Taki mag wrote a really quite good article describing the problem that applies to most “right wing” types. His piece is about America, but the concept applies throughout the planet.
In the end, it’s pleasing to think that you face a grand superhuman foe, not an army of ideology-driven humdrum bureaucrats.
Personally, I’d rather face the grand superhuman foe, because he’s a lot less dangerous. But he’s right that the problem, as he identifies it, is that while the woke globohomo drones carry on going to work rezoning land and passing policies and doing the humdrum work of collapsing what used to be functional (he even makes a point to mention an ex girlfriend of his that now literally dies that) the supposed based right is blaming Satan or the Jews or Moloch and not getting the local council to change zoning laws.
He further points out that like it or not, the commie, trannie, pedophile agenda, marches on because it has enough viability as an idea/ideology that enough freaks get invested in it to begin to affect the bureaucracy of local and the regional and finally national government.
He is right. The woke lefties get fired up about the practical details of ensuring as many sub-85 IQ refugees are living next door to the “problematic” 95% all white hetero families.
The hard ore traditionalists on the other hand couldn’t be less interested in running for local political appointments. It’s a slog. It’s sacrifice and fighting for the sake of whom? An ungrateful public that only cares about their own, that’s who.
And it makes sense.
K select types are resilient because used to conserving resources and being self-sufficient. However, in large enough numbers, even wolves will be over-run by rabbits.
If you don’t know what I mean by K/r selected types, do yourself a favour and buy and read this book.
And that is precisely what is happening and will happen unless lone wolves learn to become wolf-packs.
It is intrinsically difficult to get K selected types to band together in a large community fashion. The very aspects that make them resilient do not lend themselves to easy co-existence in a large society. Hierarchy, self-determination, independence, and self-reliance do not lend themselves to singing kumbaya in a happy circle of unwashed hippies.
One idea that DOES however resonate with K selected people is the city-state. The circling of wagons to fend off a horde of enemies.
Which is why I have made whole series of posts about it and why I keep pointing out that you want to pick a place that is geographically defensible but that you also can find your own kind to populate it.
- Family
- Religion
- Ethnicity
- Culture
- Traditions
- World View
Those are the mainstays of the K selected people that CAN form co-operative groups, and both their creation AND their survival depends —almost above all other considerations— in sticking to a very simple principle:
Total exclusion and ostracisation of all and any who are even remotely of the woke variety.
A community of purely K selected types, even if small, can hold off a literal army of the r selected types. As long as they don’t have rot from within.
So. Find your people and move near them, or have them move near you.
And ignore my advice about the importance of your religion being based on the truth of reality, factual historical evidence, and results produced by it, at your own peril.
Among sedevacantists, we literally treat each other like actual brothers that get along.
We give of our time and resources to each other freely and happily in order to build a sustainable future together. And outsiders with even a hint of liberalism are so excluded they pretty much make swift and permanent about turns before we even have time to object to them out loud.
It’s a wolf thing. Rabbits can sense it.
So build your local farms. Buy the land. Get your co-religionists and family and like-minded wolf-types to live near you and build something together.
Godspeed, my wolf friends.
As I understand it, the “ideology driven bureaucrats” are being helped, inspired and driven along by the “grand superhuman foe” and his legions. In other words the purple haired, non-binary land whale gleefully fighting the patriarchy by changing policies in the city council is doing the bidding of the evil one and his servitors. Probably wittingly in most cases too, given the fact many of them are admitted witches or satanists. I live in Portland so I witness daily the bitter fruits borne of these revolutionaries and their insane schemes. If one posseses the slightest spiritual sensitivity (or Catholic discernment of spirits) one becomes aware of a lot of strange, malevolent things in the spiritual atmosphere here. You’ll sense something in the background that you can’t quite articulate… Something ancient and wicked.
Portland is full of such places.
I’m no wolf. I’m the guy on the Death Star flipping switches in the background. Nevertheless, I try to do what I can by talking one on one with my fellow man, planting psychic seeds and hoping they’ll sprout and bear good fruits.
God bless you and your family.