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What the War on YOU is and will look like – Make 2024 count

Those of you who read my book RTCC, and paid attention, will remember a point that was made with reference to the Carbonari (just another name for the Satanic Freemasons) and how when two of their members were executed in Italy for treason two things were made clear:

Firstly, the people commenting on their presumed colleagues death by execution were basically mocking them, as in “oh look at those fools falling for it and/or getting themselves so invested they actually got caught! Ha ha!”

Which goes to the general level of “cameradierships” and loyalty you can expect among memebrs of the various secret societies of Satanists by whatever name, but far more importantly was the second point, which was that the condemned men carried themselves with head held high to the end. Which steeled the masses into thinking they were heroic. The plotters then made a few dozen pretty girls throw flowers the next day over their graves, this cementing the idea into the populace that these traitorous scum were in fact heroic men to be emulated and who the citizenry pined after.

But the interesting point is that the Carbonari discussing this were of one mind with regard to making sure their enemies would NEVER get a heroic end. They discuss how when they are in charge and executing their enemies (you and me to them) they must ensure the figures executed are pathetic, broken creatures. They even discuss using drugs to ensure no final rebellious defiance can be enacted on the gallows.

Think on that point and then realise that this was over 200 years ago. They have progressed today to the point that they now have pre-pathethicesed you. You are, in many ways, already that stunned beast.

You are already neutered. Already drugged. Already pathetic and incapable, incompetent, ineffective and frankly, pretty much, as they call you: a useless eater.

You see that way, they don’t even need to fight you, or execute you. You do it to yourself.

You’re not a threat. You’re a stunned beast in an abattoir.

Most of the people most affected by this are young men and most will not have the attention span to read through this post. Or even just reading it to here. And some of these people are “raising” children.

Millennials are the special unicorn couch potatoes mould-ing both to the shape of their couch as well as in the production of fungus on their vacant brains. The apathy due to their being so special is fuelled by binge-watching Netflix shows with homosexuality in every series.

Don’t take my word for it. Look at this archived piece from twitter. It explains it really well, but the issue is the military comment at the bottom:

->”Because my primary client works in the defense, I spent a lot of time looking at the cost benefit analysis of military campaigns. There was one program in particular that terrified my client the most. A simple 3 stage maneuver that could topple a country’s government from within.

First stage, is isolation. disable their communication and transportation. Make the target as deaf, dumb, and paralyzed as possible, setting them up for the 2nd stage. Synchronized chaos. Terrorize them with covert attacks and misinformation overwhelming their defense capabilities, leaving their weapon systems vulnerable to extremists in their own military.

Without a clear enemy or motive, people would start turning on each other. If done successfully, the 3rd stage would happen on its own.

So what’s the 3rd stage? A coup de tat, a civil war, collapse. This program was considered the most cost effective way to destabilize a country, because if the target nation was dysfunctional enough, it would in essence do the work for you. Whoever started this wants us to finish it.”

>>>This program was considered the most cost effective way to destabilize a country, because if the target nation was dysfunctional enough, it would in essence do the work for you.

The advice at the end of it is of course pivotal:

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

– Former CIA Director William Casey

If you want to truly destroy and destabilize a nation, you go after the youth and pollute their minds with propaganda that glorifies vapid materialism, sexual degeneracy, wokism, LGBTQ, and every other means of corrupting morals and degenerating their minds into slush that are easily controlled and subjugated even once they become adults.

So if you’re a parent reading this and you want to save your kid and the future of humanity from this monster of inverted degeneration, you need to start policing what they do with their devices and what content they’re consuming because it is having a profound and immeasurable impact on them and the future of America and the rest of the world.

The problem is that even if you do that, if you are not replacing that vacuum with something meaningful, you will still fail. Bailing out water is not enough. you have to teach them to build a brand new ship out of the sinking wreckage of the one you are bailing water out of before you run out of time.

How to do that? Again, I have written about the basics on this blog several times. You can begin with the four part series here.

But the long and the short of it is that you’re running out of time. Get some land. Grow your own food. Own weapons. Figure out how to be as disconnected from modern life as possible. They WILL come after money itself soon so you need to figure out how to live with no money too.

Is it extreme? Sure. Is the collapse happening today? No. Will it happen? Yes. When exactly? No one can be sure. My best guess is by end 2025 but it could be in a few months or in five years. Potentially I could be “wrong” again and it might be in ten years, but I can’t see it dragging on that long.

But here is the thing: even if your children grow up without TV, learning to farm and hunt and build things, and fixing engines and building small hydropower plants and solar panel energy grids and so on, and then the world turns out to magically be invaded by unicorns farting rainbows, they will not have lost out on ANYTHING. In fact they will STILL be ahead of the kids that ate unicorn fart ice-creams.

This is not theory. This is fact. I know, because I lived such a life. I grew up in Africa with no TV or radio at all between the ages of 4 and 7. Then did a bit of school in Italy with my grandparents out in the sticks. We had TV but watched only two programs, a cartoon and the silent funnies with Stanlio e Olio (Stan and Ollie).

The rest of the time we were running around in the countryside with our cousins or friends.

Then it was back to Africa and we had no electricity or potable water or hot water without making a fire under an outside drum to heat it for the taps in the house. My brother and I spent our days out in the bush with our pellet guns, hunting small game, exploring and somehow not getting killed by poisonous snakes, mauled by a warthog or whatever. We learn a bit about car engines and a lot about shooting and hunting and life and death and what really matters in life and what doesn’t. Even when we did move and had electricity and TV and so on, we spent most of our time either outside with friends or playing pen and paper RPGs.

At the time, I certainly thought I was worse off. I assumed the kids in Europe and America were able to study astronomy degrees and became astronauts or at least work in the aerospace industry or something cool.

Then I came to Europe to go to school for the years just before University.

And I realised I was surrounded by functional retards. These people had no idea how to change a car tire, never mind figure out what the bottom line of any business, life situation, or relationship was. Then I entered the business world late in my 30s because I moved to London and needed money, and in the next 17 years I never had a problem finding work because I invariably produced the people who hired me more money than they expected me to, or of any targets they set for me. But I didn’t want to actually be enmeshed in that world. I could have started a firm and got richer and hired people… and it would have swallowed my mind and soul. I worked for other people and made enough to live as I wanted and do and see and be with who I wanted. And people assumed I was “frivolous” or didn’t want responsibility, or something. But that wasn’t it.

I was raised in the boomer cults of equality and diversity and feminism and it took a while to detox from all the nonsense. After all, short of doing what I wanted, what purpose was there to anything? And then when I started to realise what the purpose was and what lies I had been fed, I had made a bad decision about who to have a child with. And while I thank God every day for my child, the crap that followed that went on for a long time. And through all of it I felt like an alien, on a planet of brain-drained automatons.

It’s like no one understood what the fuck matters and what doesn’t. People walking around like goddamned zombies supposedly all up in arms about a mental illness called gender dysphoria and trying to normalise it as if it was sane. And it was everything and everyone. Judges, courts, laws, even fucking engineers, were buying into absurd stuff, whether it was gay “marriage” or how one should not be “racist” which apparently was to be done by passing laws based on skin colour. Essentially meritocracy was and has been a crime, literally, for years. And most people just go along with it and think that’s just normal or how life “is”, or that it’s natural.

And it really, really, really isn’t.

In Italy a few days ago, a jeweller who had (I think) three armed robbers enter his place of work and threaten the life of his wife and daughter, took out his own gun and shot and killed two of them and wounded the third one I think. I haven’t followed the story closely at all (because it would just irritate me more) but I heard this was NOT the first time he was robbed either AND that apparently he chased the criminals after the shooting started and then gunned them down “execution style”.

Even if that were the case, the poor bastard got 17 years jail sentence. And 500k of damages to be paid to the families of the “victims”, that is the armed criminals that threatened the life of his wife and daughter.

Does that sound sane to you?

Or does that sound like making sure that you can never even begin to fight back without being humiliated and stepped on?

Ask me if I give a flying fuck whether he did chase them down and executed them. Even after they surrendered and begged on their knees for their life (I don’t know they did, I’m making a hypothetical).

Most people would sit there and go “oh well, that is a bit much and he should be punished but not 17 years…”


How much crime do you think there would be if that man got a pat on the back and a small increase in his pension fund for removing dangerous elements from society?

How much crime do you think the current situation promotes instead?

Anyone that thinks what happened to the family man that got 17 years is “kinda ok” clearly has NOT got the ability to do basic logic. And I mean basic. As in 5+5=10.

And the Covid scamdemic proved that’s now the overwhelming majority of the targeted Caucasians. They are “functional” retards. And by “functional” I mean “going along with the program of self-extermination designed for them”.

So THAT is the war on you. And the answer is in you re-learning and re-building civilisation from scratch. So learn skills and team up with like-minded people. Help them build and let them help you build.

Earlier today I helped a new friend buy a small home near us. And yes, it is like that Field of dreams film from long ago. But it’s not about baseball. It’s about civilisation. A functioning one that has walls and keeps the illusion-casting bastards that have poisoned the planet out.

I don’t care if you “agree” or not with Sedevacantism (aka actual Catholicism aka the ONLY actual Christianity) or think I am some weird zealot. A sede community WILL happen here. And it will in time become a force to be reckoned with that need not ever even use force to become independent. Funnily enough there are analogous movements that happened 32 years ago in South Africa in Orania. At the time I though “what a bunch of retarded racists, fuck them, let them build their crappy, bigoted, incest-haven, and then build a wall around it and make sure they stay there”.

It wasn’t just the boomer toxicity I was raised in that made me think that. It’s that I genuinely thought (and still do) that the average Afrikaaner is basically a bit of a retard in general. Unimaginative, weirdly calvinistic, and fakely puritanical hypocrites. I just basically don’t like them. It’s true that when you find a good one they also are awesome, but they are rare. Anyway, the point is that 20-30 years later Orania is a thriving, crime-free community in the centre of one of the most crime-ridden countries on the planet.

And no, I haven’t much changed my mind about Afrikaaners, their retarded language, and stupid, Protestant, hypocritical scam “church” of NGK, and their adherence to the Satanic KJV “Bible”, and everything else. But you know what? If I ever return to South Africa, I’d like to go visit it. And I’ll respect whatever rules they have, and I will apologise every time I am addressed in Afrikaans for not speaking their retarded language, and ask them to please be patient with my English-only speaking ass.

It’s NOT my place, and it’s certainly NOT for me. Just like my sedevacantist Catholic community in 20 or 30 years will NOT be the place for them. So don’t become part of it if it’s not for you, but DO if it is. Because eventually, those “little” communities will become oasis of civilisation and may need to be defended as the LAST places of civilisation. Because trust me, after 25 years in Africa, the Tswana, the Zulu, the Xhosa, nor the Muslims, are sure as fuck not going to be the ones building anti-gravity machines and electrified cities that run clean and in harmony with nature.

But don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the Wakandians to start their own place and go right ahead and prove me wrong. And if in my 80s the Zulu tech-Kangs have got spaceship and I am allowed to visit their Moon bases, I will quietly sit at the back of the sky-bus, clearly labeled for Honkeys and dogs, and be polite and respectful.

But until then, when you eventually come to visit my Catholic city state, you will follow our rules and like it, or GTFO. And you’ll be helped on your way if you’re too stupid to GTFO on your own motive power.

So… THAT is the war being run on you.

Are YOU building? Or are you floatsam merely existing? Who are you?

Cause you only have one of three apparent choices: Lead, follow, or just wait for the asteroid. I say apparent because in reality there are only one of two choices:

Either build your own community, or join one that suits you (if they will have you) and become fiercely loyal to it to the ABSOLUTE EXCLUSION of anyone that does not belong or fit in it.

If you’re not doing that, and not doing it with a long term view of your children and who they will marry and have children with, you, buddy, are a casualty already.

Build. Join. Work.

The home the man bought will be rented on a priority basis to other sedes. There are other apartments within the small village for sale too for under 50k or so. More sedes will come. And more will become sedes. And eventually we’ll get proper priests and such too. We Already have a proper Mass centre less than an hour away, but more will come. Why? Because history might not repeat, but it resonates, and Catholics have a loooooong history of rebuilding from the ashes. This next time, though, we’re not ever forgetting to protect our lands and our people and our religion. Not, one, tiny, little, bit.

Would-be infiltrators are not gonna have an easy time of it this time round.

So. What are YOU building?

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