Archive for February 2015

Red Space! I join the Evil league of Evil

Well, it had to happen! Once again, I am being paid to subvert the status quo.

As some of the fourteen million spam bots and half-dozen Russian hackers that still read my blog know, my very first paid work as a writer was for a subversive publication that may have resulted in the collapse of the then still semi-apartheid government of South Africa.

Yes, gentle readers, for in that publication, there were pictures of women. Scantily clad ones, that usually bared their breasts! (Yes! Yes, gasp! Gasp away and clutch at your pearls in scandal, but such is the life of the fearless destroyer of Nazi Regimes) although today that publication would pass as a dentist’s waiting room coffee table magazine, that’s not the point. Back then, SCOPE Magazine, was known as the most virulent form of vile pornography that the Western World, in attempt to subvert the Nazi-like purity of the South African government, was trying to foster on the innocent minds of the naive Dutchmen of that country.

I know. Western civilisation was probably destroyed by it. But the point is another. For you see, I am now  published, as part of an anthology (a first for me!) by an official publisher.

And who is that publisher you ask? Ah well… this is where my roots as an indefatiguable contrarian and paladin for individual thought and the rejection of all things that fall under the label of political correctness and/or Social Justice Wankers (yes, that IS the correct name, I refuse to pervert the language by calling them social justice warriors) comes into play, because you see, the publisher is Castalia House.

And Castalia House you see, is run/owned by Vox Day.

And Vox Day, is of course The Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil League of Evil.

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