Watch this video while it stays up.
And realise that is just 3 guys.
Who runs the Fed?
Who saw to it Trump added a few anti-semitic prevention rules?
Who runs the media?
Global Banking?
Are you starting to understand why even back in 2014, before I was ever even remotely Catholic (1948 Sedevacantist) or baptised, I said the only future humanity might have would necessarily entail city states and Christianity?
And being able to do without FIAT money, and having enough weapons or other means to apply force in order to defend said city states?
No one is voting the planet or any part of it into anything even remotely reminiscent of justice.
Justice will need to be served on the perpetrators of all the evil done on this planet. And the only people who might ever be in a position to do so don’t get there by asking permission of the very people that need to be removed from humanity at large.
Have you ever heard of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu and the Legion of the Archangel Michael. If so what is your opinion of this?
Never heard of it