Recognising Infiltrators

I have been ranting about freemasons and their tactic of playing both sides of the coin for quite some time.

In my Reclaiming The Catholic Church, I specifically identified 11 things that deceivers do to try and confuse, gaslight, deceive and distort the truth. Even if you don’t care about Christianity, that section alone is worth looking at, as the lesson of how to spot deceivers is one that is useful in all aspects of life.

On this blog, I regularly dump into the spam filter, the type of deceivers as well as idiotic commenters that don’t bother to follow some really basic and simple, common sense. I even wrote a little post to make it clear that commenters need to follow a basic premise or two. There are no warnings on my blog. If you are the kind of deceiver, or complete moron, that discussing anything with is a waste of time, then I simply dump your comment (and all future ones automatically) into spam.

Sometimes though, it is useful to keep one of these comments on here just as a teaching moment.

Most people assume I am just a heartless, too harsh, fascist of some sort. But it is not so. I just have a LOT of experience with intentional liars and deceivers. So, here is a good example.

This was a comment supposedly “asking for clarification” but really just trying to undermine the entire process of reading body language, as per my post here. Go see that one first if you have not already, then take a look at the comment below:

Let us now look at the multiple and underhanded ways this deceiver is attempting to subvert the truth in all its glory.

Firstly, consider that classically only about 7% of our communication is verbal. So by pretending that reading body language is some kind of superstitious magic, is basically the equivalent of ignoring over 90% of our communicative ability. But that’s the implication. “Oh if you believe in this witch magic you, obviously a fool.” Uh-huh. And yet, any trained investigator and interrogator knows body language is a very reliable indicator of truthfulness and insight into the psychology of the subject being interrogate.

Secondly, in the vain attempt at “aligning” with this idiot’s perception of my “masculinity” he tries to imply that Bombard’s analysis is simply feminine snark. This is a multi-level failure of triple proportion, since:

A) I am pro women being feminine and Bombard is a lady.

B) Her humorous takes on other videos are almost entirely absent in this take. Where, exactly, is the supposed “snark”? But this tells us also that the commenter is familiar with other videos of Bombard’s. This is not his first video of hers he has watched. Or the second or third. This commenter is familiar with Bombard’s style. Meaning he has spent some time watching her work. And why would he do that if it’s all just superstitious nonsense? And why would he be trying to link her work to “snark” and “femininity”? I’ll tell you why. Because Bombard is very good at her work and tells the truth as she sees it, which is generally in alignment with the actual truth and not the Clown World Narrative. So he tries to make it sound as if she’s just some bitchy female, while…

C) …hoping to appeal to what he erroneously assumes is my “red pill misogyny”. He gets it spectacularly wrong. Bombard is far from bitchy. She makes pertinent fun of evil, deceitful scum on a regular basis. And yes she does it in a feminine way, which makes it quite entertaining. But with regard to this triple failure, I am not your retarded, PUA-influenced, “red pilled”, incel, that has a thinly veiled hatred of women. Quite far from it. I am a Catholic, a man, and perfectly at ease with women, especially women who are perfectly at ease being women.

Yes, of course, a natural woman can be a tornado of chaos, hormonal hysterics, and irrational, insanity-inducing spirals of emotions. But it’s those same qualities that can make a woman an intolerable harpy of nonsense that can also make her a creature of loving, nurturing, sweetness, sexiness, tempering kindness, and spontaneous joy. My own wife skirts the edge between raving insanity and the kind of love that inspires Greeks to siege cities for a decade. Precisely because she is extremely female. And just like my own maleness can walk the edge between merciless brutality and courageous sacrifice, I have never been so stupid, weak, or deceived to actively hold women in general in some kind of contempt. Like I said, triple failure of this fed to read the room.

Third, complete failire of logic in his attempted “take-down”. So Bombard only has “opinions” with “zero evidence”, that she gets from… err… micro-expressions. Ooopps. So, what are micro-expressions then, if they are not evidence of any kind? Zero evidence right? And yet… and yet… her “opinions” are based on the very micro-expressions you acknowledge exist. Pray, do tell, what, precisely do you think micro-expressions are? Why do they exist at all? Go on, we’ll wait.

Fourth, he has the throw-away comment “I sincerely hope the rest are better” as a means of influencing even those people who do watch Bombard’s videos regularly. What he’s going for here is the intro to his next piece:

Oh yeah, ok, maybe she does a better job elsewhere, but on this video… oh no… on this one she gets it wrong! Because…” see the fifth point below

Fifth, “Well, because war is chaos, it’s all just a blur and she’s trying to judge these poor innocents that were just swept up in the red tide of war, don’t you know!” Yeah… no. Doesn’t cut it. First of all because as both these subspecies of “men” admitted, they were moving down, torturing, raping and killing men, women and children that were also unarmed civilians. This is absolutely clear. You don’t get to chase after people to set them on fire with flame throwers if they are in any way armed with any kind of firearm. You don’t get to cage men and shoot them down if they are armed and fighting back. And if the micro-expressions you produce when “reminiscing” on the actions of raping of a sixteen year old and the murdering of unarmed civilians including children is a “cheeky/naughty smile” well, then you belong in Hell. And no, it was not chaos for these perpetrators of war crimes. They knew exactly what they were doing. As they recount quite clearly. This was the attempt to devalue Bombard’s work as well as body language reading in general, while trying to bury it under a generic “well, no one can really know anything about the internal world of another” as well as casting aspersions on the process as a while as though Bombard was just stating opinions, instead of meticulously explaining precisely why and how she was reaching the conclusions she did.

Sixth and finally, the last attempt to both engage me in a futile and fruitless “explanation” or perhaps even “argument” with the sole purpose of wasting my time and no-doubt further deceive and divert readers. It’s the classic; “Oh, I’m just asking a question to clarify.” Designed to derail the entire topic.

And lastly, of course, his chosen name. They really can’t help themselves.

So, please note, if you pay attention, this is NOT an innocuous commentator. This was a deceiver or ticket seller, trying to derail the very fact of the inhumanity these two old Jews, much like the younger ones now, have towards anyone not Jewish. See the video below for just this point.

As opposed to the now admitted to have been totally FAKE NEWS even by the mainstream media of the 40 beheaded babies by Hamas, this guy, who is the former prime minister of Israel actively wants, and in fact is, ensuring that actual babies in incubators no longer have life-sustaining electricity.

As a result of a false flag operation by the way, that we now know the Americans warned Israel was about to happen 3 separate times days before it took place, as well as Egypt calling Net-a-yahoo, current prime minister, 3 days in advance telling him that an attack was imminent. Which Bibi denied he had ever received, except that… err, yeah, the Americans proved he did receive. So yeah… that happened.

As did this:

So don’t be fooled. The old Jews that burned raped and killed with impunity, then lied about it for decades, are the same, and of the same type, as the young Jews who are doing it now and then will lie about it.

And that’s the history and current reality they don’t want you to know about. Hence the fed-comment that inspired this post.

And by the way… were is Western outrage at all the inhumanity?

2 Responses to “Recognising Infiltrators”

  1. Fishy Fishy Fish says:

    Dear Giuseppe,
    Thank you for your lengthy response, and pointing out the rules of commenting. I was aware of them and careful not to breach them.

    Your response demonstrates the value of my question. So much bullshit from stupid assumptions.

    I am not a “deceiver or ticket seller, trying to derail the very fact of the inhumanity these two old Jews, much like the younger ones now, have towards anyone not Jewish. See the video below for just this point.”

    I am a mere Christian and confess Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour.

    I am not a freemason or some other weirdo. I simply wanted to know why you thought so much of this video, and asked, without breaching any of your rules.

    Your wall of text, insulting rant of a response answers the question to everyone who bothers to read it.

    Best wishes,

    Fishy Fishy Fish

    (BTW – I am a fisherman and the name is based on a joke with my wife but make of it what you want).

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