This is really going to be mostly a sequence of logical syllogisms. Some are related to others, some stand on their own. You need to consider all of these at once to try and see the solution to the current relationship crises in the Western world.
Caveman Theory is a book that essentially helps men (and women too) to navigate the modern relationship dilemmas, but what I will attempt in this post is to give you a few important concepts to keep in mind.
Let’s dive right in.
Some axioms
Most men cannot pick the woman they want to have sex with and/or a relationship with
Most women can pick most men to have sex with but not necessarily a lasting relationship with
Attraction for men is initially very physical and even if the personality turns out good, the physicality of the woman is often still an important factor for them
Most women will monkeybranch to a higher status male from one relationship to the next
Most attractive women can have their pick of men and are likely to also be deceived by men in order to get them to have sex with them
Most high value men (a tiny percentage of all men) can have a much broader selection of women to pick from
Women start most divorces
Men tend to get divorce raped both financially and with custody of children
Children raised by a single parents invariably fare worse long term by a statistically large margin when that parent is the mother
We can consider the above points as generally recognised facts. Given the above points, the next issue is what is your aim in life, eventually, as a man. That is, if you had to write out your life, as a film say, how do you want the story to go and the ending to be?
Let me help you out with a few scenarios:
Scenario A: Guy makes himself fit, smart, healthy, successful and spends his free time fucking hot girl after hot girl until his old age, when he still has sex with older but still very attractive women. Never settles down, dies alone and with no children, leaving a generously sized home and sizeable sum of money to… whoever.
Scenario B: Guy does his best, has a few relationships with some women that dent his heart here and there but eventually finds the woman he marries, they stay together to the end, facing all sorts of difficulties and challenges, including fighting, money issues, maybe even attractions or flirts with other people, maybe a drinking problem, or miscarriages or any number of hardships, but they also have children together, and raise them well, and in old age still love each other and see what they leave behind are children and grand-children and whatever they have will go to them when they die.
Now, you may think there are a whole bunch of other scenarios in there, but the reality is that it boils down to those two.
And if those two were the ONLY choice you had, gun to your head, you have to pick one, I would bet most guys would actually pick scenario B.
If you genuinely would pick scenario A, then you can stop reading now. There is nothing worthwhile for you here from here in.
If you would pick scenario B however, then you have rejected scenario A. And that means that if you’re going to be coherent, you will reject women that are not suitable for scenario B.
Now here are some important things to keep in mind:
Because MOST men do not get their choice of woman to pick from, their behaviour, as far as changing the global zeitgeist, is going to be largely irrelevant in that respect. So at BEST we are left with the top 20% of men being the ones affecting the overall socially acceptable standards of behaviour. This always has been, and always will be the case.
Of that top 20% (a generous number really) only about 5% really have a chance to command large audience of women’s attention. In short, what these men do and how they act will impact society on a broader scale. We know this because generally, men being men, if they have the chance to bang hot women for years before picking one to settle down with, they will. And this is indeed what is happening.
Now understand what this situation has achieved so far:
It has destroyed the very concept of family, and created a hyper-competitive sexual market for women, where they are all after the top 5% of men, while ignoring every other man almost completely.
Most women are frustrated being used as masturbation devices and then being left on the shelf, and most men are reduced to actual masturbation or the eventual dissatisfied mercy copulation of a used up cock-carousel rider when she finally hits the wall, possibly with a kid or two in tow.
The top men have their daily or weekly pick from their unofficial harem, and the top women *might* snag one of these guys, but eventually the secular marriage will break down, because secular humans invariably replace the God-shaped hole in their heart, with a greedy desire for Earthly things, whether money, power, lust or other sin, and in the end it destroys them.
What would happen if the top 5% of men suddenly stopped acting like the hound-dogs they are —and not for humanitarian reasons (because in reality no one cares the incels aren’t getting any)— but rather, because of a purely selfish interest of wanting the best woman possible that will stick with him, bear him many children, help raise them and grow old with him, and creating a world where his children will thrive and dominate over the misshapen freaks that are battling for scraps of human affection like ravenous dogs when a half-rotten piece of meat is thrown at them?
What would actually happen?
If the slutty sluts that are currently flashing the top men their various bodies and genitals, were suddenly thotpatrolled and rejected by EVERY high value man, within about a week, women would not so much as take another selfie with pouty lips for their instagram. They would all dress conservatively and well appareled but not ostentatiously so.
Because remember, regardless of what whiny MRA types say, and PUAs, and red-pillers, and so on, the reality is that it is MEN who ultimately decide what rules are imposed, what laws are made and so on. So if the world is crumbling under the weight of men who can’t get a woman at all and a tsunami of gold-digging whores, mixed in with frustrated girl “bosses”, feminized “men” and so on, it is ultimately ONLY men that can fix it.
When the top 5% of men mostly all get tired of the random hoes attempting to attach themselves to them, and begin to reject women as casually as women do it to men, and hold to their principles instead, the shift from feminism to getting baptised will be hard to go unnoticed.
You may think this is a Utopia that will never happen, and it is true that a percentage of the top men will still just be horn dogs that bang every pretty thing they can get their hands on, and it is true that there will continue to be completely whorish women that sell themselves on onlyfans and prostitute themselves for fun and profit, but neither of these demographics are the majority within the top 5% tier men and women.
And there is a shift happening. Men, those still actually able and willing to act like men, are increasingly getting disillusioned with Clown World at a fast pace. Just today I found out in some kids’ jurassic park series they introduce two gay velociraptors and two girls come out as lesbians. This is a kid’s programme.
No self-respecting father will permit that kind of degenerate propaganda into their home. Does it mean they will all ban TVs? Unlikely. What it does mean is that their children will get told the truth about that propaganda, and depending on age appropriate levels of understanding, one might do so with some of the articles that get into some of the horrific, and absolutely undeniable real consequences of such lifestyles.
GenZ is already starting to see the lies for what they are, my guess is that Gen Alpha will largely be composed of absolute zealots for truth, and political correctness will be buried under their feet.
I know that I for one make not a single allowance to the lies any more, and I don’t give a flying rat’s ass who it offends. Let them be offended and scatter from me like the vermin they are. And guess what the consequences of doing that are?
You get left alone by the freaks mostly. It’s wonderful. And you also get a lot of whispered conversations from everything from the local bar waiter to the police inspector or the local butcher agreeing with you but scared to do so too openly. Yet they take the pains to tell you they agree.
People are tired of the nonsense. And it’s time that men returned things to their proper order. Infiltrate local politics with your fortitude and your honourable behaviour. Gradually get rid of the corrupt, the compromised, the weak, and make things right again. Enforce the laws and get rid of people obstructing the swift and direct execution of justice. Reinstate the death penalty everywhere for certain crimes. Cleanse the judiciary and the armed forces of any hint of corruption with an iron fist in a mailed glove. Teach your children the importance of creating, living in, and maintaining their heritage, their culture, their religion and their tribe, and exclude those who don’t belong in it.
It is time to reclaim this planet from the parasitic types who are now running it.
The Move to Patriarchy
This is really going to be mostly a sequence of logical syllogisms. Some are related to others, some stand on their own. You need to consider all of these at once to try and see the solution to the current relationship crises in the Western world.
Caveman Theory is a book that essentially helps men (and women too) to navigate the modern relationship dilemmas, but what I will attempt in this post is to give you a few important concepts to keep in mind.
Let’s dive right in.
Some axioms
We can consider the above points as generally recognised facts. Given the above points, the next issue is what is your aim in life, eventually, as a man. That is, if you had to write out your life, as a film say, how do you want the story to go and the ending to be?
Let me help you out with a few scenarios:
Scenario A: Guy makes himself fit, smart, healthy, successful and spends his free time fucking hot girl after hot girl until his old age, when he still has sex with older but still very attractive women. Never settles down, dies alone and with no children, leaving a generously sized home and sizeable sum of money to… whoever.
Scenario B: Guy does his best, has a few relationships with some women that dent his heart here and there but eventually finds the woman he marries, they stay together to the end, facing all sorts of difficulties and challenges, including fighting, money issues, maybe even attractions or flirts with other people, maybe a drinking problem, or miscarriages or any number of hardships, but they also have children together, and raise them well, and in old age still love each other and see what they leave behind are children and grand-children and whatever they have will go to them when they die.
Now, you may think there are a whole bunch of other scenarios in there, but the reality is that it boils down to those two.
And if those two were the ONLY choice you had, gun to your head, you have to pick one, I would bet most guys would actually pick scenario B.
If you genuinely would pick scenario A, then you can stop reading now. There is nothing worthwhile for you here from here in.
If you would pick scenario B however, then you have rejected scenario A. And that means that if you’re going to be coherent, you will reject women that are not suitable for scenario B.
Now here are some important things to keep in mind:
Now understand what this situation has achieved so far:
It has destroyed the very concept of family, and created a hyper-competitive sexual market for women, where they are all after the top 5% of men, while ignoring every other man almost completely.
Most women are frustrated being used as masturbation devices and then being left on the shelf, and most men are reduced to actual masturbation or the eventual dissatisfied mercy copulation of a used up cock-carousel rider when she finally hits the wall, possibly with a kid or two in tow.
The top men have their daily or weekly pick from their unofficial harem, and the top women *might* snag one of these guys, but eventually the secular marriage will break down, because secular humans invariably replace the God-shaped hole in their heart, with a greedy desire for Earthly things, whether money, power, lust or other sin, and in the end it destroys them.
What would happen if the top 5% of men suddenly stopped acting like the hound-dogs they are —and not for humanitarian reasons (because in reality no one cares the incels aren’t getting any)— but rather, because of a purely selfish interest of wanting the best woman possible that will stick with him, bear him many children, help raise them and grow old with him, and creating a world where his children will thrive and dominate over the misshapen freaks that are battling for scraps of human affection like ravenous dogs when a half-rotten piece of meat is thrown at them?
What would actually happen?
If the slutty sluts that are currently flashing the top men their various bodies and genitals, were suddenly thotpatrolled and rejected by EVERY high value man, within about a week, women would not so much as take another selfie with pouty lips for their instagram. They would all dress conservatively and well appareled but not ostentatiously so.
Because remember, regardless of what whiny MRA types say, and PUAs, and red-pillers, and so on, the reality is that it is MEN who ultimately decide what rules are imposed, what laws are made and so on. So if the world is crumbling under the weight of men who can’t get a woman at all and a tsunami of gold-digging whores, mixed in with frustrated girl “bosses”, feminized “men” and so on, it is ultimately ONLY men that can fix it.
When the top 5% of men mostly all get tired of the random hoes attempting to attach themselves to them, and begin to reject women as casually as women do it to men, and hold to their principles instead, the shift from feminism to getting baptised will be hard to go unnoticed.
You may think this is a Utopia that will never happen, and it is true that a percentage of the top men will still just be horn dogs that bang every pretty thing they can get their hands on, and it is true that there will continue to be completely whorish women that sell themselves on onlyfans and prostitute themselves for fun and profit, but neither of these demographics are the majority within the top 5% tier men and women.
And there is a shift happening. Men, those still actually able and willing to act like men, are increasingly getting disillusioned with Clown World at a fast pace. Just today I found out in some kids’ jurassic park series they introduce two gay velociraptors and two girls come out as lesbians. This is a kid’s programme.
No self-respecting father will permit that kind of degenerate propaganda into their home. Does it mean they will all ban TVs? Unlikely. What it does mean is that their children will get told the truth about that propaganda, and depending on age appropriate levels of understanding, one might do so with some of the articles that get into some of the horrific, and absolutely undeniable real consequences of such lifestyles.
GenZ is already starting to see the lies for what they are, my guess is that Gen Alpha will largely be composed of absolute zealots for truth, and political correctness will be buried under their feet.
I know that I for one make not a single allowance to the lies any more, and I don’t give a flying rat’s ass who it offends. Let them be offended and scatter from me like the vermin they are. And guess what the consequences of doing that are?
You get left alone by the freaks mostly. It’s wonderful. And you also get a lot of whispered conversations from everything from the local bar waiter to the police inspector or the local butcher agreeing with you but scared to do so too openly. Yet they take the pains to tell you they agree.
People are tired of the nonsense. And it’s time that men returned things to their proper order. Infiltrate local politics with your fortitude and your honourable behaviour. Gradually get rid of the corrupt, the compromised, the weak, and make things right again. Enforce the laws and get rid of people obstructing the swift and direct execution of justice. Reinstate the death penalty everywhere for certain crimes. Cleanse the judiciary and the armed forces of any hint of corruption with an iron fist in a mailed glove. Teach your children the importance of creating, living in, and maintaining their heritage, their culture, their religion and their tribe, and exclude those who don’t belong in it.
It is time to reclaim this planet from the parasitic types who are now running it.
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