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The increase in faith

I have noted that in the last 3 years, quite shortly after the start of the scamdemic, the number of people that had no apparent religious inclination, yet almost overnight became Sedevacantists, or at least openly showed interest in doing so, as well as the more general interest in “Christianity” in general, has been of a very strange pattern.

It has not been linear, nor logarithmic, but rather more as sudden spikes over short periods.

It would seem there are lulls, during which people take on information, read books I wrote or listen to videos I made, either on YouTube or on the more focussed and instructive Kurgan TV, or in other places unconnected with me, and as far as I can tell do so mostly in silence and in a rather introspective way, which is frankly, so uncommon that it is surprising to see it happening on such a scale.

Then, after this period, which can be weeks or months, there seems to be a sudden cascade of conversions and baptisms and renewed interest in real Christianity.

I have not yet been able to note any specific pattern to the timings, other than these things seem to happen in pockets of clusters. I’ll hear nothing for months then all of a sudden a half dozen people write to me about being newly baptised, or having recently married in Church, or starting a family within the Catholic religion, and so on. Just this week I received 2 wedding invitations and these are from people totally unconnected with each other, along with several emails from others letting me know that they are getting baptised as proper Catholics by Sede Priests.

And if the law of averages holds, I know that each of those emails, from each of those people, has ripple effects, affecting others. More importantly, the number of people that bothers to write, usually as a way to say thank you for my work having influenced them, we know, is always a mere fraction of those actually affected.

Quick aside: I love getting those emails but I want to be perfectly clear that the glory is God’s and God’s alone. If He saw fit to allow some of my efforts to be used by His Grace, then, I am honestly, truly, grateful.

I do wonder then, what the total real number of people positively affected is. Not as any kind of ego trip, but out of honest curiosity as to what more can be done. How fast can full-blown communities of Sedevacantist grow and become first mini, then full-blown city-states?

Most people think that going from baptised to physically part of a community takes some supreme effort, but I think it is the lesser of the difficulties. The real miracle is the conversions.

I know that because I went through it myself. Admittedly mine was a rather dramatic affair best described as the classic Road to Damascus event, but I have since met and talked with a number of people who got there by pure, steady, advancing of logical though. Both Tony and Adam are such people, and many others too. Perhaps even most, because I find that Catholics, as a group, and for the reasons I described in RTCC, are the sanest, most objective and most capable of doing logic.

But I know for myself, despite my rather advanced abilities in doing logic, which frankly (and without actual arrogance, please believe me) are superior to even most of those who have converted because of their own use of it, that it was in essence a miracle for me to go from the convinced Zen Agnostic Heathen that I was, to an actual Sedevacantist Catholic. In my obstinate case, the miracle is easier to see. Such a mule-headed creature as myself, could only be moved by the metaphorical kick in the ass.

But when I hear those people who got there gradually, reasonably, and calmly, I am awed. I am awed by both them and God.

I am awed by the fact that while my (usually) superior ability with logic or my (usually) higher IQ, function perfectly well in the worldly ways, it has almost no bearing at all on the ability to see or reach, or know, God, His Will and His Truth, and recognise His Church.

I have long believed for example, that people with Down’s Syndrome are closer to God than most of us ever are. I believed this even when I wasn’t sure there even was a God, and that while Logic dictated an intelligence behind creation must exist, its nature was unfathomable to me. Yet I could see, sense, somehow, know, that every Down’s person I met, had a natural propensity to love within them, that was naturally, instinctively, easily, superior to my own. And I believe too, that I sensed within them the Love of God as more present, more alive, more visible than in almost any other human being I met in my day to day life.

Perhaps like the Heathens or Pagans or Noble Savages of Old, I always felt humble before people with such afflictions, which, while they are such in the world, I am not sure are such at all in the Spirit realm from which we ultimately all originate from, and ultimately all return to.

The Ancients used to believe such people were somehow closer to God/the gods, and I think the same. I did before and I do now.

It is astonishing to see, when a man shares with you his path to Sedevacantism, how precise, natural and divinely guided his way has been. How tricks of advanced logic —that may have trapped a high IQ spiritual retard like myself for years— were bypassed by a child-like simplicity of objective reality uncluttered by highly abstract concepts.

For this reason, I truly believe the process that leads one to baptism and sanctification in the One, True, Holy, and Apostolic Catholic Church is a far more astonishing miracle, and unlikely event than merely building a city of zealots.

You might not think so, but consider: usually conversion is done after careful reflection, both intellectual and spiritual, prayer, contemplation, and so on. Generally, from the age of reason to such an event, decades pass. Only a couple if you’re lucky.

While, after you are a Catholic, attending mass as best you can given your geographical location, you will in any case begin to have other Catholics in your orbit. Newly baptised ones, online contacts that eventually become people you meet and get along with. It is, an inevitable arc. We think it takes long and is “difficult” only because we see it as something that may take years to fully manifest, but how much more unlikely and actually difficult is it to end up on a path you’re not even aware exists?

Conversely, in the same period of time as I have noted the increase in real, actual, full-blown, will-die-before-I-deny-Jesus-Christ, Christianity, I have also noted possibly an even larger number of people increasingly —and uncomfortably— becoming aware of demonic oppression and attacks. Conversations they would never have started a couple of years ago, mostly for fear of being ridiculed or thought of as crazy, now start spontaneously with only mild hesitation; and, interestingly, are received by the others present with interest and agreement.

If you look at one of the Churches in the tiniest Italian village, never mind the giant ones in places like Venice, you will see a level of artisanship, care, and detail that can only come from a true belief in a higher purpose than the mere mechanical survival through “work”.

We are unable to build such things today because where is the faith? The belief? The community to do so? It no longer exists. We are like scavengers, subsisting on the skeleton of the ancient civilisation that came before us, spiritual survivors of a still ongoing apocalypse.

The spiritual nukes continue to go off, with every major denomination of “christianity” being exposed in turn to be nothing more than a hive of pedophiles, frauds, conmen and liars that would make a crack-whore blush in shame.

But not so the Churches of Sedevacantists. They remained filled even during the pandemic. I never saw a priest of ours wear a mask. I know some flaunted travel bans and lockdowns to provide Mass in private homes if their church was not available, though I am personally unaware of any of our churches being locked down or not having performed Mass because of the covid lies.

It is inevitable that such a Church and such a Faith will grow. Truth, like a small flower through cracked concrete, will always, ultimately, win. And the “concrete” will always crack and fail eventually. Because it is not a natural thing. It is an artificial thing based on lies and an intentional ignoring of the natural laws of God. Just like all the lies currently making like a tsunami of bullshit around the world. And we, the scavengers in the ruins, are already organising, already rebuilding. Already strategising and gathering together. And in time, we will reclaim the wasteland from the broken, mutated, horrors that live out there in the darkness, pets to the demons that drive them.

So, if you are feeling a little down, thinking all is lost, fear not, bedraggled survivor. Come in from the wasteland of radiation craters and ignore the ongoing chemtrails above. See the truth; kneel before our Lord, ask for forgiveness, renounce the devil and all his pomps, get baptised, confess your sins before one of his loyal servants, and take Holy Communion.

Yes the one with transubstantiation, the ingesting of the host that is as purifying spiritual food. In short, become one of the soldiers of God, as have been all those before you, for almost 2000 years now, looking down upon us from above, the thousands of saints that have gone on before us.


This is where we start.

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