Why I think the “Elite” plan to all hide in New Zealand is nonsense
Vox day on his blog posted a link to this statement that was published on anonymous conservative’s blog and now is archived by yours truly here.
In summary the statement says that the author had a meet with one of the elites that informed him that The Plan ™ was to have everyone turn against their governments so they would wipe them out, and then basically have everyone go full Mad Max for a while before they swoop in and take over as the new “benign” one world government after everyone has suffered enough in the burnt landscape of early gamma world.
You really need to read the thing at the link before I explain why I think it is, in order of likelihood:
1. Complete bullshit
2. The beginning of a ploy by the guilty to try and get people to go “oh no… so you’re a victim too! Ok then, we won’t string you up from the nearest lamppost!”
3. Actually the plan of the “elite” but, as usual, has the coherence and likelihood of success of the plans of a retard. At least as far as concerns me and anyone with an IQ above room temperature (in the coming ice age).
So… go away and read the post at the link above, then return here and let me count the ways and the reasons why I think this is nonsense. Starting from least relevant to most relevant, here are my points:
The superficial reasons
1. The mysterious billionaire who shares his wisdom with a lucky but also skilful “normal man” is indeed a trope of all pulp stories of this kind. At first glance this would seem to be precisely one of these fantastic tales. However, having worked for billionaires and millionaires myself, as well as some actual wealthy criminals too, and having had presidents, confirmed CIA agents, and various other interesting characters at out family dinner table, I can tell you that actually, this is a trope because, like clichés, it has a basis in truth. It does and can happen.
Even if the “elite” think of themselves as above and beyond the unwashed masses, the reality is that often their education and IQ is no more than the +2SD of most successful people. And the incidence of +3 and +4 SD (145 to 160 IQ) is no more prevalent among them than it is among the readers of this blog. And when it is, they often have their inevitable autistic traits run far wilder than they do in people without access to unlimited resources. Think Howard Hughes level of craziness.
In other words, despite their billions and unique life experiences, their wetware still functions like the rest of us. And when they are in the company of a competent “peasant class” they can and do speak quite freely.
So, counter-intuitively to most people that even notice the trope/cliché, I would place the likelihood of it being possible at at least 50%. In other words, it’s a coin toss and has no bearing on the probability of the story being true or false.
2. Some of the baseline premises are way off even if based on verifiable events.
For example, I have shown previously how the vaxx had to have been manufactured at least several years prior to covid 19, and that has in any case been confirmed not just mathematically, as I did, but with some actual documentation since, so, it is true that the plan has been in place for a while.
However… it is not true that the vaxx uptake has been “fantastic”. It has, unfortunately, been very high in the first world. But I assure you, it is not at all successful in the very hotspots of human reproduction that you’d think globalists would be most concerned by. There is a post in the works on this that I need to spend some time on to show the figures on, it’s been half done for well over a month. I’ll get to it eventually, but the point is that the people who will mostly die out as a result of the vaxx are white caucasians in the first world, that is Europe, the Americas, and Eurasia, with Australia and new Zealand thrown in in a very big way too. So the “elite” would have wiped out the most the very people able to keep indoor plumbing and electric lights on, and left alive an overwhelming majority of third worlders, who are not exactly known for their temperate behaviours when things get ugly.
3. So… the media, governments and public figures who promoted the vaxx will be hunted in the street eh? Ok, fine. And do they think the Soros and Bill Gates of the world will just be quietly ignored? Seriously, there are a majority of people on the planet by now that are aware of these supposed “elite” and their involvement in the whole plandemic. Oh but they have private armies! Yeah… tell me… how did the US government, supposedly the most powerful military on Earth (well, aside from the Russians, but we’ll keep that just between you and me), do against third worlders armed with improvised explosive devices and a bunch of AK-47s? Oh, that was a one off in Afghanistan eh? Right. Well, ok, a two-fer with Vietnam and those punji stick armed guys in pijamas. Well, ok, three times lucky with that embassy where the guys in it had upset Hillary. I mean America always won everything because of its vastly superior technology and military might. Ok, except for that standstill in Korea. Or against that superpower, Cuba, but otherwise… yeah. You get the idea. If civilisation actually collapses, the melonheads are not going to fare too well, bunkers or not.
The more serious reasons
Allright. Let’s take it all at face value, and let’s say it pretty much works out as the “elite” want and every country on Earth falls into anarchy and the hanging of all governments from lampposts really happens.
—side note— If that actually happened it would be perfectly fine with me, by the way, as far as I can tell, pretty much all politicians and their corrupt courts deserve it, and if we can get all the intelligence services thrown in for free that would be a triple whammy win from where I’m sitting. —end of side note—
How long do you think the anarchy would last?
Months? Years? Decades?
It wouldn’t last long at all. And it would be geography based and factions would arise almost instantly. In fact, by the time a mob is organised enough to string up politicians, you can be sure someone is already directing that mob. Ok, sure, let’s say almost all such mobs are in reality directed by mind-altering technology (yes it exists, and yes it’s been tested, and yes it does work) just to get rid of the governments but then the switch is thrown back down. The rabid mob returns from its microwave induced murderous trance into shocked and shameful compliance. Still… how long before local warlords of one sort or another rise up?
Days. At the local level. Weeks or months or if you’re lucky a year or two tops at the regional level. And if they are any good they will form armed militias as their top priority. Sure, some, most in fact, will fail, but why and how is multifaceted and a lot of them will fail simply because they will be organically absorbed by whatever the most brutal enforcers in the area are.
So you’re one of the “elite” with your private army and your bunker and your crowd-control technology safely embedded in your private fleet of jets, helicopters and armoured vehicles. Great. Maybe you and your five other “elite” buddies can take over New Zealand. And have at it, no one likes the Aussies and the Kiwis anyway. Keep them.
But now you’re going to try to coalesce the remainder of the planet’s survivors. Which, let me remind you, have survived the Vaxx mandates, their own police state, in fact they hung all the previous tyrannical governors from lampposts, then they survived food scarcity, weather-controlled droughts and floods, they survived your crowd-control mass psychosis technology, actual old style pestilence, and their fellow mad max survivors. And possibly the sudden pole shift that might take place along with earthquakes and tsunamis and maybe even an asteroid impact or two (small ones).
But now, now that they have survived all that, they will hand over their sawn off shotguns, pet dogs and 4×4 trucks with welded on armour to you, the immaculately dressed and well-fed from organic New Zealand sheep “elite”. And they will do it for a basic universal income, bio-tagging, maggot and cricket pies, video games and the handing over of their first-borns to your sex orgies.
Right. Methinks you have miscalculated yet again, melon heads.
You’ll be dealing with multiple city-state sized problems (I predicted the return of city states and zealous religion over a decade ago) of men armed to the teeth (regardless of what gun control nonsense you manage to push for in the next few years before the collapse) who have shown a Darwinian ability to overcome you can only imagine in the most over the top pedowood production. And they will be scattered all around the globe, and your high tech advantage is not going to help you as much as you think. Especially the longer this all takes as things break down, your loyal servants begin to fail too, turn on you, go native, or simply die and their expertise is lost and with it the degeneration of your high tech (which is invariably fragile) begins a fast slide to the bottom. And at the bottom Bob the builder is waiting for you. With a brick. And Bob has survived the riots, the vaxx, the hunger, the pestilence, the death of his children and wife, and now Bob has you in front of him. It’s you, Bob and his brick. Good luck, melon-head.
Oh, and there is no replacing your loyal servants anymore. You killed off the vast majority of the race that had the best chance of retaining the high tech. Any of those guys left in the wild now probably have a harem and lots of .50 calibre machine guns mounted on the back of all the pickups their lieutenants drive around.
So, good luck subjugating all those enclaves.
Eventually those enclaves will coalesce to some degree or other and proper city states and maybe even small nations will form in due course, if enough people are left to form them. And maybe, if you mind your own business and stay quietly in New Zealand in your bunker, rationing out the sheep meat for both food and your sexual proclivities, you might live out your natural life span without meeting Bob.
Maybe, you’ll even retain a considerable technological advantage against the proto-nations forming around the globe, and eventually be able to infiltrate and subjugate them to fall, once again, under your economic control. But not all will submit, and if any with a brain are left, at the first mention of usury or fiat money you will be thrown in the pit where the mutants fight to the death in order to eat each other and as entertainment for the citizens of the Thunderdome.
Lastly… while there IS an affinity between billionaire pedophiles, and no one can deny that, I guarantee that the backstabbing, contempt, one-upmanship, and murderous intent these “people” have towards each other is second to none. So, yeah… none of their plans will go quite as smoothly as they may have thought.
And one really last point.
I know from personal experience that it is exceedingly rare that these so-called “elite” ever really experience the pure joy of life that many in the plebeian classes of “eaters” they so despise experience even now, on a regular basis, despite the dystopian shitfest we are currently inhabiting. These people by and large never have been hungry, cold or uncomfortable other than by their own choice and in a perfectly controlled setting. If they did experience “hardship”, it was in conditions of essentially studio-controlled Trueman-show like quality, where their discomfort could end as soon as they wanted.
It’s the difference between being on the set of naked an afraid, where when you had enough of the preset challenge you can tap out and you are immediately whisked away in a helicopter with all the latest technology, and being lost in the jungle with only a knife, thousands of miles from any civilisation and literally no one knowing you even exist.
These people don’t cope well with uncontrolled and uncontrollable and unforeseen conditions.
So, even if it really all is exactly as that anonymous elite supposedly told the anonymous anon in that text, well, I’ll be fine, and so will most people like me.
And those of a more “natural” nature who actually lose loved ones? Yeahhh… I’m just not seeing them taking your basic income and cricket meals-on-wheels very seriously an option when compared to skinning you alive and rolling you in salt before setting you on fire.
Why I think the “Elite” plan to all hide in New Zealand is nonsense
Vox day on his blog posted a link to this statement that was published on anonymous conservative’s blog and now is archived by yours truly here.
In summary the statement says that the author had a meet with one of the elites that informed him that The Plan ™ was to have everyone turn against their governments so they would wipe them out, and then basically have everyone go full Mad Max for a while before they swoop in and take over as the new “benign” one world government after everyone has suffered enough in the burnt landscape of early gamma world.
You really need to read the thing at the link before I explain why I think it is, in order of likelihood:
1. Complete bullshit
2. The beginning of a ploy by the guilty to try and get people to go “oh no… so you’re a victim too! Ok then, we won’t string you up from the nearest lamppost!”
3. Actually the plan of the “elite” but, as usual, has the coherence and likelihood of success of the plans of a retard. At least as far as concerns me and anyone with an IQ above room temperature (in the coming ice age).
So… go away and read the post at the link above, then return here and let me count the ways and the reasons why I think this is nonsense. Starting from least relevant to most relevant, here are my points:
The superficial reasons
1. The mysterious billionaire who shares his wisdom with a lucky but also skilful “normal man” is indeed a trope of all pulp stories of this kind. At first glance this would seem to be precisely one of these fantastic tales. However, having worked for billionaires and millionaires myself, as well as some actual wealthy criminals too, and having had presidents, confirmed CIA agents, and various other interesting characters at out family dinner table, I can tell you that actually, this is a trope because, like clichés, it has a basis in truth. It does and can happen.
Even if the “elite” think of themselves as above and beyond the unwashed masses, the reality is that often their education and IQ is no more than the +2SD of most successful people. And the incidence of +3 and +4 SD (145 to 160 IQ) is no more prevalent among them than it is among the readers of this blog. And when it is, they often have their inevitable autistic traits run far wilder than they do in people without access to unlimited resources. Think Howard Hughes level of craziness.
In other words, despite their billions and unique life experiences, their wetware still functions like the rest of us. And when they are in the company of a competent “peasant class” they can and do speak quite freely.
So, counter-intuitively to most people that even notice the trope/cliché, I would place the likelihood of it being possible at at least 50%. In other words, it’s a coin toss and has no bearing on the probability of the story being true or false.
2. Some of the baseline premises are way off even if based on verifiable events.
For example, I have shown previously how the vaxx had to have been manufactured at least several years prior to covid 19, and that has in any case been confirmed not just mathematically, as I did, but with some actual documentation since, so, it is true that the plan has been in place for a while.
However… it is not true that the vaxx uptake has been “fantastic”. It has, unfortunately, been very high in the first world. But I assure you, it is not at all successful in the very hotspots of human reproduction that you’d think globalists would be most concerned by. There is a post in the works on this that I need to spend some time on to show the figures on, it’s been half done for well over a month. I’ll get to it eventually, but the point is that the people who will mostly die out as a result of the vaxx are white caucasians in the first world, that is Europe, the Americas, and Eurasia, with Australia and new Zealand thrown in in a very big way too. So the “elite” would have wiped out the most the very people able to keep indoor plumbing and electric lights on, and left alive an overwhelming majority of third worlders, who are not exactly known for their temperate behaviours when things get ugly.
3. So… the media, governments and public figures who promoted the vaxx will be hunted in the street eh? Ok, fine. And do they think the Soros and Bill Gates of the world will just be quietly ignored? Seriously, there are a majority of people on the planet by now that are aware of these supposed “elite” and their involvement in the whole plandemic. Oh but they have private armies! Yeah… tell me… how did the US government, supposedly the most powerful military on Earth (well, aside from the Russians, but we’ll keep that just between you and me), do against third worlders armed with improvised explosive devices and a bunch of AK-47s? Oh, that was a one off in Afghanistan eh? Right. Well, ok, a two-fer with Vietnam and those punji stick armed guys in pijamas. Well, ok, three times lucky with that embassy where the guys in it had upset Hillary. I mean America always won everything because of its vastly superior technology and military might. Ok, except for that standstill in Korea. Or against that superpower, Cuba, but otherwise… yeah. You get the idea. If civilisation actually collapses, the melonheads are not going to fare too well, bunkers or not.
The more serious reasons
Allright. Let’s take it all at face value, and let’s say it pretty much works out as the “elite” want and every country on Earth falls into anarchy and the hanging of all governments from lampposts really happens.
—side note— If that actually happened it would be perfectly fine with me, by the way, as far as I can tell, pretty much all politicians and their corrupt courts deserve it, and if we can get all the intelligence services thrown in for free that would be a triple whammy win from where I’m sitting. —end of side note—
How long do you think the anarchy would last?
Months? Years? Decades?
It wouldn’t last long at all. And it would be geography based and factions would arise almost instantly. In fact, by the time a mob is organised enough to string up politicians, you can be sure someone is already directing that mob. Ok, sure, let’s say almost all such mobs are in reality directed by mind-altering technology (yes it exists, and yes it’s been tested, and yes it does work) just to get rid of the governments but then the switch is thrown back down. The rabid mob returns from its microwave induced murderous trance into shocked and shameful compliance. Still… how long before local warlords of one sort or another rise up?
Days. At the local level. Weeks or months or if you’re lucky a year or two tops at the regional level. And if they are any good they will form armed militias as their top priority. Sure, some, most in fact, will fail, but why and how is multifaceted and a lot of them will fail simply because they will be organically absorbed by whatever the most brutal enforcers in the area are.
So you’re one of the “elite” with your private army and your bunker and your crowd-control technology safely embedded in your private fleet of jets, helicopters and armoured vehicles. Great. Maybe you and your five other “elite” buddies can take over New Zealand. And have at it, no one likes the Aussies and the Kiwis anyway. Keep them.
But now you’re going to try to coalesce the remainder of the planet’s survivors. Which, let me remind you, have survived the Vaxx mandates, their own police state, in fact they hung all the previous tyrannical governors from lampposts, then they survived food scarcity, weather-controlled droughts and floods, they survived your crowd-control mass psychosis technology, actual old style pestilence, and their fellow mad max survivors. And possibly the sudden pole shift that might take place along with earthquakes and tsunamis and maybe even an asteroid impact or two (small ones).
But now, now that they have survived all that, they will hand over their sawn off shotguns, pet dogs and 4×4 trucks with welded on armour to you, the immaculately dressed and well-fed from organic New Zealand sheep “elite”. And they will do it for a basic universal income, bio-tagging, maggot and cricket pies, video games and the handing over of their first-borns to your sex orgies.
Right. Methinks you have miscalculated yet again, melon heads.
You’ll be dealing with multiple city-state sized problems (I predicted the return of city states and zealous religion over a decade ago) of men armed to the teeth (regardless of what gun control nonsense you manage to push for in the next few years before the collapse) who have shown a Darwinian ability to overcome you can only imagine in the most over the top pedowood production. And they will be scattered all around the globe, and your high tech advantage is not going to help you as much as you think. Especially the longer this all takes as things break down, your loyal servants begin to fail too, turn on you, go native, or simply die and their expertise is lost and with it the degeneration of your high tech (which is invariably fragile) begins a fast slide to the bottom. And at the bottom Bob the builder is waiting for you. With a brick. And Bob has survived the riots, the vaxx, the hunger, the pestilence, the death of his children and wife, and now Bob has you in front of him. It’s you, Bob and his brick. Good luck, melon-head.
Oh, and there is no replacing your loyal servants anymore. You killed off the vast majority of the race that had the best chance of retaining the high tech. Any of those guys left in the wild now probably have a harem and lots of .50 calibre machine guns mounted on the back of all the pickups their lieutenants drive around.
So, good luck subjugating all those enclaves.
Eventually those enclaves will coalesce to some degree or other and proper city states and maybe even small nations will form in due course, if enough people are left to form them. And maybe, if you mind your own business and stay quietly in New Zealand in your bunker, rationing out the sheep meat for both food and your sexual proclivities, you might live out your natural life span without meeting Bob.
Maybe, you’ll even retain a considerable technological advantage against the proto-nations forming around the globe, and eventually be able to infiltrate and subjugate them to fall, once again, under your economic control. But not all will submit, and if any with a brain are left, at the first mention of usury or fiat money you will be thrown in the pit where the mutants fight to the death in order to eat each other and as entertainment for the citizens of the Thunderdome.
Lastly… while there IS an affinity between billionaire pedophiles, and no one can deny that, I guarantee that the backstabbing, contempt, one-upmanship, and murderous intent these “people” have towards each other is second to none. So, yeah… none of their plans will go quite as smoothly as they may have thought.
And one really last point.
I know from personal experience that it is exceedingly rare that these so-called “elite” ever really experience the pure joy of life that many in the plebeian classes of “eaters” they so despise experience even now, on a regular basis, despite the dystopian shitfest we are currently inhabiting. These people by and large never have been hungry, cold or uncomfortable other than by their own choice and in a perfectly controlled setting. If they did experience “hardship”, it was in conditions of essentially studio-controlled Trueman-show like quality, where their discomfort could end as soon as they wanted.
It’s the difference between being on the set of naked an afraid, where when you had enough of the preset challenge you can tap out and you are immediately whisked away in a helicopter with all the latest technology, and being lost in the jungle with only a knife, thousands of miles from any civilisation and literally no one knowing you even exist.
These people don’t cope well with uncontrolled and uncontrollable and unforeseen conditions.
So, even if it really all is exactly as that anonymous elite supposedly told the anonymous anon in that text, well, I’ll be fine, and so will most people like me.
And those of a more “natural” nature who actually lose loved ones? Yeahhh… I’m just not seeing them taking your basic income and cricket meals-on-wheels very seriously an option when compared to skinning you alive and rolling you in salt before setting you on fire.
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