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For 2023: Stop being afraid

The amount of fear in the world has increased exponentially in the last 3 years.

We have gone from waking up and going about our day to various versions of waking up in a semi-constant panic/anxiety attack.

Some of us are constitutionally adapted to this and/or resilient to it to a level that makes us stronger than most.

Most people, however, are not.

The fear of being “cancelled” online as well as in real life has become almost constant.

Some of us, most of us in fact, probably can’t afford to lose our jobs. Some may not even have jobs anymore and are surviving on handouts or even government handouts.

The worry of not being able to provide for your loved ones if you have a family, or even just of being left alone and homeless for those who are either alone or have had to cut ties with the serum takers trying to push the genetic modification on you, is real, and of course unlikely to go away due to a few words you read on a stranger’s blog.

But read these words nonetheless. In them you may find solace after all. They are snippets of life, wisdom (if you can call it that), and experience I have learnt that is about as absolute and true as I have been able to find in my 53 years on this Earth. Not all of these things will resonate, apply or be possible for you. But I think at least one or three will. I say this with some confidence because I have lived a rather unusual life and at various times been an atheist, an agnostic, a somewhat zen shintoist-agnostic, briefly a Deist, and now a hardcore Catholic (which means Sedevacantist, as we are the only actual catholics left), which came about in a real road to Damascus moment.

If you’re thinking “Well, this guy is unreliable! Changes his mind too much!”

Well… you’d be wrong, but given that today’s average attention span is about six seconds, I can see why you might think that.

The reality is that while my model of the world and how it works and what is the best approximation of the ultimate truth and reality that I can comprehend has continually upgraded, my ethics as such have changed very little.

I still believe pedophiles and those responsible for the deaths of thousands if not millions of people deserve to be burnt at the stake.

I still think stealing and lying is wrong.

I still believe in justice. And that often has very little to do with the so-called law.

And those are the important parts, really, but of course, my thoughts on many things have evolved and grown, and only a complete idiot would say otherwise.

I have learnt at a fairly young age that pretty much everything you are told and you think happened in the past, as far as human history goes, is a pack of lies. But even I was surprised by two things:

1) The real extent of the lies. It is truly, astronomically, monumental. Paradoxically, this fact fits very well with the Catholic belief that we live on a planet that is under the dominion of the father of lies. You really have no idea how deep and pervasive the lies are and have always been.

2) The utter stupidity and zombie-like attitude of “following the crowd” that the very vast majority of human beings has. And trust me I was no great believer in humanity to begin with. I had concluded with absolute certainty by age 26 that the very vast majority of humanity was composed of idiotic monkeys that were no better than chimps, and often far worse than actual chimps. But the sheer absolute retardation I have seen on display from everyone ranging from supposedly intelligent, strong, well-read people, to old friends, and even family, has made me realise that Professor Cipolla’s first law of human stupidity (we always underestimate the number of idiots) is not only correct, but vastly more correct than I could have ever guessed.

The corollary to all this is that precisely because so many people are idiots, it has been extremely easy to make them even stupider and more malleable over the last century or so, and as a result, we, the thinking few, are surrounded by a sea of cretinous mouth-breathers with less agency than amoebas.

And I admit, that IS a scary thought. Not for me so much, I have had decades of practice at living surrounded by idiocy, incompetence and lies, but I fear for my children. And yours. Especially since chances are, even most of those reading this are probably still on the idiot spectrum, and nowhere near as close to the edge of intelligence as they fancy themselves. Which means their poor kids are probably just as screwed.

But the things is, dumb or not, even the ruminant-like retards, if they only could stop being afraid, would be useful.

People who are unafraid speak their mind, and act, mostly, in a natural manner, and nature, though wild, is usually right at least at some fundamental levels.

If everyone had just said “No, fuck you.” To the jab, to “equality”, to “diversity”, to trannies and pedos, to feminism, and public homosexuality, and gay fake “marriage”, and all the other degenerate behaviour we have now descended into, we would not be living in this dystopian clown world.

But most people ARE afraid.

But you know what happens if you stop being afraid and you just go about your day normally and don’t take the nonsense they are handing out? Most of the time, absolutely nothing. Because THEY are afraid.

I have interacted with everything from government officials, military personnel, police, work colleagues, employers, employees, strangers, shop keepers, the vaxxed and the purebloods, and everything in between.

And when I charge in with some of my beliefs, blatantly and unequivocally, I have met pushback precisely once after hundreds if not thousands of interactions. And the pushback was really, really mild. One moron insisting he got vaxxed “to protect his family”. That was it. He didn’t even raise his voice.

But I get it. Not everyone is built like me. But even so, do you NEED to be afraid? No. You do not.

And here are some bullet points I have learned at various points in my life (not in chronological order).

  • Pray. Try this, even if you are an atheist. After all, what you got to lose? Try it. And see if it doesn’t work. But give it a good try, a real one. Not a fake, sarcastic, shitty, fake “try”.

  • If you live in a country where you are able to, purchase, train in and learn to use a firearm. For the secular-minded especially, this may give peace of mind more than you know. I met a guy not long ago who had been assaulted in his own home and had his wife and child molested at gunpoint. He went from a pacifist type to armed to the teeth overnight. And like my dad always said: better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Train. Be safe. Learn. Don’t be an idiot with a gun. Be someone that respects firearms and treats them properly and responsibly.

  • If you have the inclination, study Catholicism and its history and why there were so many men and women and even children, willing to die rather than deny Jesus Christ. And learn why the Novus Ordo “Catholicism” is a Satanic inversion. If you want to save time, you can read either Believe! Or RTCC, or both, as I compiled a lot of information there that has been useful not just to me but to over a hundred people from all walks of life that have since converted to Sedevacantism. Not because I am so great, but because they found out the truth and checked it out for themselves once they read it in my books.

  • Stop. Sit if you need to. Close your eyes in a quiet place. And feel the tension in your body. Tension is anxiety. Anxiety is fear. Fear is tension. Let it go. Consciously breathe deep and slow and force your muscles to relax.

  • Realise consciously that as you go through your day, whether you have tension and fear inside you or not, affects every interaction you have. Subconsciously everyone picks up on fear. It’s part of our lizard brain. It’s a biological inbuilt survival system. Stop being afraid for the next interaction and notice the difference. Notice how smiling comes easier. Notice how actually paying attention matters.

  • Pay attention. To everything. Like a child does, not like a paranoid secret agent on the run. Notice the trees. The wind. The clouds. The old man with the dog. Notice the fear in all the other people around you. Notice the insects. The birds in the sky. Listen to your child. Observe him or her. Be in their world.

  • If you are young, join a martial art club. Or if that is really not for you (how do you know unless you really try it first?) pick something. Ideally a sport. But if not that then an art form. Painting, drawing, sculpting, playing an instrument, and become good at it. Or do both, a sport and an art form. Work at it. Become good at it.

  • If you are old(er), do it too anyway. What you worried about, going to your grave with a perfect body with no scars? And even if so, you can still learn some form of art. Not fake post-modern, demonic crap. Actual art. Pick up some watercolours. Buy a guitar, a flute, a harmonica. Get a notepad and a pencil. Start. Devote time to it. Get good at it. Work harder and faster at it. You have a lot more responsibilities and people to take care of, and pay attention to, and a lot less time than the youngsters, so move your ass!

  • Love. Love God. Send Him love. Send it to the sky, the air, the grass, the trees, the little bugs, your cat, your dog, and most of all the people in your life. Use reason so as not to confuse lust and love, or pity and love, or any other thing and love, sure, but when you do love, love truly. Love fully. Throw your whole self into it. And if it blows up in your face, read the poem If, by Rudyard Kipling. And do as it says. It’s the only way to be.

  • Read. Read physical books, not just kindle stuff. If you can’t afford to buy them find a library. Read. Read instead of watch tv. Read instead of browse the net. Read a book instead of this or other blogs. Read! Trust me, if you do this and you read through your life, and you make it a habit, it will help you more than you can guess.

  • If you can, buy some land, a house, whatever you can afford, in a rural area far from cities. Don’t get deluded, farming and living off-grid is very hard and not easy at all. But nothing worthwhile is easy. Plan, work, and do. Every day do a bit more to be able to live that way as soon as you can. And try and do this in a place where at least some of the people see things as you do for the most part. And make friends with them.

  • Learn about natural ways to heal disease. Remember that all medicine that actually works came from plants or animals in the first place.

  • Practice thinking how you will react to different adversity without getting tense or anxious about it. This takes training and good self-observation to do.

  • Know one day you will die. Prepare your will. Have your things in order. No one gets out alive. But how you go out, you may get a say in it if circumstance or luck is with you. If you have that good fortune, make it count. Make it good. Make it something your progeny will talk about with pride for generations to come.

But above all, friend, whoever you are, however smart, dumb, rich, poor, lonely or smothered by family and friends you might be, sick or healthy, happy or sad, above all, be unafraid.

Everyone dies in the end, so run your race and do your best, but for all that is good, and holy and true, and beautiful, stop being afraid.

We are not given to a spirit of fear.

So don’t be.


Walk straight. And if your body is bent and broken, don’t let your mind and your soul be.

Look up. Be upright. Be up.

God be with you. God is with you. You just got to see and be with Him too.

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