I have done this mostly as a joke and experiment as well as a learning curve for people like me who have stayed away from crypto for years, but I now have created a cryptocurrency called Kurganbond (KBD).
You can find it on pump.fun (that is the whole site address) by typing that name in the search bar.
It’s doing unreasonably well so far:

There are at least six of you crazy enough to have invested some money in it, here you are:

The little blonde emoji with (dev) next to it is me, the other addresses are whichever crazy six readers you are.
Still, I think this could become a very interesting experiment if enough people who read my stuff are willing to try an experiment which, I have to admit sounds a little insane but I think could work and make everyone money long term.
Let me explain how it works.
There is a description of the KURGANBOND that I wrote up when I created it which sort of defines the process although because I AM such a noob it’s wrong in two aspects, which I will explain.
Here is the description of KBD:

And here is how it’s wrong:
1. The timeline. On thinking about this and noting the number of readers I have has been much reduced due to the hack that meant the recreation and relocation of this blog it is clear that it will take a lot longer to get say 1000 people investing in this even with just throw away money, which is all you should ever invest in cryptocurrencies anyway.
2. The amounts. I didn’t know this when I created the KBD, but it seems that the lowest amount you can buy of KBD is 0.1 SOL. And that is at present about $20. So that is probably the least amount you can buy of KBD.
For the other noobs like me, if you decide to play this game with us in a very safe way, assume the following:
doing this will teach you about cryptocurrency and how to invest/play, and maybe even become good at making money with it; and even if not, you will have developed a new skill that seems to be increasingly required in the coming days and years of elite dystopia. Just because the game is absurd, doesn’t mean it won’t kill you if you don’t know how to play, and learning to use, profit from, and at least understand crypto is probably more important, or at least as important, as understanding that in the event of a hot war, even if you are well armed and well positioned geographically, you need to consider combat drones in your defensive strategy. The best long range rifle you have and group of friends well trained in the terrain and so on will be obliterated in minutes if you do not account for drones and night vision today.
Crypto is the same. Like it or hate it, it is an avenue to learn to navigate the financial markets, which even if you plan to be an off-grid farmer with anti-drone defence who doesn’t need fiat money… will still be useful.
So here in this post you can get all you need to start from zero and learn a LOT in a single bit of reading and doing. And all it will cost you in the worst case scenario is $20.
Assume it as the cost of learning and forget about it.
Except that there is actually a chance that if my insane idea works and is taken up by enough of you here, you will make your money back and not have lost anything. And if that happens there is then even a good chance you make more money than you ever put in, potentially a lot more, and you don’t need to sit in front of your PC like a cocaine-fuelled day trader either.
So if you want to take part, here is the main “big idea” I have, which is actually fairly simple. It is “crazy” only because for it to work it has to rely on the best part of human nature. If you know what a misanthrope I am, you know that my trust in human nature is mostly that humans are petty, vicious, fearful, cowardly, greedy, nasty little creatures with a petty and devious mind.
However, and not many know this about me, because unless you can read between the lines of my fiction work you may not suspect it, but I am an absolute believer in the human spirit —despite all our flaws, that we all have— overcoming all our weaknesses and errors, and through it all, at times, redeeming us all. It is, at heart, a completely and fundamentally Catholic sense of reality, but I have always believed this way even when I was atheist. Even in a world without God or meaning, the crazy man that gives his life for that of a stranger’s child, the woman who believes beyond sanity in a man everyone else has written off and that gives him the spark to become a man that ends up doing a huge amount of good for many, the little boy who got his face scarred horribly for life for saving his even smaller sister from a vicious dog… these humans, these actions, in some way they redeem not just those individuals, but humanity too.
As I say, it is a fundamental reality of Catholicism, it is the very reason why Lucifer hates us, and does everything in his power to degrade us, and humiliate us, and see us fail due to our own many flaws. The very fact that such imperfect creatures as humans —grubby, little Earth-dwellers as we are— has the potential to “judge angels” as our Lord tells us, who are essentially “perfect” creatures (and yet, with free will, making their revolt against God so much worse and therefore permanent, for they have none of our weaknesses) drives him to his eternal rage against us.
I know, I know, what the hell does crypto have to do with the spiritual human condition?!?
Well, as with everything relating to humanity: that is up to you. Nothing if you are a materialist, or everything (just like everything does) if you are a believer.
I will explain more on this further on, but for now, let me explain the mechanics of my idea and then the mechanics of how you go about doing this even if you are a two finger typer with a deep suspicion of all things digital, as am I.
The idea
The concept is simple:
We all invest $20 in KBD and then we tell people about it (hopefully people you like and trust, but also people online, friends, people on social media etc) and either help them do it or tell them to read this post (there is a share button at the end of this post as long as you are reading it by having clicked on its title instead of just scrolling on the blog).
As more people slowly put their $20 in, the value of each share of the roughly 1.1 or 1.2 billion shares of KBD that exist, goes up. Currently, just under a billion shares are held by the bonding curve (see image above where me and the six crazy guys are). Once a total of $113,000 has been bought into it, (the total of the binding curve) then The KBD graduates and becomes available on raydium. What is raydium?

That’s the jist and you can read up more by google searching and learning more about crypto in general. Now we are at 3% of doing that with only 6 guys, so at the same level of buy-in we just need another 97×2 = 194 people to put $20 in it because roughly speaking, 200 people at $20 is only $4,000 and as you can see below the bonding curve has about $6,500 in it.

You can see this screen and information on any of the people who bought KBD (and on the bonding curve) by clicking on their name (see the second image in this post)
The bonding curve is basically a system storage for the value of the created crypto (in this case KBD) so that Inas the creator cannot just buy up a huge amount in my name, wait for a bunch of people to put money it and as soon as the value gies up sell the whole lot, make a killing and leave everyone else empty handed.
In this way I need to buy KBD myself if I want any, just like anyone else, and I did, buying about $20 worth (0.1 SOL).
If enough people do the same and the bonding curve is bought out, then the value of each of the KBD shares will go up, and here is where it gets into my idea and interesting (if slightly crazy idea).
What would happen if as new people come in and the price goes up, the people who invested first did not sell their KBD and make a profit right away but instead only very gradually took their original investment out.
So… when your $20 in KBD goes up in value and Is now worth $30 you left it in. And left it in at $40 too. And when it hit $60 you sold $10 worth and put that $10 back into your wallet and when eventually KBD goes down a bit (because of the sales to get back that $10) you just held it, until it hit $60 again and then you take out another $10. At this point you have recouped your original investment and still have $50 in KBD in the game.
If once you have recouped your original investment you let the money ride until it goes back up even higher, to say $80, before you sell off another $10 or so, and if everyone that joins holds this strategy and does this for a year, all while still spreading the word and the philosophy of KBD, over time, many people will not only recover their initial investment, they will have made a profit. And as long as new people keep coming in, the benefits will be reaped by MANY, not just a few. As gradually and slowly as it goes, but it would make KBD a fairly safe bet, as long as no one with too much of the initial investment pulls the rug on everyone, over time KBD would become a relatively safe bet.
This by the way is how many of the more established crypto currencies work. Things like SOL and even more bitcoin have become so well-funded that their value is relatively safe and people have and do use it as essentially fiat money.
The point of KBD would be it’s slow and steady because a core of the initial investors commit to this sort of more ethical behaviour. As I said, yes, it’s an insane idea, but am not the inly one to have it, others are trying it, for example with LOTTLE. (A crypto coin also available on Pump.fun)
But as far as I know I am the only one spelling it out and making the strategy public.
NOTE: All figures shown here change quite fast as new people come in so the values of the bonding curve have already changed before I even finished this post. Focus on the principles because the numbers change fast.
Let me explain about LOTTLE.
LOTTLE was initially created by about 20 guys who are all pretty big fish in the crypto market from what I understand (big relatively speaking I mean) and because if this it skyrocketed as the news spread that some solid money had been pumped into it. Everyone who came in on the first 2-3 days doubled their money in 24 hours. Now… I believe the original investors did not mean to pull the rug from people’s feet, and I think I am right on that because there is some proof.
On day six or so LOTTLE crashed from 5.4 million to 0.5 million. In the space of about 20 minutes. I missed it because I had a sandwich. And because it was doing well and I had been seeing the patterns in the sips and rises I had foolishly put some of the cash I had already take out back in. I wanted to hit a very reasonable and reachable target quickly so I could get out altogether and double the $300 I started with.
So now I had crashed back to a total of about $100 when I had been sitting at about $550. Not the end of the world in the scheme of things but painful, especially due to it being my own stupidity. Not greed, but impatience. Just before the collapse and the idiot move I had $150 already out and $411 in LOTTLE. Had I followed my own advice not only would I NOT have put the $150 back in at what I thought and looked like the end of a dip and the start of a rise, I would have got another $150 out and kept the original $300 investment as safely recovered and would still have had $261 in LOTTLE.
The crash would not have affected me.
The sting to my ego was painful.
But… I let it all ride and became aware that NONE of the initial 20 investors had pulled out. What had actually happened is that the TRUMP official meme coin had come out and it has sucked cryptocurrencies from all over the world. It increased in value by ten times in 24 hours. Had I been registered on the right cryptosites I would have bought some too. But I had nothing left and no energy to begin registering and doing ID verifications and learning new sites. But I waited.
And sure enough, LOTTLE recovered. Not to 5 million but it hit 4. I sold most of it and eecivered my original investment of $300 and had $50 or so left over so I bought $25 of my own KURGANBOND memecoin and decided to write this up as a help to other noobs who want to start and learn.
The point about LOTTLE is that even if most of the people who bought into it did not stay with it, because the original guys did, those who had faith in them did not lose it all and we had a chance to make it back and even make a little profit despite a black swan event no one could predict.
The principle behind my KBD would be the same. The original investors who get in early, should be the type of people who will stick to the strategy outlined above for KBD.
Because I assume the only people who will buy KBD are people who read this blog, I also assume they would be on with this. As long as you spread the message, and this post, and people join up over time the KBD will grow (very slowly compared to most memecoins) but that’s ok.
Because you got in early you will have PLENTY of KBD for a few dollars so your investment will grow faster than the later entrants, but because we want as many people as possible to make money, the general rule is you wait until your money has tripled before you take out 50% of your original $20 or so. And you wait until that happens again (or more) before you take out the other 50%. After that, you hold for a long while giving later entrants a chance to do the same as newer people get in.
Yes, over a long time it will not work for people at the end, but guess what? The exact same “Ponzi scheme” mechanism applies to fiat money too. It’s just hidden more because literally the entire planet uses it and is so diversified into various currencies (and now also crypto!), but the reality is that all fiat money you use every day is created out of just as thin air as a memecoin.
The difference is I am telling you about it and am explaining how if we don’t all act like Jewish bankers, we can actually be a force for good and cause more wealth to be more fairly distributed.
Yes it’s not perfect, nothing is, but if we hold fast, and spread the word well, whether over a month or ten years, we have the possibility of increasing the investment people made and teaching everyone about crypto and also helping them ease into it.
And depending on if it gets big enough, even make some money. And since we are talking about $20-30 as initial investment, so what if you lose it all? If nothing else you will have learnt something new that may help you become proficient at something that potentially can be a source of income for some people who do it full time.
Anyway, that’s the crazy idea and a seventh guy came onboard in the time I wrote this and the bonding curve funding requirement is less than 100k now… so… it may just work.
Feel free to let me know if you join with a comment below.