The more you discover the truth, however partial, about pretty much any event in history, the more you become simultaneously disillusioned with humanity at large as well as astonished at how thoroughly you were fooled by the lies.
Even the best of us bought wholesale into narratives that are not just complete fabrications, but actually the opposite of the truth.
So disorienting are these discoveries that they make you question the very foundation of belief itself. And when you begin to do that, paradoxically, you become more susceptible to other lies.
You discover some aspect of the narrative about physics is quite different than has been presented, along with, for example, the fact that Einstein was a plagiarist, an incestuous sex pervert and that he abandoned his first wife and son to utter misery, and it shakes you. And the subsequent discoveries about the level of deception and lies surrounding the origins of the Apollo program, the fake and impossible images of the Moon landings, and things like what went on in Carlos the Bariloche, or Operation Highjump, or the nuking of Antarctica in the 1950s and before you know it, if you are not mentally strong and careful and intelligent enough to figure things out from baseline principles of irrefutable math and observation, you’re going to find yourself believing absolutely ridiculous nonsense like the Earth being flat, or “postmodernist art” actually being art instead of the CIA funded psyops it has always been.
You realise that 9/11 was not done by a poor bunch of Arabs with boxcutters, and that the USS Liberty was sunk and the servicemen on it strafed by the same people that were dancing on a nearby rooftop while 9/11 was happening, and again, before you know it, you lose the ability to process the world around you objectively. The sense of betrayal or even collapse of a sense of self-assurance and confidence os traumatic, and our response is often an over correction of some kind.
And this is how you fall into yet more lies. More traps, placed there intentionally by those who would very much prefer all of us were kept in absolute ignorance and deception.
The belief you have to trade your very life for the mere ability to continue existing and being able to purchase food and clothing for yourself and your family, often doing things that are unnatural for your body, mind, and spirit, and trading massive amounts of time that should be spent with your family instead, is pervasive.
Mention the very idea that we should be striving NOT to abolish the concept of work itself, but the concept of FIAT money, and 95% people will look at you with glazed eyes if at all. The other 5% will assume you belong in a mental asylum.
And yet, the absolute fact is that fiat money is a complete fraud. An illusion we have all been forced i to accepting as some fundamental fact of life, as of it were as real and solid as the sun, and as real intrinsically as mathematics.
Fiat money is generated out of literally nothing other than the wishes of those who have created the system for it. It can be created out of nothing other than their endless greedy desire for dominion over you, issued to all governments on Earth at face value and at interest. They can bestow infinite quantities of it to those who push and protect their lies and dominating agenda, and removed totally along with imprisonment, death and ruin on those who challenge their rule in any way.
But tell people that Fiat money is a lie, an illusion, and that a different system could be implemented very quickly, if only enough of us took the hour or so it takes to educate yourself at least at a basic level and then organised peacefully to do so, and people will think you are far crazier than those who (with mostly good reasons) believe the moon landings never happened.
And yet, not only is it true, but it occasionally, if briefly, been demonstrated empirically through human history. Briefly because anyone that had any success with it was soon destroyed for it, and his people often along with him.
Bit to know this, you need to learn some of the hidden truths about historical events that have been buried under lies, and levels of lies, of a fantastically spectacular, grandiose, elaborate and interconnected web of deceit.
There are very few places that you can find the truth of things, and even those will tend to also over-emphasise this or that fact, perhaps, and understandably, as reaction to the pervasive lies.
At any rate, here is a very, very, very, short list of things and places you may find some of those hidden truths, with a brief note after each.
Kurgan TV – 155 videos on everything from the face on mars to the lies of history, the trivium, the Catholic Church and other concepts. We will be adding more videos in 2025. Your support on this helps us maintain the site and grow it too.
The Crusades – Iron Men and Saints – Put the lie to the entire narrative of Islam/Catholicism and the Eastern Schismatics, Providing incontestable historical fact to an event that even if almost a thousand years in our past remains absolutely relevant today.
The Face on Mars – To date, I still believe this is probably the single volume that most comprehensibly addresses the entire general lie(s) we all are raised in. Starting with the real origins of Humanity, all the way to the kind of technology being hidden from us, ancient technology that has been suppressed, modern one that is being hidden, the apparent paradoxes between religion and historical facts, astronomical realities of our solar system and so on. I get emails regularly that tell me how a reader’s mind has been cleared of a lot of the fog we are all living in just as the result of reading this one volume.
The Origins of WWII – The Greatest Story Never Told – is a series of short videos that all-together is some 6 hours long, but you can watch it in various little episodes at a time. It may not be representing ALL the facts, but what it does, is certainly present some of the undeniable reasons of why the Second World War Happened, as well as why certain things happened that we are simply NOT told in school at all. Germany didn’t just invade Poland for no reason at all. the Poles had slaughtered 58,000 ethnic Germans before that took place. Di you even know that? Many such pieces of information are presented in this series of short videos that will give a far more balanced perspective than the simplistic and totally absurd one we have all marinated in for almost 80 years of: The Nazis were just the most evil people ever and Adolph Hitler just came to power as the antichrist for no reason at all, and really all Germans are kind of evil anyway.
If you only consume those four things, your total investment is about 60 bucks total for a month (assuming you only get a month long membership to Kurgan TV instead of a yearly one), and reading two books.
The benefit of it is that you will have a MUCH better grasp of how things really work on this planet and it will be a LOT harder to fool you into buying into whatever new lies they will come up with to feed us all.
It certainly is a worthwhile investment when you compare it to the decades that discovering just a fraction of this information in one place usually takes people who are extremely tenacious and curious throughout their life, who get interested in one or two of the topics covered above, never mind several.
So, I hope this helps show you some of the truth behind the lies, and that it helps you free yourself from the worst of them.
It’s a Big Swamp
Even those who were ardent Trump supporters (and I was too in a limited fashion, because if nothing else Trump helped expose the fake media to the average normie in a way that is now hard for anyone to deny) are finally realising that it’s all part of one big swamp, and neither side of it is on your side.
What has become absolutely obvious is that like it or not, accept it or not, pretend to go along with the politically correct narrative they have been running for 80 years or not, “The Jews” control this planet. Primarily through the creation of a completely absurd system of fiat money that they have managed to fool the entire world into using for now over 100 years. Which when coupled with usury, a practice that used to be outlawed by Catholics for centuries, becomes truly a tool of enslavement for the whole of humanity.
But they also massively influence and own the mass media and the “entertainment” branch of film and TV media (read propaganda machine) and therefore the general zeitgeist of the planet too.
Which is why they can mass murder Palestinian civilians including babies and children and literally steal their organs for sale, along with now expanding “their” territory in to Syria while genociding the remaining population of Gaza without anyone but the Houtis of Yemen doing anything about it, or even talking about it, and why Benjamin Netanyahu, an absolute war criminal if any ever existed, can also still travel around with impunity or any fear of censure.
More people are waking to this reality daily, but still not anywhere near as many as should before anything can change.
What very few people realise, is that there are two factions of Jews at the top of the pyramid of power and while they are in competition with each other, neither of them is on your side.
I believe the Chabad Lubavitch sect are supposed to be the more “Orthodox” ones, which perhaps means they follow the Talmud idea of “sex with children” (i.e. pedophilic rape) who are under age 3 not being a crime, more zealously, given the level of verified sexual child abuse in their ranks.
The other side is more the liberal atheist types that are rampantly for transgenderism, homosexuality, and every form of degenerate sexual practice involving children especially. Of course, both sides are predominantly for all that stuff being fostered on us gentiles first and foremost.
And of course no one at all will tell you that the reason the second world war was fought, was because Hitler had decoupled Germany from the Rothschild banking system, and brought Weimar Germany back from the total degeneracy that had been fostered on it after the first world war. Nor will they tell you that the books the Nazis were burning were the ones on transgender theories and the beginnings of discussing things like sex changes, which today we have being applied to underage children even without parental consent.
No one will explain either that the motivating forces behind the eventual collapse and often outright murder of the various European Royal houses was performed by the Jewish inspired Freemasons, Illuminati, Carbonari and the other multitude of names that the various secretive Satanic sects go by.
The only religion that has ever called them out for what they are and stood against them, throughout human history, has been Catholicism, though all people sooner or later become aware of their modus operandi, and invariably try to exile them from their land. After all, if you get kicked out of 110 countries and over 1000 times, including from before the time of Christ, as is recorded in at least some of the Roman writings from 55 BC, perhaps, the problem is really you, and not everyone else.
But today, to criticise a Jew, or worse The Jews, collectively, is social suicide.
So, although many are becoming aware, none yet dare speak out publicly. And of course, the same goes for any other undesirable group of people as long as they are not caucasian.
It’s just “not done” nowadays, to call Indians from India an ethnicity that, from a European perspective, is composed wholly of pathological liars. Or that the average IQ of an African is at least one standard deviation lower than that of the average Caucasian. Or that the IQ of the average Japanese is at least 5 points more than the one of the average European.
No, no, all these things are unmentionable subjects, and that is why the swamp will remain, and eventually infest everyone’s lives, because it’s already here and has been for ages, all that has changed is that now it is simply becoming more obvious.
So… don’t put your faith in any saviours beyond Christ. All others are just false prophets; yes even if they happen to be saying the thing you want to hear and maybe even actually doing some of them.
No one is coming to save you. Not Trump, nor any other politicos. You got to save yourself.
So start building up those self-sufficient communities ASAP.
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By G | 27 December 2024 | Posted in Billionaire Pedophiles, Freemasons, Social Commentary, The Jews, Zombie Apocalypse