you can prove to everyone just how unlovable you are, and be left with nothing but your void, your rage, and your interminable, monstrous, loneliness.
You can pray to God to help show you the Way to Him.
And should you want to do more, should you want to jump in with both feet in a leap of faith, well, here, I’ll give you a gentle push…
Find and get yourself to a proper Catholic Mass, that means a Sedevacantist Mass, given by a Sedevacantist priest, not a Novus Ordo fake Mass, given by a fake cleric posing as a Catholic.
And yes, you may have to travel far to do so.
Do it anyway.
Go see.
Then let me know in a comment what you experience.
Let the world know. Tell them. Tell us.
My Prediction for the coming Global Financial Collapse
This is a little worse than I think is most probable but not so dark a view that it is wholly improbable.
In short, it is my best guess with a 10 to 25% margin of error for the timeline and the severity of the problem. If we are really lucky I’m wrong by another 6 months or year.
By the end of 2022 (late November to end of December) I predict the following:
1. The “war” in Ukraine will not be over.
2. Neither will the “sanctions” against the EEEBBILL baby eating Russians. After all, the sons of Pelosi, Biden and the other kleptocrats from the USA and the leading bankers of Europe and WEF butt-puppets need their laundered money to keep flowing.
3. China will join Russia in detaching itself from the global SWIFT system but I seriously doubt they will in fact invade Taiwan. That’s still a ways away if I understand anything about Chinese strategy. Why rush now at considerable cost and effort as well as global repercussions to get something that you will acquire anyway a little while later when the whole planet is in financial meltdown and won’t care not be able to do anything at all about it?
4. The POTENTIAL for limited nuclear exchange between Russia and some vassal of the USA will be increased and possibly this will be used to increase fear.
5. Some form of false flag operation taking place is already guaranteed, and the narrative will of course paint the Russians as the very bad guys who will release the next flying-monkey, anus-devouring, radioactive plague of death virus.
Whether this will be wholly blamed on the Russians or whether they will pretend it came about as a result of a monkey raping a foxbat that had covid and hepatitis is not really going to make much difference, either way it will require:
5a. The continuation of the war/sanctions/etc.
5b. The continuation/reintroduction/mandatory/forced vaccinations and muzzle wearing, lockdowns etc to take place.
5c. The continuation/forced/reintroduction of the green pass/digital ID/brain chip technology.
5d. The continuation, reintroduction, push for an increasingly cashless society.
5e. The continued, increased, forced, introduction of laws preventing you from growing your own food so as to make sire everyone is “safe” from your potentially chicken/rabbit/pig/horse/cow/goat virus mix that will exterminate all life on Earth. And also make sure it’s more likely you starve or get imprisoned/taxed/robbed.
6. The collapse of the dollar and euro to a value that is about 25% to 80% less than it is now. (This is a pessimistic view and a drop of 10-15% is far more likely but… si pacem para bellum…)
7. More frequent riots/marches by Western countries but still not to Sri Lankan levels, and mostly these will be pushed by non-natives of the various European nations.
8. Brazil is a difficult one because I think Bolsanaro wants to go the same way as Russia but Brazil is nowhere near as antifragile as Russia so they will try to do the Brazilian dance of playing both sides but not very effectively as a result of the considerable size of their economy, geographical relative nearness to the portal to hell that is Washington DC, and relatively comprehensive American brainwashing/influence of the average Brazilian.
9. South Africa will do the usual African thing, say “Yes Baas” to America but really do their own thing or “follow” the rules so incompetently that they may as well not exist or rather, be used purely for getting rid of political undesirables mostly unconnected to the global narrative and WEF agenda.
10. Unrest in the form of riots and possible government overhaul of a violent nature will begin to kick off in some third world places.
11. India will also become a strategically important ally of both Russia and somewhat less so China, but will not suffer repercussions from the USA led globohomo alliance mostly because they are brown and while sanctions and saber rattling at slant-eyed somewhat white-ish Chinese is still acceptable, finger-wagging at a brown people is just too racist, so the USA will mostly just pretend the stench of someone streetshitting on their front lawn is not there at all and in fact may be good fertiliser for the petunias.
12. Australia, Canada, New Zealand and UK will continue to be cuckolded, gay, transgender, woke planes of Hell that will do absolutely nothing to fight the genocidal manipulation of the various deep state, elite controlled, globohomo factions that rule them.
This was written on 31st May.
I will update as time passes.
No related posts.
By G | 31 May 2022 | Posted in Social Commentary