Archive for the ‘Impostors and Frauds’ Category

Fake Catholics up to their usual Lies

So, it has come to my attention that yet another deceitful gatekeeper, by the name of Teresa Stanfill Benns, who runs a website called Betrayed Catholics, has been making complete fabrications concerning Catholicism in general. And to what end, you may ask? Well, the usual one: Trying to make sure that nominal (already deceived) Catholics, who are merely ignorant of the lies that have been forced upon them since birth, do not get wind of the actual Catholicism which is today held ONLY by 1958 Sedevacantists.

In short, this deceitful shrew lies about a great number of things, but all of them come to the same conclusion: You must follow the fake “Pope” Bergoglio who is just a “bad Pope” and not the gay handmaiden to Satan that he actually is.

It is complete nonsense of course, but then another moron who should also hold her tongue (and typing fingers) as per 1 Corinthians 34-35 and even more clearly 1 Timothy 2: 12-13:

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man: but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was first formed; then Eve.

14 And Adam was not seduced; but the woman being seduced, was in the transgression.

15 Yet she shall be saved through childbearing; if she continue in faith, and love, and sanctification, with sobriety.

Hilariously calling herself “The Thinking Housewife”. But also tragically, because she gives actual housewives with a brain a bad name. Her piece is here, and it is very simple to refute… IF you actually understand the basics of canon law and Catholicism. But she is merely quoting Benns and Benns style, is very much like the one of John Salza, a supposed “ex” self-confessed freemason who pretends to teach people how the Novus Orco Church is the Catholic Church.

Well, it isn’t it is the result of usurpation by Stanists and it is a full inversion of Catholicism of course, as readers here will know by just looking for the words “Vatican II” or “Canon Law 118.4” or “188 part 4” and reading the relevant posts. And John Salza, having been a Freemason even though a layman is absolutely forbidden from teaching anyone anything about Catholicism. In fact, even if his repentance were real (it is not, by all measures one can reasonably observe) this would still be the case, since, once a heretic, even clergy who repent are to have authority over precisely no one, and spend the rest of their days in a monastery in perpetual penance. That is the dogmatic law. Imaginbe how much less authority a heretic layman has then to tell anyone anything. About anything.

So let’s dispense with the unthinking and at best illiterate “housewife”, which is really a dismissing of Benns, since all the “housewife” does is parrot the same lies Benns does.

Benns assertion is quoted in full by the Housewife and we will do the same here and also take it apart piece by piece in the usual Kurgan style.

Her lies in filthy bold, my pristine truth in normal text.

TRADITIONALISTS argue that necessity knows no law and they can resort to epikeia to justify their ordinations and consecrations.

She begins in the usual freemasons fashion, intentionally trying to obfuscate simple concepts by use of jargon and unnecessarily “scholarly” wording. I say “scholarly” because it is of course a lie, a deceit and an attempt to wrap oneself in the in any case logical fallacy of argument from authority. Using the Greek word for “reasonableness” is simply obfuscation in the first place (most people have no idea what Epikea means and the slight confusion the causes to them puts them in the immediate mental state of assuming the writer must be very “scholarly” indeed). Well, she is not, and in fact this transparent deception shows she is not even mildly intelligent. Just vicious and nasty from the start. The deception is that there is no need to use the word “reasonableness”. There is a very sound and logical concept at play here, which is simply this: ROMAN LAW. Which Canon Law and the Church has always used. The point of Roman Law is that it is based in absolutely sound yet humane logic. So, for example, unlike the mechanistic and inhuman British Laws, or worse the American ones, in the context of a criminal act, in Roman Law, there is no specific prescribed action other than generally. Each case is evaluated on its merits. The murder of a pedophile is not the same as the murder of an innocent shop owner, and so on. But more importantly, Roman Law is soundly based in logic. So for example it follows the rule of silent assent and the reasonable and logical concept of the negative application of a rule being valid when such situations are fulfilled for it. Two relevant examples will suffice: There is NO prescribed maximum duration of an Interregnum (time between when one Pope dies and another valid one is elected). Therefore, no specific limit can ever be prescribed for it. We could go 1,000 years before a new and actually valid Pope is finally voted in after the usurpers have been done away with it and this would in no way mean the Church has defected, otherwise it would mean the church had defected as soon as St. Peter died. or when for almost 3 years there was literally no one at all even pretending to be Pope a few Centuries ago. In short, you cannot assume things that don’t make sense.

But furthermore, the sentence above is a lie. NO ONE has ever said “reasonableness” is why ordinations by Bishops of other Bishops is why Sedevacantist Bishops can ordain new Bishops.

The reason is covered in detail in my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church but to summarise it:

Whenever a Pope dies Bishops have no jurisdictional authority, and neither do Priests. In essence all a Bishop can do and priests too is issue the sacraments to the faithful, which of course includes doing Holy Mass and doing so WITHOUT the name of any Pope joined to the prayers, since no pope exists presently. Because the Pope is the one that has final say in if ANYONE is actually allowed to become a Bishop, what the liar Benns is pretending to say is that: “Only the Pope can validly make someone a Bishop, so Sedevacantist ordinations are invalid and a sham.” this is a filthy lie and the entire history of the Church proves it. Whenever Popes died and before another was elected Bishops were ordained, the eventual new Pope had absolute authority to veto any of those ordinations that happened before he came to the throne. And in the era of the Borgia and Medici, this veto power was used a lot. But even then, Popes would generally not make any comment of people who had been ordained as Bishops who were not some kind of threat or power-play. In fact, throughout its history, most Bishops are ordained and the Pope says not a thing about it. And because it’s Roman Law and the rule of silent assent is a given, it means that if the Pope says nothing, the ordination is assumed valid. And that is how it has ALWAYS been. So she lies straight out the gate. And then she gallops on to the next lie.

This has been refuted here. 

The link leads to a screed of John Salza-like absurdities, obfuscations, lies and so on. It really is the Freemasonic way. She invokes the Papal writings of Pope Pious X and Pious XII Vacante Sede Apostolica and Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis, as if they agreed with the lies she is saying. they do no such thing of course. And it goes on to several lengthy pages of lies and obfuscations. it is the Argument ad infinitum Salza also uses. Writing page sand pages of lies so enmeshed and so twisted with the facts that one’s brain gazes over and once again they do this to give the impression that they are great and wise scholars that have “done their homework” but of course, it’s all nonsense, because we have already seen that the ordinations are simply assumed valid and always have been, until a new and VALID Pope says specifically otherwise.

And as explained at length in a separate work, Pope Pius XII’s 1945 election constitution, Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis, (VAS) — which infallibly decrees what can and cannot be done during an interregnum — forbids any correction or change in the law during an interregnum. ‘The laws issued by Roman Pontiffs in no way can be corrected or changed by the assembly of Cardinals of the Roman Church while it is without a Pope, nor can anything be subtracted from them or added or dispensed in any way whatsoever with respect to said laws or any part of them… In truth, if anything adverse to this command should by chance happen to come about or be attempted, We declare it, by Our Supreme Authority, to be null and void.’

Note again the strawman. She is trying to imply that VAS says “You guys can’t ordain Bishops when a Pope is dead or not valid!” But that is not what it says at all. All it says is what has already been known from the very first Pope on. When a Pope dies or is not present on the throne, no one has authority to do anything other than give the sacraments. We already know that. and we already know that Bishops and priests were ordained throughout the history of the Church without a Pope necessarily being validly on the throne. And after one did come validly to the throne, unless they specifically stated so-and-so was actually NOT accepted as a valid Bishop or priest, it was assumed by all, positively, definitively and permanently that they in fact were validly elected.

“Here we are talking both papal laws and Canon Law, which is largely taken from papal and conciliar law.

Again an obfuscation of nonsense. There are only two kinds of Laws in the Church. Divine Laws and Church or Ecclesiatical laws. Divine Laws are immutable and eternal. For example, a public defection from the faith makes you a heretic without anyone needing to say or do anything, regardless of your status, which includes even a previously valid Pope. Another divine Law is that no one can be forced to become Catholic or get married say, again their will.

Ecclesiastical rules on the other hand are generally for the smoother running of the Church as it got larger. For example, the requirement of 70 Cardinals to vote in a Pope. this is merely a human rule that was not followed in the past, and therefore need not be followed in the future if circumstances make it obsolete or irrelevant. For example, in the current state of things there is not even 70 valid Cardinals. but then, neither were there ANY Cardinals at all int he year 400. And yet we had the Church and Popes were getting elected, by non-cardinals every one. So all that one requires to know is if a rule is of Divine Law, in which case it is absolute and eternal, or if it is of ecclesiastical law, in which case the specifics and the reasons for it need to be looked at and logically understood so that if things have changed to the point that the rule no longer makes sense, this is understood and acted upon intelligently.

Some may object that Can. 20 advises the use of epikeia, and to invoke it would not be a violation of the law But Can. 20 specifically states there must be no other provision in the case considered, and such provision was already laid down in VAS.

We have already covered this above. She is just lying.

It also recommends consulting the laws given in similar cases and the common and constant teaching of approved authors.

Here there is the hint that she is well aware that ecclesiastical rules are not immutable, because Divine laws don’t change, and there is no such thing as “similar cases”. Either a law is divine or it is not. So in this case, it is a divine law that the Pope (if he exists and is valid) is the ultimate, supreme authority of the Church on Earth, as representative of Jesus Christ. It is also the case that JESUS is the ultimate head of the Church and NOT the Pope, and that any infallibility a Pope has is limited to when he makes official pronouncements on faith and morals, which in essence, for 2,000 years have almost entirely been composed of refining of divine law; required usually because gnostics, statists and protestants started to teach false doctrines in precisely this fashion, so what was always a law and a rule known by all now needed to be spelt out in detail to avoid the sophists and deceivers to confuse the faithful.

It is also a law that if a Pope does not exist, then any ordination performed in accordance with the rules of ordination is automatically assumed to be valid and this becomes NOT the case ONLY after a valid Pope IS elected and said valid Pope for whatever reason deems that an ordination was in fact not valid.

Also, the “teachings of approved authors” is yet another bit of nonsensical theatre thrown in to confound things and make it seem as if you need to consult 12 tomes from the archives to know if a “pope” putting demonic effigies on the altar is sacrilegious or not. But you do NOT need to do that. Because Canon Law is the distillation of every behaviour and rule a Catholic should follow. And because it was put together by a group of cardinals expressly for the purpose of ensuring that there was no contradiction in the 40,000 or so documents that the team of Cardinals looked at to compile the CoCof 1917, it is also part of the infallible magisterium of the Church, which is why in over 100 years, NO ONE has been able to find defect with ANY of its rules or laws. Instead the New Orcs (Novus Orco) simply said in 1983 that a new code was required and they made up a document that literally contradicts itself several times over and is just a typical mis-match of gnostic stuff blend with some roadkill. 

What even St. Thomas Aquinas may have to say on a topic is irrelevant if you have Canon Law of 1917, because it is the final judge of how behaviour should be undertaken for a Catholic, Be they clergy or lay people. So it is totally pointless to refer to “esteemed authors”. It’s like saying you need to go have a coffee with the guy who wrote the book you need to study to pass your driving test, in order to be able to do the exam. It’s nonsense. There is no instance in which Canon Law does not supersede the thoughts, opinions, or writings of any Catholic

Laws given in similar cases point to the summoning of the bishops to elect a pope (Council of Constance) and a good number of authors agree on this, namely St. Robert Bellarmine and those supporting his teaching.

Once again, arguing for a straw man. Under normal circumstances, sure… but when your “Pope” is a henchman of Beelzebub, and so are his “cardinals” you don’t call these indemoniated freaks together to elect the baddest of them to be a horned minor demon. And St. Bellarmine simply laid out the procedure that should be followed when/if things are X. Which no one is arguing. But things are now Z and X is really not that relevant now.


St. Bellarmine also recommends the calling of an imperfect council in the absence of a pope if the cardinals cannot elect.

Oh…so…we CAN deviate from the ecclesiastical rules when it makes sense. Just as I said and she has been denying from the start until… now. Freemasons are not smart. Aside picking evil, which is dumb, they also can’t think on their feet. But the problem is not this, the issue is that fake Cardinals who are also fake Catholics, heretic every one of them, have no business electing anyone, much less one of their number to be “Pope”. 


Finally, Can. 20 cannot be used in anything involving penalties. And VAS is a document levying several penalties.”

Again irrelevant. Because VAS says nothing about Bishops being elected when there is not a valid Pope being somehow illegitimate. 

— Teresa Benns, Betrayed Catholics

And there you have it. Just another gnostic/heretic trying to get you to be “in communion” with Satan’s henchman instead of with the infallible magisterium of the Church.

There are only two types of men

Those who have a line; and hold it.

And those who do not.

Now, a man’s line may vary somewhat over time, as life and experience gradually (or occasionally suddenly) make him aware of things he did not know, errors of judgement, or lies he has unwittingly believed.

But in essence, a man that has a line will hold the line regardless of where and when he is.

It’s the difference between someone willing to die for an ideal and those who are not.

While neither type of man is guaranteed to be ethical, there is a difference between them in that even if amoral, those who have a line are reliable at least as it concerns that line, while the others are not.

Historically such men, with a line, will tend to become the leaders of disaffected groups in any unjust society, and organise other men of this same type into an irregular “army” to take care of the many injustices and the corrupt, supposedly “elected”, leaders, and their nefarious minimums.

In many cases, such men started what later became known as criminal organisations, be it the mafia, triads, or yakuza, but in origin, starting from the “bandits” of Southern Italy, these were local men with the capacity, acumen and courage to do violence upon their and their people’s enemies, in direct response to injustices perpetrated on them.

Over time, such men, absent a moral imperative that they must believe in themselves at a profound level, will eventually, and inevitably, become corrupted, and if not them, their sons and grandsons will. Because once you cross the line of being willing to go against the “law” (however unjust it may be) in order to serve the greater good of “justice” from a human perspective, you will quickly realise that the “law” of the/any government, is no more and no less than the imposition of whatever rules by the use or threat of physical force. And who of us can’t do better than government work? So if you were to succeed at imposing your will on (initially) the government, how long would it be before you decide that you can impose it on whoever/everyone?

Did you know that Pablo Escobar had tried to become part of the government of Colombia? And while his “business” was brutal, and it is not politically viable to say so, are you certain that had he succeeded his rule would have been worse for the locals than the current government of Colombia? Because I for one don’t have enough relevant and verified information to be sure either way.

I do know, however, that someone like Pinochet was (and continued to be) vilified for having taken over Chile by force, and having stopped communism there by making some 3,000 people disappear, and having some other 30,000 or so escape that country. Bad guy right?

Except that in every single example we have from history of communist regimes coming to power, not only are millions of people displaced, but often millions are murdered, and certainly NEVER less than many tens of thousands.

Given these two alternatives, it seems obvious that Pinochet should be considered a heroic figure. But that does not suit the narrative of the people that run this planet.

Just like it does not suit their narrative for you to know a few choice bits of information, such as:

  • How fiat money actually works
  • How fiat money actually came about
  • Why usury used to be completely illegal in Catholic (and other countries)
  • How and why usury is not required at all for a functioning society and is in fact detrimental to it
  • How and why the royal houses of Europe were systematically destroyed over time
  • What is the real story behind Vatican II and who instigated and implemented it and how long they took to get there
  • What is actual Catholic dogma compared to what they tell you it is in the Novus Ordo, post Vatican II fake and impostor “Church”
  • Why it matters, and why as a result we can honestly say the only Catholics left are 1958 sedevacantists
  • What the dogmatic rules of Judaism are
  • Who is pushing the globohomo agenda of homosexuality being taught in primary schools, transgenderism and all manner of sexual “education” at ever younger ages, and how it is being financed
  • What the Universal Commercial Code countries are “required” to have and why and how it came about
  • What the real reasons that WWI was started and fought, who the instigators of it were and how they did it and why.
  • As above for World War II
  • As above for the “Enlightenment” and the French revolution
  • As above for the funding and real reasons behind the American revolution and later the American civil war
  • Who runs the largest operations of child rape, trafficking, murder cannibalism and literal harvesting of adrenochrome from these children
  • How the above child raping and murdering people also run and blackmail various participants and install them into positions of power around the world
  • The real origins of things like the World Economic Forum, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberger group, the various secret societies from the Freemasons, skull and crossbones, the Carbonari, Rosicrucians, Golden Dawn and on and on, and how they are all connected by a thread leading invariably to a specific group of people
  • Why and how all of these things are connected

Because once you find out all of the above and connect them, you will realise at minimum two things:

1. This planet is run and operates on basically lies, at almost all levels of functionality. The entire thing is so absurdly run on false premises that are built on nothing but lies to an extent that most human beings simply are not mentally equipped to handle without feeling absolutely overwhelmed by despair.

2. The actual real history of Catholicism and its real actual dogmatic teachings is the one story about how and why this planet works as it does that not only makes sense, but fits all the available evidence we have, AND models reality so well it can be used to predict how certain things will go both in the small and individual scale as well as the large and global one, to a degree that no other theory or ideology comes even close.

I lived with realisation n. 1 above from the age of 26 to 43 without having realisation n. 2. And yet, I did not despair at all. That alone makes me rather uncommon. Then from age 43 to 47 I investigated realisation n. 2 obsessively to make sure that, absurd as it had seemed to me for my whole life, this realisation n. 2 was in fact true.

If you do this, you also become aware that Catholicism is the only philosophy and religion that has warned us about all the evil people involved in the lies and demonic shit mentioned in that partial bullet-point list above. Which tends to perk your ears up.

Then you realise it is also the only religion that upheld the required use of violence against evil which is innate and intrinsic to every even partially decent human being that ever lived.

That is, in Catholicism, the use of violence to protect yourself or others (and especially innocents) from evil is not just permitted, it is in fact considered the duty of every lay Catholic. The only other alternative is to choose martyrdom for yourself; that is, the consciously allowing yourself to be imprisoned, tortured, and/or killed in the name of justice and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Those are the only two acceptable ways to deal with evil for a Catholic.

At which point you realise why the same people that perpetrate all the evil on this Earth spent literally centuries to infiltrate and subvert Catholicism, culminating in the creation of the fake “Catholic Church” that has had only fake “Popes” promoting its destruction since 28th October 1958.

Catholics, Catholicism and the Catholic Church have and has been the ONLY effective force on Earth that has ever managed to resist the evil that occurs on this planet and for a time at least reduce it enough to create the best living conditions humanity has ever had in its entire history.

And the means of victory remain fully at our disposal, despite the massive blow that Vatican II was.

There remain more real Catholics today on Earth (Sedevacantists) than were ever present in Rome and our planet during the persecutions of Emperor Nero. And we have far better communication lines open and far more valid priests and Bishops than used to be around back then. As well as fully functional Church services.

Most important of all, because our battle is NOT primarily fought in the physical plane, our numbers are NOT a deciding factor in the fight. Rather our convictions, prayer and internal emotional and spiritual state is far more relevant.

Of course this does not invalidate the physical, which remains an undeniable, real, and important part of life (and as long as we inhabit the material world will remain so), but it does invert the order of importance:

The spiritual/mental/faith based part of the fight is in my estimation at least 80% of the fight, with the physical being 20% at most. And most of that 20% is in things like simply putting in the physical effort to do what is required, be it showing up at work, doing what needs doing, learning what needs learning and taking effective, regular, constant action towards the goals that will result in the maximum human freedom and good, which ultimately comes down to:

1. Creating communities of people that understand all of the above, and decide to band together to:

A) become self-sufficient in all things, from clean water and food to medical, energy and defence.

B) take over local government and instilling actual Catholicism at all levels

2. Defending 1. above against all enemies by all means available

3. If and when it becomes necessary to do so, use force to defend yourself and your community from evil doers who would use force on you and yours.

If you do a really good job of 1 and 2 by non-violent means, 3 may never be required, but in any case, it is best to have the capacity for 3, because on this Earth, the only real rights you have, are the ones you have sufficient force to be able to protect.

If you have read and digested all of this post correctly, you may now have come to an overall conclusion, which is that there are three types of men, rather than only two:

1. Those who do not have a line and hold it.

2. Those who do and have no ethical basis that is based in justice and goodness.

3. Those who do and do.

And if you have been paying attention, the first on that list are not men who count, at least not in my eyes and I think, not so much in the eyes of God either.

So what you have left are men who are Catholic, and men who are not. So… just two types of men.

Not all Catholics are always good and not all non-Catholics are bad, but broadly speaking one type will create societies that are wholesome, honest, safe and good, and the other type will inevitably, eventually, descend into degeneracy.

You might not see it now. I certainly didn’t see it for decades even after I figured out the first half of it, which for most people is actually the hardest one to see, so I understand if you think I am just yet another confused zealot screaming “Jeeeeaaasssuss is da waaaay!” Like some Bible-thumping retard, of which, unfortunately, this planet if absolutely filled. Such creatures are a mixture of frauds, con-men, cowards, heretics, intentional deceivers, liars, Satanists and a large number of powerfully ignorant and lazy masses too brainwashed, stunned, stupefied and inflamed with bad health to be able to reason their way out of a parking lot.

I, dear reader, am none of those things, and yet I was deceived and as a result remained ignorant of the truth for at least nearly 2 decades more than necessary. But I had not the benefit of anyone doing what I am doing here now, which is to lay out in plain and straightforward fashion, all the pieces of the puzzle before you. Your only task at this point is to decide if you will at minimum take the time to see if these pieces I present to you are valid or not. I certainly am not asking you to “just believe me”. Quite the contrary. I have always advocated (even when I did not know that it was a dogmatic Catholic principle) that every man must absolutely know and make up his mind for himself.

But even that requires you at least investigate the concepts and bullet points I laid out before you, and while yes, some of those points can potentially take months of study to figure out, I assure you it is but a small fraction of the time it takes you to figure them all out without anyone pointing them out as the essential pieces of the puzzle that they are.

So, all that is left for you to do now is decide how lazy or not you are, and hence decide if to look into the pieces or not.

That is, assuming you’re not already brainwashed enough to not even consider doing so because you have already been predisposed to assume some part, or most of what I say is itself a lie, and if that is the case, I can easily guess which part you have been “inoculated” against: Catholicism.

At any rate, it is what it is, and you will do as you will. My task here —insofar as any can be construed in the form of a blog post— is done.

Godspeed and good fortune to you.

The Level of Lies

The more you discover the truth, however partial, about pretty much any event in history, the more you become simultaneously disillusioned with humanity at large as well as astonished at how thoroughly you were fooled by the lies.

Even the best of us bought wholesale into narratives that are not just complete fabrications, but actually the opposite of the truth.

So disorienting are these discoveries that they make you question the very foundation of belief itself. And when you begin to do that, paradoxically, you become more susceptible to other lies.

You discover some aspect of the narrative about physics is quite different than has been presented, along with, for example, the fact that Einstein was a plagiarist, an incestuous sex pervert and that he abandoned his first wife and son to utter misery, and it shakes you. And the subsequent discoveries about the level of deception and lies surrounding the origins of the Apollo program, the fake and impossible images of the Moon landings, and things like what went on in Carlos the Bariloche, or Operation Highjump, or the nuking of Antarctica in the 1950s and before you know it, if you are not mentally strong and careful and intelligent enough to figure things out from baseline principles of irrefutable math and observation, you’re going to find yourself believing absolutely ridiculous nonsense like the Earth being flat, or “postmodernist art” actually being art instead of the CIA funded psyops it has always been.

You realise that 9/11 was not done by a poor bunch of Arabs with boxcutters, and that the USS Liberty was sunk and the servicemen on it strafed by the same people that were dancing on a nearby rooftop while 9/11 was happening, and again, before you know it, you lose the ability to process the world around you objectively. The sense of betrayal or even collapse of a sense of self-assurance and confidence os traumatic, and our response is often an over correction of some kind.

And this is how you fall into yet more lies. More traps, placed there intentionally by those who would very much prefer all of us were kept in absolute ignorance and deception.

The belief you have to trade your very life for the mere ability to continue existing and being able to purchase food and clothing for yourself and your family, often doing things that are unnatural for your body, mind, and spirit, and trading massive amounts of time that should be spent with your family instead, is pervasive.

Mention the very idea that we should be striving NOT to abolish the concept of work itself, but the concept of FIAT money, and 95% people will look at you with glazed eyes if at all. The other 5% will assume you belong in a mental asylum.

And yet, the absolute fact is that fiat money is a complete fraud. An illusion we have all been forced i to accepting as some fundamental fact of life, as of it were as real and solid as the sun, and as real intrinsically as mathematics.

Fiat money is generated out of literally nothing other than the wishes of those who have created the system for it. It can be created out of nothing other than their endless greedy desire for dominion over you, issued to all governments on Earth at face value and at interest. They can bestow infinite quantities of it to those who push and protect their lies and dominating agenda, and removed totally along with imprisonment, death and ruin on those who challenge their rule in any way.

But tell people that Fiat money is a lie, an illusion, and that a different system could be implemented very quickly, if only enough of us took the hour or so it takes to educate yourself at least at a basic level and then organised peacefully to do so, and people will think you are far crazier than those who (with mostly good reasons) believe the moon landings never happened.

And yet, not only is it true, but it occasionally, if briefly, been demonstrated empirically through human history. Briefly because anyone that had any success with it was soon destroyed for it, and his people often along with him.

Bit to know this, you need to learn some of the hidden truths about historical events that have been buried under lies, and levels of lies, of a fantastically spectacular, grandiose, elaborate and interconnected web of deceit.

There are very few places that you can find the truth of things, and even those will tend to also over-emphasise this or that fact, perhaps, and understandably, as reaction to the pervasive lies.

At any rate, here is a very, very, very, short list of things and places you may find some of those hidden truths, with a brief note after each.

Kurgan TV – 155 videos on everything from the face on mars to the lies of history, the trivium, the Catholic Church and other concepts. We will be adding more videos in 2025. Your support on this helps us maintain the site and grow it too.

The Crusades – Iron Men and Saints – Put the lie to the entire narrative of Islam/Catholicism and the Eastern Schismatics, Providing incontestable historical fact to an event that even if almost a thousand years in our past remains absolutely relevant today.

The Face on Mars – To date, I still believe this is probably the single volume that most comprehensibly addresses the entire general lie(s) we all are raised in. Starting with the real origins of Humanity, all the way to the kind of technology being hidden from us, ancient technology that has been suppressed, modern one that is being hidden, the apparent paradoxes between religion and historical facts, astronomical realities of our solar system and so on. I get emails regularly that tell me how a reader’s mind has been cleared of a lot of the fog we are all living in just as the result of reading this one volume.

The Origins of WWII – The Greatest Story Never Told – is a series of short videos that all-together is some 6 hours long, but you can watch it in various little episodes at a time. It may not be representing ALL the facts, but what it does, is certainly present some of the undeniable reasons of why the Second World War Happened, as well as why certain things happened that we are simply NOT told in school at all. Germany didn’t just invade Poland for no reason at all. the Poles had slaughtered 58,000 ethnic Germans before that took place. Di you even know that? Many such pieces of information are presented in this series of short videos that will give a far more balanced perspective than the simplistic and totally absurd one we have all marinated in for almost 80 years of: The Nazis were just the most evil people ever and Adolph Hitler just came to power as the antichrist for no reason at all, and really all Germans are kind of evil anyway.

If you only consume those four things, your total investment is about 60 bucks total for a month (assuming you only get a month long membership to Kurgan TV instead of a yearly one), and reading two books.

The benefit of it is that you will have a MUCH better grasp of how things really work on this planet and it will be a LOT harder to fool you into buying into whatever new lies they will come up with to feed us all.

It certainly is a worthwhile investment when you compare it to the decades that discovering just a fraction of this information in one place usually takes people who are extremely tenacious and curious throughout their life, who get interested in one or two of the topics covered above, never mind several.

So, I hope this helps show you some of the truth behind the lies, and that it helps you free yourself from the worst of them.

State Actor Tries to Wipe Out This Blog

So, in the early hours of this morning the site was completely corrupted and left open to anyone that simply navigate to the blog.

We quickly realised this had happened, along with receiving various email by concerned readers (thank you) so if you tried to navigate to the site today and just had a weird view of it or it was just a blank empty screen, now you know why.

The attack was definitely not the work of script-kiddies or even just your basic Russian hackers I had to deal with years ago, that were mostly busy trying to sell viagra and porn.

This was a multi-pronged attack that was several months in the planning and execution. And frankly, it may be that we discovered the hack more due to a user error of the guy doing it, than anything else.

So, CIA/NSA/FBI/Pedovore in charge, you really need to disembowel the agent that failed and make him eat his own entrails. It’s the freemason thing to do, and I fully support you doing it.

The attack was also purely malicious, and had no intent we could see beyond that, and it would not make sense for a random malicious hacker to plan this over months just for the sake of causing damage to the site without so much as a hackboi666 wuz here tag.

We knew this would happen eventually, even if for the moment we seem to have resolved the situation. It was definitely a very complex attack with multiple backdoors, and while we think we have plugged them all in, it’s hard to be sure given that this site now has 15 years of data on it.

Time will tell I suppose.

In the meantime comments have been disabled as that was at least one of the attack vectors. The Categories links also are disabled now work at the moment but I can’t yet add categories to posts currently. These will be up in due course and we will announce it when fixed. It also appears users of Firefox may not be able to get the site but that may be fixed now; other browsers seem fine.

We’d appreciate any error reports you may find or issues you come across. Please email me with any of these.

In the meantime, it is rather interesting to see what some of the attacks were.

As I say they were multiple and the damage and files changed huge, but one of the interesting things is that they took the trouble to ensure that the “Related Posts” function would NOT list anything related to the categories of Catholicism, Christianity, Sedeprivationism and Sedevacantism, and it would also not share anything with those tags or the tags of Antipope, Bergoglio.

In any event, as a response to the scum that is clearly disturbed by what I post enough to have caught their attention despite my not using SEO and having a relatively small readership when compared to bigger sites, I would sure appreciate it if you all use the share button at the bottom on all the posts (uh…actually that’s disabled too right now, but you can still send links I guess, we will fix this ASAP) you like and send them on to your friends and family.

I know I am not everyone’s cup of tea, but since being shot at means you’re over the target, I’d say my posts are definitely upsetting the right “people”.

I think more specifically, my posts exposing the usual suspects/tribe, as, if you recall, one such post was mysteriously “disappeared” a while back.

but also all the TMOS posts, taken in order, are, I think proving a real counter to Clown World in more ways than they like and in a subtler and I think more effective fashion.

So… once more friends, help share this blog with as many people as you can. It might be a small thing, but many such small actions over time create a big effect.

And always remember: Deus Gloria and Deus Vult.

All Glory to God, and His Will be Done.

Why Denominations Matter

This should be absolutely obvious even to small children, but since apparently, Professor Cipolla’s First Law is an immutable iron law of humanity for all time, I guess it needs spelling out. In short words and possibly crayon-like drawings.

Let’s try to follow the logic:

Q1: Does the meaning of words matter?

A: Yes

Proof: What is a woman?

Can a Man get Pregnant?

How many sexes are there?

You either know how to answer those three follow-up questions as follows:

An adult human female.



Or…. You are either an intentional liar and deceiver, or a mentally ill person. Either way, liar or insane, neither type is anyone with whom it is worthwhile to try to have any sort of rational or normal conversation or communication.

Q2: Is objective reality a thing?

A: Yes

The fact you may not always be able to understand what you are observing, does not mean reality is subjective. Even things like the two-slit experiment are reducible to objective facts, which are that when observed the particles predictably behave differently from when they are not observed.

Q3: Is truth relative?

A: No

Just like math, the ultimate truth of any specific thing, at any specific time and place, will have a precise answer. The fact you may not be capable of working out exactly what that is, also has no bearing on the reality that such a precise answer exists. Just like the fact you can’t do advanced calculus does not mean such a calculation will not have a precise answer.

In short, if words, facts and truth matter, then, what version of God you believe in, absolutely matters.

It can in fact be postulated that it matters more than any other question, especially if you already believe that:

God is good, infallible and loves you.

If God is both Good and also Loves you, as well as Infallible, then, a necessary conclusion must also be that Free Will and Justice both MUST also follow.

Consider that, since He is infallible, whatever His rules are, must be the best and true ones. And since He loves us there MUST be a way for us to discover what they are. Along with the possibility to reject them (because free will). But… if we do seek, and we do find, then… well, we should find a set of rules that is infallible. And since He loves us, it must also be possible for us to figure out which set of rules that is amongst all the lies and nonsense human beings produce constantly.

In fact, given all humans are flawed, it is quite obvious that such an infallible set of rules, must exist purely because of God’s Will and Love for us, and despite all human attempts at perverting said rules, again, due to His Love these attempts will ultimately as well as constantly fail, regardless of any temporary “success” they may seem to have from time to time. Thus, what can only be described as by a Supernatural protection, said rules must not only exist and be discoverable, but would also continue to exist to the End of Times, again, regardless of human attempts to corrupt them, which would essentially be continuous and endless.

In fact, this aspect of the rules alone would be proof that God exists, loves us, is infallible AND will protect His rules from the constant predation of flawed human beings.

The only religion that has ever made such a claim is the Catholic Church.

Prior to 28th October 1958 this was unique to the Catholic Church, which also set down these rules in one book: The Code of Canon Law of 1917.

Broadly speaking, the rules of the Catholic Church is how decent Christians comported themselves throughout the centuries, which is why Catholicism spread throughout the world more than any other false claimant to “Christianity”.

And why it achieved the heights of human well-being, and humane progress and civilisation that is a genuine betterment of the human condition instead of a mere mechanisation of them, as evidenced, for example by the industrial revolution, which is touted as “progress” when really it was the technological advancement of machinery and the mechanisation of human being in order to make those machines work more efficiently.

Anyone stupid enough to postulate that the “denomination” of your version of “Christianity” doesn’t matter as long as you’re a “follower of Christ” is a functional idiot. There really is no escaping that conclusion, and it is, indeed, perfectly in line with professor Cipolla’s assessment of the first law; that is, even people you may have deemed intelligent and rational, at some point, will reveal themselves to be irredeemably stupid.

Now, the natural human tendency to want to give people the benefit of the doubt, creeps in here and makes even intelligent people make reasonable sounding statements, such as, for example, Vox, on this post a while back:

One of the reasons I refuse to tolerate the never-ending internecine Christian civil wars is that I see no point in paying attention to labels and dogma when the spiritual version of WWIII is currently in full effect. If, at this point, you can’t recognize the difference between those who are actively and knowingly serving Clown World and those who are doing their best, however misguided they might be, to serve Jesus Christ, your opinion is irrelevant.

Sounds reasonable right?

Except it makes no sense at all.

In the body of Vox’s post the fake Novus Ordo Church is described as funding mass migration, which is true and is what it does. But the fake Novus Ordo church is also described as being the Catholic Church. Which it is not.

I’m fairly sure that Vox does not view someone like Ben Shapiro as being a legitimate American. And for good reason. Ben may be born in the USA, he may say he is American, he may have the papers to prove it, and in fact his claim to being American is at least legally valid. Anyone who bothered to observe his behaviour though, would quickly realise Ben Shapiro would happily burn America to the ground in order to make Israel better off. It is obvious that Ben does not value America anywhere near as much as he does Israel.

Now, the Novus Ordo fake Church in fact, does NOT have the legitimate legal “papers”. Ben Shapiro is far more validly American than the Novus Ordo Church is in any way validly Catholic.

In fact, if anyone bothers to check the fake Novus Ordo Church “papers” they will find that Canon 188 part 4 of the Code of Canon Law of 1917, whose entire purpose is precisely to lay down the rules of the Church in simple, legal, Roman Law, makes it absolutely clear the every fake “Pope” from Angelo Roncalli on is, in fact, legally, an impostor. A fake. At best a heretic or apostate, and more probably an infiltrating Satanist that never was a Catholic at any point.

This is clear, it is obvious, and, of course, it matters far more than Ben Shapiro’s loyalties to his supposed nation of birth instead of the one he identifies with.

Of course, if one starts out from the completely flawed perspective that just a generic “Jesus saves” intimation is enough to qualify one as a Christian, clearly, they are hardly going to investigate the details of the legitimacy or otherwise of what most of the planet (composed mostly of stupid people, let’s not forget) thinks is the “Catholic Church”.

But that doesn’t in any way make it acceptable or correct.

Because, as explained right at the start: the Truth, the facts of objective reality, matter.

And if that is true, then, what the TRUE rules that God wants us to follow are, absolutely matters.

And they sure can’t be the ones you in your arrogant, prideful, dumb, little brain, decide they are, all on your own. Which is precisely what every single version of Protestantism ultimately boils down to. There simply aren’t any prescribed rules to follow at all, except whatever ones suit you specifically.

Now, any child above the age of 5 or so, can clearly see that there is no game that makes any sense whatsoever, where you just pick the rules you want and ignore the ones you don’t like, and in fact can switch the rules you like too at will. Protestantism is essentially theological Calvinball.

But this train of thought is apparently a step too far for every single Protestant.

The reason, the only reason, we are currently living in the Clown World era, is precisely because actual Catholics degraded and fell quietly by the wayside, while never-where Catholic pretenders, from the sexual perverts of Luther and Henry the VIII, all the way to the various nobles that were more concerned with land, money and glory than the truth, advanced on the truth with their lies, deceit, and error, all in the service of their own twisted desires in the temporal, and Satan’s plan in the eternal.

When you know that 2 and 2 is 4, yet you allow the retards around you to say everything from 2 and 2 is 7 to 2 and 2 is purple, and you don’t call them out for the liars, satanists, or utter morons they are, you are, in fact, helping to degrade the entire human race.

Sure, Vox, trying to look at the big picture, thinks that the solution is that, hey, as long as these guys are more or less shooting towards the enemy, that’s all that counts.

He literally says if you don’t recognise the difference between a dedicated Clown Worlder and someone that may be in error but is mostly fighting Clown World, then your opinion is irrelevant, which is fair enough, but the strawman implication there is that someone pointing out the errors, lies, deceit and ruination of literally all of Protestantism or the fake Novus Ordo Church is somehow someone that can’t tell the difference between a dedicated Clown Worlder and a Churchian that means well.

That strawman is, of course, nonsense.

And Churchianity does, irrevocably lead to Hell, paved with good intentions as it inevitably is.

It is literally the reason Clown World even exists.

Because Churchianity “sounds” good, right? We are all equal; save the poor refugees; be politically correct, you don’t want to offend anyone, right?

Except it’s all a deceit. It’s all a lie, and it starts precisely by permitting people, whether intentional liars or misguided fools, to pervert the truth by their pretence that they are “Christians” when in fact they are nothing of the sort. Because they have zero legitimacy to the claim, lack the valid requirements, both spiritually (which God only can judge) but also legally (which can be clearly identified externally by anyone who cares to look) to make that claim.

If you are not a Catholic, you simply are NOT a Christian. You may wish to be. You may believe you are. You may really, really, really, want to be one, but you are not. At the very, very, very, best, most optimistic of views possible, you are in deep, deep, deep, error, that is entirely your fault, through the sin of sloth. Literally being too lazy to educate yourself about God and His Church.

This applies to most lay “Catholics” who are in the Novus Ordo fake Church and truly believe themselves to be Catholic, but have never bothered to investigate what Catholicism is, was and how it has been infiltrated and perverted by its enemies, culminating in Vatican II and the utter inversion and heresy it represents.

To a MUCH lesser extent it applies to anyone of literally any other denomination that truly believes they really are a “Christian” (presumably “generic” with a trademark stamp on the back of their head). These are people that not only have not bothered to study the details of Catholic dogma and compare them with post Vatican II heresy; which is bad enough. No, these are people who have not bothered to spend five minutes thinking about the broad history of the Church and contextualising it within the broad history of the infinite permutations of Protestantism since its inception 500 years ago.

In math terms, Protestants are the ten year olds who still count using made up numbers like eleventeen and fantillion. The rest of us, whether bad at math, like the average Novus Ordo layman that thinks he is Catholic, or the Eastern “Orthodox” that thinks he is a proper Christian, or actual Christians (i.e. Sedevacantist Catholic), look on at the retard and shake their heads.

But only those who care have the courage to go up to that ten year old potential retard, give him a smack in the face to stop his incessant babbling, then get him to sit down, shut up, and pay attention, so we can determine is he really is that retarded, in which case there is no helping him. Eventually he will run in the road and play in traffic and get run over. Best we can do in that case is to keep him in his own safe space, far away from us.

Or… we realise he was just lied to, or prideful, and wanted to feel special, in which case he might be salvaged by first showing him how to count to ten.

You cannot build anything worthwhile or durable if you build on sand without any precautions.

And that is exactly what you are doing when you think that paying attention to the fundamental truths of math, engineering and history is not relevant.

The truth matters. Protecting it from corruption matters. Your feelings about it don’t.

Protestants are not Christians. And it matters they are made aware of it. Novus Ordo “Catholics” are lazy ignorants. And it matters they are made aware of it. The Eastern “Orthodox” are not Orthodox and are schismatics. And it matters they are made aware of it.

It’s really not hard to understand. A child really does get it. Before you can fix a problem, you need to be aware of what the problem is.

And in the case of most people reading this, the problem is you are not a Christian at all.

And while your fake uniform, and fake badge, and fake belief might fool YOU, or maybe even a friend or two, it sure will not fool either our Lord, nor His enemy.

The Truth matters. And there is only one version of it that applies to all of us at all times. Only one.

Choose wisely.

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
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