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Prediction on Taiwan

It’s been reported by Chinese State TV, and supposedly the minister of Defence of China, that China will launch a reunification attack in early June.

There have been other rumblings about a June kick-off with respect to the whole (((NATO/USA))) war on Russia.

So… IF China does attack Taiwan, it may well do so in early June. They currently have their fleet surrounding it already, and I read at least one report that they either may or may have already cut some internet ocean floor cables.

Sure, there is a lot of propaganda, BUT, if China does launch a hard takeover of Taiwan in June, Russia would be stupid to not take this as an opportunity to secure Odessa and block the Ukraine from ever having a port again. And if you do that, you may as well open up a route to Europe for goods via Romania, as well as liberate Transnistria. Which will give the Eastern European nations currently held hostage by the (((usual suspects))) running the USA, a chance to slip out of the economic noose they have round their neck. It won’t prevent brave politicians from being shot, corrupt ones being blackmailed and so on, but it’s still better than nothing.

And given that Xi and Putin are being pretty good buddies of late, a co-ordinated effort to give (((the usual suspects))) some nightmares is certainly not far fetched.

Israel continues to behave like the typical stereotype of lying, duplicitous and genocidal psychopath we have come to expect, and if America is suddenly trying to feed three fronts, as well as failing in their various colour revolutions and coups around the world (Georgia, Moldava, Kazakhstan, Congo, etc) the arabs might just decide that America is finally weak enough to make Israel return to a desert-like state of emptiness. At that point Israel MIGHT actually go nuclear but it would not save them.

Anyway, my prediction for Taiwan is that it will be in a state of war or reunification this year. It might also begin as early as June, but I would expect that to be more towards the middle or end of it, not the beginning of it. And it might only take place later in the summer, but I would guess before the end of September.

We’ll see how I do in my prediction soon enough.

One Response to “Prediction on Taiwan”

  1. Arthur says:

    I live in Romania. The land corridor would be great for us, but most of the population here are too indoctrinated by Clown World to allow it. It’s not Polish / Baltic State level of stupidity but it’s close. Anti-Russia, pro-GAE, you name it.

    There is a history of turn-coating to be sure, WW2, the 90s revolution, but those were different people. I may be wrong, but I don’t see this opportunity as one they’re likely to take advantage of.


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