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Ernest Hemingway in 3 and 1/2 minutes

I hate the Australian accent, but this is both hilarious and accurate.

Which possibly explains why I never thought all that much about his writing, since it was a style I thought I could emulate fairly well from a technical perspective.

Ernest Miller Hemingway in 3 and 1/2 minutes.

One Response to “Ernest Hemingway in 3 and 1/2 minutes”

  1. Hayseed says:

    Yeah, Hemingway’s writing style is simplified, straightforward, stripped down and direct, not at all difficult to adopt as one’s own or to parody. It seems to have been a reaction against the florid prose of the 19th century. Credit where credit is due; between reading his writing and internalizing the commands found in Strunk and White’s Elements of Style I managed to trim back and reshape the wooly and often incoherent prose I used to write as a teenager. Strunk’s “Omit needless words!” and “Use the active voice!” and Hemingway’s “Get to the damn point already!” are embedded in my subconscious for good now.

    I like some of Hemingway’s early writing but the man chose the wrong side in the Spanish Civil War and in my opinion this is a black mark against him and his legacy.

    Funny video, I actually lol’d a few times.

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