A friend sent me a link to an interesting blog that has some rather rare finds concerning freemasonry and their origins.
While Freemasonry as we find it today (i.e. Satanism) was founded by the rampantly homosexual British King James, the same who had the KJV “Bible” put together, also (and more accurately) known as the Freemasonic Bible, since it has 33,000 errors of translation and worked to minimise the actual Christian dogmas as well as the presence of Mary in it, the roots of Freemasonry which are also the same as those of the Illuminati, Carbonari and so on, are rather interesting.
Enjoy these two posts in particular, you can read each image better by clicking on it.
And he has an even more interesting post on some of the origins of Vatican II. I covered the infiltration of the Church in order to have Vatican II happen in some detail in my own book, RTCC, but this specific piece is one I had not come across before.
The fake conversion of the V2 intruders
It’s quite astonishing with what fervour and tenacity the Christ killers have gone after Catholicism specifically since the very start, which should be no surprise given that they are the spiritual descendants of the very same Christ killers who saw to it Christ would be crucified.
This page was disappeared as apparently so was the old blog, but the wayback machine still has a copy.
Thanks for getting the word out Giuseppe. It’s important to search your family roots for traces of this vile system, as this stuff is not to be taken lightly. Both of my grandfathers were freemasons, one obtaining the rank of 33rd degree. Initiation into masonry invokes curses, which then get transmitted to generations downstream.
There are prayers dedicated to liberating oneself from freemasonry – essentially you pray to our LORD Jesus Christ to free yourself while also denouncing the spiritual shackles of masonry by repudiating all the secret mason code words. These prayers are quite long, but well worth it. I found that once I spoke these prayers, my family’s fortunes immediately improved. I also felt a spiritual release from lingering addictions – stuff that had tempted me for years suddenly lost all power over me.
I realize this is probably not anything new to you. I just wanted to share my success story with your enlightened audience.
Thanks for this comment. You are not the first to mention this to me. While I cannot personally attest to such things, since, as far as I can tell, our entire family line comes from literal crusaders that were returning to Europe, I do not doubt the damage that the evil parts of the spirit realm can do to people. Hopefully your comment will be of help to others that might be similarly afflicted.