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Some old chickens trying to come home to roost.

This one is for all those deceived ignorants who think Ratzi the Nazi is the “real Pope”.

No, he is not, and never was.

Finally a civil suit, lurches its head weakly towards trying to give a semblance of the shadow of justice to victims of abuse.

Here is a snippet, with the few comments below it all by emotional but utterly churchian people, none of which can be considered catholic, since they have never bothered to take note of what being Catholic entails.

And here is more details on the alleged real reason Ratzi resigned in the first place, apparently, he was blackmailed into doing so lest all this festering evil came up in probably a far more public way.

A partial quote of the article:


Priests at the Bavaria boarding school for boys in Regensbury, Germany, allegedly sexually assaulted up to 700 students by making them take off their clothes and bend over for whippings or forcible sex.At least 231 and as many as 700 boys were subjected to “ritual abuse” by clergy men who ran the school from 1953 to 1992, according to Ulrich Weber, a German lawyer commissioned by the choir who represents the alleged victims.“I have here 231 reports of physical abuse,” Weber said at a press conference on Friday, “The abuse ranges from sexual assault and rape to food deprivation to the boys who were less cooperative.”


Not quite the innocuous “civil matter” they made it sound like at the first link eh?

I told you. I keep telling you. There has been no legitimate Pope after Pope Pius XII.

And any follower of the Novus Ordo pretending to be clergy of Catholicism is to be assumed to be a knowing and intentional freemasonic Satanist.

And if laity, a deceived, lazy, ignorant at best, or a knowing deceiver at worst.

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