Giuseppe Filotto Cross

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The Final Solution

Since the restart of this blog, I explained the focus would be more on solutions than describing the problems.

If by now you still don’t know that people like Bill Gates the still surviving younger (Alex) Soros, Klaus Schwab and their mass-murdering, pedophile, child-raping, murdering and cannibalistic puppets and friends are the problem, along with the mostly Jewish established creators of the absurdity of ex-nihilo fiat currency, controllers of almost all entertainment and mass media… well… in that case, young man, you have a looooong and dark road ahead of you filled with increasingly dystopian revelations.

But that is precisely the point. Everyone that might be, or aspires to be, or is, what I would define as Player Character material, as opposed to NPC status, by now should be aware that you and yours are basically going to be the hunted by the zombie hordes pushed by the various pedovore puppets, or if you become enough of a target, by the pedovores directly.

Smaller states *might* have SOME leeway, but not much, see Robert Fico, the prime minister of Slovakia, who was shot in a serious assassination attempt. But there may be places like El Salvador that really are being run by someone that possibly is not in the pockets of the Cabal. Possibly. Even then it’s a gamble as many such places are relatively easy to corrupt by the usual means. And in any case they are more liable to be third world type places, where you might not fit in. Like say Niger, who recently kicked out the French occupiers.

Places like Guadeloupe may well have a sudden and possibly violent push for independence from France, and depending on the global landscape it may achieve it.

Things are moving very fast now, and will only accelerate. Of course Trump always talks a bigger game than he actually plays, as is generally the nature of American politicians, but recently he has made quite overt statements about taking over Greenland and even Canada. Clearly the American Empire, led —as always— by it’s master, Israel, sees the refusal of Russia to become the latest balkanised prey, and China’s imminent “reunification” of Taiwan, as things it needs to counter with American expansion of military force as well as territory, both in the European theatre as well as the middle East.

We, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Greeks and so in, are of course, hostages to our own bought and paid for puppet governments, servants and lackeys of the (((Americans))) who reduced every country around the world that they control to simply a business branch of America Inc.

And we would very much love for all the American military bases to simply vanish into thin air, but it is becoming clear that Clown World will hang on tooth and nail to every part of the globe it can, going so far as to attempt to assassinate minor countries heads of state and hack the blogs of essentially insignificant bloggers like myself, in order to keep the false narrative of the greatness of American “democracy” going. No matter how many people they have to kill to get morale to “improve” about Clown World’s homoglobalist agenda of mass murder and eternal slavery.

The key to surviving and eventually overcoming this state of affairs is only one:

The creation of communities of people that are:

1. Impervious to Clown World Propaganda.

2. As resistant and immune to infiltration as any group can ever be.

3. United in an eternal and constant and clear enmity with Clown World and all it stands for.

4. Capable, and willing to protect their ethnicity, culture and ways of life by all means available intelligently used.

5. Producing lots of children who are members of this community.

Every requirement for this is met by being a proper Catholic and forming a community with actual Catholics, which means, 1958 Sedevacantist.

You may not like it. You may not want to be a Catholic (because you have been lied to about what a Catholic is), but this is the reality we face. And at least for now, we are still way better off than Catholics were under the mantle of Roman Emperor Nero.

And don’t be fooled. There is only One True Church, and it is the Catholic one. Don’t take my word for it, by all means, do what I always suggest: know for yourself.

My books (non-fiction ones) help cut the research time down considerably, because they are filled with references, but you can also just study things on your own and look for ways to falsify your own preconceived as well as your new ideas.

When you are done, you may still want to read Believe or Reclaiming the Catholic Church to confirm your own findings.

So that’s the Final Solution: Build communities.

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My Position on the Nazis

Given the “scary cover” of Nazi Moon, which is the collection of the first three books of rhe Overlords of Mars Series (as well as the first iteration of the cover for book 1 of that series – Overlords of Mars : Inception) and my author’s notes in the first two book being clearly anti-nazi, while the author’s notes in the third book might be seen (by people who can’t read for comprehension) as being pro-nazi, I figured it was time to clarify my position with regards to “the Nazis” and Hitler himself.

I think to a great extent, Vox Day already covered a lot of the ground on the why of my own views in his own clarification post here.

Being as unlike Hitler I actually am a devout Catholic (which also means I am a 1958 Sedevacantist, as these are the only actual Catholics left), Hitler’s and the Nazis in general, Pagan New Religion that they wanted to be based on racial lines and use to completely eradicate Catholicism (Christianity is Catholicism and vice-versa, all else is just heretic Churchianity, as anyone capable of reading and interested enough in looking at actual Church History and the Bible can conclude if they are objective and not already brainwashed a priori) is obviously not anything I agree with.

That is enough to make me clearly anti-Nazi ideologically.

Which does not mean I will also pretend certain realities about that period of history will be ignored or swept under the carpet just because they happen to align with “Nazism” in a more general sense.

For example, I absolutely do NOT believe 6 million Jews were gassed to death in concentration camps. But then, no one else does either, including holocaust historians in Israel.

Was there a persecution of Jews? Sure. And if you want to call it a holocaust, knock yourself out. But if you want me to feel especially bad specifically for the Jews, you may not want to be holding your breath. At least not until after everyone acknowledges publicly that “the Jews” —in the general sense just as “the Nazis” is used— have been responsible for far more human misery and death than any other ethnic tribe or religion on the face of the Earth since the beginning of recorded history.

Marxism and communism are both Jewish ideologies, the invention of the contraceptive pill was done by a Jew (1) as was the general attitude towards abortion, promoted by Sanger and today abortion being claimed by prominent Hollywood Jews as part of their religion.

The Bolsheviks (Jews) killed more nominally Christian Europeans than did the Second World War.

Jews caused holocausts of Palestinians (doing it today) and Lebanese with horrific crimes that simply go ignored by the mainstream narrative and their involvement in pernicious practices of usury, financial deceit and the literally absurd invention of fiat money and how it is operated by private enterprise run by powerful Jewish families, is again, a topic that is as forbidden to speak about as it is of whether gas chambers to gas people ever did or even could exist in Auschwitz and other concentration camps.

In short, the attitude that Jews are the most victims that were ever victimised as a people and deserving of some special treatment because of it is not only something that I don’t subscribe to in any way and never will, it is also an outright lie that inverts the truth that as a people, Jews, their ideologies and general practices in their host nations have undoubtedly caused more death and misery than any other people.

In fact, the intentional murder by forced marches, starvation, exposure and outright murder of German civilians after the second world war os multiples of times higher than the total number of Jews killed in it. The Morgenthau plan, which was “officially” abandoned, got actually put into practice by de facto behaviour of the allied forces against the defeated Germans. It is estimated something like ten million Germans were murdered this way, while the best estimates of the total number of murdered Jews, which ranges from 300,000 to 500,000. Certainly a tragedy, and we are happy to call it a holocaust if that is what the laws force us to do, but let us also then call out the multiple holocausts the Jews caused against the Germans, the Ukrainians and the Russians.

And let us also look with more care into the financial reasons that started, financed and caused the first and second world wars. Work that Antony Sutton has already done in three volumes, none of which have been found in error.

Just like none of the work of David Irving , who was a renowned historian for many years, before he looked into the Jewish holocaust and started to report back on his findings. After that Mr. Irving was publicly made a spectacle of and his work intentionally destroyed by the UK police. His vilification was total and people like me who had no real idea or interest in the details at the time just saw his picture plastered on the front page of various papers for being some callous, evil, neo-nazi denier of the holocaust. And as most did not have today’s awareness of the fact that almost all the mass media is also controlled by Jewish interests, and in any case is filled with the worst sort of liars from too to bottom, everyone just assumed Mr. Irving was indeed just some crazy vicious racist/holocaust-denier.

But Mr. Irving did not deny the Jewish Holocaust. He simply demonstrated the real extent of it in ways that were irrefutable even if not especially new. In fact, the entire Jewish Holocaust scenario began to appear in the 1960s. Before then, no one even discussed it. Including the people who had physically seen and even liberated some of the concentration camps. There was no outcry about gas chambers masquerading as showers in the immediate aftermath of the end of WWII.

Aside all that, there is another aspect of the Nazis that has to be acknowledged as being objectively superior to everyone else at the time: their technology.

The Nazis rediscovered the principles of antigravity and invented stealth technology as well as various devices to power their submarines far in advance of anything the allied had, and using different principles of physics,

They also invented the first jet engines and various other “wonder weapons” such as, for example, the foo fighters, some kind of smallish floating ball or disc that essentially acted as an advanced predatory arial mines against incoming enemy aircraft.

They had various ideas and concepts, some repugnant in character, others neutral, that in any event are absolutely noteworthy. As is Hitler’s implementation of various financial methodologies, and removal of various corrupt Jewish officials who had inserted themselves into the government.

In short, no, I do not subscribe to Nazi ideology, but I don’t subscribe to American or Israeli ideology either.

1. From wikipedia:

Pincus remained interested in mammalian reproduction systems and began to research infertility.[6] In 1951, Margaret Sanger met Pincus at a dinner hosted by Abraham Stone, the director of the Margaret Sanger Research Bureau and medical director and vice president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), and procured a small grant from the PPFA for Pincus to begin hormonal contraceptive research. Pincus, along with Min Chueh Chang, confirmed earlier research that progesterone would act as an inhibitor to ovulation.

In 1952, Sanger told her friend Katharine McCormick about Pincus and Chang’s research. Frustrated by PPFA’s meager interest and support, McCormick and Sanger met with Pincus in 1953 to dramatically expand the scope of the research with a 50-fold increase in funding from McCormick. Pincus was interested by Sanger’s work with impoverished women with histories of many pregnancies. Sanger indirectly influenced him to create a successful contraceptive to prevent unwanted pregnancies.[6]


Nationalism is the Truth

Vox Day has written one of the most important pieces of writing he has ever done here.

I absolutely suggest everyone reads it in full.

It is not just important, it is fundamental to understanding of reality on this planet and how the evil servants of Satan want to invert it.

Even so, Vox continues to make a fundamental error with regard to the one saving Grace that does exist on our fallen world: Christianity.

It is a bit of cognitive dissonance he exhibits that is hard to understand. Especially since it is directly analogous to the very concept of Nationalism he clearly understands so well and in which he refers to the relevant documents relating to the American Constitution.

If paper “Americans” are not actually Americans —and I agree they are not, even if it is somewhat arguable that there is any specific homogenous people that are American, as such, even if you allow for say such a concept as he does, I think there is a good argument to be made that Southrons are different genuine Americans from Yankee, and both are different genuine Americans from Redskins. So at minimum there are at least three different genuine Americans that can be considered such from native (birthright) principles— then there can be no argument that Protestants are in any way Christians; and this is even clearer, since the documentation regarding it is even clearer and untroubled by any genetic complexities, as it is based purely on adherence to the dogmatic principles that are all set down in writing.

Every single shade of Protestantism deviated ferociously from the only Christianity that had ever existed, complete with transubstantiation in the mass, Popes and so on, that is Catholicism.

The one exception people cling to, the so-called Eastern “Orthodox” are clearly schismatics motivated by subterfuge and political power as well as historical duplicitous turncoats that backstabbed the very Catholics that came to save them, repeatedly, even almost half a century after their schisms.

Nor do ANY of their theological claims to “orthodoxy” stand up to scrutiny based in actual Biblical fact.

Just as Novus Orco impostor clergy pretends to be Catholic, the Sarah Hoyts of America pretend to be American. And just as anyone who does not follow and believe the original dogma of the infallible magisterium of the Catholic Church, embodied in the Code of Canon Law of 1917 —which means it’s all available for perusal by anyone who cares to do so— has no claim to Christianity; no one who is not a legitimate progeny of one of the three branches of Americans mentioned above has any claim to America as their nation.

I have an opinion to explain Vox’s apparent rejection of actual Catholicism, which may or may not be correct, but as I have proposed a discussion on this before and it has been most likely politely rejected for at least a decade, I can only go on this so far, and it is thus:

Vox has an issue with any human authority over him. Which I understand and mostly agree with him on it, though I have no ego about it when that authority makes sense in order to achieve greater objectives and the “leader” is competent, or when —as is the case in the Church— that authority is derived by the “leader” (priest or bishop) adhering to divine law and doing their job with regard to imposing whatever such derived authority on me. I think Vox has an issue in both these regards I don’t have.

Secondly, I think he identifies his Christianity far more in that way that Catholicism would qualify as the internal forum than the external forum. That is, God knows our hearts fully and there is SOME scope for that internal state to give some leeway in terms of who may or may not be saved. Again, I have no real issue with this stance, but the point for me (and for logic in genera) is that the external forum, that is that aspect of your practice of religion that you exhibit publicly, absolutely matters because it helps to construct the social fabric that produces a more, or less, pious and believing society.

In short, because most people are NPCs, it is incumbent upon us to do our best to also follow the rules and apply ourselves to presenting ourselves as obedient Catholics (obedient to God first and foremost, and to his LEGITIMATE and VALID representatives on Earth that act and believe legitimately and validly).

To do so helps others see us and those who do so as the correct way to behave and encourages more Catholic behaviour, which historically has demonstrated itself to be the most beneficial overall behaviour that humanity has ever indulged in.

I make this post not as any sort of accusation to Vox, he will most likely not respond to my thoughts here anyway, but rather to make the position with respect to actual Christianity clear.

If you don’t believe paper Americans are actual Americans, you have no legitimate basis for believing anyone other than 1958 Sedevacantists (ie Catholics) are Christians, and everyone else is just a Churchian.

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Farming Life

It’s quite miserable being outside in the wet cold, with a sore throat, chopping the wood I need to do every morning so as to have enough of it to keep the wood stove heating all the radiators in the house, so we all stay warm.

But the little voice on the side, that comes out every morning to watch me, of her own free will, with her blonde hair and blue eyes that says:

“You missed!” Gleefully with every axe strike that doesn’t immediately produce a new chunk of wood, makes it exhilarating instead.

And today, when I broke off a partially chopped piece by hand, I even got:

“Daddy! Your job, you did it!”

And having the 5, 4 and 2 year old just decide to get dressed up and go play together in the forest is also something that counters the sensation of dreadful dystopia that most of the world is engulfed by, especially in the cities.

Which is why I suggest you get married, get rural, (not necessarily in that order, as city girls don’t adapt well to the harsh reality of farm life), make a load of children and connect with like minded people in real life first and foremost, but online too. And always beware the fake “homesteaders” that have 4 hours a day to make videos of how they live “off grid”.

Anyone actually living off grid doesn’t have the time to do that.

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The Uncivilised Man

A recent conversation with the wife highlighted something I have always known but probably assumed wasn’t as prevalent even with people you are close with. Possibly because in the family I grew up in this was understood as I understand it. And our lives and some of the work my father, myself and my brother all did independently of each other also confirmed this reality:

Violence is a normal part of life on Earth. So learning about it and how and when it is required to be applied and when it is not just right, but even necessary to do so, was simply something we learned in the normal course of life, like maybe other kids learn to go to football practice or learn to ride a bicycle and understand sometimes you’re likely to fall and so on.

In polite society (which really is a nice way of saying the mollified, metrosexual, “all violence is bad” generic faggotry that has been promoted, pushed and inserted into every narrative ever since the end of WWII) the idea you may have to resort to violence is seen mostly as some barbaric act of fate and bad luck, and certainly not anything you ever could or should do in cold blood.

Some may even agree that certain people need killing, as the saying goes, but like most “civilised” meat eaters would balk at the idea of butchering their own meat from a living animal, most of these people would either not be able to go through with it, or would be (and probably remain) traumatised by the act of taking a human life, no matter how justified.

As a hypothetical, a guy who rapes children, if you had the opportunity to kill him with absolute certainty that you never suffer any legal consequences for it, how many would actually be able to pull the trigger themselves? And if you want to add another layer to it: then go on to have lunch normally 15 minutes later?

And of those people who could do that, and not be traumatised (i.e. have the lunch), the overwhelming majority would be men. Mostly men that have had experience with killing and/or combat. Maybe soldiers or hunters. And of course, a few sociopaths.

Even under justified conditions, say the defence of your loved ones, modern western society tends to view the use of violence by private citizens as a basically illegal and dangerous thing that should be the exclusive monopoly of the government.

But not too long ago in terms of historical perspective, a man caught stealing or poaching from another man’s farm, was liable to get killed for it if he was caught. And frankly, while it might be a bit extreme even if it were legal, to blast say the truffle thieves I have encountered, you can see that if the law was that I was in my right to so, that would very quickly put a stop to truffle thieving. At least after the first dead body for thieving. And I doubt it would need more than one of them to get the point across.

Now you might think that this is wrong and doesn’t work, but it is you that is wrong. Places like Singapore and Saudi Arabia, that have the death penalty, and severe penalties for theft (like cutting off one hand for the first offence) have almost none of the crimes that get punished severely. In fact even littering is a non event in Singapore, because the penalty for it is a hefty fine and a couple of weeks of humiliation in public for it.

You might not like the fact, but the fact is that human beings respond very readily to pain. Some 40 years of martial arts experience has made this fact as solid in its truth as any engineering reality. One even more reliable that gravity.

And if the West is to ever be salvaged or recover from the onslaught of uncivilised third worlders that between Christmas and New Year have killed hundreds of people around the world, from the muslim stabber in Rimini here in Italy (shot dead by the carabinieri) to the various attacks and mass murders in the USA, Berlin, and many other places, mostly ignored intentionally by the presstitutes pretending to report the news (with apologies to street whores on crack, who compared to mass media journalists are paragons of virtue), it is not going to be sone by voting or even the “powers” of “government” [the illegal, illegitimate, bought and paid for puppets of the (((Americans)))]. It will happen only and because of organised, normal men who retained the capacity to do violence when required.

The mass of culture-clashing invaders, be they “legal” or not, aided and abetted by a completely inverted and corrupted legal system, is intentionally creating conditions of lawlessness, rape, general crime, and murder that are unheard of in the original native population of the various countries.

The natural reaction at some point will be to push back, at which point those doing so will be killed/shot/jailed/vilified by the lackeys of the puppets pretending to be legitimate governments.

So in fact, the very first people that would need to be removed, even before the immigrants, would be those who intentionally created these conditions with the idea of starting precisely the kind of race riots that will eventually erupt.

The puppet-masters must be target n.1.

Only then will the puppets then be next in line to lose their positions.

And only thirdly would it become necessary to repatriate the immigrants to the fourth generation, which at that point might even be accomplished calmly and non-violently for the most part.

Those immigrants permitted to stay would have to ideally number a total of less than 2% or so of the native population, and even then have conditions they need to remain under, being immediately deported (at minimum) for breaking them (such as being convicted of any crime and so on).

Any country doing that, decoupling from the USA and its (((masters))) who also did away with all international banking cartels, reduced all taxes to no more than 10% of income total, put all government budgets and government employee salaries online for all the public to see (and possibly vote on) and issued its own, usury-free and gold and silver backed currency, would quickly become a paradise on Earth.

Which is why every single leader who tried to do that suddenly found themselves on the receiving end of the “American” war machine.

But now is the time for smaller countries beside Russia to “break free”. And if you can just do some of it, the rest will follow. They can’t put out EVERY fire this time.

Yes the game is rigged and it’s rigged against you.

Yes you are financially very limited and they are not.

But ultimately, they are weak little cowards hiding behind layers of bureaucracy, obfuscation, subterfuge, and shadows. Because they are basically human cockroaches, the light of truth burns them.

So spread the word and share this post. The Uncivilised Man is going to be required on some levels if any Western cultures are to survive.

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