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WWIII Update – Part II

Yestrady I gave you the update in general terms.

Today let me explain the part of WWIII that affect YOU personally. Yes, you. The guy or girl comfortably sitting somewhere reading this that is NOT being shot at by anyone or bombed, or droned.

Again, I simplify Simplicius’ post because most people don’t manage to read my posts, so I doubt too many are getting through all of his. The key point for YOU and me is this:

Most vexing is Putin’s national consensus, another cryptic koan to the West so habituated to their leaders’ gutter status as pariahs amongst a populace ruled only by ‘virtue’ of stolen elections, mass propaganda, and an iron fist. 

Even as Putin faces Western efforts to isolate him, he seems increasingly invincible at home. Putin’s most formidable challenger, Alexei Navalny, died in prison in February. Any sign of political dissent is quickly crushed. What is left of the Russian opposition is now largely in exile. And even embarrassing military setbacks, such as Ukraine’s recent incursion into Russia’s Kursk region, have not weakened Putin’s grip on power.

Flummoxed, the West finds itself between pillar and post: 

“There are no good choices here — it’s just degrees of bad going forward,” said Samuel Charap, a senior political scientist at Rand, adding that “accepting Russian conditions that are unacceptable” would be a mistake. Instead, he urged “a combination of deterrence and potential negotiations.”

The article finishes on the grand vision of combating Putin, which is in effect, creating a supranational new totalitarian deep state order to rule over the West permanently, in order to Trump-proof and, in general, future-proof the West’s anti-Russian hostility, so no truly democratic force can emend it later on:

Because Russia is a long-term threat, Hill said, the structures to address that threat must also be long-term or Putin will always claim the advantage. She urged a more consistent response, spanning administrations — creating “a kind of permanent secretariat” with allies to maintain a consistent Russia policy.

Trump, meanwhile, has stirred uncertainty. He has boasted that his rapport with Putin, Xi and Kim would allow him to swiftly sort the world out on American terms. But the deepening ties between Moscow, Beijing and other adversaries complicate the picture.

A “permanent secretariat” to maintain a “consistent” policy in perpetuity. I’ll translate the Newspeak: create a permanent central authority which no “sovereign” nation can question to make sure populist leaders can never revolt against the globalist totalitarian dictatorship and its quest to enslave the planet under one hegemonic rule. 

In light of the above article making mention of the ‘overpowering global reach’ of Russian ‘propaganda’, and the concomitant push for global dictatorship to fight against this, it’s now clearer than ever what the controllers intend to do when it comes to “disinformation” policy. 

Just today the UN signed the ‘Pact for the Future’, which includes the ‘Digital Compact’ of new vast censorship powers against all dissenting voices.

The only way over this is to basically absolutely dissent. Especially in person. With your family, friends, at the bar, with strangers at the bus stop.

But also online. Yes, some of you or me may get in trouble for such vicious “badthink” as saying out loud that the thieving, bought and paid for scum pretending to be government in your country should all be locked away in a sunless dungeon (best case) or summarily executed (after a fair trial of course) for absolute treason, and then replaced with actual humans that care about their native populations.

I mean, Sam Melia got 2 years for printing stickers saying “It’s Ok to be White” in the UK. But if there are 100,000 people doing that, it’s going to be difficult to jail every single one of them. Of course, the UK is sort of lost already, with tens of thousands of native young girls and boys having been raped and sexually abused by Muslim rape gangs across the country, you didn’t even have 100 fathers responding in a contextually appropriate way; because the police were threatening to arrest the parents for “racism” for any complaints they tried to lodge.

So that’s what you do I guess. Muslim rape gang does your child, you go to the police they say “Don’t be racist, or else we’ll jail YOU!” and well… I suppose the only left to do is to hang your head in shame (at your racism, one supposes) and go back home. Nothing left to do I suppose.

And if that is the case, well… whatever people and nations have been reduced to “responding” that way… well, it doesn’t matter if their DNA literally disappears from the face of the Earth, because you can essentially say they are already extinct.

They managed to get you to inject death in your own veins. Worse, maybe in your children too. You know it. You may not want to admit it, because otherwise you might lose your shit, but you know it deep down.

They managed to isolate everyone.

They are censoring everyone and spying on everyone.

Just going to lie down and not get organised in real life and change things, are you?

If so… so long. I have nothing left to tell you or in common with you.

If not, start DOING. And it doesn’t need to be anything more drastic than running for local office or local academia, or local police station. Whatever. There are plenty more of us than them. Change things. And start by telling them to fuck right off with their lies and censorship.

Understand this: World War III is a giant psyops. Has been since 1939 at least.

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