Why Milo the Freemason is Attacking Ron DeSantis alongside the entire Mainstream Media

If you have read my previous blog post and in any way been aware of my several posts on Milo, you may have noticed a pattern that is almost impossible to avoid seeing once you are aware of three simple facts:

1. Freemasons are serving Satan. The higher echelons do so with full awareness, some naive ignorant initiates may not do so knowingly at first, but ultimately they all do so. Milo is not naive or ignorant and he IS a Freemason.

2. Freemasons (and The Jewish media controllers, entertainer executives and bankers) ALWAYS play both sides of the coin. Always. This is literally their only ploy. Control the left and control the right. Control feminism and control the “men’s” rights groups. Control all the arguments and counter arguments then whoever “wins” in the mind of the sheeple is irrelevant because you control the puppets that control the sheeple.

3. Read Padraig Martin’s analysis of what DeSantis did and how and my overview of what that means (it’s all in the post before this one).

Just knowing those three things is enough to notice that Milo has over the last couple of days suddenly come out of a moratorium of activity and gone full on vicious homosexual cattiness on Ron DeSantis. And of all things, he’s accusing Ron of being what Milo himself was and is: a gay bottom. I’m not making this up, and the endless stream of screencaptures at the end of this post prove it beyond doubt.

Milo’s handlers also took note of my pointing out he has been haemorrhaging followers for over a year and boosted his telegram numbers by almost a thousand in a couple of days.

In other words, his handlers have now noted what Milo himself has known for a year: my exposé of him is starting to gain traction, despite the fact I have a small audience and am not anything close to a global influencer of any kind (nor do I care to be, I simply like sharing my ideas).

But that’s all sidenotes. The main thing is:

Milo has been tasked with damaging Ron’s possible path to the White House.

Including (as you will see if you go through the entire screecap screed below) something he has never done before: bringing up Ron’s supposed “bending the knee” to the Jews at the wailing wall. It’s something he has never done before because, of course, Milo is a Jew himself, and like some Jews did throughout the ages, pretends to be Catholic, all while doing everything in his power to destroy actual Catholicism.

Now… why do YOU think that is?

I couldn’t care less about American politics. I don’t live in the USA and never would live there even if they offered me citizenship tomorrow.

But if Milo the Freemason is trying to take down the ONLY politician that has effectively neutered the Jews within his state; Jews that tried to keep the status quo of fake narrative flowing and Ron kicked their ass, well… I dunno about you, but I would vote for him. And if need be go stand at his rallies to make sure he’s safe too.

I don’t like politicians as a class, but I can respect the few who do seem to put duty before personal goals. So far, DeSantis seems to be doing just that.

Tell Milo that he is a Freemason on his Telegram chat or link to one of my posts about him and watch him go banhammer crazy, like he does about literally nothing else.

But he’s clearly not out of the woods with his handlers yet either, since literally EVERYTHING he accuses DeSantis of, except his height, he’s guilty of himself:

• Being a gay bottom (Milo has admitted to being a bottom when he was not yet pretending to be “straight”)

• By extension of the above, “being someone’s bitch.” Which is PRECISELY what Milo is with his Freemasonic handlers and purse-string holders.

• Being or kowtowing to “the Jews” (Milo banned so-called “anti-semitism” on his chat shortly before he closed the chat entirely for months. Antisemitism is, of course, noticing certain facts about the Jews, like their over representation in things like media ownership, entertainment and banking)

• Getting fatter in middle age. Well, just look at him. I mean, aside from the possible bulimic, or more likely enema-based purges, Milo is putting the weight on like a depressed, gay, middle-aged man who comfort eats because he can no longer attract the same attention from other homosexuals that he used to.

• Accusing DeSantis of having pedophiles on his side. Milo literally, by his own admission on the Joe Rogan podcast was present at celebrity parties where under-age boys were being molested and he has yet to name who the homosexual predators were.

But it’s all just coincidence I’m sure, not a pattern at all. Not a fear of the only effective spiritual fighters on the planet, right?

Not a fear that Sedevacantism is increasing and proving right again, and again, and again.

No, no, surely not. Which is why Milo’s screed against DeSantis is all so fact based and not emotional and “gay man having a projection tantrum” at all.

Uh-huh. Sure. See for yourself.

2 Responses to “Why Milo the Freemason is Attacking Ron DeSantis alongside the entire Mainstream Media”

  1. jerome logicus says:

    Milo demonstrates there he thinks like a woman where everything is about height. I’m only 5’10.5 so he would say the same about me. And he’s saying short people aren’t people? So is Milo gay or a female to male tranny? He thinks so much like a woman. I wasn’t aware gays hated short people or that there was a minimal height standard to join their perversion. If anything this type of attack will boost DeSantis among straight men, especially unmarried men. (It can’t hurt his poll numbers with gay men neither for them to think he’s secretly one of them.) Women may be turned against him by such retarded rhetoric though, and that is clearly Milo’s goal. But the projection of calling him a pedo is too obvious when DeSantis is fighting Disney which is the pedo empire. The height thing is the only thing that could work, but they tried the same type of stupidity against Trump by claiming he had small hands. So this rhetoric can only convince unmarried women, and they were gonna vote Demonrat anyway.

  2. jerome logicus says:

    And in terms of the eventual primary, DeSantis is likely to win due to covid. Trump could be 9 feet tall but he allowed Fauci to close the hole country down, and he pushed the vaxxes. Even the most staunch “I aint gonna let DeSantis take Trump’s place” boomer will likely change their mind during the primary debates when DeSantis hammers that Fauci is all Trump’s fault. After all Trump could have fired that rat when he first got in office. Trump stunk at getting rid of the rats and putting in new people. Trump’s “very smart people” proved to be retards. Surely DeSantis knows a few people smarter than them. After all, we all do. My dad already says “DeSantis will be the next Republican President.” And this is why.

    There is nobody else that can even run in the primary realistically. Cruz is tainted by that vote (and I hope DeSantis remembers this and hammers it if Cruz runs in the primaries) where 100%, literally every senator, while America was reeling from the 2020 election fraud, voted in unison to import more H1B illegals from India to take computer programming jobs. So much for “learn to code” when all those jobs are taken by coof jabbed Punjabis. Cruz is shown by this to be against America.

    As to DeSantis kissing the wailing wall, most Evangelicals love Israel more than their right hand and would get the mark of the beast in their right hand if Israel told them to, so its good optics there and doesn’t hurt him. Catholics know he’s Catholic, Prots love that he kissed the wall; anti-covidians love what he did against coof histeria. Anti-SJWs who care primarily about entertainment love that he stood up to Disney which ruined Star Wars. He has more accomplishments than Trump in 4 years, and he’s just a state governor. And unlike Trump he doesn’t seem to believe its possible to get tired of winning.

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