UPDATE: Adam Piggott pointed out the image is labelled as being from 2018. So my theory below is probably 100% wrong unless this guy was an early secret test subject.
Chalk one up to confirmation bias and not paying attention. Happens to all of us at one time or another. The important thing is to simply own up when you screw up. I have left the error below unchanged for the sake of honesty and suitable self-punishment for such a simple and stupid error.
In the interest of actual balance, since this was brought up by several people privately as well as in one comment, there is also this aspect to consider.
How could this possibly have happened? Surely it had nothing at all to do with the generic experiment combining genetic alteration, mind control via 5G by production of organic antenna in our bodies, sterilisation, and HIV, that was the COVID-19 Vaxx.
No, of course not, that would be a paranoid conspiracy theory with no basis in reality, except for, well, millions of dead bodies around the world and many multiples of that who are severely injured, and well, little things like this:
From the article here:
On Tuesday, The New England Journal of Medicine tweeted the most recent addition to its photo series of the most visually arresting medical anomalies. The image is of a mysterious, branchlike structure that, posted elsewhere, would probably pass for a cherry-red chunk of some underground root system or a piece of bright reef coral. But this is no creature of the deep. It’s a completely intact, six-inch-wide clot of human blood in the exact shape of the right bronchial tree, one of the two key tubular networks that ferry air to and from the lungs. And it was coughed up in one piece.
So, yeah. Total mystery. Not related to the Vaxx at all. Must be climate change.
But… the article is from 2018.
Yes, Adam pointed that out too. Thanks. Corrected with suitable mea culpa in red.
Article is from December 2018? Granted, seems pretty clear they had been working on Convid for years in advance of the initial outbreak.
Yes, well spotted, and yes, my first thought was hmmmm…. since I know for a fact (having posted patents etc) that as far back as 2015 they had it and clearly they must have tested it on people. And I would bet that was what happened here is I had to, but there is no evidence I can be bothered to look up to support this idea, and I had missed the date, otherwise I would have presented it in a different way. Brutal honesty is important on important subjects.
Thanks Giuseppe. Appreciate your self-honesty and self-ownership. Those are good indicators of a well-adjusted, trustworthy and responsible adult.
When I eventually get executed for my speaking the truth, I hope someone will graffiti your statement on the walls of the trannies and the globohomos that droned me.