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Possible Nuclear False Flag

There has been quite a lot of chatter about a supposedly false flag attack scheduled for tomorrow on the Zaporizhznia nuclear power plant. The information has come from various channels and different people, so, in my opinion, it may be one of the following things:

  • Russian intel being spread far and wide to prevent the actual false flag as a result of too many eyes now knowing about it. The Russians have used to is technique before and if this is the case I pray it works.
  • A genuine warning of something that the idiotic, evil, and satanic, deep state neocons, are planning, as is their usual way with their hubris and disregard for human beings. And let’s be clear, who they and what they do: they serve the globalist bankster’s agenda, which ultimately aligns with the Judaic prophecies as well as religious wishes as espoused by their Rabbis and their Talmud, though, not all are Jews, of course, just the most powerful and numerous are.
  • Some generic fear porn of some nature or other.

Below are a few of the rumours, and below that my thoughts.

On the night of July 5, Kiev plans to attack the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant using high-precision weapons and kamikaze drones – Adviser to the Head of Russian energy giant Rosenergoatom Karchaa.

UPDATE: Kiev’s regime will hit the plant with a Tochka-U missile with a warhead stuffed with nuclear waste – Karchaa.

The reason I am inclined to think this is more than just words (and I promise you I pray I am wrong) is that the Ukis, pushed by their masters like whipped dogs, have tried to rain missiles and bombs on this plant from the very start of the war.

If the Russians had not secured it, it would already have happened, much as the Uki destroyed that dam recently.

The idea that the Russians would blow up their own nuclear power plant, is as absurd as the idea that they bombed their own gas pipeline last year.

For context, this is where it is on the map.

That’s in what Russia has now officially stated is Russian territory and they have been very clear that any attack of a nuclear nature —which bombing a nuclear power station definitely qualifies under their internal rules for nuclear retaliation— would receive a swift and nuclear, response.

It’s been obvious that the clowns of clown world have been getting progressively more desperate, and nuclear war, especially if it’s limited to the European continent, would suit them perfectly well.

It would get rid of almost all Europeans (actual Europeans not imported Africans, Arabs and Indians, though the ones in Europe would be casualties too of course) and destroy any Christian heritage or really any faith for most people, since most are just LARPing at “Christianity” as it is.

In short, it would achieve all their goals including a catastrophic economic collapse with famine, widespread deaths and so on.

All music to the ears of the banksters.

If you read that blog post at the Unz review yesterday that I blogged about, you may be starting to understand how all wars are banker’s wars. They literally profit on the corpses of millions. Knowingly and intentionally.

I sincerely hope this is just more FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) as per the RPG game called Paranoia that I told you we are fast approaching becoming the life imitates art version of.

But since in that game the referee is actively trying to kill the players, much like the false God of the Clowns feels about humanity, it pays to be a bit more on the paranoid side.

If you are in Europe tomorrow, it might be a good idea to take a day off into the country-side if you don’t already live there. Away from military installations or cities in general.

If globohomo Clowns go for this, Russia will reply. And I don’t know if it will limit itself to certain targets in Europe or go full dead man’s hand, take out everything from Moscow to Hollywood and everything in between.

I know the Russians do have a dead-man’s hand system that is completely automated and if the conditions are met it will automatically launch every ICBM and nuke they have at pre-selected targets in the West. If that happens, we’re going the way of Dodos and Dinosaurs.

Please pray I’m just a good Paranoia player and that we are not yet shifted into that reality. Also because none of us has another five clones.

UPDATE: On a slightly more positive note, even if the plant IS hit, the resulting radiation leakage is not going to be something that concerns me much, because of the plant design. But the response, which will be forthcoming in a fairly short time periods (hours if we’re lucky, maybe as many as 24 or even 48) or minutes if we are not, does concern me. Greatly. It would be the excuse to escalate the war with potentially the whole of NATO, and if I recall right the Americans have recently amassed a lot of military hardware in Germany and surrounds for some sort of “joint military exercise” in which many military aircraft are supposedly going to be involved.

At the very least, if I was Russia and the plant got blown up, I would probably Blitzkrieg all those American aircraft that haven’t taken off yet and quite possibly tac nuke Western military command structures outside of Ukraine.

THEN I’d make a call to whoever is running Biden and let him know the next step is every ICBM I have going to fly at literally any place ai think one of you rats is hiding in.

Like I said: pray I am just a slightly paranoid guy who would be good in the RPG game Paranoia but am just a bit (a lot, I hope!) ahead of the reality curve in the hear and now.

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