This post by Vox on AI and its “uses” sparked in me, for the millionth time, what I call my Arnaud Amalric* state of mind. Not in that I think it’s fine to wipe out innocents, but rather that a LOT of people that are given a “pass” as potentially “ignorant” and/or “innocent” are in fact, absolutely knowing deceiver and Satanic pushers of destruction, and should be treated as such.
The ONLY purpose of AI is to further infantilise, mechanise, enstupidate, entrap, retard, brainwash, and push false narratives as the ONLY narratives in existence in EVERY sphere of human existence. As I blogged about in more detail here.
That’s it. That is its entire purpose and raison d’être. Any marginally useful aspect of it that might result is a side-effect. Salad dressing to the poisonous salad.
And even supposed absolute “bigots” like Vox (i.e. discerning individuals that actually understand these things and note the truth of them) are, in my view, ever too gracious, charitable and kind to absolutely demonic scum that needs to be, at minimum, incarcerated, placed in proper mental institutions where a certain level of care for them is yes provided, but mostly to protect civilised and healthy human beings from their criminal insanity, or, tried in a properly just court of law and, given the levels of their crimes, hung by the neck until dead.
The “oh well, maybe…” approach to everything from the usual WEF political puppets and their masters, the supposed “right-wing populists” that inevitably sell out their own nations to the globohomos, the genocidal Jews in charge of and executing the mass-murder of innocent civilians and children, the filthy child-predators, frauds, and satanists pretending to be “catholic” clergy, the people behind ALL the covid vaccines, mandates, rules, etc. right down to that elementary school teacher trying to tell the children in their class that all religions and all cultures are equal and meritorious of the same “respect”, the feminists, gays, and pedophiles pushing the LGBT agenda, especially on children, and on, and on, and on, needs to absolutely stop.
People simply need to grow a spine and call out any and all demonic-infested and inspired people, policies and rules for what they are.
And to be clear, people like Vox are absolutely not hesitant to do that, the man can’t be accused of being shy with his condemnations, but from the Kurgan perspective, if we were standing next to each other, watching a field of pedophiles being burnt at the stake, I would be toasting the event alongside him, clinking glasses of refined Champagne or Prosecco which he has certainly got better taste than me on, but I would also be the guy politely saying something like: “Theo… I notice we still have plenty of wood off in that corner of the field and we have so many journalists, politicians and well, you know, I hesitate to say, but occasionally, also rude waiters…”
My point is simply that even the best of us, to me, seem far too forgiving or charitable of people who REALLY don’t deserve it. And I’m not really talking about the rude waiters.
These “people” absolutely, consciously, intentionally, and schemingly, use your own sense of justice, fair-play, charity, mercy and forgiveness against you. Do not let them. Ever.
Being far too “charitable” (meaning weak and cowardly for most people, in truth) is how we got to the homoglobo Hellscape where we are today.
Curb your charity; and put a better edge on that sword, man. Do you not see and hear the sounds of war all around us?
“Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.” is a phrase reportedly spoken by the commander of the Albigensian Crusade, prior to the massacre at Béziers on 22 July 1209. A direct translation of the Medieval Latin phrase is “Kill them. The Lord knows those that are his own“. Papal legate and Cistercian abbot Arnaud Amalric was the military commander of the Crusade in its initial phase and leader of this first major military action of the Crusade, the assault on Béziers, and was reported by Caesarius of Heisterbach to have uttered the order.
Less formal English translations have given rise to variants such as “Kill them all; let God sort them out.“
i totally agree, guys like Vox are far too lenient.
you cant just go along to get along with what we know is evil being perpetuated.
Like in england, every cop, judge, lawyer, politician, media anchor/ceo, priest etc that goes along to get along with the paki rape gangs to supposedly avoid being called a racist or maybe even jailed for being acused racist, they should all be repeatably raped themselves if not killed. after a Just trial or just vigilante. I dont have children unfortunately but i cant see myself surviving my daughters being raped by pakistani rape gangs. I would literally die killing as many of them as a guy could. i mean go absolutely berserker, the worse the better , then at least i could plead insanity assuming i survived killing hundreds of them.
Places like canada where generational raping of politicians children probly happened with JT , current crime minister of canada, they should be barred from ever entering politics cuz he predictably turned out to be worse than his so called father wether that be Pee-air or Fiddel.