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The Truth About Casualties of War

You may have noticed a rather clear total ignoring on my part about the current and ongoing wars.

This is because similarly to the whole Covid scam, when it first hits, it is good for you to be prepared, regardless of what the truth turns out to be, and always with a view that first and foremost, especially in the Clown World section of planet Earth, the most immediate threat to your life, liberty and general happiness is your own government.

Similarly, when the start of Special Military Operations began in Ukraine, or the current Palestinian Genocide ongoing in all of Palestine by the Israelis, began, it is good to take stock, observe what is happening and prepare as best you can for anything ranging from the potential introduction of the draft where you are, restrictions on anything from travel to stocking of various items, and even war and revolution preparations.

The vast majority of people on Earth that are not directly affected by these conflicts will assume such an approach borders on the paranoid. Yet many of those same people would not leave the house without a GPS navigator even though they live in a city where it is impossible for you to get lost.

The reality about actual war casualties in modern warfare, except for how the Russians do it, is that the vast majority of casualties are civilians. This is absolutely the case when the main aggressor is part of the Clown World brigade (the puppeteered Western World) and absolutely so when the leader of globohomo is doing it (Israel).

Even so, the reality is that with a little bit of preparation and awareness, your chances of survival, barring being directly in an area that is sure to come under heavy artillery fire or air-to-ground bombing runs (not very common today) are really very good.

Your biggest worries, even in a city that is under attack, aside the aforementioned, will be:

  • Access to clean water
  • Access to reliable food sources (especially if you have small children)
  • Access to medical facilities for emergencies (including dentistry)

In most cases that don’t involve actual street to street fighting by armed forces, even your personal protection will probably not be as important as those three points above; although, it needs to be said that if it does become an issue, not having the option of being armed becomes item number one on the list above all else.

As usual, your biggest threat will come from your fellow man, and being able to resist those threats is best done by being armed and proficient in the use of those weapons you have.

In this respect, I would like to remind you of my philosophy concerning all the “operators” discussions on violent encounters and the various benefits of one handgun and its endless accessories versus another, that I previously discussed here.

The point of this topic is the same general philosophy as applied to pretty much everything else and every other “worry” you might have.

Remember that 95% of literally everything is bullshit. That said, when that 5% hits and it’s a nasty 5% instead of the good 5%, a little preparedness goes a long way to ensuring the damage you take is minimised and your survival and recovery is very much more likely and quick. And again, this applies to everything in life, from how you drive to having a sudden divorce catch you unawares, to war breaking out in your country, and pretty much everything in between.

There are simple, basic steps that if you have already taken pretty much guarantee you are in a better position than 99% of the people around you.

If you already live in a relatively rural area, and have done the following:

  • Got a way to generate at least some electricity without access to the power grid
  • Have a sustainable access to clean water not connected to the main water grid
  • Have some way to generate at least some food without resort to anyone else
  • Own at least some weaponry to be able to defend your person, family and home
  • Are able to heat your home and cook your food without access to the electric grid
  • Are not in or near a path or natural or military resource or base
  • Are not in an area or country where your ethnicity and religion is obviously and clearly different from the majority around you

Then you are well above the 0.01% of most prepared people. That means in the larger scheme of things you would be in the top 0.0001 to 0.00001% of all human beings without question. In fact, in some ways, you might even be more likely to survive global events than even one of the puppeteers like Mark Zuckeberg, who in his infinite wisdom has a huge underground bunker built on Hawaii. Which in case you were not aware, Hawaii is yes in the middle of a tectonic plate and the volcanoes it is composed of are probably among the most stable on the planet, and yes, I am sure he will have a fleet of yachts or whatever, to deal with the distance from everywhere. And years worth of stocked food and ability to produce more. However, when even your own bodyguards, and surrounding villagers recognise you as being one of the puppeteers, your ten foot thick armoured bunker walls really are not as comforting as you might think.

So that, at an individual level, is why I have been mostly posting on the more general topics of being prepared on how to survive Clown World. You are, overall, far more in danger from being able to survive the next fake pandemic mandates to inject you with turbo-cancer causing genetic serums than rape and pillage by Russian soldiers. In fact I would say that even if you are a pretty female combatant in the Ukrainian army and get captured by the Russian forces, you are probably still less likely to be raped than to be killed by the generic serums they want to inject you with.

This is because we now know that about 10-15% of the serums kill you quite quickly, within weeks or months or a year or two after injection at most, but the long term impacts out to five or more years are obviously not known yet, although a trend is already forming that in my best guesstimate means about 30% of the injected will likely die or have serious complications (that will ultimately kill them an unspecified number of years into the future) within 5 years. And less than that if they keep “boosting”.

Repeated “pandemics” bio-engineered for the purpose of depopulation, possibly augmented by the massive increase in chemtrails and 5G towers are far more likely to threaten your survival than active war-participants unless you literally are living in Gaza.

About the chemtrails and 5G, in my view, there is non-tin-foil-hat evidence that these two separate “conspiracy theories” i.e. indisputable facts, do combine together and possibly also with the genetic serums to create specific disease and death in various “programmable” and specified areas at will. And quite possibly, even create more disturbing effects on the population, which I have written on before.

So. I hope it is clear why all the talk about Germany about to start war with Russia and the US and UK declaring war on Yemen but then… errr… not really… and so on, is all, ultimately, for the most part, theatre.

Concern yourself with the things they are actively trying to distract you from:

  • A way to generate income or the bare necessities (energy generation, clean water, food, self-defence) for a free life that is anti-fragile and can bypass the coming enforced digital cash.
  • A solid grounding in reality, which, in my humble opinion and long and varied life experience, is without a doubt best expressed by several orders of magnitude in the philosophy of actual Catholicism, today found only in 1958 Sedevacantist Catholics. And I say this having totally rejected Catholicism specifically from the age of 7 to 43.
  • Nurturing and growing your traditional nuclear family and teaching your children first of all by example, to do the same.
  • Creating a face-to-face (no digital connectivity required) community of people that are on board with these overall concepts. Have regular meet-ups, friendly dinners, community barbecues, coffee and cake or beers and Prosecco at each other’s homes. Let the men go to the range together and the women share recipes or have tea and scones regularly. And since the only one coming to save you is you, you begin. You organise the meet-ups. You organise the get togethers. You involve the others. You begin it.

I know, I know, thinking about being Rambo with the face paint and the sniper rifle, or being one of Leonidas and his 300, or just, you know, as you do every day, thinking about being a centurion in the Roman Empire, is a lot more fun and romantic, but you have to have Sparta in order to have Spartans, and Rome in order to have Roman Centurions. So, begin to build brothers and sisters. And may our eventual city-states be near each other.

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