How to calm your nerves

You might think this is nonsense, the ramblings of a zealot, or just plain stupid. But what have you got to lose? Other than your anxiety I mean?

Try it.

Say it out loud if you can, repeat it in your head if you can’t. Keep repeating the words below again and again and again. If you do it while walking, that’s even better.

Áve María, grátia pléna,
Dóminus técum.
Benedícta tu in muliéribus,
et benedíctus frúctus véntris túi, Iésus
Sáncta María, Máter Déi,
óra pro nóbis peccatóribus,
nunc et in hóra mórtis nóstrae.


No, you don’t need to know the meaning of the words.

No, you don’t need to know it in English.

Just say it. Again, and again and again.

And see how it calms you down.

7 Responses to “How to calm your nerves”

  1. timothy smith says:

    Where can I find the true Catholic church? SSPX?

    • G says:

      No. SSPX are fake Catholics too. I suggest you read my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church, to understand how easy it is to see who is and who is not catholic.
      As for sede churches, this is a place to find the nearest one to you:


  2. Kordell says:

    I can attest to the efficacy of this and highly recomend it in any kanguage. I do this in English and it works to calm me down aswell. I think you have an old soul Kurgan that resonates more to Latin than mine does.

  3. ManHugeO says:

    I would not write off praying the Ave Maria or other common prayers in Latin. Not difficult to learn and the Latin binds us to our faithful ancestors, unites us in these evil times, and avoids us blending or being mistaken with the heathens surrounding us. English is a barbaric language from probably the most offensive, degenerate, and spiritually souless people of western Europe.

    YouTube has many videos that can teach you the prayers in Latin. Listening and participating in Latin Rosaries helped me learn. That and just memorizing a line of a specific prayer each day.

  4. ShadoHand says:

    This works. I just had to drive about an hour through a snow storm deep in the sparsely populated wilderness where theres a high rate of moose crashes. Reciting this calmed me right down. Didnt even feel any nerves either when I almost spun out on the ice covered part of the road.

    • G says:

      Yup, I tested it in many situations and it definitely works. I mean… it’s almost as if there is something supernatural about it, which would mean, there is something supernatural about the Church and that would mean Catholicism is the One, True, Holy and Apostolic Church…crazy huh?

  5. […] Try this, even if you are an atheist. After all, what you got to lose? Try it. And see if it doesn’t […]

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