I have unfortunately spent too much time today reading this series on dinosaur hoaxes at Agent 13 substack. To the point that I am beginning to question how much of the dinosaur theory is real. It is a long series of posts in 5 parts so will take you a while to read, but is definitely worth it, and pretty well-written too.
Let’s be clear that I am not a “the Earth is only 6,000 year old” weirdo, and absolutely, never have been, and never will be a Flat Earther, but the dinosaur thing I always knew was dodgy to some degree or other. It’s just that the degree of it has never been clear to me because primarily I wasn’t too concerned with looking into it. And I like the idea of dinosaurs. And I like the idea of them coming back and eating all the stupid people.
Agent 13 makes a good case and it is also clear he doesn’t disbelieve all fossils, since like amny of us, he has found some himself, but they tend to be little ones mostly of shells and such things.
The one on the left was a gift to me and the one on the right my wife found as a girl in her garden by randomly bashing a rock open with a hammer. So fossils do exist.
What I always questioned, even as a child, was a lot of the narrative around them, such as what they said they looked like exactly, what they ate, or what kind of vascular system they had. I have also been aware for a long time that no actual full skeleton or skull of a T-Rex has ever been found and I became aware of Marsh and Cope as a result of reading Michael Crichton’s book Dragon Teeth based on them and the fictional account of some of the characters around them in one of his earlier books, which I read only a couple of years ago.
I still hope T-Rexes really existed, along with all the other fantastic creatures, however, I am absolutely open to the idea that they were either vastly different than we have been told, or possibly, even almost entirely fabricated.
On the other hand, I am very open to the idea that giant humanoids at least 3 metres (10 feet) or so in height have existed at some point in the past.
You still get banned on sight here for suggesting the Earth is flat though. Especially if you base it on the absolutely ignorant rendering of the word “firmament” in the Freemason Bible ordered by the famously homosexual King James, with it’s 33,000 “errors” of translation, and 700 years of editing by literal Christ killing Pharisees before the German with a penchant for raping maids decided to alter it further before declaring it the one book that is the totality of Christianity on its own (but not before he ripped out books from it apparently).
And my views on the Moon landing have been made clear in both video and my SF series Overlords of Mars, which is wholly encapsulated in the tome Nazi Moon (paper copy), or digital version.
And yeah, I also am not a believer in any kind of Hollow Earth theory, though I do really like the idea of it as a fantasy/escapist concept.
So there you are. Let me know your thoughts.
Fell down this very same rabbit hole myself this week. Seems like you just can’t trust anything run by the government – I know, I know – you’re shocked!
The explanation for this psyop made a ton of sense to me: the governments of the world wanted to expand their size and power, hence the Darwin/evolution psyop was deployed to get the pesky Christian/conservative culture out of the way. Darwin wasn’t an overnight success, however, so the dinosaur psyop was needed to buttress evolution and further undermine Biblical narratives.
Surely the government wouldn’t make a fool out of everyone just for some more money and power, would they? Yeahhh, well, turns out I have some bad news for everyone!
It’s not even government. If you look at my post after the dino one, you will see that politicians and governments are several steps below the the levers of power.
Indeed. Government is just the institutionalization of Satanism.
1. Thou shalt not steal – taxation is theft.
2. Thou shalt not bear false witness – how would politicians campaign and pass policy if people knew the truth?
3. Leave your children wealth – government spending causes everyone to be born $1M in debt (that’s a pre Conjob-19 number btw)
4. Mt 18:1-6 “anyone who causes children to stumble, it would be better for them to have a stone tied around their neck and tossed into the sea [than face Jesus’s wrath] – see #3, also the pedo rings, social security, etc.
5. Thou shalt not kill – governments inciting mostly pointless wars over the centuries that get people killed, mostly to generate revenue for themselves and the MIC.
An institute of great evil, where morality gets totally inverted. “By their deeds shall ye know them.” Amen.
One small correction: The actual Bible, as opposed to the Freemason “Bible” known as the KJV says “Thou shalt not MURDER”. Some people clearly need killing, as the very example made by Jesus about pesos makes clear.
Good catch brother, thank you. Big difference between murder and self-defense.
I never went real deep into it, but considering these things was enough to write it off as fake or largely fake.
1.The bones in museums are admittedly fake.
2.A lot (possibly all, I don’t know) are reconstructions of bones/fossils found in different places.
3.The fossils were first discovered in the 1800’s.
Combine that with what I already knew about the powers that be rewriting history and the push of Darwinism, I say fake and gay. I realise that is not absolute proof, but I have learned that when I see the pattern there is not much point in delving much deeper. To my taste anyways, I take it you might right a 500 page novel demolishing it to shreds, who knows…
Slight side note, I have seen some of the fossils that are supposedly the proof for fish growing legs. It is a laughable stretch to call them legs, not at all convincing if you look at them skeptically. The museum is right next to my grandma’s cottage, and we share beachfront with their ”dig site”. We have found may fossils of fish and fauna, even some turtles, but no fish with legs though.
The lack of transitional species was something that Darwin himself had severe anxiety over towards the end of his life. The fossil record should be littered with countless examples of such species; would you dare to hazard a guess on how many have been found? That’s right! It’s zero.
So the government – through their spook partners in the museum industry (always supported by the friends of humanity the Rockefellers and Gateses, of course) has been forced into manufacturing evidence. The number of high profile fakes are significant. Why the need to fake them if they have so much confidence in evolution? To ask that question is to answer it.
The thing that really bothered me when I started paying attention was how many t-rex and other dinosaur bones have been found with soft tissue inside of them. Add to that the unreliability of radiometric carbon dating and the genetic evidence for a human population bottleneck a few thousand years ago and the Biblical narrative starts looking a lot more feasible. So my position is that scientists are generally full of shit and will lie, cheat, and steal to cover up any evidence that the world is actually interesting – especially of dragons, I mean “terrible lizards”, giants, and lost civilizations; when it is evident that humanity is squatting in the shattered remnant of a ruined earth.