Even Alone…

Vox posted on the current escalations of Clown World against Russia and concluded that:

Yes, it’s true that Russia might well struggle if forced to face the combined might of Clown World alone – which is the USA, the UK, the EU, and Japan – but Russia is not alone! Russia is very far from alone, being more closely allied to Chinathan Japan or any of the European satrapies are to the USA.

He’s half right. Maybe 2/3 right. Certainly China would be on Russia’s side and I expect many of the BRICSA people would be too, especially Africa, but eventually (and mot very relevantly militarily) also India once they saw which way the wind was blowing.

But that aside, even if Russia had to face NATO completely alone, while it would certainly be a fight, it would not be a close one.

I have posted why before, here.

And for those too lazy to read the whole thing I reproduce the key point here:

And keep the following in mind:

  • Russia on its own has more soldiers than the whole of Europe combined.
  • Russian soldiers on active duty are now all combat hardened and experienced. No European country is.
  • Russian command is homogenous and contiguous through its forces, European militaries are not even co-ordinated internally very well and speak over a dozen different languages, have different capabilities and equipment that is not interchangeable and unfamiliar from one country to another.
  • Each European country would require its own logistics separate from all the others countries. Russia only needs to co-ordinate one overall scheme. And the reserve troops are also more in Russia than the entirety of Europe.
  • There would be massive resistance in many or even all European countries to a draft or even just activation of the armed forces against Russia, including from active and serving military right now.
  • Russian missile interception has been shown to be effective to a decent degree.
  • European or even American missile interception capacity has been demonstrated to be negligible.
  • Every capital in Europe is within reach of hypersonic nukes and literally nothing can stop them.
  • One Satan missiles of Russia can nuke and wipe out the entirety of a territory of France. And there is nothing in Europe that can stop them.
  • Even if America joins Europe full on, then we also have these issues:
    • American logistic lines have to cross the Atlantic and have the same issues the European lines have.
    • They still have zero protection from hypersonic missiles.
    • American capitals and main cities or anything else in the continental USA or even Canada is absolutely within reach of Russian hypersonic nuclear missiles that can be launched from submarines that have been demonstrated to come off the shore of Washington DC and New York without the Americans being able to do anything about it.
    • America has no satellite or space weapon based advantages over Russia either.

And this is all just assuming China is not even in the picture.

Russia could literally reduce the while of Europe to ash in about 6 minutes. And have a good chance of protecting itself from any American ICBMs. Or doing so at least a lot more effectively than the USA has of protecting itself from Russian ICBMs. 20 Russian Satan ICBMs would take about 20 minutes to reach the USA and reduce over half of it to ash too.

In short, no one is going to take out Russia even in a nuclear war. Literally no one. It’s not even a remote possibility. So the West, sooner or later, will either have to STFU or be reduced to ash.

The irritating point is that it is not any of the citizens of the West causing all this, but rather the parasites running things, which are neither American, nor Europeans. They are Ashkenazi bankers with an odd smattering of non-Ashkenazi banker in their midst.

Absent these puppet-masters, one wonders if the world would not suddenly descend into a level of cooperative peace unprecedented in human history.

A reductionist might decide a single missile not even a third of the Satan one would suffice to send a really big message to the relevant tribe if it simply disappeared Israel from the fave of the Earth. This of course would be wrong and genocidal and millions of innocents would die, but it would still be several orders of magnitude less innocents dying than allowing the puppet masters to continue on the current path.

I’m also sure there are probably reasons why small surgical strikes against specific puppet masters would have consequences, and logistically a simultaneous beheading of all the hydra heads would be difficult, yet, it could easily resolve a lot of issues and if repeated a couple of times after the initial strike, it would certainly get the perpetrators that survive to get back under the rocks from which they breed and crawl, and stay there.

In any case, it is my considered opinion that the parasite class ruling the West is far more insidious, dangerous, and evil than any of our would-be Russian overlords.

5 Responses to “Even Alone…”

  1. Don't mind me. says:

    Don’t forget Iran.

  2. just some dude says:

    consider that the globohomo ruling class who have been hell-bent on destroying the west for years, would willingly start such a war not with the intention of winning it , but with the objective of getting the west destroyed.

  3. A says:

    Based on those numbers, NATO succeeded in what was likely its real mission, to critically weaken European nations that were, and could be again, the military civilizing arm of the world. Granted, Russia already had significantly more manpower in World War II compared to Germany and even to the other Allies’ armies. Nevertheless, I think the difference today may be starker.

    It did not help that all of these nations embraced abortion. What a great idea – to reduce the population to not have sufficient population reserves in the event of necessary conflict!

    I recall the blather of the Recognize and Resist crowd, that Bergoglio consecrated Russia successfully to Our Lady per the request at Fatima. I sincerely hope that the current environment wakes enough of them up to examine the facts and put aside their emotions about the sedevacantist position.

    In the mean time, I wish you a good and fruitful Month of the Sacred Heart. If you don’t have it, the Abbe Berlioux’s “Month of the Sacred Heart” is a good devotional to read each day of the month.

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