This is why it is Pivotal you become a complete Zealot

This post on pol is what I have been telling people is the plan for you and yours for several years now. Like decades. Yes, even before the planned-dem(on)ic.

This is your future. Unless…

You see, it is not going to become Mad Max overnight. Why —-as my wife has understood about me—- if that was going to happen, me and a bunch of others similar to me, would be just fine. Plus, the “elite” of the world would be permanently removed, along with pedophiles and other undesirables, in very short order.

That is not their plan. Their plan is to grind you down with absurd rules, and taxes and regulations, and, of course, by poisoning your food supply, your water sources, forcing you to eat insects, and plastic “meat”, and plant “eggs”, and regulating how much space you can occupy, and preventing you from travelling, and preventing you from trading with anything like paper currency, and forcing you to retreat into the life of a perennial drug addict. If not with actual drugs, then with mindless “entertainment”. Depressing you psychologically, as well as biologically, and physically, by controlling your information intake as well as your nutritional intake, and forcing all sorts of poisons and imbalances into you under the guise of “saving the planet” or “keeping you safe” or whatever other lie based in fear you will swallow.

And if you’re someone with an IQ of 100 or more and belong to an ethnicity that has historically created the best circumstances for humans to live in, then you are target number one.

They are not worried about hordes of 85 IQ or less unwashed masses. They are easy to control, starve, or have them kill each other by the millions in horrific ways.

And do you think you will happily reproduce and make lots of babies when these are the prospects for your future? Probably not. Especially since, under ideal conditions, it means finding a member of the opposite sex to make the babies with and raise them together for the rest of your natural lives.

And since everyone is mindraped 24/7 with fear, porn, temptation, and, above all, utter despair, there is a shortage of such people.

And most of them have taken the genetic altering and often deadly serums.

So… what to do?

I’ll tell you what I’m doing and people near me are doing, and it’s working.

1. Realise that your reality is defined MOSTLY by YOUR actions, or inactions.

2. Your actions or inactions are defined almost entirely by your internal state.

3. Although you have been taught from birth that you can’t help your internal state (and women especially have been taught this more than anyone, because in their case it approaches almost a half-truth) this is a pernicious, insidious, and TOTAL lie. YOU can absolutely control your internal state. There are millions of examples of this that have become famous, like martyrs being tortured to death laughing and trolling their torturers. People in horrific conditions, choosing to feel peace. And so on. Easy? No, not since the brainwashing is constant and severe, but possible? Absolutely. Worth it? Certainly. So learn to do it.

4. Fear is poison, for your whole mind and body, but more importantly, what almost no one realises is that fear is a lie. It is false. “But… but!” I hear the objections by the millions… listen! Just shut up your brain and listen and consider what I am going to tell you here and now:

Fear is a lie. If instead of fear you learn to see properly, understand the situation, whatever it is, then, you will learn two things:

First: Fear doesn’t help you. Focussed decisive and knowledgeable action helps you. Fear only impairs your ability to act that way.

Second: Almost always, the perceived threat or thing feared is not as extreme or bad as you feared, and even when it is, or even when it is worse, the consequences and duration of it are nowhere near as final and catastrophic as you genuinely believe. There has actually been statistical analysis of this with thousands of people that suffered everything from bankruptcy to the death of loved ones. As bad as it sounds, the cliché is true; life goes on.

So: the most important thing you absolutely must do above all is to stop being scared.

That is absolutely the top priority.

Well, how do I do that given the crappy state of everything you just said?!

Is the obvious question everyone thinks of.

There are ways, and you will try to argue with me against all of them. Because it’s “easier” for your brain to do nothing and stay scared than to do something and change. Just like it’s easier to stay home watching TV instead of going to a martial arts class regularly where you risk some injury daily. Or going to swim to be fitter. Or going for hikes. Or learning a skill. Or reading a book. Or really doing anything worthwhile.

Nevertheless, here they are, from easiest for your lazy brain, to hardest, assuming you’re the average, secularised, victim. It’s not the whole story or the whole truth, that will become apparent later, but this absolutely works and there is no falsehood in it.

1. Just do it by sheer force of will. Say fuck you to their plans. Say fuck you to your own weakness. Say fuck you to your own fear. That will take you quite far. And if you make it a real habit for at least 90 days, solidly and with conviction, you will then have laid the neurological basis for a lifelong habit. Which is not to say you can then rest your willpower and you’ll automatically not be a lazy couch potato anymore. On the contrary, you will have formed the possibility that you now have the neurology to make getting off your ass and not being afraid a habit. It still requires you to get off your ass and not be afraid, but after 90 days of doing it daily, with feeling, you have created an actual neurological pathway in your brain that will make this behaviour at least naturally possible for you. So I suggest you get your calendar out and fight like a rabid dog against your fear, depression, setbacks, etc. For 90 days straight.

2. There is something bigger than you alone. For the majority, this works best after they have done 1 above. Believing in nothing much, if you push through 90 days of ferocious getting off your ass and saying fuck you to your doubts, fears, weaknesses (which if you do honestly will be many times a day regardless of who you are) your neurology will have changed from a fearful, weak, depressed rabbit, to someone that can now realistically begin to consider the wolf-life. As such, you will begin to see opportunity where others only see tragedy and possibilities where others only see doom. Eventually you will begin to notice that helping and uplifting others —-BUT WITHOUT DIMINISHING YOURSELF IN THE DOING OF IT—- will give you a sense of joy, of well-being. So if this comes to you merely as the sense that your life is better when you make it better for others you care about, that’s certainly enough of a step, but, in time, you will begin to sense there is more to life than mere survival or even glorious procreation. In time, if you observe the world, the sunsets, the flowers and the ocean, the ants crawling along, and the rain lashing down, the snow and the baking sun, the clouds and the parts of unspoilt nature you can find, inevitably, as you let reality in and leave the fake “reality” built into you by the fear they beam at you 24/7, you will not be able to help but notice creation. And creation implies a creator. And maybe for a long time you will, like I did, sense this in a way, but never believe such a creator or creative power or intelligence could possibly care about you specifically and individually. That is, after all, the main thing they brainwash us all to believe above all.

But the reality is that there is in fact an intelligence so vast you cannot imagine it. And not only does it care about you specifically, but it knows you intimately.

God is real and God is Love.

I hope you’ll be smarter than I was and can see it and figure it out and feel it in due course. For me, being dense and obstinate, and probably a bit too capable for my own good, it had to take the road to Damascus path. Falling off the horse badly, and having my blindness revealed to me. It wasn’t pleasant, but it was absolutely necessary and I thank God for it.

If you manage to truly penetrate this second point for real, then ALL fear will very much have been vanquished if not totally certainly to a very great extent. And for those who really do get it, and see it, and know it, then, fear will, in fact, be permanently extinguished.

3. Now do everyone around you.

Great, so you did 1 and 2. But you’re still alone in a despairing world. Not really, because you’re reading this and there are many of us around the planet in different cultures and ways and forms, but don’t look for a saviour or a guru. Instead become that saviour. Do for, and with, others. Get with like minded people. Study. Learn. And if you do, learn the REAL history of the Catholic Church. Learn what actual Catholics did throughout history. Learn about the heroic martyrs and saints and what they did and how they acted. Read up on the real history of Joan of Arc. Read up on the real history of the Crusades. Read up on what actual Catholics did and discovered and created. Realise also that, today, sedevacantists are the ONLY actual Catholics left. Bergoglio and his Novus Orco “clergy” are impostors, frauds and freemasons. And they have all been so from 1958 on. I hope you do learn these things and go and find the details. I did write about them in Believe! and Reclaiming the Catholic Church and you can save yourself some time by reading those books, but you don’t have to buy my books. Just figure it out by yourself one way or another. When you do, you’ll realise that the only long-lasting communities that succeed are religious ones. Where the natural inclination for community, ritual, honesty, fellowship and safety are all satisfied. Yes, even for misanthropes like me, and possibly you. Once you realise that the next steps are simple to understand if not necessarily easy to execute.

4. Become a proper Catholic.

“Oh you arrogant prick!”

Yeah, yeah, I hear you, but it’s true nonetheless. Catholics created the best environment for human beings ever done, all across the globe, and it is only as a result of the infiltration and collapse of the greater part of what used to be the Catholic Church that society has and is going to hell in a handbasket and returning to literally demonic practices. Hey, I get it. I hated organised religion most of my life. I hear ya. But that’s because:

1. You were only exposed to the Satanic fake religions, including, maybe even especially, “catholicism” as “practiced” by the current impostors, who usurped the Vatican in 1958 and have been spreading Satanry ever since instead of the truth.

2. You don’t actually know that God exists and how that even fits in with all the evil you see around you and how could it possibly be real, and, and, and… because once you do realise God exists and God is a Loving God, all those things get real, logical, sensible answers. Which is mind-blowing on its own.

And yes, if you’re a “cradle catholic” that thinks Bergoglio is Pope you have been fooled. From birth. And probably so have your parents and even grandparents. And regardless of their good intents, a lie is still a lie, even if told to you in good faith. So, whether you like it or not, Sedevacantists are in fact the only Catholics left.

Find out what Sedevacantism really is, for yourself. Again, sure, my books help save you a lot of time, but I never ask anyone to take my word for anything. In fact, quite the opposite, I prefer you find out yourself. Which is why I also include an absurd amount of references in my books.

5. But why?

So you can create communities of proper Catholics and thrive. Build your own or join an existing one. I have only been on this path of building a community of sedevacantists for two years, but I have spent the majority of that time simply making my family home liveable and getting the fields on my small olive farm cleared of absolute neglect, and I’m not quite finished with that yet, but already people are eyeing up properties near me. They have come to visit and help out on the farm. They are saving up and teaming up to make offers on property within walking distance. Once I have settled things for myself and my family, which has recently had the fifth child added to it, you bet that it will grow faster. And there will be more people near me that are on the same hymn sheet. In fact, locals nearby are also becoming part of it. Sedevacantism in this area is now growing. As the result of literally one man. And a busy and misanthropic one at that. How much more can someone that can devote more time to it do? My friend Tony, in his 20s, is already organising many things behind the scenes. At least three young couples I know have recently got engaged to be married and a couple of them plan to move here in due course.

Again, I am just one guy with precious little time and a rather bleak view of humanity. If I can achieve this in such a short time, how much more can you do?

Or else join us and help us make it bigger faster.

6. Fake Belief is a Poison. Only zealots thrive.

You can’t fake a true religion or a true religious community. It has an undeniable power that is far more than the sum of its parts. There is a multiplying and supernatural effect in getting even a small gathering of real Catholics together. After every mass or just meeting up at each other’s houses, the sensation of goodwill is purifying and absolutely wholesome. There is none of the fake cuckery of the fake “catholic” church and its adherents. There is real friendship. Real connection. Real help between people that a short time earlier were literally strangers. I have both given and received very unexpected help at crucial times. I have witnessed loyalty between sedevacantist catholics that surpassed that of lifelong friends.

I can’t explain it other than by divine grace. Because if you believe in something true, then it becomes self-evident and produces the fruits of that true belief.

In conclusion.

So there you have it. Just a few simple steps to understand. Whether you get off your ass and do them or not is up to you, but I guarantee you that if you do your life will be infinitely better. Even if you only do the first step it will improve drastically. So I hope you do. And I hope in time, wherever you are, we’ll be able to see and greet each other, whether in person or from the distant walls of your small fortress city-state of sanity to mine.

God protect you and guide you, friend. And remember: Deus Vult means God Wants it.

4 Responses to “This is why it is Pivotal you become a complete Zealot”

  1. David says:

    Serious question from a non-Catholic: in your opinion, how would one become Catholic in this day and age, when the churches are mostly modernist and have left the faith of their fathers?

    Would you count being baptized into one of those churches and receiving the Eucharist as counting for anything? We attended the local modern Catholic church to see what it was like, and it was not particularly impressive. Weak, with lots of “Catholic Charities” fundraiser materials there, along with a short talk on why we should give.

    I’ve been researching the history of the church and do feel a pull to join – if it still was as John Henry Newman described in the 1800s – but not seeing options.

    • G says:

      1. Find an actual Catholic Church by looking for the nearest to you at luxvera.org
      2. Talk to the priest there about doing catechism (many will do it online with you if you can’t travel to them)
      3. DO NOT go to a Novus Ordo Church, they are literally Freemasonic Satanists wearing the skin suit of Catholicism.
      4. The only Catholics left are Sedevacatists, so get baptised by a sede priest. If you are not sure what that is (it seems you are not) you can do worse than reading my short book BELIEVE or the longer and far more detailed Reclaiming the Catholic Church. See the books I wrote on the top left and click on it to take you to the books on Amazon.

      If you want some inspiration read The Crusades by Harold Lamb or The Great Siege by Ernle Bradford

  2. Charlie says:

    Excellent post!

    I have a related question: is there a good resource for finding a proper Sedevacantist church or priest near me? I keep searching for one (I’m in the U.S.) and I’m finding the online resources a bit confusing–many seem to lump certain things together under the “traditional” banner, including SSPX, “regular” churches that sometimes offer the TLM, etc.

    Thank you!

    • G says:

      Go to luxvera.org and take a look there. SSPX is just another bunch of fake Catholics. Any Church that doesn’t actively denounce the totality of V2 and the fake Popes from Roncalli to Bergoglio is simply not Catholic.

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