I have long held the theory that some of the most devious, scheming, civilisation hating individuals are that way partly because they are so undesirable sexually that they become extremely bitter and hateful.
When I say undesirable, I mean that their physical appearance mixed with their narcissistic, egomaniacal, toxic personality makes such a hideous combination that having sex with them, or any kind of loving intimate interaction, makes the alleged incestuous scat-play of Hitler (who know if it was true or slander) seems healthy and normal by comparison.
They literally make people’s skins crawl and no one sane would voluntarily choose to have intimate relations with them.
They might be very wealthy and pay for it, or they may have sex slaves locked up in a dungeon for all I know, but on a visceral, deep, genetic level, they, and everyone else, knows that they are simply never going to be treated sexually as genuine objects of desire, lust, or, least of all, love.
I speak, of course of the physical abominations that are the following:
Kathleen Kennedy, she of the wanting to murder all the memories of films GenX loved as kids, Star Wars (the original trilogy), Indiana Jones, And so on. I mean, look at her.
Look at the fake horse teeth, in what is that? a mouthpiece? Or are her gums literally barely under her nostrils? And look at that gouty-looking neck, not blob-like only because of the whitening, the inevitable wrinkling, visible even through the make up applied like oil-paint all over her shiny forehead, but above all, look at the fake, plastic smile, trying to hide the tiny pits of hatred that are her eyes. Look at her, pretending to be happy, when it is clear she is miserable and envy is eating her up. Clawing as she does at her being a “famous” (hated) “director” (quota-driven, woke implant). Go, tell me this woman has ever had a decent session of loving sex. Or even just genuine lustful enjoyment. No. You can tell she never has.
Lucasfilm’s President Kathleen Kennedy speaks at Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit in Washington October 13, 2015. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
Here is another. Klaus Schwab. Come on. No one, ever has had willing sex with this guy. You know it, I know, and he knows it. And that is why he wants to kill everyone off with his Satanic WEF and its programs, look at that 666 symbol in the very logo.
Look at his impotent little fists, naturally going into the obsessive wanker’s crouch when he thinks how angry he is at the world.
Or what about this guy? Bill Gates. Does that look like a man that instantly inspires sexual lust in women everywhere? Even with his billions? Honestly, look at that face.
I would bet that even if in the coming gamma world there are genetic mutations that create human-sized praying mantises, the females of the species would refuse to have sex with Bill Gates, because there is no way they would stomach eating his head.
Seriously, just look at all these supposed “Masters of the Universe” that are busy trying to poison you with murder-juice, make your children sexual toys for sexual deviants when they are not trying to mentally and physically mutilate them into believing they are the opposite sex of what they are, and trying to limit your ability to travel, eat what you want and buy what you want with your cash.
Look at them.
They are unlovable. Physically, mentally, intellectually, emotionally. On every level, any normal human would rather frolic with a bag of demon-possessed snakes than have sexual relations with one of these abominations.
It’s a real pattern. Take a look yourself and let me know your thoughts.
Yeah a nice “invisible barrier” for bugs and…and…not at all to make you sick with toxic mono & diglycerides. Nooo. No, no, no. Of course not. He wouldn’t do that. Mr genetic Serum Patent holder on Coronavirii stuff that paid ALL the people involved in the corona scam.
Because apparently even when I spoon feed people about the details they still ask me if I can make them chew and swallow too, here is more information that no doubt will add to my status as a “conspiracy theorist”. who just happens to be right about pretty much every conspiracy I ever presented for some 30 years in a row now.
This is the archived screenshot of the patent to the modification of Coronavirus by the Pirbright Institute who just happens to study all sorts of viruses. And yet, currently no mention of the coronavirus on their website, which is odd, since they patented a genetic modification of it back in 2015 as the first link above shows.
The Pirbright Institute is also sponsored quite actively by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and apparently they are currently looking for someone to model some sort of… (guess, go on) Mucosal immunity. “But, but, it’s all about just chickens and pigs and cows…I hear you say incredulously.” No. No it isn’t; it’s about human stuff. Read the advert for the post, screenshotted below.
Well, just coincidence right?
I guess so is the fact that the same Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations sponsored Event 201 via the John Hopkins Centre for Health Security. What was Event 201? Oh, just their clever name for the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic tabletop prediction…oh…errr…no….exercise, not prediction, scratch prediction, test run, model-before-you-do-it,etc all those words are badthink; just conspiracy theory craziness, you know. Here, you can see video clips for yourself of how they are also thinking of using algorithms to scour the net for “false stories” about the pandemic…you know, when it breaks out, as in how do we control the narrative fully type of questions. Which given the holes in everything Bill has ever done in the software world, and everything else, the literally broken crap he sold for billions and called windows, doesn’t inspire all that much confidence in me. But I’m sure I’m just paranoid. That must be it.
And of course, the same Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation would never, ever, ever, partner with the seat of Satan itself to make everything even worse for everyone everywhere in some other good ways, right? Like say, defining ethics. As if Microsoft and Bergoglio together did not amount to practically Beelzebub and Asmodeus copulating with each other in a sewer in the middle of the Vatican while they try to tell us they are our moral and ethical masters. Right. They would never do such a thing.
The Sexually Frustrated Uglies
I have long held the theory that some of the most devious, scheming, civilisation hating individuals are that way partly because they are so undesirable sexually that they become extremely bitter and hateful.
When I say undesirable, I mean that their physical appearance mixed with their narcissistic, egomaniacal, toxic personality makes such a hideous combination that having sex with them, or any kind of loving intimate interaction, makes the alleged incestuous scat-play of Hitler (who know if it was true or slander) seems healthy and normal by comparison.
They literally make people’s skins crawl and no one sane would voluntarily choose to have intimate relations with them.
They might be very wealthy and pay for it, or they may have sex slaves locked up in a dungeon for all I know, but on a visceral, deep, genetic level, they, and everyone else, knows that they are simply never going to be treated sexually as genuine objects of desire, lust, or, least of all, love.
I speak, of course of the physical abominations that are the following:
Look at the fake horse teeth, in what is that? a mouthpiece? Or are her gums literally barely under her nostrils? And look at that gouty-looking neck, not blob-like only because of the whitening, the inevitable wrinkling, visible even through the make up applied like oil-paint all over her shiny forehead, but above all, look at the fake, plastic smile, trying to hide the tiny pits of hatred that are her eyes. Look at her, pretending to be happy, when it is clear she is miserable and envy is eating her up. Clawing as she does at her being a “famous” (hated) “director” (quota-driven, woke implant). Go, tell me this woman has ever had a decent session of loving sex. Or even just genuine lustful enjoyment. No. You can tell she never has.
Here is another. Klaus Schwab. Come on. No one, ever has had willing sex with this guy. You know it, I know, and he knows it. And that is why he wants to kill everyone off with his Satanic WEF and its programs, look at that 666 symbol in the very logo.
Look at his impotent little fists, naturally going into the obsessive wanker’s crouch when he thinks how angry he is at the world.
Or what about this guy? Bill Gates. Does that look like a man that instantly inspires sexual lust in women everywhere? Even with his billions? Honestly, look at that face.
I would bet that even if in the coming gamma world there are genetic mutations that create human-sized praying mantises, the females of the species would refuse to have sex with Bill Gates, because there is no way they would stomach eating his head.
Seriously, just look at all these supposed “Masters of the Universe” that are busy trying to poison you with murder-juice, make your children sexual toys for sexual deviants when they are not trying to mentally and physically mutilate them into believing they are the opposite sex of what they are, and trying to limit your ability to travel, eat what you want and buy what you want with your cash.
Look at them.
They are unlovable. Physically, mentally, intellectually, emotionally. On every level, any normal human would rather frolic with a bag of demon-possessed snakes than have sexual relations with one of these abominations.
It’s a real pattern. Take a look yourself and let me know your thoughts.
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By G | 26 May 2023 | Posted in Billionaire Pedophiles, Humour, Social Commentary