As we are busy hardening the security and so on, after the latest attack, a gentleman that has quite a bit of experience in online marketing is telling me that my site here looks like something out of Warhammer and is affecting the readership numbers.
Personally, I doubt it. I like the look of the blog, it was designed to remind one of the kind of gentleman’s library where you might enjoy cognac and a cigar from the late 1800s.
Besides, I doubt the look of the blog affects the willingness of a visitor to click on the various things found here, be it the books I wrote and the related e-store for them and some watercolours I do, or Kurgan TV or anything else you can find here.
I know my site is non-indexed by google and possibly shadowbanned and the only thing that helps readership numbers is if it spreads organically by the readers forwarding links and sharing posts they find interesting with their friends.
But I thought I’d ask you guys. So here is the poll.
I’d suggest “no swastikas on the front page”
I agree with your opinion of the look/feel of the blog. It’s different and GOOD.
You should not change it unless you objectively know it will increase the spread of your content and the truth to a broader audience.
Sola Deo Gloria.
thank you.
I think the colors are fine but it’d be nice if it were a bit more optimized for phone, like if the close button on your initial popup were bigger and thus easier to click on a phone, and if the side columns were hidden by default like Vox does and with a “show sidebars” link in case tou want to see them. Scrolling with the sidebars the text doesn’t stay centered.
Thanks. What phone/browser combo are you using?
The current formatting works for desktop viewing, but it’s damned hard to read on a mobile device. Especially with eyes over half a century old. Each post is a 1/2 inch wide and 15 feet long.
that should not be the case, as the site should automatically resize for your screen. What browser/phone are you using? Also, are you aware you can change font size in your mobile phone browser?
It could do with a spruce up, side bars, headers and organize the links. The aesthetic is great.
What would you change on the side bars? And how/which links would you change? the header I know is an issue on various pages, mostly because I am a content above look kind of guy and getting the right header for various areas of the site is a pain.
I don’t claim to be an expert on Web developing but I heard the more your site has modern looks, the more it is vulnerable to cyber-security threats. I don’t remember the exact explanation..
Yes, this is also a concern of mine. In fact, the hacker had installed various plugins to get the site to work more the way he wanted. I use such an old version of things that while it may have some vulnerabilities in some areas, it is paradoxically stronger than the modern versions, which in many cases have build-in back doors.
Beware of that gentleman with experience in online marketing that suggested you change the design/ architecture of the site. For all we know he could be somehow connected to the hacker that tried to take down your site..
As things stand right now, you are safer not changing anything, I think. Hell, it might be a good idea if you further downgrade it to a more primitive technology and remove any (useless/ less used) features that could be exploited as backdoors.
As some have mentionned, hising the sidebars like vox populi would be nice for phone users, but it’s really not hard to zoom in so I don’t care that much. The style is great.