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Comment Moderation

Apologies for the last few days of sparse posting and non-moderation of comments, but I have been busy. Hopefully I am now back at a more routine posting frequency and with regard to comments, please note that even if you are a regular commentator here, all comments are moderated and it can take me a day or more to get to them at times. Though usually not a week as it has this time. Partly this is due to whatever update broke the ability to review comments on my phone, so it means I need to log into my pc to view and moderate them.

And also never forget that commenting on here has certain rules that are enforced with a brutality akin to Judge Joe Dredd in the 2000 AD comic. You can disagree with me as hard as you want as long as you are COGENT and ON TOPIC and don’t make the usual idiotic errors of strawmanning, expressing an opinion that has been repeatedly proven to be idiotic and wrong and/or you ignore the actual content of the post to sperg in yet again, mouth-breathing retard fashion. There are no warnings on this blog. If you make a comment that falls under those categories you just get spammed. And I never look back. Life is too short for me to waste time with people whose opinions or comments or “ideas” are absolutely irrelevant to reality and my life.

I welcome intelligent commentary that is relevant, adds to the conversation, or expresses even a personal opinion that is in keeping with he commenting rules. And as a result thought the brutal enforcement has kept commenting to a general minimum, the comments we do have on here are now generally of a very good quality hat I genuinely enjoy reading and responding to when required.

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