Once you start believing lies in the face of the observable truth, you have no control over when to stop because you no longer have the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, or reality from your own wishful thinking.
It used to be the case that only retarded bimbos fooled themselves to the point that they ignored reality, but over the last decade, it’s become a literal tsunami of self-delusion.
We are now in a state of being where:
The majority of people who injected themselves with the genetic serum are still trying to pretend to themselves they did the right thing, even as people like them continue to drop like flies and developing turbo cancers all over the place.
The hundreds of thousands of women that prostitute themselves on onlyfans believe they are going to be fine getting married ten years from now.
The majority in the West believe they live in a “democracy”.
People believe a “democracy” is better than a benign dictatorship.
People believe the news on TV or that they read in MSM publications.
People believe America cannot be defeated militarily.
People believe abortion is somehow not murdering a baby.
Most people are unaware World War III started at the end of 2019.
Most people are oblivious of the plans the elite have of sterilising, killing, poisoning and generically altering them and their children via things like the WHO, the WEF, the UN and so on.
People believe the current inhabitants of the Vatican are Catholics instead of Satanists.
And I could literally continue to add to this list for a year straight without needing to pause once.
The point is that while humans have always, generally speaking fooled themselves to some degree or other, the current rate of delusion is unlike anything that has been seen before.
We are at hallucinating due to large dose of LSD levels of delusion now.
So let me point out some basic and simple things that are true. Some will no doubt send you in a tailspin, nevertheless, they remain objectively true.
Humans do not need Fiat money to thrive
Chemtrails are real and bad for living things
Almost all politicians are dishonest, corrupt and in it for themselves first snd foremost. Even the ones you think you like.
Schools are there to indoctrinate your children with mostly lies once you have moved past the basics of learning to read, write and do math.
Feminism is a net evil and especially noxious on children most of all, women second and men third.
Marxism and any form of communism is evil, a creation of Jewish ideologues and inhuman.
Force is the ultimate arbiter of all disputes.
Free speech is an idiotic concept that has never existed anywhere in any format, and never will.
There are only two sexes.
Gender is a word that is used to describe words that are either masculine or feminine in those languages that have such distinctions (mostly romantic languages) it has nothing to do with human sexuality. Stop using fake words to try and talk about imaginary bullshit that is nonsense.
Homosexuality is dysgenic and not conducive to anything positive, not in society at large, nor at the individual level.
Marriage is only and can only ever be between one man and one woman. And its main purpose is to produce and raise children.
Objective reality is how things actually work. It doesn’t matter if you understand it or not, the truth is only one and it is absolute and applies to everyone at all times. Your specific, individual, temporary delusion that your truth is somehow different from the objective, over-arching real one that applies to the entire Universe is just that: a delusion.
IQ is a real thing and the IQ communication gap is too, even if its precise borders may be somewhat fuzzy.
Catholicism (the real one currently espoused only by 1958 Sedevacantism) is the closest approximation to an objective understanding of reality.
Generalisations are still facts when true.
Professor Cipolla’s laws of Human Stupidity is one of the most useful theorems ever put together.
Antigravity devices exist.
Demons exist.
Angels exist.
Fairies or creatures from a different plane of existence, whether good, bad or indifferent also exist.
Aliens almost certainly exist.
What you think you know about WWI and even more so WWII is mostly lies.
Yes, the Jews do want to rule over humanity and enslave it, take it from a Jew who has studied the issue in depth.
Humans do not need to be “employed” by other humans to thrive.
Violence is a natural part of life and for good or ill always will be while the Universe continues to exist.
Logic and math are important.
The scientific method is useful when performed correctly and honestly but cannot answer as many questions as natural philosophy which encompasses science, logic and math and metaphysics too.
And that’s just a primer.
Enjoy pondering a few of the above points if you will, or —as professor Cipolla would say— if you can.
The Evil of Self-Delusion
On reading over at VP how the West is talking itself into a hot WWIII, Vox ends with what is an obvious but too often ignored statement of fact:
Once you start believing lies in the face of the observable truth, you have no control over when to stop because you no longer have the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, or reality from your own wishful thinking.
It used to be the case that only retarded bimbos fooled themselves to the point that they ignored reality, but over the last decade, it’s become a literal tsunami of self-delusion.
We are now in a state of being where:
And I could literally continue to add to this list for a year straight without needing to pause once.
The point is that while humans have always, generally speaking fooled themselves to some degree or other, the current rate of delusion is unlike anything that has been seen before.
We are at hallucinating due to large dose of LSD levels of delusion now.
So let me point out some basic and simple things that are true. Some will no doubt send you in a tailspin, nevertheless, they remain objectively true.
And that’s just a primer.
Enjoy pondering a few of the above points if you will, or —as professor Cipolla would say— if you can.
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