The Charlton of Despair Continues on

Bruce Charlton continues to spread his gnostic nihilism. After concluding that the only self-motivated people are psychopaths, he adds this fully gnostic (and thus utterly false) “point”:

This includes self-identified – and indeed sincere – Christians; who lack the insight that that their own zealous and burning motivational state is using Christianity as a mere vehicle for the self-aggrandizement – a self-reinforcing process upon-which they depend like an addictive drug; a drug required in increasing doses in order to retain the (here and now, this-worldly) motivational state that they absolutely need – and without-which they would rapidly collapse into oblivion-seeking despair.

One can only believe such nonsense if one doesn’t actually really believe in Christianity at all. Ann Barnhardt has mentioned before how the vast majority of Novus Orco “Catholics” whether fake clergy or fake Catholics, regardless of whether they do so knowingly or not, don’t actually believe “any of that bullshit”. That “bullshit” being anything from transubstantiation to the sacrament of marriage.

Because Bruce is not actually a Christian, just like most so-called “christians” are not actually Christian either, the very idea of an actual Christian simply being Christian, is unconceivable to him.

Because you see, an actual Christian, unlike Bruce and all the other Churchians, does believe in all that “bullshit”. All of it. Which means he cannot be anything other than a complete, total zealot. As he should be. As he must be. As the Catholic Crusaders of 1095 were. As the knights of Malta of 1565 were. As all those priests martyred in South America who chose to be shot instead of break the sacramental seal of confession, or who chose to place themselves before a firing squad in the place of a civilian marked for execution that they knew.

Can a man that is an actual Christian, instead of some vague Churchian be anything other than a total zealot? I don’t think so. No more than an actual mathematician can agree that two and two is five.

And what does an actual Christian do? Does he rally other Christians because of personal ego? For personal gain? For status? Pride? Glory?

I don’t think so. It’s certainly not my way.

In an ideal world I could be left to write my books and ideas in peace, and make enough from those activities to have others work my fields and draw a salary as well as part of the harvest from them. I could spend a lot more time teaching my children a lot of the things and skills I know and be perfectly happy in total anonymity.

But I am not being left alone. And what’s worse, my children, and yours will be left even less alone. So, I will act and do all that needs doing to reverse that tide.

Starting with creating a proper Sedevacantist community of total Christians; i.e. actual Catholics. And build that community to be self-sufficient and large enough to determine local politics. And if I have any say, national ones too. Then global. Do I want to spend the rest of my life doing that? No. Not at all. It’s kind of harrowing and grim to consider it. But if it is what needs doing then, you bet I will. And I don’t care what nullities like Bruce Charlton think of it at all, nor does it concern me if people like him or that listen to his nonsense go their grave assuming I am an egomaniac. I don’t care for their assumptions and judgements at all. The only thing I care about are results.

So, either join me and my zealots, knowing it is not a democracy and never will be, create your own group of zealots, or get out of the way. The only other option is be our direct enemy; and no, we don’t care how many masks you put on, how many crimes of being an impostor you commit. We see you. Because as actual Christians, none of your lies, errors and deceptions are opaque to us. We see you, devil-spawn. We see you.

3 Responses to “The Charlton of Despair Continues on”

  1. John Samson says:

    His false dichotomy between self-motivation and sincere Christian community is revealing. The more generous interpretation that he’s a feeble binary thinker who simply can’t grasp the synergy between the two is sunk by his claims elsewhere that we “co-create” reality. Claims his own mewling despair effectively refutes. Gnostic nihilism indeed. One might ask why not co-create a reality where the secret king comes out on top…

    Full disclosure: I found his précis of Steiner’s taxonomy of evil useful in an isolated heuristic way. Before the self-indictment that inevitably comes with these auto-idolaters. And of course, it wasn’t his insight in the first place.

    • G says:

      I haven’t read that. I have read some Steiner stuff. And some is weird but some is pretty interesting. I haven’t really made my mind up about him one way or the other. Unlike Charlton, who’s clearly a gnostic nihilist.

      And indeed. Why can’t the secret king ever win, even when he creates his own reality? It must be because his winning reality is unique to him. In his own head alone. Why, just like… oh, yes… delusion.

  2. John Samson says:

    It’s the Luciferic, Ahrimanic, and Sorathic triad. They’re useful descriptors rather than metaphysical existents since worldly evil is a consequence of the Fall as understood in Christian terms – both of Satan and man. I don’t know if Charleton sees them as more than that. He may given his self-fabricated “spirituality” but I don’t really care. The Sorathic in particular neatly captures the ultimate Satanic inversion of anti-Creation as driving impulse.

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