Part 1 – Mind and Spirit
This will be a multi part series, going from most important to still fundamental but able to be deferred until you have the other pieces more or less in place.
You will really need to internalise all of the parts of this series in order to see how the whole strategy is pretty much fool-proof if you actually put it into practice.
The enemies of God, Truth, Justice and Beauty have attacked that God, Truth, Justice and Beauty right from the start.
This blog post will try to lay the very basic groundwork to give you an understanding of how to best see reality, in simple terms that you can then later investigate, refine, and confirm on your own.
Belief in God is an absolutely fundamental part of having an invincible mind.
This is not the mere rantings of a brainwashed zealot. I was an atheist from about age 7 to 16 or so.
By 19 I was essentially a Zen-agnostic with elements of Shintoism possibly, but essentially my view of the afterlife was based on objective observation of natural phenomena mixed in with my understanding of physics. I had read pretty much all of the main religious books available, except the Bible and the Quran, because based purely on what I observed of both the supposedly “Catholic” as well as all the myriad Protestant Churches, I considered Christians to be, at best, well-intentioned mildly retarded people. And Catholicism in particular, with ever-present paedophelia on its horizon, seemed absurd to me. Islam has paedophelia pretty much wired in with their 54 year old “prophet” raping 9 year old Aisha, so that was out too. Just in case the behaviour of the average Muslim, which I often came across in Africa, wasn’t reason enough.
Not only have I not forgotten those days, of atheism and Zen-agnosticism, but they absolutely inform me and make me sympathetic to those who today see things as I used to. A rational, objective person, absent quite a lot of historical truth, cannot be faulted for thinking all the major religions are absolutely bullshit. In fact, even a return to some form of ancient Roman or Greek Gods might seem preferable. Visit the old sites of ancient Rome and Greece and see their architecture and layouts and tell me they are not superior to the CIA-funded and “inspired”, postmodern, Chthulian obscenities we call buildings today.
So, in short, I’m hardly going to be quoting Bible verses at you as though that should, or would, change your mind. Instead I am going to appeal to your ability to be objective, discard your emotions and prejudices and simply look at hard, verifiable facts, regardless of how they make you feel. Of course, as Aristotle warned us more than two thousand years ago, this ability exists only in a minority of people. But that’s ok. Because since time immemorial, it has always been the minority that has changed the course of history, for good or evil.
So here are some simple, broad, but absolutely undeniable facts.
1. Christianity has created the best societies that humanity has ever had, bar none.
2. Christianity was only Catholic for over 1000 years. There were no “denominations”. Being a Christian meant being a Catholic.
3. The great schism, when the East and West “split” resulted in the Eastern empire, which was getting its ass handed to it by the Muslims, and which did NOT spread the gospels far and wide, it remained insular to mostly Greece and Russia with some of their immediate satellites also having a national character to it. The East also called on the West for help (the four crusades) and then promptly betrayed the Catholics by literally making deals with the Muslims to kill them on multiple occassions.
4. The Western Empire fought back against the Muslims and protected Christendom in both East and West for some 200 years, funded by Western Europe and often fighting off the treachery of the Eastern “christians” alongside the mohammedans. The Eastern empire even refused to take over the fortresses the Catholics had built to protect the holy lands when they eventually returned home after sustaining the military force in the middle East from Western Europe, after some two centuries of it, was no longer financially viable.
5. Catholicism then, with really no arguments against worth anything, is the religion that has created the best system of society that any culture on Earth ever has had, in terms of creating the scientific method, creating the best societies with Justice, beauty and strong, healthy, nuclear families with humane-based tenets and principles.
6. The second great schism was some 500 years later and inspired by what looks like was most likely a German Jew in a Jewish plot to take down the Church by the usual suspects. The expansion of the multi-headed hydra that is Protestantism began the secularisation of Christianity and 500 years later we have transgender “bishops”, fault-free divorce, contraception, abortion on demand and 40,000 “denominations”.
7. The third great blow was the infiltration and usurpation of the Vatican, the Papacy and the clergy of Catholicism and its replacement by Satanists, pedophiles and Freemasons, which took about 200 years but was essentially complete in 1958.
8. As a result, in the last 60 years, the world has reverted back to essentially paganistic, libertine, degeneration of faith to the point most use the word “God” without any clear understanding of what that should represent and be.
In short then, the Catholicism that existed from the year 0 to 1958 is the best religion in terms of having produced the best, most humane, most advanced, just, true and beautiful societies ever found in the entirety of human history. You, of course, are mostly unaware of it because:
A) No one ever pointed it out in simple clear language,
B) You have been lied to constantly about what Catholicism actually is and what Catholics actually do and believe, and,
C) unless you are in your 90s, the only exponents of “catholicism” you have seen and interacted with are the impostors that took over the real Catholic Church, and they are a bunch of pedophiles, satanists and globalists.
The ONLY Catholics left are sedevacantists. That is, Catholics who believe the same as the crusaders of 1095 or the knights of Malta of 1565.
If you’ve paid attention, this means that they are also the ONLY actual Christians. Everyone else is just wrong, lost, pretending or just a Churchian.
Hard to believe? Well, look into it. Find out for yourself. I wrote a couple of books on it, you’re free to save yourself some time and check them out and try and falsify the references and facts I have in them.
Life is stranger than fiction.
So, my number 1 suggestion for you, from a practical perspective only, is: study what Catholicism really is and was. Regardless of you believing Catholics are right or not, the factual fruits produced by Catholicism are beyond question, so, an intelligent person should, and would, find out what they did right, and why, and how.
If you do, you might end up becoming an actual Catholic. That is, a sedevacantist. Not a Novus Ordo fake “catholic”. If you do, the strength of character and peace and strength of mind that truth gives you is orders of magnitude stronger than anything else. I know because I have been a pretty steely minded guy all my life, including my zen-agnostic days.
I faced situations I was sure would result in my death at least a few times, and I did so without taking a step back, my mind being essentially Japanese Samurai in those days. And I assure you that the strength of mind I have today as a sedevacantist is absolutely more than one or even two orders of magnitude more. That’s over 100 times stronger. And no, I am not exaggerating. And if you read the Crusades or the Great Siege, and you begin to understand that what drove those men was their unquestionable faith in the Catholic God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and their utter lack of fear of death, then you may begin to understand —-in a distant and intellectual way only at first, but useful nonetheless—- why and how that can be the case.
Failing to gain, by the grace of God, the Sedevacantist mindset, then, I would suggest you at least try to gain the samurai mindset. That Zen-agnostic mindset with an absolute sense of honour and duty unto death, will carry you quite far too. It is ultimately a bit nihilistic and certainly draws itself more towards death than life, but it is more efficient than most other systems, excluding Catholicism of course.
If that too fails you, it may be that the Eastern “Christian” schismatic sect might give you some strength, but probably only if you’re born into it. It is ultimately hollow, but still a better bamboo shoot than the hollow and rotten reed that is any form of Protestantism.
Agnosticism without the budo of the samurai is essentially merely materialism and that is a bleak, weak, and disappointingly rudderless life.
Atheism is simply wrong, utterly nihilistic and materialistic in the extreme, and even if it has the (stolen from Christianity) principles of honour and maybe justice attached to it, it is still darkly brutal, and that’s the best it can be.
If you have been paying attention then, I am simply stating that your strength of mind —-that is—- your ability to face and overcome adversity, or, sometimes merely survive it, because sometimes that is the best you can do, is based on your spiritual belief system. Which, for the low-IQ atheists, includes them too. Because your pretence of lack of belief in God is itself a spiritual position too.
Personally, I realised Christianity would be fundamental to the rebuilding of a better world, and I am talking of way back in 2014, when I was not a Catholic and had barely begun to look into Christianity as a whole and not Catholicism in detail yet. So by simply making objective observations of real historical events (as opposed to the narrative I was fed) it became obvious to me that Christianity was a fundamentally healthier, more successful and logical belief system that produced the best results. As to which version of Christianity, that took a couple more years of obsessive research to pin down.
But the point is, get your spiritual belief system rock solid and the best it can be. My advice is become a sedevacantist Catholic because it simply beats the other systems by a long margin. But whatever you decide, be sure, and go into it fully. Because it will determine your mental strength and in any and every fight, whatever the nature of the fight, roughly about 90% of it depends on your mind. Your mental toughness, adaptability, flexibility as well as temporary rigidity when required, is what is most likely going to determine the outcome of both your day to day tasks as well as your long term goals.
No one ever won a revolution by being mentally weak and inflexible. So choose wisely.
Part 2 will deal with your physical surroundings.
[…] WIN the generational fight against the WEF Homoglobos. You can find the various parts here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part […]
[…] if this new zombie-death does happen, basically all the stuff I wrote about in my four part series starting here, with added serious isolation from any potential infection vectors (but still important to have […]
[…] have covered the big picture, (Part 1 of 4 is here) including many of the details that you need to shift to if you want to eventually be rid of the […]
[…] move first, and adjust your mental, spiritual and physical approach, as you go— begin to prepare. I have written about this in some detail before. And if you cannot do those things in that way or order, still do NOT despair. Each of our paths is […]
[…] How to do that? Again, I have written about the basics on this blog several times. You can begin with the four part series here. […]