And especially the younger ones, really should understand this from a young age. He puts it in a very nice and digestible way that MIGHT get some women to actually listen to the whole 10 minutes.
This one on the other hand, the conclusion regarding women apologising and why they should, is solid gold advice. And some women probably need it tattooed on their forehead so they see it every time they look in a mirror.
I do not know this guy and only came across the first video as a result of a comment on gab from TrevorGoodchild which was synthesised more along the way I tend to present this stuff when I do:
The point is that as a general rule, since a very early age, I learnt that presenting information in a synthesised, or boiled down form was (and is) an excellent filter for gauging the general intelligence of the person receiving it. And because stupid people absolutely surround me at all times in pretty much every setting, and as they are unbearably tiresome, boring and often also irritating, their getting “offended” and then leaving me mostly alone after a few encounters is a feature, not a bug.
I read somewhere, long ago, that warrior souls never lose their fire, but as they get older wiser they may tend to burn at a lower temperature. My personal experience is that there is no drop off in intensity overall, really, perhaps in fact an increase, but… the frequency of the smouldering and flare-ups changes. I ignore or only smoulder a little at the smaller stuff, but some of the things that matter to me, I am more ready to go to absolute war for than before. And not as a simple flare-up, but as a relentless, steel-melting, sustained, furnace level.
I mention this because, in the various discussions I have had and written about here concerning community, it is obvious that my natural/instinctive misanthropy is not the best way to build a solid group of people. As I mentioned before, I am not general material. I’m more special ops small team commander material. But given I don’t seem to have any generals around me, a certain level of “normal” human interactions is useful to try and if not master (I simply am not built in such a way I will ever want to do so) at least learn the basics of.
Intimate relationships have invariably been the thing I cared the most about and given my aspieness and IQ, also the things that have caused me both the best highs and the lowest lows.
Aside the fact that women will generally not take any good advice from pretty much anyone anyway, and if they do it will be from a random stranger before it’s their husband, brother, father or other man that actually cares about them, but will generally jump at the chance to take some “advice” from their female friend (or other women in general) that will tell them to get a nice haircut to be “hotter”, the fact remains that given how the female brain works (for the aspies out there… I use the term loosely!) regardless of how good the information you present to them might be, women are pretty much incapable of simply processing the dialectic facts.
Prove to them with scientific evidence done on humans for 100 years that has all been verified that eating X amount of dark chocolate a week is good for you in simple, cold, hard facts, shooting down all their objections from cosmopolitan magazine, Cadbury adverts, their idiot doctor, their gay friend Charlie, and all her fat friends with blue hair, and she will ignore it.
Let her best friend tell her in hushed and conspiratorial tones that she just tried this new “chocolate” that is made from “sterilised” dogshit, and she will wolf-down a bar of it just to prove she’s “with it”.
At the lower end of the female scale of intelligence, it is literally not too different from communicating with your pet dog. It matters little what you say, as long as it’s in soothing, calming tones, or happy excited ones.
Oh, yes, yes, I know, the feminists are climbing the walls on that one: “How dare he! Comparing women to dogs!” Well, no, I am not. For one, dogs are far more loyal than women (men too to be fair). And said feminists, throughout my life, have invariably completely lost their shit whenever I actually spoke to them precisely the way I would to a man. While very rarely has a man lost his shit with me for being brutally direct.
All this long introduction, simply to say that it probably pays to find a nicer, easier way to get your point across without needing to water it down, nor feel you’re being deceitful, since, after all, presenting the information in a way that it is received more easily, is simply a skill, like any other.
And as a bonus, since that ship has pretty much sailed for me at about age 16, and given that I don’t give a rat’s ass about being labelled whatever the gynocracy is going to label me, you could probably do worse than directing women you care about to these two videos, and feel free to tell them to “Look at what videos this chauvinist pig has on his blog! Ha, ha, so funny!” Well, ok, maybe don’t do that unless you’re a metrosexual male feminist, but you get what I mean. It will be quite interesting to see what they say (if anything) after viewing the total 15 minutes or so both videos come to.
Tags: the kurgan, women