The reasons for this are very many and it would be tiresome to list them all out in detail, yet it is important to grasp at least some of the main elements of this as well as how and why it was achieved, so I will limit myself to a PARTIAL bullet-point list of the reasons further below.
First however, it is salutary to consider what unity amongst honest men can, does, and has historically achieved, as that alone will inform as to why it has been intentionally sabotaged in every possible way.
• Unity among HONEST men produces an honest society. It produces the kind of environment that allows your children to walk to school or play in the village square without worrying about random pedophiles kidnapping them. There is a VERY important corollary here which is fundamental and we shall return to it. Just keep in mind this main point has a second part to it no one likes to even consider.
• It produces a JUST society, where crimes fit punishments, where the crippling twists of fate meted out to some are not faced alone but by a caring community that does its duty towards the old, the infirm, the widows, children, and so on, while punishing severely the fraudsters, liars, con men, would-be lawyer, and would-be politicians that take advantage of honest people’s charity, sense of duty, and empathy. For such conmen are in some ways even worse than murderers. A murderer takes away your life, but not always your dignity. A conman always assaults your dignity to some degree, and in some cases this can be worse than mere death. An example for those stunted in imagination: A man robbed of all ability to earn a living that has to degrade himself before his sons and daughters and wife merely to survive for years will affect his progeny worse than one who stands up, fights and dies honourably with his family fully aware of why he did what he did. In the first case, the lesson learnt is that your father’s humiliation is the way life works. In the second you may suffer poverty perhaps even worse than in the first, but you may have the fire in you to recall your father’s dignity, and work towards restoring it to your family. And in a JUST society, the eventual revenge, should it come, will be seen as just, valid and good, as it should be, for it was not based in ego or pride, but justice and honour.
• It produces a society that understands and does not pervert the meaning of words; particularly words like Honour, Justice, Truth, Courage, Honesty, Virtue and so on. Which in turns produces a society where practical results are not only achievable but understood to be the main point of our existence here if we are to better not just our lot but that of those we are charged with caring for and those we love.
• All of the above, in turn, produce a society where logic, reason, mathematics and so on GUIDE the way but are NOT used in lieu of Love, Charity, Faith and Truth.
• In short, it produces a society with long-term preferences instead of short term gratifications, and one where meritocracy is valued above nepotism, and justice above social status.
Which beings us to the corollary i mentioned in the very first bullet point:
Such a society creates men that understand THE INEVITABLE NEED FOR THE USE OF VIOLENCE.
Yes. You read that right. Violence is needed. In fact it is REQUIRED in an honest society. Because an honest society, rooted in truth, logic, reason, faith, honour and so on realises that since ALL human beings are flawed, some of those humans are flawed to the extent that they will do violence to others to further their own means. Such an honest society will also understand that such evil men will organise themselves in secret and use every deception available to pretend otherwise.
And such an honest society will understand that you cannot permit such men and such organisations and such tribes of delinquents to exist within it. And their extirpation and destruction is required to safeguard the entire society. And that since such beings will not simply, change their ways, die of their own accord, or leave of their own accord, violence will be required to achieve the aim of protecting the honest society from the dishonest men within it.
Destroying unity among HONEST men prevents them from organising against DISHONEST men to counter their own evil plans.
Conclusion of part 1
An honest society is not just objectively desirable for anyone honest to live in, it also attracts dishonest men, groups, and tribes to live in it because using their underhanded, secret, cynical ways, they can easily take advantage of a generally honest people. Therefore, the honest society, in order to survive and protect itself from such dishonest elements, MUST be willing, able and effective at doing violence too. And doing it not just for the right reasons, but doing it thoroughly, competently, effectively, swiftly and surgically.
Doing it without hesitation when required, and without false mercy or false charity when needed. Justice above mercy and charity for certain crimes (those of a duplicitous, traitorous, murderous or wicked intent) and charity and mercy above justice only for certain types of crimes (those committed of desperation generally but not including murder generally speaking).
How does one form such a society? By getting honest men to congregate. To get to know each other. To meet up and discuss and learn and grow and correct each other, together, at their leisure and pleasure.
It follows therefore that the dishonest forces of this world would like, above all, to prevent the unity between honest men who understand all of the above things to be true.
How would such evil forces go about preventing such congregations, friendships, groups and unity of honest men who act in wisdom, honour, truth and faith, and when necessary are ready to do extreme violence to the evil men?
Part 2: The ways it was done.
As I mentioned at the start a full detailed list is impractical. It would run to volumes and detailing it would be extremely tedious. I shall therefore limit myself to a very partial list of only the main points, but be aware there are thousands of variations for each of the points below. Not only that, but each point applies in multiple ways. So for example “education” covers not just what you or your children are being “taught” at school, but also what you see on TV, hear on the radio, see on an advertising poster and so on. Keep that in mind.
• Teaching tolerance as a virtue. It is not. Falsity, lies, deviation from truth in any way needs to be treated with utter contempt and ridicule at the very least.
• Teaching false history. A people who do not know their origins are rootless and easier to manipulate by instilling a false narrative. Particularly a guilt-ridden one if that’s possible.
• Teaching deviancy and degenerate behaviour as normal. Particularly sexual behaviour as it is a very strong emotive, psychological and neurological force. Disordering it allows people to be controlled more through the ever-present chaos, malignancy and disordered behaviours seen all around us, from every TV commercial, every film, every magazine or newspaper, and throughout your daily interactions at every level.
• Destroying Catholicism. I don’t care if it offends your Protestant, LARPING at “Christianity” Churchianity, LARPING at Paganism, LARPING at atheism or agnosticism. It is simply a historical fact: Only Catholics ever had a mass that was identical all around the world, unchanged, said in Latin and a unified code of rules that is physically written down in the most vetted document on Earth (the Code of Canon Law of 1917). Only Catholics build amazing Cathedrals so massive and complex they would only be seen and used by future generations. Only Catholics spread the gospels throughout the world, from the shores of Japan to the ones of South America. Converting from the barbarian murderous Vikings of the North, from which my line comes from to some extent, to the savage tribes at the tip of Africa in the south. Only Catholics monks invented the real scientific method, most if astronomy and a work ethic that revolutionised the economy of Europe.
• Pushing the Freemasonic agenda of “fraternitè, egalitè, libertè” the Freemasonic watchwords that are enshrined in the French nation that was bankrupted to finance the American rebellion and the creation of the first entirely Freemasonic country, the USA, correctly known as “the Great Satan” even by Pagan, demon-influenced religions like Islam. It is a vicious lie and why “tolerance” is pushed. Men are NOT created equal here on Earth. While their souls are equal in God’s eyes, their behaviour, actions and rituals here on Earth count. And count also against the value if their souls in God’s eyes. Which is why the unrepentant will end up in Hell. Not even twins are equal. And certainly men and women are not, nor the different cultures and ethnicities equivalent. The europeans who created air-travel are not comparable to the Zulus of the same time period, or the Japanese or the Indians of the same time. Nor is there anything wrong in noticing and respecting such differences. There is no such thing as equality and pretending there is is an injustice. Nor can there be “fraternity” between men who have paedophelia as part of their religious writings (Judaism in the Talmud, Islam in the Hadits for example) and those who abhor it (Catholics). And there is, and never will be the “total freedom” the satanic forces intend. The only true freedom one has and should ever have is to chose which master you serve. Do you serve your own selfish desires? The dictates of a religion that permits sex with children? Or a secular world that allows the murder of babies for convenience? Or do you serve the truth, look for it at all times and adjust your views, beliefs and perceptions of reality accordingly when you find more pieces of it? Because there can be no fraternity between men who seek truth, honour, and justice, and those who would pervert those things. Nor can an honest men ever permit there to be a brotherhood between those who intentionally or not, consciously or not, would pervert truth, honour and justice, by tolerating lies, cowardice and injustice. The ones must forever guard the gates against the others; and eject or destroy them whenever they are found. Without exception, if they are to preserve such virtues for their progeny and the progeny of their progeny.
• By creating a monetary system based on debt instead of production and letting private bankers control it.
• By creating a system of taxation on anything and everything a man produces.
• By limiting the ability of free, honest men to arm themselves and protect their property and loved ones.
• By producing a system of bureaucracy and certification and hidden taxation to limit the common man from simply working honestly to better himself.
• By producing a system of pharmaceutical indoctrination that damages health as well as farmland under the guise of making things healthier and safer when in fact they do the exact opposite.
• By creating a secularised materialist world where the numinous, the spiritual, beauty, devotion, knowledge of God and His works is ridiculed or at most paid insincere lip service to.
These are just the most obvious tips of the tips of the iceberg.
This list alone could go on for HUNDREDS of pages.
Part 3: So, what are you to do?
I can tell you. The steps are not difficult per se, but breaking out of your black-pilled, weak, MGTOW, faggoty metrosexualism is the hurdle.
Breaking out from your drug-addled, stupidlfied, reality TV watching, fake news consuming, brainwashing is.
And above all, breaking out of your Protestant zeitgeist semi-atheistic belief system that has demonised the Catholic Church for 5 centuries, certainly is.
But you want just the facts right? So here they are:
1. Learn about Catholicism (the real one, which currently means sedevacantism, and ONLY sedevacantism) if you don’t know where to start, here is a 2 hour read and if you are more ambitious here is a much longer read with all the details.
2. Find and attend a proper Holy Mass by a real Priest (sedevacantist). Here is a list of where you can find one in the USA and here is an international list. Yes, some of you may need to travel, including to another country, to do so. Others have done so and later even got baptised and married overseas just to be able to do it in a proper Catholic Church. Find out for yourself why by attending.
3. Read the Papal encyclicals: Cum-ex Apostolato Officio (which is referred to and forms the basis of Canon 188.4 of the Code of Canon Law of 1917), Quo Primum, and a few of the ones by Pope Pious X. That should be enough to at least make you understand that what you THOUGHT was Catholicism is nothing of the sort.
5. “Wow that’s a lot of reading” is it? If God exists and the Catholic Church is His creation, would you expect it to be attacked by the Prince of this world and his minions? Throughout it’s existence? And would such a Church yet not remain infallible in its true, official pronouncements and rules made by its LEGITIMATE (though always flawed) human representatives? And would the enemies of such a Church not organise to infiltrate it and disorder and confuse it? When it’s been prophesied they would do exactly that? So ask yourself: do you not have a duty to find out?
6. Get baptised, then confirmed.
7. Find a decent or close enough woman (or man if you’re female) to a real catholic and then do your best to lead them to Catholicism (leading by example is a man, and nurturing with femininity if you are a woman, as the Bible (Ephasians) suggests). Get married and make a lot of children and raise them properly Catholic.
8. Join, create or support properly Catholic communities. Insisting on Sedevacantism and non-una cum masses. Because you don’t want lies mixed in with the truth, just like you don’t want ANY sewage in your ice cream. Don’t tolerate lies and create a community, however small it may be.
9. Above all: study the ways of being Catholic and the ways that Catholics make war on the enemy. We are not called The Church Militant for nothing. You’re a soldier behind enemy lines. Deep into enemy territory. Act accordingly, you’re special ops of the spiritual realm. That’s what being Catholic means.
11. No, you will not understand about unity amongst honest men even if you have been in battle in a trench with them. You will not understand it until you take part in Holy Mass, after confession and meet and speak and work with other properly Catholic men. I know, for I had friends made in extreme situations, and yet, the brotherhood and unity that comes from sharing the truth of Catholicism within us and in our traditions, is beyond even the bond made between men who have faced physical danger together. And you can’t know it before you take part in it. Just begin by going to Mass and observe without being part of it. Begin that way, and the way will be shown to you.
The Difficult Importance of Unity
Unity among honest men is at an all time low.
The reasons for this are very many and it would be tiresome to list them all out in detail, yet it is important to grasp at least some of the main elements of this as well as how and why it was achieved, so I will limit myself to a PARTIAL bullet-point list of the reasons further below.
First however, it is salutary to consider what unity amongst honest men can, does, and has historically achieved, as that alone will inform as to why it has been intentionally sabotaged in every possible way.
• Unity among HONEST men produces an honest society. It produces the kind of environment that allows your children to walk to school or play in the village square without worrying about random pedophiles kidnapping them. There is a VERY important corollary here which is fundamental and we shall return to it. Just keep in mind this main point has a second part to it no one likes to even consider.
• It produces a JUST society, where crimes fit punishments, where the crippling twists of fate meted out to some are not faced alone but by a caring community that does its duty towards the old, the infirm, the widows, children, and so on, while punishing severely the fraudsters, liars, con men, would-be lawyer, and would-be politicians that take advantage of honest people’s charity, sense of duty, and empathy. For such conmen are in some ways even worse than murderers. A murderer takes away your life, but not always your dignity. A conman always assaults your dignity to some degree, and in some cases this can be worse than mere death. An example for those stunted in imagination: A man robbed of all ability to earn a living that has to degrade himself before his sons and daughters and wife merely to survive for years will affect his progeny worse than one who stands up, fights and dies honourably with his family fully aware of why he did what he did. In the first case, the lesson learnt is that your father’s humiliation is the way life works. In the second you may suffer poverty perhaps even worse than in the first, but you may have the fire in you to recall your father’s dignity, and work towards restoring it to your family. And in a JUST society, the eventual revenge, should it come, will be seen as just, valid and good, as it should be, for it was not based in ego or pride, but justice and honour.
• It produces a society that understands and does not pervert the meaning of words; particularly words like Honour, Justice, Truth, Courage, Honesty, Virtue and so on. Which in turns produces a society where practical results are not only achievable but understood to be the main point of our existence here if we are to better not just our lot but that of those we are charged with caring for and those we love.
• All of the above, in turn, produce a society where logic, reason, mathematics and so on GUIDE the way but are NOT used in lieu of Love, Charity, Faith and Truth.
• In short, it produces a society with long-term preferences instead of short term gratifications, and one where meritocracy is valued above nepotism, and justice above social status.
Which beings us to the corollary i mentioned in the very first bullet point:
Such a society creates men that understand THE INEVITABLE NEED FOR THE USE OF VIOLENCE.
Yes. You read that right. Violence is needed. In fact it is REQUIRED in an honest society. Because an honest society, rooted in truth, logic, reason, faith, honour and so on realises that since ALL human beings are flawed, some of those humans are flawed to the extent that they will do violence to others to further their own means. Such an honest society will also understand that such evil men will organise themselves in secret and use every deception available to pretend otherwise.
And such an honest society will understand that you cannot permit such men and such organisations and such tribes of delinquents to exist within it. And their extirpation and destruction is required to safeguard the entire society. And that since such beings will not simply, change their ways, die of their own accord, or leave of their own accord, violence will be required to achieve the aim of protecting the honest society from the dishonest men within it.
Destroying unity among HONEST men prevents them from organising against DISHONEST men to counter their own evil plans.
Conclusion of part 1
An honest society is not just objectively desirable for anyone honest to live in, it also attracts dishonest men, groups, and tribes to live in it because using their underhanded, secret, cynical ways, they can easily take advantage of a generally honest people. Therefore, the honest society, in order to survive and protect itself from such dishonest elements, MUST be willing, able and effective at doing violence too. And doing it not just for the right reasons, but doing it thoroughly, competently, effectively, swiftly and surgically.
Doing it without hesitation when required, and without false mercy or false charity when needed. Justice above mercy and charity for certain crimes (those of a duplicitous, traitorous, murderous or wicked intent) and charity and mercy above justice only for certain types of crimes (those committed of desperation generally but not including murder generally speaking).
How does one form such a society? By getting honest men to congregate. To get to know each other. To meet up and discuss and learn and grow and correct each other, together, at their leisure and pleasure.
It follows therefore that the dishonest forces of this world would like, above all, to prevent the unity between honest men who understand all of the above things to be true.
How would such evil forces go about preventing such congregations, friendships, groups and unity of honest men who act in wisdom, honour, truth and faith, and when necessary are ready to do extreme violence to the evil men?
Part 2: The ways it was done.
As I mentioned at the start a full detailed list is impractical. It would run to volumes and detailing it would be extremely tedious. I shall therefore limit myself to a very partial list of only the main points, but be aware there are thousands of variations for each of the points below. Not only that, but each point applies in multiple ways. So for example “education” covers not just what you or your children are being “taught” at school, but also what you see on TV, hear on the radio, see on an advertising poster and so on. Keep that in mind.
• Teaching tolerance as a virtue. It is not. Falsity, lies, deviation from truth in any way needs to be treated with utter contempt and ridicule at the very least.
• Teaching false history. A people who do not know their origins are rootless and easier to manipulate by instilling a false narrative. Particularly a guilt-ridden one if that’s possible.
• Teaching deviancy and degenerate behaviour as normal. Particularly sexual behaviour as it is a very strong emotive, psychological and neurological force. Disordering it allows people to be controlled more through the ever-present chaos, malignancy and disordered behaviours seen all around us, from every TV commercial, every film, every magazine or newspaper, and throughout your daily interactions at every level.
• Destroying Catholicism. I don’t care if it offends your Protestant, LARPING at “Christianity” Churchianity, LARPING at Paganism, LARPING at atheism or agnosticism. It is simply a historical fact: Only Catholics ever had a mass that was identical all around the world, unchanged, said in Latin and a unified code of rules that is physically written down in the most vetted document on Earth (the Code of Canon Law of 1917). Only Catholics build amazing Cathedrals so massive and complex they would only be seen and used by future generations. Only Catholics spread the gospels throughout the world, from the shores of Japan to the ones of South America. Converting from the barbarian murderous Vikings of the North, from which my line comes from to some extent, to the savage tribes at the tip of Africa in the south. Only Catholics monks invented the real scientific method, most if astronomy and a work ethic that revolutionised the economy of Europe.
• Pushing the Freemasonic agenda of “fraternitè, egalitè, libertè” the Freemasonic watchwords that are enshrined in the French nation that was bankrupted to finance the American rebellion and the creation of the first entirely Freemasonic country, the USA, correctly known as “the Great Satan” even by Pagan, demon-influenced religions like Islam. It is a vicious lie and why “tolerance” is pushed. Men are NOT created equal here on Earth. While their souls are equal in God’s eyes, their behaviour, actions and rituals here on Earth count. And count also against the value if their souls in God’s eyes. Which is why the unrepentant will end up in Hell. Not even twins are equal. And certainly men and women are not, nor the different cultures and ethnicities equivalent. The europeans who created air-travel are not comparable to the Zulus of the same time period, or the Japanese or the Indians of the same time. Nor is there anything wrong in noticing and respecting such differences. There is no such thing as equality and pretending there is is an injustice. Nor can there be “fraternity” between men who have paedophelia as part of their religious writings (Judaism in the Talmud, Islam in the Hadits for example) and those who abhor it (Catholics). And there is, and never will be the “total freedom” the satanic forces intend. The only true freedom one has and should ever have is to chose which master you serve. Do you serve your own selfish desires? The dictates of a religion that permits sex with children? Or a secular world that allows the murder of babies for convenience? Or do you serve the truth, look for it at all times and adjust your views, beliefs and perceptions of reality accordingly when you find more pieces of it? Because there can be no fraternity between men who seek truth, honour, and justice, and those who would pervert those things. Nor can an honest men ever permit there to be a brotherhood between those who intentionally or not, consciously or not, would pervert truth, honour and justice, by tolerating lies, cowardice and injustice. The ones must forever guard the gates against the others; and eject or destroy them whenever they are found. Without exception, if they are to preserve such virtues for their progeny and the progeny of their progeny.
• By creating a monetary system based on debt instead of production and letting private bankers control it.
• By creating a system of taxation on anything and everything a man produces.
• By limiting the ability of free, honest men to arm themselves and protect their property and loved ones.
• By producing a system of bureaucracy and certification and hidden taxation to limit the common man from simply working honestly to better himself.
• By producing a system of pharmaceutical indoctrination that damages health as well as farmland under the guise of making things healthier and safer when in fact they do the exact opposite.
• By creating a secularised materialist world where the numinous, the spiritual, beauty, devotion, knowledge of God and His works is ridiculed or at most paid insincere lip service to.
These are just the most obvious tips of the tips of the iceberg.
This list alone could go on for HUNDREDS of pages.
Part 3: So, what are you to do?
I can tell you. The steps are not difficult per se, but breaking out of your black-pilled, weak, MGTOW, faggoty metrosexualism is the hurdle.
Breaking out from your drug-addled, stupidlfied, reality TV watching, fake news consuming, brainwashing is.
And above all, breaking out of your Protestant zeitgeist semi-atheistic belief system that has demonised the Catholic Church for 5 centuries, certainly is.
But you want just the facts right? So here they are:
1. Learn about Catholicism (the real one, which currently means sedevacantism, and ONLY sedevacantism) if you don’t know where to start, here is a 2 hour read and if you are more ambitious here is a much longer read with all the details.
2. Find and attend a proper Holy Mass by a real Priest (sedevacantist). Here is a list of where you can find one in the USA and here is an international list. Yes, some of you may need to travel, including to another country, to do so. Others have done so and later even got baptised and married overseas just to be able to do it in a proper Catholic Church. Find out for yourself why by attending.
3. Read the Papal encyclicals: Cum-ex Apostolato Officio (which is referred to and forms the basis of Canon 188.4 of the Code of Canon Law of 1917), Quo Primum, and a few of the ones by Pope Pious X. That should be enough to at least make you understand that what you THOUGHT was Catholicism is nothing of the sort.
4. If you want to go the whole hog, read the catechism of Trent and the Code of Canon Law of 1917.
5. “Wow that’s a lot of reading” is it? If God exists and the Catholic Church is His creation, would you expect it to be attacked by the Prince of this world and his minions? Throughout it’s existence? And would such a Church yet not remain infallible in its true, official pronouncements and rules made by its LEGITIMATE (though always flawed) human representatives? And would the enemies of such a Church not organise to infiltrate it and disorder and confuse it? When it’s been prophesied they would do exactly that? So ask yourself: do you not have a duty to find out?
6. Get baptised, then confirmed.
7. Find a decent or close enough woman (or man if you’re female) to a real catholic and then do your best to lead them to Catholicism (leading by example is a man, and nurturing with femininity if you are a woman, as the Bible (Ephasians) suggests). Get married and make a lot of children and raise them properly Catholic.
8. Join, create or support properly Catholic communities. Insisting on Sedevacantism and non-una cum masses. Because you don’t want lies mixed in with the truth, just like you don’t want ANY sewage in your ice cream. Don’t tolerate lies and create a community, however small it may be.
9. Above all: study the ways of being Catholic and the ways that Catholics make war on the enemy. We are not called The Church Militant for nothing. You’re a soldier behind enemy lines. Deep into enemy territory. Act accordingly, you’re special ops of the spiritual realm. That’s what being Catholic means.
10. If you can, join or support us, here.
11. No, you will not understand about unity amongst honest men even if you have been in battle in a trench with them. You will not understand it until you take part in Holy Mass, after confession and meet and speak and work with other properly Catholic men. I know, for I had friends made in extreme situations, and yet, the brotherhood and unity that comes from sharing the truth of Catholicism within us and in our traditions, is beyond even the bond made between men who have faced physical danger together. And you can’t know it before you take part in it. Just begin by going to Mass and observe without being part of it. Begin that way, and the way will be shown to you.
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