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Fraternitè, Egalité, Liber… oh… Non… Un Moment…

So in France now, for merely making a statement of fact, you can end up in jail.

The link is in Italian, but reports how a father was sentenced to two months in jail for simply stating that in his son’s class there are three whites out of 27 pupils.

It gets even more ridiculous.

This 41 year old truck driver did a video in which he stated that when he goes to get his son from school there are 3 white kids in his class of 27. In light of the fact that France has been burning thanks to the rioting of totally French people, that are just as French as you are Chinese if you go live in Beijing, you could see how his simple statement of fact is… what? Oh right! Incitement to hate!

Secondo Rodophe Cahn, presente all’udienza per rappresentare la Licra (Lega internazionale contro il razzismo e l’antisemitismo) e Sod Racisme, costituitesi parte civile al processo, l’imputato stava cercando, con la propria assenza, «di porsi come una vittima. È convinto delle tesi che difende», pertanto «non possiamo accettare che diffonda tali dichiarazioni». Il sostituto procuratore ha chiesto cinque mesi di reclusione con sospensione della pena, ricordando che «Twitter è un luogo molto più pubblico dell’aula di tribunale»; pena infine ridotta a due mesi, sempre con sospensione, e l’obbligo per l’imputato di versare alle associazioni le somme, rispettivamente, di 1.000 e 800 euro. Ricche associazioni umanitarie che bullizzano, in maniera davvero poco umanitaria, un proletario «colpevole» di avere pronunciato parole sgradite agli alfieri del globalismo: un copione che conosciamo a memoria.

They asked for five months and a fine of 1800 euro. It was reduced to two months, but the interesting thing is that the fine was paid to two NGOs. 1000 Euro to LICRA (international league against racism and antisemitism) and 800 euro to Sod Racisme. Both NGOs presented themselves against the trucker and when he failed to show for fear of being assaulted outside or near the court they stated his attempting to present himself as a victim was unacceptable.

So. Just to be clear: Two different NGOs, who had absolutely nothing to do with the incident, where not named by the trucker in any way in his short video complaining about the situation in his country, get to be paid at his expense while he gets condemned to two months of jail.

Ah, sweet, sweet Paris, with the scent of burning rubber and human excrement, wafting romantically past desacrated and burning churches… finally reaching the noble goals of the Freemasons that took it over and had the horrendous murders of men women, children and infants, in order to stamp out Catholicism and install instead their “humanist” fraternity, equality, and liberty. Well, they did it. They achieved their goals. And if you point out that Freemasons are Satanists and that Paris is starting to look like one of Dante’s levels of the Inferno, well! How dare you?! You bigot, racist, hate-filled hater?!? Let’s fine you and give you some jail time! That is sure to change your mind and go along with the program!

And if you are curious as to the origins of why and how France is where it is today, you may want to read this enlightening post at the Unz Review. Every. Single. Time.

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