Remember when I said that the bioweapon was probably genetically targetted?

Well, I wasn’t just guessing when I wrote this post, and neither are the Chinese or the Russians.

It’s also quite interesting which ethnicities are specifically mentioned in the tweet.

2 Responses to “Remember when I said that the bioweapon was probably genetically targetted?”

  1. Hayseed says:

    A bioweapon designed to maximize harm in certain ethnic groups is sorcery of the blackest sort. Imagine if Sauron had unleashed a virus designed to sicken and kill the men of Middle Earth while leaving the orcs unaffected! Decades of brainwashing, propaganda and entrainment meant to poison the soul and now a virus meant to poison our bodies. Will the horrors never cease?

    I’m an Irish/German hybrid (by German I mean Norman French, English and German) and as far as I know I’ve never had covid. Since 2020 I’ve been sick with something flu like once and in my case it was pretty mild. If it was covid it wasn’t nearly as bad as thought it would be.

    I can understand why the cryptocracy would target Europeans and Arabs as they both have long, well documented histories of banding together to overthrow their rulers but why the Chinese? They seem content to eke out a living and keep their heads down as long there is rice upon the table and a modicum of social order. They’ve never been particularly averse to authoritarian governments. Of course, I’m almost totally ignorant of Chinese history so pardon me if what I just wrote was among the stupidest things you’ve ever read.

    God bless you!

    • G says:

      The Chinese turned away the Jews in the very recent past in a pretty clear manner. The plan was to abandon America after it was a corpse and move on to China. But China said NYET!
      Also, there are a LOT of Chinese.

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