The comment on the previous post reminded me how much I despise the blackpilled. The nihilists. The doom and gloom brigade.
I despise them because they are cowards. Yes they are weak, but I do not despise weak men. Yes they are of limited intellect, unimaginative and average or below IQ, but I do not despise the unimaginative or the low IQ.
But I do despise cowards. I always have. What is more shameful and disgusting than a coward?
And in their cowardice they also make up lies.
“Oh it’s the immigrants!”
“Oh it’s women, they are all whores!”
“Oh it’s the economy!”
It’s always someone else’s fault. But the truth is that the blackpilled are lazy, weak and stupid. That 85 IQ negro labourer might only be able to wield a pickaxe but he’ll dig all day and the blackpiller will not. They pretend their weakness is not their own but rather the result of circumstance. And they are stupid but no more so than the 85 IQ African fresh off the boat, and generally they had plenty more opportunities the rubber-dinghy illegal rapefugee.
It’s the economy you see, not their work-dodging natures. It’s that women are all whores you see, not that they have personalities that are radioactively nauseating to anything female.
Cowards. Useless, whining, weak, lilly-livered, molluscs without even a hint of a skeleton, never mind a backbone.
They will never even try so as to avoid failure. They are oxygen thieves.
No ancient culture would have tolerated them for a minute. Their own compatriots would have beaten them like dogs and reduced them to cowering slaves in the best of cases, and most likely run them through with a sword for fear that they may rape a small woman thinking her a child and possibly propagate their inferior, misshapen, genetically crippled DNA.
And if their cowardice were not enough, they add to it their absurd posturing. Usually with added retardation blended in, posing as “pagans” so-called “Odin worshippers” fancying themselves as noble warrior vikings… you know, if only they could hold down their job as shelf-stacker for more than a month before being fired for masturbating in the back-office while high on dope.
Their cowardly existence is an insult to anyone in their entire ancestry that may have at one time had so much as a shadow of honour, strength, fortitude, resilience, perseverance, courage, or any of the attributes anyone remotely worthy of being called a man should have.
These miserable parasites malinger on Earth while spreading their noxious “thoughts” like a permanent fart-cloud that surrounds them wherever they go.
They disgust me, and they absolutely should disgust you too. Ridicule them, shame them, but above all shun them. Exile them and ostracise them from your company, your acquaintances, or, God forbid, your loved ones.
The blackpilled are the stench that follows a demon-fart. With less dignity of an actual demon fart, of course.
[…] And thus nothing works. In conclusion, this is the exact attitude of the blackpiller. Which is what lead to this post. […]
[…] my last post on the blackpilled where this fantastic specimen decided to comment. Think of this as part 2 of The […]