Posts Tagged ‘the kurgan’

Once more on James Wharram

I wrote briefly about James before as a possible way to escape Clown World for those less burdened by many children perhaps.

I have not had enough time to yet finish his second book, People of the Sea, but am a good 2/3 of the way through it and am genuinely fascinated by the man. Had I known of him earlier, while I still lived in England, I would probably have tried to meet him and have a conversation. Something now impossible as he left this Earth on 14 December 2021.

It is hard to know how I would have reacted to him in person. On the one hand I get the sense he was a man that had absolutely no doubts about his way of doing things, regardless of what anyone else thought, which I relate to very well, and he also seems to have been comfortable with the ocean, something that I, though not a sailor, always have been too. For me, mostly as a form of relaxing solitude. These are the sides of him I relate to. But on the other hand there are sides of him I am curious about. Not so much his rather hedonistic aspect of having multiple female lovers live and work together, though I am sure that fascinates many men.

The reality of that aspect is not one that fascinates me very much. I have had many lovers and at times some of these women knew of each other, but ultimately I am an intense person in a way I suspect is very different from how James was.

The ever-shifting dynamics of female emotions, and multiple females at that, tend to affect me perhaps more than they should, as my ability to sense the mood of others is elevated enough it invariably has some influence on me. Not in the sense that it diverts me from my chosen path, but rather in the sense that it acts as a kind of unpleasant background noise when it is in dissonance with my own rather calm and ever-forward looking natural state of being.

Two, three, or five women at a time in a confined space like a sailing catamaran could quickly devolve into a floating hell from which the only escape would be to tie the main anchor to your neck while seeking the blissful silence of death in the depths of the Ocean.

Probably too my own intensity in this regard would be at fault. I could never really be with a woman half-heartedly, even when the encounters were brief and temporary. After all, the whole point for me was to experience that person as deeply as I could in the moment, ephemeral or even inconsequential as it might be in the long term. And that tends to cause a reaction in the women too, and in the other women who inevitably end up in some kind of competition for such attention.

But in some way I sense this ability of James to juggle multiple women at once in a way that clearly was not superficial —at least from what I can gather from a book— since after all, he had children with at least two of them and long relationships with several, is tied —or at least related to— his ability to immerse himself also in customs of pacific islanders, and what he refers to as “Arts and Craft” types that helped him build various ships over the years.

Once again, the thought of spending weeks, months and years with random strangers of rather eccentric types and backgrounds —which I uncharitably think of as a kind of kumbaya unwashed hippies— sends a shiver up my spine.

None of this is a judgement on James Wharram, but rather merely a springboard on which I ponder my own character and try to compare it, to see what I might learn, if anything. For this reason I would genuinely have loved to spend some hours talking with him and getting a sense of him directly.

Whatever one might think of his character, there is absolutely no denying that he was a unique and uniquely talented individual. With a knack for meeting, attracting and becoming partnered with similarly uniquely talented women too.

I wonder at his ability to commune with groups of people from very different walks of life, because I too have this quality, but it seems to me, perhaps wrongly, he had a better ability to remain embroiled with them for longer periods and in more confined spaces. Something I doubt I could do for very extended periods of time.

It makes me wonder, at what abilities I may need to learn and gain proficiencies in, if I am, indeed, ultimately, to succeed at creating the greater Kurganate I have set out to do.

But then I also am pre-selecting the people I am interested in attracting because I have already determined they need to be 1958 Sedevacantists, preferably with a good understanding of the first Crusade and the Siege of Malta for their inspiration regarding being a good Catholic, for this to work.

There is also an undercurrent of the boomer years and zeitgeist that existed in the 1960s and 1970s and generic optimism of the 1980s that possibly made his unusual life both easier in certain ways and also harder in others, but that is pretty much as most men have it anyway.

What shines through most for me is the absence of the levels of bureaucracy, nickel and diming, permits and regulations, that he could mostly operate under.

Another aspect is the extreme bravery that perhaps is best described as the foolishness of youth that later matures into courage that was exhibited by all his lifelong female companions. As well as the fact that all of them, James included, absolutely give me the certain impression of essentially being good, open, friendly and reliable people.

Human beings are all nasty, brutish, weak, selfish beasts, even the best of us, but between our flaws and weaknesses and fears and egos, there are genuine moments of light and joy and love and bravery and goodness that simply reveal also the spark of the divine in us. And I have the absolute sense that James Wharram and “his women” all would have been people I could see that aspect of humanity in them that makes us redeemable.

I see and recognise his quasi-pagan ways in my own attitude for most of my life before my conversion experience to Crusader style pre-Vatican II Catholicism, a conversion I would have ridiculed as impossible even one day before the 3rd of March 2013.

And I wonder how I might have seen his views in say 2020 when I was already a baptised Catholic and he was still alive and I imagine from his writing at least, in possession of all his faculties.

Again, not as a judgment on him, but rather a perspective on me.

It makes me wonder… what if I had managed to get my yacht in my early 20s and started sailing and lived a life close to what he did?

And I am reminded of a time when I was 19 I think, and went for a week to Durban to do a sailing course. I slept on the boat to save money, which was an option, enjoyed the skipper, who was a grizzled old man that took the usual “liking” to me that men who are men in their own right often took with me when they were older, which is to say, be impressed by my ability (I was the only one who did not take motion sickness medication who managed to keep his lunch in his stomach, and that only by watching what the skipper did, which was to let the waves move him instead of fight them) and at the same time get frustrated by my overreaching. In the exercise on rescuing a man fallen overboard, I got the shortest time… but I did so by arriving at the lifesaver that had been cast overboard at such speed that even when the sail was dropped and the boat came right up to the lifesaver so it could be plucked out by hand without even needing the pole to hook it, the skipper blew up at me.

Doing that manoeuvre that way in a storm was likely to crush the man overboard’s skull if the waves and the boat’s speed and sudden stop did not align perfectly. But we weren’t in a storm. And it was a lifesaver doughnut, not a living person. And I did the best time. But I kept quiet. He was the skipper and he was trying to educate me. And I had had various injuries and my nose broken by various karate instructors, on whom I inspired similar sentiments. As the Japanese say:

“The nail that sticks out gets hammered.”

I enjoyed the week of sailing and I had taken that course because I wanted to learn to skipper in preparation for eventually finding a way to get a yacht and be free of most of the rest of the world.

But there were two events I still recall from that week. One was a film I went to see one evening, about the dictatorship in Chile, with Jeremy Irons and a beautiful young woman who is raped then killed by some random soldier. It was, I recognise now, propaganda designed to make Pinochet “the bad guy” when in effect he probably saved millions of Chileans from utter misery and death.

The other was an encounter at a local pub I went to on another evening, that being in a port was frequented by sailors. I struck up a conversation with a Frenchman, and he told me about his boat and how it didn’t take much money to do what I wanted to do. He had bought a boat in pretty bad “used” condition and worked on it for a year or so to get it ship shape. I don’t recall the exact type of boat, it wasn’t very big, but had two masts, he had travelled the world with it, and a woman, for eight years. Then, a couple of months earlier, the woman had enough, and left him. Somewhere in India I think, to fly back home to France and I suppose her family. He was still clearly distraught. As he drank another beer, to my then teetotaller juice or water, or whatever it was, he gradually became more melancholic and sad.

I still think about that Frenchman on rare occasions, and hope he found peace somewhere with someone.

But it also made me wonder. What would a life aboard be like? Yes I wanted freedom, from rules, people and humans in general, and considering I grew up mostly wild in rural areas around the world, it might give you an indication of just how misanthropic I am, and how much I enjoy the “authority” of people dumber, slower, and less accomplished as human beings in every way than I am, which basically means pretty much all governments on our planet currently, and absolutely and totally with respect to the pedovores that run them.

The life of endless adventure is one some men aspire to and can live. I know I have that in me and my own life is pretty much testament to it. But it is not that I was alone so much because I necessarily enjoyed it, as my mother had once assumed at around that time (but then it was obvious to me from age 2 onward that woman had and has never understood the remotest part of me or how I function). I spent a lot of time alone because the alternative was to spend it surrounded by idiots.

I know that sounds unkind, but it really was the case. Imagine, if you will, that your options in life was to retreat in a life mostly of solitude, or be perennially surrounded by mongoloids. As well-meaning and harmless as they might be, try to imagine how it would be to have them constantly around doing mongoloid things and talking mongoloid talks and discussing things on their mongoloid level.

And yes, again, I know how arrogant it sounds to probably most of you reading, but with an IQ that averaged at 155, the distance between me and the nominally average person of 100 IQ is greater than the one of the average person and a 65 IQ mentally handicapped person by a whole standard deviation.

I didn’t know or care about IQ then, but the distance in mental ability, interests, and so on was simply unavoidable. Part of the idea of sailing the seven seas was that in doing so I might meet and learn from cool people in far away lands and maybe even end up with that hot girl that would look really awesome in a swimming costume in some Caribbean island setting.

But the Frenchman made me think.

The lure of adventure for a man is natural, but for a woman… eventually their purpose in nature is to make children, and even if I found one willing and able to give birth at sea and homeschool them on the boat as we travelled the world… was that the kind of father I saw myself as?

It’s not that it would be a bad childhood for my children, or even unhappy for the woman; but…

what… ultimately… would be the point of such a life? How many ports and cultures and miles and miles and miles of ocean can you sail before it all starts to seem aimless?

I used to play Traveller a lot as a teenager, and even now, the idea of having a spaceship you can use to go explore weird new worlds and trade with alien species is something I would immediately say yes to. And I know every one of my children except possibly my eldest would too. And my wife. She probably would come along because the kids would convince her, but she likely would have a nervous breakdown.

The idea of a yacht was a kind of analogy for that.

Sail away. Meet new people, possibly frolic with hot exotic women, even if they didn’t have blue skin and came from another planet. That was the general idea. But then what?

I have in any case travelled a lot and met many different people and cultures; and spent enough time with many different women too. And yet, my perspective on this from when I was age 19 was still correct. I am glad I did it as otherwise I would have remained unsatisfied in the wondering of it, but my life was never about the travelling per se. That was just incidental. I went where my curious heart led me. That’s all.

So, the life of James Wharram seems to me to be almost a window into what one of my possible lives could have been. It is interesting to look through that window and think about it. But my sense of it, which I am sure is only because I am on this side of the window, is that such a life would have been just that much lonelier. Perhaps not by much, but by enough to probably be a bit more than I would have liked.

And I wonder what James would tell me if he were still here, sitting across from me with whatever his drink of choice might have been, be it an English tea or something else.

I suspect he might tell me that he was one of the most free and least lonely men that ever lived, having the love and companionship of multiple women simultaneously and adventure rarely had by anyone today alive. And I would keep quiet and listen.

And while imagining and pondering, I nevertheless do not envy nor begrudge the man anything. Because I think it is a trait of at least some men, of which I am one, that they do not experience such emotions. They are emotions that are the children of ambitions and lives unfulfilled and failures to launch. I have failed many times at many things. And I have not yet achieved but a fraction of what I want to, and honestly, unless dementia takes me, it is utterly impossible I ever will achieve even a quarter of what I would like to do, given infinite money and other resources. But the point is I have never stood still and stagnated. Sometimes I struggle in quicksand for a while, but eventually I drag myself out of it and carry on at my usual speed again. Besides, which adventuring hero of pulp fiction does not have a regular close call with quicksand?

So I read and think about James Wharram and his life and am glad for him and his having written it down. And of course for Hanneke Boon and Ruth and the other women and friends of his that made his story possible.

Wherever you may be James, I hope you have tropical waters and fair winds.

There are only two types of men

Those who have a line; and hold it.

And those who do not.

Now, a man’s line may vary somewhat over time, as life and experience gradually (or occasionally suddenly) make him aware of things he did not know, errors of judgement, or lies he has unwittingly believed.

But in essence, a man that has a line will hold the line regardless of where and when he is.

It’s the difference between someone willing to die for an ideal and those who are not.

While neither type of man is guaranteed to be ethical, there is a difference between them in that even if amoral, those who have a line are reliable at least as it concerns that line, while the others are not.

Historically such men, with a line, will tend to become the leaders of disaffected groups in any unjust society, and organise other men of this same type into an irregular “army” to take care of the many injustices and the corrupt, supposedly “elected”, leaders, and their nefarious minimums.

In many cases, such men started what later became known as criminal organisations, be it the mafia, triads, or yakuza, but in origin, starting from the “bandits” of Southern Italy, these were local men with the capacity, acumen and courage to do violence upon their and their people’s enemies, in direct response to injustices perpetrated on them.

Over time, such men, absent a moral imperative that they must believe in themselves at a profound level, will eventually, and inevitably, become corrupted, and if not them, their sons and grandsons will. Because once you cross the line of being willing to go against the “law” (however unjust it may be) in order to serve the greater good of “justice” from a human perspective, you will quickly realise that the “law” of the/any government, is no more and no less than the imposition of whatever rules by the use or threat of physical force. And who of us can’t do better than government work? So if you were to succeed at imposing your will on (initially) the government, how long would it be before you decide that you can impose it on whoever/everyone?

Did you know that Pablo Escobar had tried to become part of the government of Colombia? And while his “business” was brutal, and it is not politically viable to say so, are you certain that had he succeeded his rule would have been worse for the locals than the current government of Colombia? Because I for one don’t have enough relevant and verified information to be sure either way.

I do know, however, that someone like Pinochet was (and continued to be) vilified for having taken over Chile by force, and having stopped communism there by making some 3,000 people disappear, and having some other 30,000 or so escape that country. Bad guy right?

Except that in every single example we have from history of communist regimes coming to power, not only are millions of people displaced, but often millions are murdered, and certainly NEVER less than many tens of thousands.

Given these two alternatives, it seems obvious that Pinochet should be considered a heroic figure. But that does not suit the narrative of the people that run this planet.

Just like it does not suit their narrative for you to know a few choice bits of information, such as:

  • How fiat money actually works
  • How fiat money actually came about
  • Why usury used to be completely illegal in Catholic (and other countries)
  • How and why usury is not required at all for a functioning society and is in fact detrimental to it
  • How and why the royal houses of Europe were systematically destroyed over time
  • What is the real story behind Vatican II and who instigated and implemented it and how long they took to get there
  • What is actual Catholic dogma compared to what they tell you it is in the Novus Ordo, post Vatican II fake and impostor “Church”
  • Why it matters, and why as a result we can honestly say the only Catholics left are 1958 sedevacantists
  • What the dogmatic rules of Judaism are
  • Who is pushing the globohomo agenda of homosexuality being taught in primary schools, transgenderism and all manner of sexual “education” at ever younger ages, and how it is being financed
  • What the Universal Commercial Code countries are “required” to have and why and how it came about
  • What the real reasons that WWI was started and fought, who the instigators of it were and how they did it and why.
  • As above for World War II
  • As above for the “Enlightenment” and the French revolution
  • As above for the funding and real reasons behind the American revolution and later the American civil war
  • Who runs the largest operations of child rape, trafficking, murder cannibalism and literal harvesting of adrenochrome from these children
  • How the above child raping and murdering people also run and blackmail various participants and install them into positions of power around the world
  • The real origins of things like the World Economic Forum, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberger group, the various secret societies from the Freemasons, skull and crossbones, the Carbonari, Rosicrucians, Golden Dawn and on and on, and how they are all connected by a thread leading invariably to a specific group of people
  • Why and how all of these things are connected

Because once you find out all of the above and connect them, you will realise at minimum two things:

1. This planet is run and operates on basically lies, at almost all levels of functionality. The entire thing is so absurdly run on false premises that are built on nothing but lies to an extent that most human beings simply are not mentally equipped to handle without feeling absolutely overwhelmed by despair.

2. The actual real history of Catholicism and its real actual dogmatic teachings is the one story about how and why this planet works as it does that not only makes sense, but fits all the available evidence we have, AND models reality so well it can be used to predict how certain things will go both in the small and individual scale as well as the large and global one, to a degree that no other theory or ideology comes even close.

I lived with realisation n. 1 above from the age of 26 to 43 without having realisation n. 2. And yet, I did not despair at all. That alone makes me rather uncommon. Then from age 43 to 47 I investigated realisation n. 2 obsessively to make sure that, absurd as it had seemed to me for my whole life, this realisation n. 2 was in fact true.

If you do this, you also become aware that Catholicism is the only philosophy and religion that has warned us about all the evil people involved in the lies and demonic shit mentioned in that partial bullet-point list above. Which tends to perk your ears up.

Then you realise it is also the only religion that upheld the required use of violence against evil which is innate and intrinsic to every even partially decent human being that ever lived.

That is, in Catholicism, the use of violence to protect yourself or others (and especially innocents) from evil is not just permitted, it is in fact considered the duty of every lay Catholic. The only other alternative is to choose martyrdom for yourself; that is, the consciously allowing yourself to be imprisoned, tortured, and/or killed in the name of justice and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Those are the only two acceptable ways to deal with evil for a Catholic.

At which point you realise why the same people that perpetrate all the evil on this Earth spent literally centuries to infiltrate and subvert Catholicism, culminating in the creation of the fake “Catholic Church” that has had only fake “Popes” promoting its destruction since 28th October 1958.

Catholics, Catholicism and the Catholic Church have and has been the ONLY effective force on Earth that has ever managed to resist the evil that occurs on this planet and for a time at least reduce it enough to create the best living conditions humanity has ever had in its entire history.

And the means of victory remain fully at our disposal, despite the massive blow that Vatican II was.

There remain more real Catholics today on Earth (Sedevacantists) than were ever present in Rome and our planet during the persecutions of Emperor Nero. And we have far better communication lines open and far more valid priests and Bishops than used to be around back then. As well as fully functional Church services.

Most important of all, because our battle is NOT primarily fought in the physical plane, our numbers are NOT a deciding factor in the fight. Rather our convictions, prayer and internal emotional and spiritual state is far more relevant.

Of course this does not invalidate the physical, which remains an undeniable, real, and important part of life (and as long as we inhabit the material world will remain so), but it does invert the order of importance:

The spiritual/mental/faith based part of the fight is in my estimation at least 80% of the fight, with the physical being 20% at most. And most of that 20% is in things like simply putting in the physical effort to do what is required, be it showing up at work, doing what needs doing, learning what needs learning and taking effective, regular, constant action towards the goals that will result in the maximum human freedom and good, which ultimately comes down to:

1. Creating communities of people that understand all of the above, and decide to band together to:

A) become self-sufficient in all things, from clean water and food to medical, energy and defence.

B) take over local government and instilling actual Catholicism at all levels

2. Defending 1. above against all enemies by all means available

3. If and when it becomes necessary to do so, use force to defend yourself and your community from evil doers who would use force on you and yours.

If you do a really good job of 1 and 2 by non-violent means, 3 may never be required, but in any case, it is best to have the capacity for 3, because on this Earth, the only real rights you have, are the ones you have sufficient force to be able to protect.

If you have read and digested all of this post correctly, you may now have come to an overall conclusion, which is that there are three types of men, rather than only two:

1. Those who do not have a line and hold it.

2. Those who do and have no ethical basis that is based in justice and goodness.

3. Those who do and do.

And if you have been paying attention, the first on that list are not men who count, at least not in my eyes and I think, not so much in the eyes of God either.

So what you have left are men who are Catholic, and men who are not. So… just two types of men.

Not all Catholics are always good and not all non-Catholics are bad, but broadly speaking one type will create societies that are wholesome, honest, safe and good, and the other type will inevitably, eventually, descend into degeneracy.

You might not see it now. I certainly didn’t see it for decades even after I figured out the first half of it, which for most people is actually the hardest one to see, so I understand if you think I am just yet another confused zealot screaming “Jeeeeaaasssuss is da waaaay!” Like some Bible-thumping retard, of which, unfortunately, this planet if absolutely filled. Such creatures are a mixture of frauds, con-men, cowards, heretics, intentional deceivers, liars, Satanists and a large number of powerfully ignorant and lazy masses too brainwashed, stunned, stupefied and inflamed with bad health to be able to reason their way out of a parking lot.

I, dear reader, am none of those things, and yet I was deceived and as a result remained ignorant of the truth for at least nearly 2 decades more than necessary. But I had not the benefit of anyone doing what I am doing here now, which is to lay out in plain and straightforward fashion, all the pieces of the puzzle before you. Your only task at this point is to decide if you will at minimum take the time to see if these pieces I present to you are valid or not. I certainly am not asking you to “just believe me”. Quite the contrary. I have always advocated (even when I did not know that it was a dogmatic Catholic principle) that every man must absolutely know and make up his mind for himself.

But even that requires you at least investigate the concepts and bullet points I laid out before you, and while yes, some of those points can potentially take months of study to figure out, I assure you it is but a small fraction of the time it takes you to figure them all out without anyone pointing them out as the essential pieces of the puzzle that they are.

So, all that is left for you to do now is decide how lazy or not you are, and hence decide if to look into the pieces or not.

That is, assuming you’re not already brainwashed enough to not even consider doing so because you have already been predisposed to assume some part, or most of what I say is itself a lie, and if that is the case, I can easily guess which part you have been “inoculated” against: Catholicism.

At any rate, it is what it is, and you will do as you will. My task here —insofar as any can be construed in the form of a blog post— is done.

Godspeed and good fortune to you.

This is the Ultimate Weapon

NOTE: Yes this is long. It also may literally change your life for the better in ways that are hard to imagine. And I wrote it primarily because my experiments on myself and in my own life seem to be bearing fruit.

Something very few people understand, even military men, veterans, life-long martial artists, strategists, UFC guys, boxers, and everything else in between, is that the number one, most important, absolute weapon you have, above all others, is this: Your Mind.

Your Weapon

Even people who you might assume have a grasp of the basic concept often miss the wood for the trees on this. I have been asked this by a few people who fancied themselves as overall decent strategists:

“What is the most important thing for a fighter?”

And to my reply of “Your mind,” they invariably scoff or try to divert it to some lesser aspect of my answer, like “Isn’t it getting up again?” or willpower, or perseverance and so on.

Well, guess what. Every one of those things begins in your mind.

Perseverance, later thinking, discipline, flexibility, pattern-recognition, literally all of it, begins, and ends, with your mind.

It sounds so stupidly obvious right? Duh! “Of course it’s your mind!” you’re thinking. What a dumb post…


Now consider a few other things.

The connection between your mind and your body has limits that are NOT understood by medical science almost entirely. The average doctor has no concept of the Placebo or Nocebo effects. They may mention them without realising they literally can save your life from supposedly incurable diseases as well as kill you when there is no external factor that should result in your death.

Unscrupulous grifters have made a whole industry of half-baked “truths” wrapped in lies concerning your ability to do anything from cure cancer to become a millionaire by the sheer power of repeating “affirmations” and “changing your mindset”.

Over 99% of hypnotists, psychologists and psychiatrists have little to no understanding of the link between the mind and the reality around it. There are enough experiments in neuroscience which are of the reproducible kind (meaning they are actually valid science) that essentially prove a host of things we can’t adequately explain:

  • Reality is literally changed by you observing it.
  • The mind can perceive, receive, and send information across vast distances or simply by focusing on something without any apparent way to do so (i.e. telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, remote viewing, psychometry and so on are actual things that exist).
  • The pain/emotions felt by loved ones can affect your mind as if you were experiencing it. And this can also function in connection with the item immediately above.
  • The mind is capable of entering altered states and/or dimensions where it can access information it had no previous knowledge of, and that information can be beneficial to the owner of the mind as well as others if/when it is shared/applied in the physical realm we inhabit.
  • Some degree of communication with people who have passed on can exist.
  • Some degree of communication with entities from other dimensions can exist. The intentions of such entities towards humanity in general can apparently range from beneficial to utter hatred (commonly thought of as Angelic beings, Demons and something in between, like Faeries).

There are also a great many stories, legends, and anecdotal events that seem to indicate that a certain level of miraculous manifestation of things may well be the result of a directed mind that using the correct approach, focuses or considers something in a way that sees it take place in the real world.

If you have digested all of the above, great. Keep that whole giant point present in one corner of the mind, then read below and get the next info-dump and then put that in one another corner of your mind, because only once you have put these two baseline points in your mind and can contemplate them from a bird’s eye view appropriately, can you then begin to see the third point, which defines our current situation. Only then, can I present you the overall theory and paradigm shift that I want you to digest and begin acting upon.

Your Weapon’s Base Efficiency and Maintenance

You know that old adage that “If you don’t program your mind, someone else will?” Well, it’s absolutely true. And while you may nod sagely or pay lip service to it, not a single one of us really appreciates the extent to which this is true. Not even me. And I am waaaaaaaayyyy beyond the normal human curve on this.

If you have small children, present them with a little problem that you know how to solve in one way. Give them time, encouragements and a good sensation you believe in them and most times you will find that they come up with ten different ways you didn’t think of on how to solve it. Imagine if we kept that way of thinking into adulthood. I certainly try to and I have changed career, country, and wives, a number of times. I have moved home 54 times and I am 54 years old. I have gone from being so broke all I had to eat was a bag of flower, some salt and tap water, to blowing over four grand on some clothing a girl I was seeing liked. I have spent more on a rifle I wanted than on any car I ever bought. And I have had many strange and incredible life experiences. I now have 5 children, am trying to learn to be a farmer, which is nothing I have any talent for and as of yesterday I just broke a part of the connector to the trincia because I am bad at this, but eventually I will become good at it. Because in my life, anything I have put my focus, mind and effort into, I have been able to achieve. Not without smacking my head into the occasional steel wall a few times mind you, but I have a deeply embedded belief that I am absolutely able to achieve whatever I decide to focus on. It’s harder to have laser like focus with 5 kids and wife than when you are single, but it’s also more important to be able to do so, so the focus is even more intense for me.

Despite all the above, I have always expected resistance from the world. And indeed I have found it. Whenever I changed job or country or home, almost everyone I knew was of the idea that “I was making a mistake” or that “it wouldn’t work” and so on. Very few people were ever supportive, and I learnt as a result to ignore pretty much everyone in that respect and only take the useful parts of any advice with regard to elements of whatever I was deciding to do.

My point in describing my own experience is not to make you think how cool I am, but rather the opposite if anything. What I am explicitly stating is that even with a lifetime of experience that validates my point that your mind affects your outcome more than any factor whatsoever, I am not, a millionaire with my own private island and fleet of all-female crewed yachts. Probably due to the fact that it is my belief that in order to achieve that it is very likely you would need to compromise some serious aspects of your integrity or soul. And in my over half a century on Earth I have come across only maybe one guy who potentially did not compromise himself and was very wealthy, but he had also started out with a lot of money from his father. Whether his son does as well, now that the man has passed, remains to be seen. I have not had such a situation in life so I can’t speak much to it, but I have observed enough wealthy people to know that it is rare for a son handed great wealth to remain a human being I think highly of from the perspective of how I measure people’s value.

My method of measurement may be a little “brutal” but it is absolutely correct in judging a man’s character and often also ability and other factors such as honesty, reliability, loyalty, and so on. One of the surest ways to know a man’s real heart is to put him in physical danger. the martial arts dojo I trained in for over a decade was perfect for this. people who acted like lords and masters of life, placed on that floor turned into scared, wet little men, and guys that were almost homeless could be literal lions without fear. The status one had in the so-called “civilised” world meant nothing on that dojo floor. And it was not all ability based. there were people who were technically very good that were weak internally, and guys that could barely adopt any of the classical stances that were nevertheless fighters in their heart. The mind a man has when facing physically and emotionally frightening things will very quickly tell you the condition of his weapon. I was no more than seven years old, maybe less, when a thing happened that made me freeze with fear. As it turned out it was nothing real, just an event my brain (and my brother’s too) interpreted as some kind of horror film about to play out with us as victims, when in reality it was a non-event. nevertheless, I resolved consciously back then to never react that way again. And in fairness, I never have. At other times in my life a few times things happened that were absolutely life-threatening or had the potential to be, and I never froze again. Even if I have been fearful, I never stopped acting and moving and doing, and without fail my tendency has always been to move towards the danger, to face it rather than to run away from it. I don’t think I can take credit for that though, as that is the case when others are involved too and it is a pretty baseline aspect of people whether you sort by self or sort by others. I tend to sort by others, certainly in extreme situations, and if anything, in life I had to try and force myself to sort by self a bit more. to the outside observer they are likely to assume I am much more of a selfish asshole than I actually am, but the conscious actions I take in “selfish asshole territory” are not faked; they are designed to reduce the numbers of “opportunistic parasites and general pains in the ass” types and keep them as far from me as possible.

Despite all the above, it should become relatively clear that my internal processes, despite being absolutely well-above average in terms of keeping people I don’t want near me at a distance, and allowing me a certain level of ability that has to date resulted in overall “success” as most people would define it, contains a high level of “conflict”.

In order to explain this better, let me explain a bit more: even if never achieving anything particularly spectacular, I would say that having achieved “good enough” status in a number of completely different fields qualifies in itself as a kind of pretty spectacular skill. And in a few fields I have certainly achieved a good level of world-class ability, even if not the usual “world-class” recognition that goes with that level of skill. Mostly due to the fact that those who get there are doing almost exclusively that one thing, while I am merely focusing on getting my own ability up there, not making a living off it or doing that to the exclusion of other things or even my main work.

The shifting from one skill or talent to another in such relatively rapid succession meant I generally always dealt with “resistance”. Any new endeavour has a high initial failure rate. Add to that the naysayers, the negative thinkers, the short-sighted and the resistance has never been confined merely to the practicalities involved, but rather to the false expectations of a weak world outside of my head too. The overall general frame of reference I have internally then, tends to be something along the lines of:

“Right, I am going to do this new things now, which should take X amount of time, except for the negative influences of A, B, C and D which will make it 2X and then the things I don’t know and mistakes I will make along the way that would maybe have not been all that relevant to X but mixed in with the various reactions from the outside world, will make it be at least 3X.”

By negative influences of other people, I mean really practical stuff, like to take one example:

I absolutely know my fiction writing is far better than the average “successful” writer in my genre. But I never took (nor take) the time to market myself, spread the word, network and do all the other things, including getting a proper agent and so on. I barely even ask people to leave me a review when they like my stuff. And I know my non-fiction writing is ALSO better than the vast majority of things written in any of the non-fiction fields I have so far covered. And yet, I am not a writer that makes a living from his writing. In a world where pure meritocracy is justly rewarded, I would be. But we live in a world where whoever makes the loudest noise generally wins At least until violence ensues, as America and nato are currently finding out with respect to Russia. I have always been rather secure in that aspect of life. Probably growing up with guns and doing martial arts from childhood had a lot to do with it, but also perhaps a genetic component. My paternal line of men seem to have always been people unafraid to get into armed conflicts as and when required.

Aside the practical reality of these negative influences there are also the “woo-woo” aspects which are, to my mind, actually more important than the physical ones. Consider that it has been neurologically proven that your brain will experience physical pain to a loved one as if it was happening to you. They literally can’t tell the brain scans apart. Does it not follow therefore, that if a loved one has zero faith in you, or worse, actively disbelieves your ability to achieve X, your own brain, unconsciously, will pick up on this and make it its “reality” just as it does with the physical pain experienced by the loved one instead of you?

Now, please don’t all become a bunch of whiny bitches blaming your failures on the people around you not being “supportive”. You’re probably a lazy, fat fucker that doesn’t get off his ass enough, but I mention this point, because it is a thing, and yet, it has also been demonstrated that whoever has a stronger belief system influences the other. So if you are a negative perspective see-er and a depression prone downer of a person that always feels unsatisfied, unhappy, miserable, bored and tired, guess what, you will tend to bring everyone around you down too. And since it is energetically harder to be upbeat and positive and happy, because it literally consumes more energy, on a long-enough timeline, the fearful, the depressed, the scared, the perennially negative-thinking types, will tend to drag down the overall perspective of everyone around them. Remember this when you next watch “the news” or read a newspaper. And note the general doom and gloom tone of pretty much every piece of information about the world you see around you. So let me continue with the example of my own brain as the test subject.

But in any case, aside the negative expectations of others and the reality of practical learning curves, the point is that I expect resistance. I expect strife. I expect struggle. And it invariably is there. What if I were to change my mind to expect an easy and simple natural ascension to heights of wealth and good results without the strife?

Doing so is not my natural inclination. I certainly am overall optimistic, but long experience has also taught me that if you can spot a problem from far enough away, you can generally at least avoid the worst of it, so I tend to be on the lookout for potential problems. What if I trained my brain to be on the lookout for potential “good waves” that would have me sail so far above the potential “rocks” (problems) I would normally see in the distance that they no longer are even a thing?

Well, it is not an easy or necessarily quick shift to make (but is it? Does it really need to take years? Or is it simply a choice?), but logic makes it clear it is a necessary one. And look at how quickly a child can go from total desperation to instant joy. If they can do it, why the hell would you not be able to? I have always believed this, and it is one of the sources of frustrations I have had over the years in my relationships. Women tend to want to focus on the negative in life. I have no idea why, but they love to wallow in misery. Just look at the absolute tripe, shitty films, and nonsense they almost universally claim is the very “essence” of love. I shit you not, my ex-sister in law, in all her best and truest good intention, gave me a DVD to watch as the “truest” embodiment of love (I had just had the latest somewhat painful break-up with some girl). It was the film PS I love you.

There is not a man on Earth that would watch that shit and think, oh yeah, this is all about true love. Quite the opposite really. But from the female perspective of wanting to be the centre of the universe while wallowing in her own misery and yet still being loved for herself, yet never changing from the miserable downer she is… oh well. It’s fantastic apparently. While for most men, probably dying in a fire is preferable.

My point (yes, yes, I write long sentences and take diversions along the way to better illustrate the overall point. Pay attention and don’t get lost, you feeble-minded half-wit who can’t deal with extended sentences!) is that:

  • You do have the capacity to switch emotional state quickly.
  • You do have the capacity to control your own thoughts.
  • You do have the capacity to repeat a behaviour until it becomes a habit.
  • The brain is plastic and remains so the more you use it and shift it throughout your life.

Given all of the above, you must, logically, have the capacity to shift even life-long patterns of thought and behaviour quickly and permanently. And there is probably an optimal way to do it, which I would guess has to do with everything from better nutrition, to learning the basics of logic, clear language, mathematics, as well as (mostly) internal factors such as your unconscious beliefs about yourself, reality, God, the possibility of X or Y being true and so on.

What the limits of any of our abilities is, is nowhere near as clear or even known as everyone around you would have you believe.

In short then, Your mind is your weapon, and its current state, is very poor. If we were to make an analogy, your World War II Mauser pistol, with selector switch that allows single shot, three round burst or fully automatic fire, has been lying in mud for 50 years and you have no ammo for it.

Even if you clean it and recondition it to perfection, you still have no ammo for it and are unsure of even how to load it or operate it. In short, you may as well be a caveman trying to figure out what it is and how to use it. At best, you may use it as a bludgeoning weapon, and those of us who are are already ahead of the curve even if technically speaking we are still very much on the very start of the retard slope of it on the extreme left of that curve.

Your Enemy’s Use of Your Weapon

Let’s start with a premise. Assume for a minute that your internal mental state determines your quality of life. This remains true regardless of your belief concerning whether your internal state can materially affect reality by such things as manifesting the things, people or conditions you want. At its most basic level, even if you are poor, ugly and alone, but are internally relatively happy and content, it sure beats being poor, ugly, alone and also internally miserable, depressed and hopeless.

So, even at its most basic level, this point remains true. It is also generally a logical fact that if your internal state is generally good, you will tend to have more energy available for everything from thinking to doing physical work. And having more energy available has, throughout human history, in any way that energy can ever be measured, generally correlated positively with a “better” or at least “easier” quality of life. And though those terms are subjective and may in fact be net negatives in an objective view, the fact remains that with more energy you can do more.

So, as long as you do more of the right things, it make sense that even if the only benefit you got from having a better internal state is limited to these things I discuss in the above two paragraphs, you’d still be better off putting into practice whatever would improve your internal state.

Add to it that there is at least the possibility that your internal state also may have a measurable effect on reality around you and therefore, on the principle of the butterfly effect, possibly radically affect the outcomes in your life on a long enough trajectory, (it is in fact empirically proven, but most people are simply not aware of the repeatable studies done and the neurological results achieved, nor are most people willing to wade through such things in detail to prove it for themselves) and you’d have to be a complete moron to not take the time and effort to sanitise your brain and how it thinks.

Right about now, you may be beginning to realise most of humanity is composed of morons. And that you are one of them too. Welcome to Professor Cipolla’s perspective of the human condition.

Given all of the above then, what is constantly being reinforced throughout this planet, to everyone on it, by every means possible. And if you are not in a coma, have you noticed what has absolutely ramped up dramatically in the last four years? Pay attention.

You are indoctrinated by a school system that instead of limiting itself to teaching you how to read, write, do mathematics, use language correctly and specifically, teach you how to observe and measure and test the world around you, spends most of its time to tell you implicitly and explicitly that your value is directly proportional to your ability to perform well at certain functions. This is not really wrong in certain respects. If you can’t do the basic things education is supposed to teach you at least decently, life is likely going to be more difficult for you. However, while it is true that your ability to do math will affect your ability to be a successful accountant, it says nothing about your ultimate value as a human being. One of the most honest people I ever met was intellectually incapable of grasping the concept of square metres, but I have yet to encounter a human being that was as scrupulously honest as that man. If human beings were correctly evaluated on their character as well as their ability (and of course that opens up a whole other debate on what and how you determine “correctly evaluated”) most people who work in finance would be relegated to cleaning out latrines by hand, as their minimum penance for their sins.

But let me try to stick to the point. The enemies that absolutely do NOT want you do be able to determine and use your own mind properly, very much would need you to have an internal state that is the exact opposite of the one you would pursue if you were a rational, logical, intelligent human being. So, aside the fact that we’re all morons and so not pursuing what we should, the enemy makes sure that instead of:

  • Joy
  • Serenity
  • Peace
  • Calm
  • Appreciation
  • Grace
  • Beauty
  • Gratitude
  • Love
  • Courage
  • Awe
  • Curiosity
  • Exploration
  • Focus
  • Concentration
  • Discipline
  • Laughter
  • Intimacy
  • Closeness
  • Tenderness
  • Empathy
  • Sensing Nature
  • Being in Nature
  • Learning about nature and its cycles
  • Learning about animals and their cycles and natures
  • Taking time to think and rest
  • Taking time to teach and care

You spend almost the entirety of your day with/on:

  • Concerns about money
  • Concerns about success
  • Concerns about stuff
  • Time at work for others to do things to earn enough money to survive
  • Just doing as you’re told
  • Not rocking the boat even if the boat is full of shit and sucking your soul dry
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Fear at every level:
    • Terrorism
    • Pandemics
    • Economic crashes
    • Not being loved
    • No one caring about you
    • Never being able to get out of the “hole” you’re in (whatever it is)
  • Never having time to yourself
  • Never having time in nature just for the sake of it
  • Not knowing anything about nature, its cycles or animals and theirs
  • Polluting and worrying about the pollution from fake things like “climate change” to very real things like chemtrails
  • Never taking risks
  • Never get curious about any of the things that divert from the prescribed path you should follow to “make it” in society
  • Worrying about what other people think about you
  • Not feeling appreciated, loved, or cared for
  • Not having “time” to appreciate, love, or care for anyone else
  • Seeing all the problems you still have to face
  • Not seeing any beauty anywhere
  • Stunning yourself in front of the TV with various “shows” and “Entertainment” that reinforces stereotypes you are told 24/7 you must conform to or else you are a bad person. Everything from:
    • LGBT nonsense that is clearly a deviation from nature
    • Absurd lies like men being able to be women and vice-versa
    • Nonsensical things like “gender”:
      • a) being a thing relating to humans instead of language (the correct word for differentiating between the only two sexes, male and female is sex; not gender.)
      • b) being a “social construct” when the right words for defining a “social construct” are actually made-up bullshit.
      • c) being “fluid” or “non-binary” or purple for that matter. I mean… it’s made-up shit, so you can Calvinball it as much as you like, but it doesn’t make it any more real.
    • Feminism being a good thing
    • Masculinity being “toxic”
    • Women and girls being just as physically capable and strong as any man or boy.
    • Girlbosses being all awesome
    • There being a real wage pay gap
    • Women being more empathetic and nurturing than men (they are less so. Yup. Look it up. And see the statistics on who abuses and even kills children more and what the general outcomes for children of single parent families are like)
    • Meritocracy being evil
    • Communism and commonality of outcome regardless of input being good
    • Jews always being smart and the good guys or the victims, never the underhand, nepotistic, stateless parasites that use usury and other financial tools, as well as a general influence with the mass media and entertainment industries which they disproportionately are present in, to degrade and destroy the host nation, financially, morally, ethically and especially degrading and perverting Christianity in particular; and having done so since before the time of Jesus, which is recorded even by ancient Roman emperors and statesmen of the time. Which may have something to do with the usual eventual pogrom and “persecutions” that seem to afflict only them and no one else, for no reason whatsoever at all. Any suggestion the reasons might in fact be the one described above, and there being plenty of evidence for it in each occurrence of them being “cast out”, can only be motivated by totally baseless antisemitism; for no reason at all.
    • The need to ignore observable reality with respect to the behaviour of various people from various cultures, religions and ethnicities and their incompatibility with each other and the inevitable problems that arise when such different people are forced to live in proximity to one another.
    • Every race on the planet being able to be the victim of racism except for white people, who are the only perpetrators of racism on the planet.
    • In general, white, heterosexual males being if not actively “evil” unfairly advantaged by some “privilege”. Why this should be other than the success such white heterosexual men have achieved in human history, with respect to everything from military conquest to scientific achievements, through their own efforts, is never explained.
    • Avoiding noticing observable reality at every level. Stating that the average Caucasian IQ is higher than the average Negroid IQ is taboo. And apparently so would be pointing out that the average Japanese IQ is higher than the average Caucasoid IQ. We are not supposed to notice there is a preponderance of blacks that are faster runners than whites and harder to knock out by being hit in the head in boxing, nor that on average the median Australian aborigine is not going to do anywhere near as well on a maths test as the average Chinese. We are all supposed to be absolutely equal and if we are not we are all supposed to artificially reduce ourselves to the lowest common denominator, because apparently, if we are all as “efficient” as the most crippled, mentally handicapped, gay post-operation, transgender “lesbian”, that thinks math is racist, the human race will flourish.
  • The suggestion you should do anything outside in the real world instead of rot your brain with he “entertainment” just listed directly above, instantly makes you a right-wing radical, potential domestic terrorist and obvious racist that hates homosexuals and wants to burn them at the stake independent from the fact that homosexuals are at least eleven TIMES more likely to indulge in the sexual abuse of children (and that on the REPORTED cases, which are always a fraction of the total cases).

Now, if you got through all that without running yourself a warm bath with some nice razor blades and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the tub with you, you may also have noted that I barely skimmed the surface of what is attempted to be pumped into your brain on a daily basis.

But wait! That’s not all! They are also:

  • Poisoning you with everything from genetic serums while trying to call them “vaccines” to injecting the same genetic altering stuff in your food.
  • Literally also the vaccines actually poison you.
  • Make you sick in many and varied ways then sell you the cure, which often just makes you sicker or even if it works doesn’t address the cause, only the symptoms.
  • Creating nano-technology and deploying it that literally makes you prone to being controlled at a distance by technologies that go back at least to the early 1990s and absolutely exist and have been tested and proven to work.
  • Using AI to note patterns of behaviour and reaction to emotions as well as individuate you specifically, so as to be able to automate general responses they can get from you at every level, intellectual, emotional, logical. Which allows them to control from the individual to masses of people autonomously, to produce any effect they wish, from mass hysteria to potentially mass hallucinations (for “supernatural” events), to you specifically possibly going so far as committing suicide.
  • Creating a totalitarian surveillance reality where you can no longer be anonymous or even participate in basic things like movement, travel and food shopping unless you follow the imposed regulations which are becoming stricter, more limiting and more expensive on a daily basis.
  • Constantly ensuring the legal system punishes anyone trying to resist this reality they are imposing on you, while ignoring or even rewarding those who add to the chaos, indiscipline, crime, and general degeneracy we are increasingly surrounded by.
  • At every level and in every turn, denigrate, deny, ridicule and try o actively suppress any belief in God, your own mind’s ability to overcome all of the above and so on.
    • If you actually pay attention you will note that not all religions are treated equal:
      • Islam is fine.
      • Judaism is fine.
      • Generic Protestant “Churchianity” is fine. Especially if they fly LGBT-Pedo flags.
      • Buddhism, especially if generic chanting variety is fine or at least not commented on.
      • Hinduism is fine.
      • Atheism is not just fine but almost glorified.
      • Agnosticism is fine and goes uncommented, mostly.
      • Zen meditation, esoteric Yoga and so on is fine.
      • Wicca and Paganism (both essentially LARPS) is fine.
      • Even Satanism is seen as eccentric but not really a “threat”.
      • Catholicism (Novus Ordo variety, so post Vatican II Satanists in disguise but still weighed down by the cultural weight of actual Catholicism) is seen as suspect and not really fine, but, yeah, ok, as long as they are “Catholics” that support abortion and gay marriage, it’s “tolerable”. And the original latin mass (even if it’s not really original because Vatican II changed it) should absolutely be abandoned.
      • Actual Catholics (Sedevacantists) that still perform the original Latin Mass and absolutely do NOT recognise any of the Novus Ordo Clergy as even Catholic, never mind valid… Well! These are obviously dangerous would-be terrorists that need to be infiltrated immediately by every intelligence agency available, and their priests and bishops preferably made examples of, along with their beliefs needing to be ridiculed, slandered and libelled.

I mean, it’s enough to make you curious about being a Sedevacantist Catholic, isn’t it?

So, assuming you are least resilient enough to have got this far without suck-starting a shotgun, what now?


So, we have discovered the following:

  1. Your Mind is your real only weapon in life.
  2. There is plenty of evidence and even empirical objective facts, to indicate that your mind can be used to literally improve your personal situation and quality of life in ways that are almost magical. While the overall reality remains objective, quite a lot of what you can achieve within it, may be at least in part, subject to your own subjective internal states and ways of being, acting and believing.
  3. You are a drooling retard (don’t worry, me too if it makes you feel better. Well, ok, maybe with a little less drool for me, but still, let’s not squabble) and you’re not maintaining it or looking after it at all and have barely any idea at all of how to use it and certainly no real idea or experience whatever of using it as intended.
  4. Your enemy (or THE Enemy if you prefer, with help from his minions) is running your brain for you. Pretty much 24/7. Which in turns affects and effectively controls your mind.

And now, probably, you’re at the point where you’re “thinking” (because you’re a drooling retard, remember? aAnd brainwashed by your enemy too):

“Yeah, yeah, cool, but can I just take a pill to fix all this? Because it sounds like you’re going to tell us to do some heavy lifting, or some work, or some difficult, tiring things… oh… Gawd… I’m already tired just imagining it, I don’t even know how I got this far… this is TL;DR. Someone better tell me if this guy starts selling vitamins. I may buy. What’s on Netflix?”

The Solution

If you are a retard, you will find the Solution to both be:

  1. A lot easier than you thought!
  2. Too hard to do.

And you know you’re a retard right? Remember how we figured it all out, we’re retards? Don’t go forgetting now, while I recount to you what the solution is.

All you need to do is:

  • Ignore the mass media and entertainment world as much as possible. they are not reality. They are lies told you to control your thoughts. And in almost every single case have zero informative or useful content for your actual day-to-day existence.
  • Take control of your own emotions and brute force make yourself think differently. Make the thoughts generate feelings and emotions. Actually make yourself feel happy. Make yourself feel calm (harder to do than happy!). It really does not take a lot of practice to realise you can actually make yourself feel however you wish. And while yes, there may be some things that invade your mind with worry, and it may be extremely difficult to make yourself feel a positive emotion when such things are before you, you may still ne able to do so while at least “partitioning” or temporarily “putting aside” those specific things.
  • Become conscious of the effects of your directed feelings that you make happen within yourself on your body.
  • Use your mind to consciously alter things in your body. I first learnt to do this through martial arts, but I can change my heartbeat, blood flow to a limb in my body, or production of adrenaline consciously. You can absolutely help unblock a stuck muscle, a point of tension and so on by simply imagining the area and willing it to relax. You should experiment with different approaches. Imagine more blood flowing there and carrying away lactic acid and other toxins. Imagine a flow of energy opening and relaxing the muscle there. Imagine your breath filling and cleansing that area and your exhalations removing tension by expelling out of the body. There are many ways you can explore this and my book on Systema covers principles of relaxation and mental attitude in general in a lot more detail in case you want to go deeper than can be expressed in a simple blog post (despite it’s length).
  • Begin to grasp the concept of how prayer works. I described this somewhat in the very short book BELIEVE! And in this video I did a few years ago, here. And then test it out in your own life.
  • With regard to whatever evil shit is going on in your life, practice the concept of rejecting it positively in your mind. This is NOT the ignoring of an issue, or the doing nothing about it. But rather the conscious, positive, thought, which you must translate to a feeling internally, that this thing, whatever it is, will not beat you, and even as you take actions to better the situation, you keep this feeling internally alive. You don’t need to worry about your positive thought being “realistic” either. I’ll give you a silly but relevant example. I got bitten by some flying little bugs we have here that unlike mosquitos and other things are almost invisible and have me reacting to it worse than a mosquito bite. one such bite was between the knuckles of my left hand and itchy as all hell. Well, I just focused for a moment on it and “imagined” all the “poison” or irritant, or whatever, being ejected from the little hole I had scratched over the bite and after about a minute of this it stopped itching. I was surprised but not convinced so I practiced doing this with other bites and not doing it with some. Unless I do the conscious exercise the bite continues to itch even a day or so later. When I do the exercise a little scab of yellowish fluid forms and the bite stops itching within a minute or so. I didn’t think such a thing could work, but I also learnt to not let my expectations limit my attempts at doing odd things. I do try not to “fly” off tall building and such, but when tested at this level, what’s the worst that can happen? I stay itchy. And at best, I figure out a way to apparently eject whatever the little bastards pollute me with.
  • Now… think of that applied to things like chemtrails, nanotech and EM waves. I am not saying you can become an immune superhuman to all that stuff… but… what does it cost you to try to imagine your body and natural systems rejecting and becoming impervious to those things? And even if it “only” activates the placebo effect, since the placebo effect has been proven to absolutely improve things… why wouldn’t you do it? Are you some kind of retard? Oh… yeah… wait…

So there you have it. I truly hope you can take the journey with me from the left side of the curve to the cowled mystic genius side of it on the right.

After all, if your mind is your ultimate weapon, how about you start using it? And while defence might be the first thing you begin to use it for, in time would it not make sense to use it in offence too? And wouldn’t the first way to do so be to teach others how to use this formidable, unstoppable, weapon we all are born with?

You’re welcome. And I plan to keep sharing what I learn more directly than I have until now. Feel free to share your stories here too.

Don Ricossa of the IMBC on Vigano

For those of you that don’t speak Italian, here is a summarised version that I perfectly share and agree with, as I hope was already evident from my previous post on it a short while ago.

Don Ricossa states that [items in bold and square brackets are my notes]:

  • Vigano in his response to the request he presents himself in Rome to answer for his supposed crime of schism, and therefore, ultimately heresy, stated he refuses to present himself in Rome since he does not recognise the legitimacy of the current occupier of the See of Rome and wants nothing to do with it, nor to remain in communion with it since he describes the current Bergoglian hierarchy as the final metastasis of the cancer that is Vatican II.
  • Don Ricossa started out by saying that although he does not usually like to discuss current events, since there is such a need of understanding the gospels at present, the present situation that everyone is talking about concerning Vigano is an excellent opportunity to possibly begin to heal the Church, if it is considered and acted upon fruitfully. He goes on to explain how and why as follows:
  • In the first place, while it is true that the current situation is terrible, it is important to note that this is merely an effect of the cause and not the cause itself. In short, while it is true that the cancer is bad, the problem started at the origin of the cancer and that is Vatican II. And this being the case, the focus should absolutely be on explaining and detailing the exact issues with Vatican II. This has already been done in various ways by various people [including by me —-in what I believe in the most exhaustive way I am aware of—- in Reclaiming The Catholic Church, where I list at least some of the heresies present in all 15 of the 16 documents that compose Vatican II that have direct heresy in them] and Father Ricossa mentions that one can bring to the attention of everyone (including Vigano) these arguments, and their already detailed and well presented points. Or one can expand on them or even start them anew and as thoroughly as one likes [As far as I am aware a complete listing of all the heresies of the Vatican II documents has not been done for there are so many, but I believe my version is the one that so far comes closest.]
  • Further, once you do this, it become obvious that the problem is not just the current impostor on the throne of Peter, but also all those from the very start of Vatican II who have continued to promulgate, promote and agree with Vatican II. [In short, here, Don Ricossa states simply the same thing I have been telling everyone from 2017 on, which is that every single fake Pope from Angelo Roncalli on, and all the Novus Orco clergy are invalid and as such heretics and non-Catholics. Nor is anything they teach related to Catholicism, but rather, its inversion.] Don Ricossa therefore clearly implied that this situation, that is, that Vigano has not yet explicitly stated this, needs to be corrected.
  • He goes on that, in order to be coherent, Vigano can only refuse the order to come to Rome, as well as refuse to recognise Bergoglio’s authority if he truly believes Bergoglio is not a legitimate Pope AND he can demonstrate too that this is the case (because Catholics follow the rules, not their feelings about what they think of particular cotta). And once again, this leads back to Vatican II and how it is indeed possible (and the case) that only fake “Popes” has been present in the Vatican since 28th October 1958. Otherwise, failing to obey a legitimate Pope is indeed schism and this can only eventually become heresy.
  • Don Ricossa goes on to say that therefore, it is absolutely necessary to explain, formally, and clarify:
    • Why the current occupier of the Vatican is not a valid Pope.
    • And also to clarify Vigano’s position on the matter, [that is of not formally and clearly declaring all the previous fake “Popes” and all previous and current fake “clergy” as the fakes they are] this removing for is the current doubt we have about what is Vigano’s real thoughts on the matter.]
    • He goes on to say that he has never had any communication with Vigano, so it is not a matter of the person of Vigano as such, but rather that while Vigano has expressed an opinion that Don Ricossa agrees with (i.e. that the Novus Ordo Church is a fake mess) Vigano needs to follow through, for the sake of clarity and the truth of it for all concerned, from Bergoglio and his retinue to you and I mere laymen.
  • He goes on to say that his suggestion (though he points out no one asked him) to Mr. Vigano, is to hold fast to his position, focusing on the validity (or rather, lack of validity) of Bergoglio’s election as a “Pope”. He also explains that nowadays a lot of people (unlike before when we were the only ones stating the seat of Peter was vacant) are claiming it is vacant with reference to Ratzinger having been the real Pope. And Don Ricossa here states he will not enter into the various theories and details that such “sedevacantists” hold, because it is not our problem/issue to do so, since the reality is that none of rhe Popes from Roncalli on have been legitimate. He specifies that NO ONE who has accepted the so-called cancer of Vatican II can ever be the legitimate authority of the Church, (since Vatican II is heresy and the Church, being infallible, obviously cannot promulgate heresy) and so while Bergoglio is not legitimate, neither was Ratzinger.
  • It would be therefore a massive error to allow yourself to be fooled into this error that “Ratzinger was the real Pope” which so many are now trying or thinking of following [Hi Ann, Andrea Tossato, and others].
  • Instead, Vigano should hold to his position that regardless of whether you consider the election of any specific “Pope” to have been valid or not, it becomes clear that the incumbent has NOT accepted the election validly because it is clear from his actions, that are habitual, repetitive and obvious, that he has not
  • In summary, Vigano must clarify his position, because while it appears that Vigano is rejecting the current usurper of the Roman See, at other times one is left perplexed he says, because in the same document where he rejects Bergoglio, he also says he aligns himself with Msgr. LeFebrve, original position, but Msgr. LeFebrve at the time communicated with all the clergy while telling them they should rebel against the (according to Lefebrve) legitimate Pope [which is why the SSPX position is nonsense, as I and many before me, including Father Chekada before his passing made abundantly clear]. But Vigano says he rejects the authority of Bergoglio, so he cannot claim he aligns with LeFebrve’s position. If he rejects Bergoglio, and thus all of Vatican II he should say and detail how and why, and the same if he does not. And while the man also refers to a book by Lefebrve that defends the validity of the Pope he disobeys, one can only ask: what is then, the real opinion of Mr. Vigano? [Personally I have already expressed that Vigano is not anyone to follow or put any trust in, as per Canon Law. No heretic shall have ecclesiastical authority over anyone even if his repentance were 100% genuine, and Vigano is far from fulfilling the idea his repentance is in fact genuine as far as I am concerned].
  • He reiterates once more that Vigano should be clear as to if he does reject Bergoglio as legitimate or not, and he should say so in direct, simple terms, as well as why he does if he does. So as to be perfectly and unambiguously clear.
  • As a third and final point, once clarity has been made, and if Vigano in fact refutes Vatican II and all its authors and not just the current impostor in the Vatican, but all those before him [back to Pious XII who was the last legitimate Pope] since, as already explained the Church cannot schism from itself and therefore anyone who does so from it cannot be part of the Church, then what to do? And here he uses the example of Montini who while pretending to talk about the “ongoing destruction of the Church” he was the very one destroying it by the most assiduous enactment of the 14 Vatican II documents replete with heresies he himself produced, along with the 2 produced by his predecessor Roncalli, leat Vigano be another one of these impostors speaking from both sides of their mouth, or, as the errors of those at the time of Montini who kept silent, waiting for Montini to die and hoping a successor would come along to put right all the things Montini had destroyed. And instead he says this was an illusion, aince the successors of Montini only continued with the destruction of the Church. [I must interject a note here that while I respect Do Ricossa and the other members of the IMBC, I cannot, in good conscience be as charitable to those timid and cowardly bishops, cardinals and priests who kept silent at the time of Montini. Logically they had no excuse for their silence, as neither did Vigano for over 50 years. It is only cowardice and self-serving reasons that kept their mouth shut, or, at best, a criminal level of ignorance inexcusable from any member of the clergy, that in secular terms is equivalent to the charge of criminal negligence. Nor, am I wrong, nor can I be criticised on this matter given that St. Luis stated it very clearly that a heretic making a heretical comment in Church should not be argued with, but rather run through with a sword. If a Saint of the Church made that point, mine surely must be valid too. Furthermore, while in no way being disrespectful to the valid clergy of the Church which remain and of which Don Ricossa is undoubtedly a member, it is the absolute duty of any Catholic to call out heresy wherever it is present, and the level and extent of dereliction of duty in this regard, of the clergy at the time is one I will never permit to happen again, as best I can, as ling as I live.]
  • Vigano, therefore, inasmuch as he is supposedly a “bishop” (and Don Ricossa specifically states he is not now going to get into the details concerning the validity of Vigano’s legitimacy as such, because the point is that Vigano has a huge “weight” within the “Church” and as such he has the opportunity (unlike the e average layman or even priest) to gather around him as many people as he can with his same perspective, and thus, in essence, create a much more widespread acknowledgements of the situation, while being very clear about the errors of Vatican II and therefore NOT recognising the authority of ANY of those who promulgated them, and if he did so this, there could be many improvements and who knows, perhaps also a beginning of the solution to the current situation.
  • He closes stating of course all this needs the help and grace of God and his own suggestions are provided in utmost humility.

Personally I find Don Ricossa to be too charitable and too humble, and while I absolutely understand why and respect his way and his position and his methodology, in good conscience, I can only maintain my position, which is that while all this CAN —and indeed I too very much hope does— improve things, and results in many more proper Catholics returning to the fold in good standing (that is, that of 1958 Sedevacantists) I will always hold the canonical position that once a heretic, even if the repentance is true, a heretic clergyman should spend the rest of his days in perpetual penance with authority over precisely no one.

Nor do I in any way begrudge Don Ricossa or any other valid clergy from holding positions like his. But even a porter was not a priest and yet he controlled the entry to the Church.

And at various times in history it was nobility, duty bound, that helped restore the legitimate Papacy to its throne, and not infrequently by direct and even violent action.

Well, as a Catholic, and even if only a minor noble (the lowest of the ranks: Patrician) it remains my family name’s duty to take as unpleasant and as direct and even offensive a stance as I deem necessary to protect the sanctity of the Church. So, even if Vigano were to truly repent, and even restore the Church, I will never formally recognise him as having any legitimate authority in the Catholic Church. And the same goes for every Novus Orcian “clergy”.

A Review of my Observations on Privacy from 2008

The previous post linked to something I wrote in 2008, but had been aware of from at least 1992 or so.

Here it is, and below I am going to review its predictions against the current state of things, point by point.


A lot of things have changed in the last 16 years. I went from being a single, once divorced, childless, generally Zen Agnostic hedonist type with strong views on justice and laissez-faire liberalism to a thrice married, father of five children and a hardcore Sedevacantist Catholic with strong views on justice and strong views on the consequences of laissez-faire liberalism.

It can be said that 16 years ago, despite my obvious general cynicism and misanthropy I was still, like all of us before the covid scam/mass murder events of current WWIII a wide-eyed, rose tinted glasses optimist about humans and their nature in general.

1. People will become a lot more tolerant towards each other

This I was waaaay off on. And you can tell that even at my most secularist cynical I was in fact a wide eyed optimist about humans and their ability to do logic instead of their monkey-like tendencies to just fling their own faeces at random based on their emotions and that behaviour exponentially increasing the more their real nature is exposed to the world.

2. Certain behaviours will have to be de-regulated

This I was rather correct on, but more in the sense that all sorts of perversions are now more and more normalised and the only real taboo now is to have any moral standards whatsoever.

I hadn’t specifically thought too much about the clown world tendency to want to pervert and degrade everything because i simply assumed that things like child rape would always be things everyone would agree should result in the sentence, and as a then secularist for the most part, didn’t consider deeply enough what things like sexual permissiveness amongst adults would eventually lead to, because even as degenerate as my own tastes may have been, I never imagined anyone would try to normalise bestiality say, or people in assless gimp suits or worse, being urinated on in public at “pride” events. Once again, my boundless optimism about humanity had me fooled.

3. Identity theft will become harder and more severly punishable

Generally I was correct except if the government is trying to do it to you, although in fairness this hardly needed mentioning, and the reality is that even then it IS more difficult to fool people into buying the lies like Obama being American or the Las Vegas shooting being all by that one lone gunman and so on. They will of course still make you subject to all the punishments, but no one is really fooled by the Biden body doubles and the fake news.

4. Identity theft will become more common and more lucrative

Also kind of generally correct.

5. The faceless corporation will begin to die

In a sense this is true although the faceless corporations are also morphing into faceless government branches of the bureaucracy, but individuals within them are getting easier to expose in general terms even then. See Fauci for example amd Bourla and Klaus Schwab and even the major puppeteers like the Rothschilds running the BIS and so on. It will be a while before small groups of people are more immune to the ravages of such monstrous and monolithic entities, but it is/will continue to happen. In isolated incidents for now but increasingly more likely. One larger example is the shedding of French colonial power from Africa and other colonies.

6. You will not be able to get away from anyone

This was essentially correct.

7. Who you are will become more and more evident to all from this moment forward.

Also true mostly, despite the amount of energy spent in trying to persuade the masses of variously more or less carefully crafted narratives concerning various individuals, anyone who cares enough and has a modicum of intelligence can generally get a good sense of who almost anyone is

So: In conclusion. Why wait?

Wether you like it or not, privacy is mostly dead and it’s not going to get better unless we are all thrown back to the stone age. So you need to adapt to this reality regardless of your feeling about it, which was the same as my original perspective 16 years ago.

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