Hear ye, Hear ye! Ann Barnhardt is now a sedevacantist

Truly this year is ending with a bang!

You write a post wishing death by flesh-eating bacteria that starts at the anus… and a short time later Ratzi the Nazi fake “Pope” drops dead. Coincidence you say? Nah, magic fingers. But, first things first.

First of all, let me welcome Ann into the fold!

Welcome sister, here is that tequila shot I mentioned a while back!

Also, I’m curious which button you will advise your followers to push now?

You see, Ratzinger has finally kicked the bucket, so all those people who erroneously thought Ratzinger was the “real” Pope, because he had never validly resigned… well… they are now in a bit of a pickle. Since they don’t recognise the absolute Satanist Bergoglio as Pope —quite rightly, of course— they are now, by default, sedevacantist.

And Ann herself, has specifically stated in her podcast 101 (see link above) that when Ratzi drops dead, and Bergoglio still lives, then, of course, she will become a Sedevacantist, as canon law demands of us.

Whatever her errors, I have always assumed Ann is an honest person. Totally wrong about the papacy, but genuinely so. Which means that I expect her to follow through; and from now on —at least until Bergoglio drops dead— she will be calling herself a sedevacantist and acting as one.

And maybe, if Bergy the Oleous dies soon enough, she might go on to believe that, whatever “conclave” springs up, (say composed of “father” Martin and a few of his altar boys and so on) could then elect a brand now Pope she would consider legitimate because only a few years would have passed.

I mean it might be hard, because if we let the Novus Orco pick who will become Pope next, it’s quite likely they will make Bruce Jenner at the very least a cardinal if not Pope. And of course, Bergoglio can last another 20 years.

In which case… same question I asked before:

When is the cutoff? Because if you sit as a sedevactist for 20 years, how is that different from us, who have done it since 1958?

Remember Ann, there is, and has never been, a time limit to an interregnum.

So… down that Tequila, and have another for me too.

UPDATE: So, as per her blog, she’s doubling down on not being anything at all like the 1958 Sedevacantists! With a slightly hysterical tone to it I imagine. Because 64 years is TOTES different to a few hours, you see?! To which I repeat the question I asked her a few years ago in various ways, and say:

Tell me Ann, WHERE in ANY Catholic doctrine does it say what the time limit on an interregnum is? I have asked you this for a few years now. Where is the cut off? 2 years? 3? Well, we know it has to be longer than that because it’s happened before, so? 20 years? While you hope and pray Bergy drops dead before 21 years pass? 30 years? 60? When did we 1958 Catholics suddenly cross the non-existent time-line that exists only in your mind? And in what guise and why have you ignored the Code of Canon Law of 1917, which represented (and still does) the infallible magisterium of the Church back in 1958 and continued to do so certainly to 1983 when the “new” and fake code was put together by invalidly ordained, fake clergy, and apostate, public heretics? Do tell. We have asked these very reasonable questions for years now. Why do you have no response?

Are you going to share that tequila like a good sport, or are you just… wait… are you necking the whole bottle now?

I get that some unbalanced freaks with strong incel tendencies may well have been viciously rude to you about this sort of thing, but this is not about you Ann, or your feelings. It’s about the Truth. It’s about our Lord. So I hope you will find your way to it soon. And don’t feel bad about having been wrong. I was utterly wrong about pretty much EVERYTHING related to the spiritual realm of life for over 40 years.

It’s fine. You’ll be fine. And when/if you do come over to the sede side, believe me that every sede I know will champion your honesty and the steadfastness you have demonstrated over the decades. I know you’re not evil or a deceiver. But you are mistaken.

God be with you this day and going forward to 2023.

2 Responses to “Hear ye, Hear ye! Ann Barnhardt is now a sedevacantist”

  1. Sede Fredde says:

    But she says “for the first time ever the see is vacant” so she’s not a very good sedevanticist. lol.

    Now I know you eon’t post this comment or reply to my question because you’re an asshoke and pride yourself on it (as am and do I), BUT here is my question (and its really rheyorical anyway so you don’t have to anserr it): How are the Anglucans and Orthodox and Polish Old Catholucs not also sedevanticists? They recognize popes up to acertain year. There are so many flavors of sedevantist. In awag even Lutheran accept popes up to a certain year.

    • G says:

      Let’s look at the “quality” of comments that generally end up in my spam folder permanently, ladies and gentlemen, a little end of 2022 gift.

      First: Notice the grammar and spelling of a drunk and lobotomised chimp.
      Second: Note the gamma attempt at “reverse Psychology” (I’ll tell him he won’t post it so he will have to! and I’ll say he’s an asshole like me, to create some kind of link!)
      Third: The limitless laziness and stupidity of his question, which has been answered multiple times literally everywhere and anywhere he cares to look for 5 minutes. It IS the internet here after all, see, chimp-lemur-lobotomy-boy?
      Fourth: Notice how he invalidates his own argument by stating Popes where accepted as such by… well… everybody, up to a certain point. So…since that is the only thing he gets right, is he too stupid to realise that if you ever accepted the Papacy as a legitimate institution, then you either forever accept it as such, or else you become a schismatic, heretic or apostate? Yes. Yes, he IS that stupid.
      Fifth: The obvious strawman, of course, no Sedevacantist rejects any Pope. We reject people who are not even Catholic. Never mind valid clergy, or, absurdly, Popes.
      I mean, it’s not hard to understand, if you turn up on a basketball court with your horse and polo attire and insist that you are a basketball player, it doesn’t take a genius to see you are not. But no one has ever accused cretins of this sort of having an IQ larger than their shoe size.

      And that, ladies and gents, is why he is now permanently relegated to the spam folder, as are droves of his intellectual compatriots.

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