Archive for the ‘Gammas’ Category

Gamma Rage Spiral

This is literally making me burst out into spontaneous laughter for a few seconds whenever I think of it, so I wanted to share the joy.

Please read this post at Sigma Game to have the best reaction.

Then read this screenshot from the comments on that post.

Keep in mind this guy is the same one that did this a few days ago, and I had no idea who the Sigma Game post was about as I had not read the comments on the related post.

And my response:

But he’s not a Gamma ladies and gentlemen, he’s obviously an Alpha-Sigma Double Zeta. Or perhaps it got to 666Kb and he is now possessed! In which case I suggest exorcism, self-flagellation and regular lifting of weights in the Gym for at least a year along with the full confession and baptism. I am sure he’ll get right on it without complaint!

Look, I am grateful the guy bought a book, of course, but I sincerely would be even happier if he read it and used it and evolved to a Delta using the links in it to the Graduating Gamma series of posts archived here.

The Weakness of The Wormtongues

Vox recently put up a post about Henry Kissinger and how he basically tried to “play” the journalist Seymore Hersh by essentially “recruiting him” as yet another puppet on a string.

Seymore recounts how he was essentially “summoned” before Kissinger after he wrote a piece that essentially was more objective than the ones his colleagues had been filing up then on the Vietnam War.

It is not the corruption, warmongering and all the rest that is interesting to me. Anyone that thinks any of the politicians involved and that have been there from the start are anything other than slime-sucking, filth is obviously beyond help. No, it was this little phrase:

The schoolboys and other anecdotes prompted Kissinger to summon a prominent former ambassador who was his senior aide for matters related to the war and say to him, in front of me, in obvious mock anger: “This fellow is giving me more information about the morale in the North than I get from the CIA.” I remember thinking “Is this it? Is this all he’s got? Does the guy really think this kind of obvious flattery is going to win me over?”

I can see that scene. I can feel that scene. I have lived through that type of scene in many different ways and at many different times. and the important thing about it, the really important point about it is this:


Oh, yes, they can and do destroy countless lives. Sure, they can have you killed, without a doubt, and even your whole country ruined. Sure. Don’t get me wrong, they may well have power in the sense of being “movers and shakers” in finance, politics, the military, whatever.

But they don’t have any actual, personal power.

Zero. Zilch. Nada.

And it is why this they hate about you and me and anyone that does. And that they hate most about themselves.

These soul-shrivelled vampires have never known the sensation of simply being a man. Of standing their ground even if it means a physical fight or potentially something dangerous.

Their sort is the kind that would pretend to laugh at the very concepts I am describing here as being the outdated perceptions of some caveman, a primitive and uncouth barbarian.

The reality is that the fact I, and people like me, have read the Illiad and Herodotus, and Keats, and Plato because we genuinely wanted to, not because we were supposed to or to impress anyone, makes them hate us even more. As does the fact that they have never, in their entire lives, known the genuine affection of a woman that was given purely because of her attraction to something innate in us, not an external facsimile of it, like money, or status in society due to influence or political power, or degrees or fame, but just the intrinsic mix of physicality and mind and personality that make you you; or even just a primitive instinct rooted in sheer lust.

And they know it. They sense it.

Because deep down, right in the centre of your soul, where God looks at you and knows, and the Devil too, in there, at the core of it all, no matter what worldly power they might have, no matter what vicious terror they unleash on millions of innocents and those unfortunate enough to have their lives affected by them in such a way, they too know it. They know.

They are ghosts, and we are men with souls and life and heart. We have something they will never have and cannot steal from us, nor crush out of us, no matter how many of us they kill or destroy in their millions of evil, cowardly ways: We have love, and the power of courage and truth.

I have met these people. I have sat in rooms with billionaires and powerful politicians, and with the last free Khoi-San bushmen and illiterates, I have sat with murderers and thieves and fighters and habitual drunks, and with bankers and traders and men with private jets and more money than they can spend in a lifetime.

But when it all comes down to it, they are cowards and weak and flimsy. And they know it, and so do I.

I have seen it in so many different places, the guy who is a “big shot” in the “out there” who when it comes time to put on a Gi and get on the dojo floor becomes scared. And at least that guy put himself on the dojo floor. A Kissinger would never even go near the building where the dojo might be in. I even have had a supposed “strong man” from special branches of the police in South Africa try to intimidate me because he was jealous of who some of my clients were, and all I did was relax and let him run out of steam while they talked their tough talk. Only to just do the equivalent of saying “okay then, that’s it? That’s all you got? And no, unlike you, I never have been shot. I see them coming.” While looking meaningfully at his missing finger. And yes. That is all they had. And those are the tough guys.

The “princes” and politicians and “elite”, the Klaus Schwabs and Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein’s of the world, they got nothing.

They can try and pretend all they want, but that primitive, instinctive, animal sense of things… it’s still there. And boy, do they hate those that have all the virtues they lack.

So take heart brothers. For we are men, and they are ghosts. And they are absolutely terrified that a time will come soon, when their carefully crafted ivory towers will collapse, and then, there will be nothing much left of the pretence of the world, to keep them from being face to face with people like us.

It plays out between countries as it does between individual men. Just like America pretending to be the tough guy on the block… until Russia kicks their henchman’s ass right before their face and without even breaking a sweat. The difference is that Russia, so far, has been typically Russian. That is, very polite. If it had been Venetians that had just demolished Ukraine, you can bet your last cent that after they were done, they would lift their head, eyes on Washington, and go: “Now… what is all this shit you been talking, fat boy?”

And that’s when you see the wet patch expand, as they piss their pants.

Bruce The Deceiver is at it again

In typical, cowardly, effeminate, weak, English, passive-aggressive fashion, Bruce Charlton, or Brucie, as he will henceforth be named, has obviously seen my latest exposition of him for the liar, blackpiller and general heretical gnostic and non-christian sophist that he is.

Because trust me, that little wormtongue checks to see what I say. Except he is too cowardly to actually come out and try and respond, so instead he makes some vagueposting about sedevacantists.

So, because he probably has some kind of humiliation fetish, in line with all his other “quirky” passive aggressive, worm-tonguing, I will oblige, and once more vivisect his rubbish right here at my blog. His rubbish has a grey background to represent the fog-fart nature of his shrivelled soul.

JRR Tolkien and the disaster of the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) – implications for the legalistic sedevacantist position

To judge by his behaviour (if not by his explicit statements) there seems little doubt that JRR Tolkien regarded the consequences of the Second Vatican Council with a combination of deep dismay and horror; indeed, I once wrote that Vatican II may have been the most deeply dismaying event of Tolkien’s whole life

His friend (and fellow Catholic) George Sayer; believed that Tolkien saw little or nothing wrong with the pre-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church. 

Well, Brucie, that would be because there was little to nothing wrong with the pre-Vatican II Catholic Church. I mean, it was already infested to the gills with communists, homosexuals and Freemasons, as history has proven, and Bella Dodds has confessed, along with other undeniable proofs, some of which I highlighted in my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church. But that problem aside, the Dogma of The Church was as pristine as it has ever been. Not that most would know it, since most have literally no actual idea what the dogma of the Catholic Church is. They only THINK they do, thanks to 500 years of Satanic/Protestant lies, as even other honest Protestants will readily admit, like the Baptist Rodney Stark in his Bearing False Witness, or the man who wrote The Four Witnesses, Rod Bennett, who ended up converting as a result of reading up on the first 200 years of Christianity.

This is worth contemplating because it shows that a Catholic as devout as Tolkien could be in deep opposition to Vatican II; but without making reference to “legalistic” aspects of the validity of Papal elections. I imagine Tolkien would have found that whole “sedevacantist” line of argument on both sides to be extremely distressing and fraught with dangers – especially when engaged-in by lay people. 

God, Brucie, you’re such a raging faggot. Let me explain ladies and gents: Here, Brucie, while he waves his wrist limply in my general direction but without ever making eye contact, is trying to imply that because people like me (probably, as far as Brucie knows, and thinks, and expects) respect the memory of Tolkien not just as a writer (personally I respect him a lot more for having literally invented the Elvish language. JRR would have been an absolute genial game master for a Dungeons and Dragons game!) but as a Catholic.

So, because Brucie says so, I (and other sedevacantists) are supposed to now assume that Brucie had a direct line of knowing what JRR would have thought or said about Sedevacantism, and because Bruce says so, we should recoil in horror at taking a position Brucie imagines JRR might have had (should have, according to Brucie, nay would have had) with respect to Sedevacantism. That’s right ladies and gents, we are supposed to assume because Brucie says so, that Tolkien would have wagged a stern finger in our direction and told us: Bad Catholic! Submit to a fake Pope.

Seriously. How passive aggressive and sophistic and gay, GAY, Brucie, GAY, do you have to be to behave like such a little, whiny, bitch?

Besides which, what do you care? You like the Moronic Mormons. Go find yourself a tuba hat with a “seer-stone” in it so you can decipher your own bullshit, eh, Brucie?

This may have some implications for traditionalist Catholics who all agree that the RCC took a severe wrong turn, a down-turn and movement towards apostasy, with the Second Vatican Council. 

Oh Mah GAWD! Brucie! Bring out the fainting couches! IMPLICATIONS you say (with emphasis on YOU SAY) Good God Brucie, what’s next? Will CONSEQUENCES ever be the same again, now, after the IMPLICATIONS?

My point is that the disastrous nature of Vatican II may be regarded as common ground among serious Roman Catholics. And indeed all serious Christians of any- or no-denomination, who wish for the recovery and renewal of spiritual health in the largest and most influential Christian church – this may be common ground quite apart from the legal arguments. 

What a transparent and ineffective satanist you are Brucie.

Translation: Because Catholics recognise that the Novus Ordo is just the latest and most noxious branch of Protestant heresy (with apology to the Protestants, really, because the Novus Orco really is Satanic) everyone should come together and all be “christians” together. Making the satanic nonsense of the fake churches a common cause, why a… a… dare I say it, a fraternity even, you know, like in the Freemason words of “Spiritual Fraternity among men of Goodwill”. What’s your code name in the “brotherhood” Brucie? I propose if they haven’t given you a Freemason codename yet you ask for Brucie-of-the-flower.

In other words; sedevacantism can reasonably be regarded as one of several (or many) possible hypotheses for explaining the disastrous effect of Vatican II; and, most importantly, how to set it right

And here he is, trying to add sewage to sedevacantism. The usual sewage by the way, nothing original even.

“Oh it’s just a THEORY!”

“Just one of many HYPOTHESES, you see”

“It’s all very LEGALISTIC and COMPLICATED, you see.”

No Brucie, No.

It’s childishly simple. The Catholic Church has and always had, unchangeable divine dogma, which is ALL codified, and was ALL collated and summarised and approved by the INFALLIBLE Magisterium of the Church in the Code of Canon Law of 1917.

That’s ALL the Rules of Catholicism from the year zero to 1917 all in one place, Brucie. And guess what, as Code 188 part 4 makes eminently clear, as do ALL the other even tangentially related codes to it, ANYONE, who publicly defects from the faith —which teaching heresy as though it was valid doctrine counts and always has counted as doing so— is no longer a representative of the Church, and NO ONE need say or approve, or pass ANYTHING. Its done. The law itself convicts them. It’s VERY clear, and VERY simple. A Child gets it. If you are NOT a CATHOLIC, you are not in the club. You can’t speak for it, you are not part of it, you are irrelevant to it, and even anything you did while you might have been a member before then, becomes instantly invalid and worthless. It’s Very, very, very, simple and only sophists and freemasons like you have tried to make it “complicated” by lying, and lying, and lying, with every breath you take.

It is indeed possible that the sedevacantist legal arguments for why the papal seat is empty might be true; but the legalistic solutions may nonetheless be ineffective or counter-productive in solving the Roman Catholic Church’s many and deep problems. 

Hahahhahahah and here he reveals his true nature. Pay attention to what he says:

“Oh yes, X may be true, but we can’t have truth be used to solve anything!”

“No, no, truth is counter-productive to solving anything, you see?!”

What a disgusting creature. He probably has candle-lit dinners with Jordan Peterson, while they agree on truth being untruth.

That is, indeed, my opinion – I mean that the sedevacantist solutions (i.e. their advocated approach to dealing with the RC problems) are ineffective, and would be counter-productive: they are wrong in their spirit

Firstly Brucie, no one, literally no one on Earth gives a flying crap about your opinion. You are absolutely irrelevant to everyone with the possible exception of your cat, if you have one. But even if some misguided soul cared anything for your opinion, let me assure you that not a single Catholic does. That is Sedevacantist or even just nominally ignorant lay Novus Order kind that is simply fooled by the impostors pretending to be Pope and Bishops and priests. Because you are NOT Catholic Bruce. You’re a Gnostic. You are the enemy. We really don’t consider you at all other than as I am doing now, to make an example of you for others to point and laugh at the tarring and feathering and ass-kicking you’re getting here metaphorically speaking.

Secondly, who on Earth would YOU be to judge what is or is not wrong “in the Spirit” whatever that new-age-gnostic phrase is supposed to mean. You silly, cowardly wormtongue, Brucie, go fret for your tuba hat and the Angel Moroni, go on, get out of here, you spiritually empty sack of lies.

And third, Sedevacantism is growing by leaps and bounds. Our Churches are literally bursting at the seams, with often standing room only, and guess what, it’s young people in them. People making children. LOTS of Children Brucie. I know, I know, a lifelong incel like you can’t understand, especially given the faggotry you speak, but believe me Brucie, Sedevacantism is booming.

Because I think it can be known in advance – from multiple experiences in multiple churches – that legal solutions will not have a good effect; that a re-set is impossible (and the attempt undesirable) because it will empower the wrong people and set faithful Catholics at each others throats… 

Again, first, NOTHING can be known in advance, especially not by “people” to use the term loosely, like you.

Secondly there has never been any such thing as “multiple experiences in multiple churches” the way you mean it, because there is no such thing as “multiple churches”. There is ONE Church, Brucie, the ONE, True, Holy, and Apostolic CATHOLIC CHURCH.

It doesn’t matter if YOU believe in it or not. None of us care. It is an unchangeable Catholic dogma that there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, so there IS only one Church. The Catholic one. Obviously. And logically. Because unlike what “people” like you want to pretend, Brucie, there is only ONE truth. Can only BE one truth. Either Catholicism is true, in which case we are right, or it is not, in which case Christianity doesn’t exist. And again, it doesn’t matter if you and the rest of the world disagrees. We don’t care. We never have cared in two millennia. Catholicism IS Christianity and the ONLY Christians are Catholics.

Thirdly, there is absolutely nothing to “re-set”. The Catholic Church continues as it always did undisturbed. All that Vatican II did is expose all the fake Catholics, those too lazy to learn the facts, those too lazy to hold the line. And of course, the infiltrating Satanists. It’s fine, we’re fine. As I said, our Churches continue to grow and basic game theory makes it mathematically obvious that by being as we are, either eventually we win, or, it’s the end times and we win anyway too. Besides which, either way, the current goings on are all prophesied, so we really have nothing to worry about.

Lastly, faithful Catholics are never at each other’s throats. Stop making shit up. Catholics call out deceivers, gnostics, satanist, and liars like yourself, because it is the duty of every Catholic to do so, and we will always call your kind and Bergoglio’s and all the fake impostors out. But there is never any issue between faithful Catholics. Because we’re all one family. Of course, those genuinely deceived into thinking the Novus Ordo is the “real” Church are just fooled ignorants at best and very lazy ones in the worst cases, but all it takes is a little study and they will see the truth. And THAT is what you fear Brucie, which is why you keep attacking the Sedevacantists, unlike any other of the fake denominations you carry water for. Including the absurd Mormons with their insane idea that a sex pervert with a tuba hat with a “seer-stone” in it was the only one that could decipher the hidden scrolls from the Angel Moroni, and that those pronouncements created the Book of Mormon. That is who you publicly carry water for the most in fact. You’re such an obvious degenerate, infiltrating, miserable, sad little clown Brucie.

That this negative potential can be known in advance from experience, and legalism eschewed, even despite that (probably) nobody has yet proposed any other clearly promising and practical way of genuinely revitalizing the Roman Catholic Church in the West. 

There is nothing to “revitalise” never has been. The Novus Orco is not Catholic, so you go ahead and “revitalise” it any gay way you want, Brucie. The actual Catholic Church and its practitioners will continue on as we always have and continue to grow our churches and communities and families.

For what little it is worth; I suspect that an answer might be found in the actual practice of Roman Catholicism at its Christian best; rather than in abstract theories about the matter. 

Sedevacantism IS the practice of Catholicism, Brucie. So you have that as a pesky little spanner in your intended works of subversion. Because nothing else IS.

Something to do with the lives of ordinary Catholics (including ‘ordinary’ Saints); rather than the models and hypotheses of canon lawyers, theologians, philosophers, church bureaucrats or the like.  

Look at the wormtongueing. It’s almost impressive. Here Brucie is trying to say that Catholic Canon Lawyers, Catholic Philosophers, Catholic Theologians and validly ordained Catholic Clergy (that’s what he means by bureaucrats) have the wrong model of Catholicism. The arrogance in even trying this trick is stunning. Incidentally exposing Brucie’s narcissistic streak in thinking he can get away with it.

It’s a sleight of hand of course, he’s pretending your average street crier with a megaphone is the equivalent of an actual Catholic priest. Or that your current day “philosopher”, who is unaware after 4 years of University that Logic is indispensable in philosophy, is somehow comparable to, say, Thomas Aquinas. It’s all implied you see, none of it spelt out, typical sophist language. Letting your own mind fill in the false “gaps” he implies without stating.

And ending off with that “humble” appeal to “just ordinary folks” don’t you see? Good old Marxist approach, eh Brucie? I’m starting to wonder if you may have been born in a synagogue, Brucie.

The problem you have Brucie, is that “ordinary Catholics” who are actually Catholic, are all, in the main, kinda like me. Really not susceptible to your lies. Because once you have seen the truth Brucie, you can’t be so easily fooled again. And the lies of your kind are failing more and more regularly and more and more people see you for the masked soul-robber you are.

Maybe the most luminous, rich, and inspiring aspects of the pre-Reformation Catholic ‘world’ – something rather like GK Chesterton’s imaginative pictures of “Merrie England” – could be found to contain clues toward the changes that are needed and would work and could grow; and also (and vital) what aspects ought to be de-emphasized… 

You shameless vermin, someone should really slap your mouth for daring to mention good men like Tolkien or Chesterton in that whore’s hole you speak your nonsense out of. Chesterton and Tolkien were proper Catholics, which is why Tolkien made a point to LOUDLY protest the Novus Ordo fake Mass every single time he went to Church. He would have got on just fine with us other Catholics. i.e. Sedevacantists. Especially since he died in 1973, when the situation had hardly crystallised, since Vatican II ended at the end of 1965, and people were still trying to see if there was anything salvageable. De Laurier’s only published his thesis on Sedeprivationism in 1979, six years after Tolkien had already passed on. And Lefebvre opened his SSPX seminary only in 1970. Both of these in continental Europe, not England. So Brucie is also imagining things that are counter to likelihood by many orders of magnitude. I feel quite certain that had Tolkien been able to transported to today, he would almost without a doubt be a Sedevacantist.

Selected cuttings from that ancient tree of faithful living might be planted to yield new and different fruits, but recognizably derived from the same root stock. 

And again, in the end, he gives himself away as the modernist deceiver he is.

No Brucie, Catholicism is not Protestantism. We don’t do “branches”.

Oh, and Brucie…? Every time you lift your head above the parapet to try and lob dirt on Catholicism, that is, the ONLY Catholicism left, Sedevacantism, I’ll be here.

Blackpilling Gnostics – Bruce Charlton Edition. Again.

Blackpilling deceivers, gnostics, and sophists need to be ignored. At least until we can change the laws back to outlawing them, ostracising them from civilised society, and in the worst cases make their nightmares come true by burning them at the stake.

My friend Adam posted a very nice, polite, well-reasoned missive for the indefatigable Ann Bernhardt, basically asking her a slightly different take on the question I have been asking her for years now.

My version: Ann, show me where in Canon Law it states there is a limit of duration to an interregnum.

Adam’s take: Ann, ALL of these “Cardinals” are demonstrable demon worshippers. And when Bergoglio kicks the bucket THEY will be “electing” the next “Pope”. Can you see why I am using inverted commas and why we 1958 Sedevacantists are correct and not you, laughably wrong 2023 sedevacantist?

But Ann will not respond to either of us, I am certain.

I know, I know, to you non-Catholics, and therefore non-Christians, this all sounds like the Baptist joke about the guy who’s gonna jump from a bridge.

But that’s only because you’re an ignorant heathen, a pretend-Christian of some rebellious Protestant denomination, or you simply never got round to reading the Patristic fathers, the history of Christianity, or the Bible. Take your pick, it doesn’t matter, because the point of this post is simply to show in the clear light of day, what a sophist, deceiver, and mollusc Bruce Charlton is, and why anyone sane will ignore pretty much anything he has to say.

I first came across Bruce because of an admittedly brilliant little pamphlet he wrote (free on the internet) called Addicted to Distraction. It really is good and you don’t need to be in any way religious to enjoy it.

That said, pretty much everything else after that has been a steaming pile of Gnosticism, spiritual deviancy, and sophistry.

For reasons only known to himself, (or perhaps the demons riding him) Bruce decided that the best thing he could do to Adam’s post was discourage anyone from being a proper Catholic. i.e. a Sedevacantist.

Interesting; since Bruce has professed for some time that he feels the closest thing he is Christianity-wise, is to a Mormon.

I thought he’d misspelt Moron (as I think Mormons have too) but he repeated it quite a lot a while back. Now, far be it from me to criticise anyone who believes Joseph Smith wasn’t a complete sex perverted charlatan who made the whole idiotic thing up, including there being golden sheets of words written by an Angel called Moroni (there’s a hint here, honest!) that he put inside a box and that only he, and he alone, could read, and then only with a seer stone inside his tuba hat, but no one else was allowed to see the sheets and the “translated” Angelic words were noted down by a scribe on the other side of a screen from Smith who “read them” using his special tuba hat. And that was how the Book of Mormon, and his fucking everyone’s wife, and the entire Moronic/Mormonic religion came about.

If you think I am having a fever-dream-hallucination, you are wrong, that insanity is literally how Mormonism came about. Yes. I know, it makes the Scientologists with their Xemu seem a LOT more plausible.

But yeah, when THAT guy starts telling people to NOT be proper Catholics… well… light him up is what I’m gonna do, so here it is. And here is Bruce’s first Gnostic comment.

bruce g charlton 1 day ago

@Adam – One difficulty of going back to Vatican II is logistical, given the importance given to a valid apostolic succession. Because most of what has happened in the RC church all over the world over the past half-century would be utterly invalidated.

Indeed, so large and complex is this problem, that it seems (obviously!) utterly impossible to unpick the valid from the invalid – and spiritually almost lethal even to try.

In other words, I am sure that a strict and logical legalism – even if completely honest and rigorously applied – cannot extricate the RCC from the mess that it now inhabits. Therefore, that legalistic approach to the problem is doomed to fail, and therefore should not be embarked-upon.

But that does Not mean the task is impossible, merely that a legalistic approach cannot accomplish the task.

I am sure that insofar as Roman Catholics are motivated to live in accordance with God’s will; then ways will be found in practice to “short circuit” these problems – and these ways will be clear and simple, and known in their hearts to be valid, by those Roman Catholics of genuine good will.

Thus will a part of the Roman Catholic survive and thrive – to the benefit of all.

But the strictly legalistic approach would (will) need to be let-go at some point; or else it will block what is necessary and good.

I wasn’t the first one to get a shot back at him…

 Reply to  bruce g charlton 1 day ago

That’s not the way this works. All that happened over the last several decades is in fact invalid and it can and must be recognized as such. Catholicism is not Romantic Christianity.

But I think mine was more balanced, fair and complete:

 Reply to  bruce g charlton 1 day ago

Bruce, you whiny, gnostic, coward.
Crawl back under the retarded rock of Moroni you climbed out from under.
You literally stated that the absurd cult of Mormonism is the closest you come to Christianity, and here you are, once again, trying to dissuade anyone from even thinking about sedevacantism; aka actual Catholicism, which is thriving and expanding daily and makes perfect sense since what happened with V2 is really simple enough an honest ten year old can understand it. But not deceivers like you. Just like you ran away from the truth I forced your nose into at my blog (you deleted my replies on yours) run along now, sede blogs are not places for spineless Brits like you.

If you think that didn’t explain too much, you’re right, but that’s because me and Bruce have had this out before, so if you need more information, you might start here for generics on Sedevacantism, or buy one of my books Believe! (short) or Reclaiming the Catholic Church (long).

If instead you want to read up on Bruce and me, knock yourself out, here. I started to call him out over a year ago.

Bruce ignored my comment, of course, but felt the need to keep making random sophistry up. Which is such bullshit I just need to break it up and comment on it.

Problems don’t go away just because they are unacknowledged; and the worst real problems are those due to unacknowledged metaphysical assumptions.

No, Bruce, the worst problem is intentional, lying deceivers like you trying to lead souls to Hell by lying to them.

One such is that the bottom line essence of Roman Catholicism is legalistic in nature – i.e. that the legal aspects trump all other considerations.

No Bruce. The Bottom Line of Catholicism is that it is the TRUTH. And the Truth cannot be lied about, changed, made different or perverted. Legalism, as YOU use it is simply subterfuge, lies, and twisting the truth. What the Church does is not “legalism” Bruce, it’s defending the factual, inerrant, infallible, eternal TRUTH. Yes, your very Nemesis, the thing that sends you scurrying like a cockroach for shadows and sophistry. You would not know this, being what you are, but you see Bruce, honest men will NEVER flex or bend or break before creatures of shadow like you. Nope. We will look at the truth and point it out, and call you out for the deceiving liar you are.

Until That is recognized as an assumption, and that assumption compared with other possible assumptions, then discussion cannot proceed beyond primary school playground verbal scraps (yawn…).

Yawn away you little runt. There is nothing assumed in Catholicism. It is reasoned, thought out, proven, checked against scripture and tradition and divine dogma, and reality. And because Jesus instituted the Church on Earth, and he is not a liar, the Church too, despite being filled with flawed men, remains infallible in its Magisterial teachings. Yes, even after there has been no valid Pope since 1958. Because Jesus promised he would be with us until the end times, and so it is. Real Priests and real Bishops continue to exist. Just nowhere in the Vatican. None within the Novus Ordo Satanic impostor religion pretending to be Catholicism. But as it always did, the Church continues to exist.

If discussion gets trapped by unexamined legalistic assumptions that contain necessarilydestructive consequences, then it will be Roman Catholicism that suffers.

There is no legalistic assumption, only undeniable fact and reality. There is nothing destructive in Catholicism. And in case you are wondering, yes, burning heretics at the stake is salutary and civilisational, as history has proven time and again, not destructive. Not even for the heretic, since contemplating his own burning flesh gives him time to ponder his errors and possibly repent, thus entering Purgatory and eventually Salvation too.

This is why fifth columnists within all churches have so often hidden their real (and anti-Christian – often personal, or ideological) agendas behind a façade of strict legalism. Such agents destroy and personally profit (or simply enjoy the process of destruction), while pretending to protect.

Nope. You’re now trying to conflate sophists and liars like yourself with being strict. The truth IS strict, Bruce. Reality IS strict. That’s just how it is. And so, liars like you are called out for the liars they are.

And the same can happen unconsciously, delusionally, or from a desire for “certainty” – in order, to “settle the question” once and for all. Many motives are possible.

Look at all the nonsense you’re throwing at Sedes, hoping something will stick. Amazing. Well, I know you’re not doing this “unconsciously” Bruce, it’s very intentional and conscious on your part. Nor is it delusional. Underhanded, subversive, deceitful, false, and cowardly, yes, it’s all of those, but not delusional. Well, except if you think your ploy will work on actual Catholics, then yes, you would be delusional. But that’s not your target, is it Bruce, no, like all the gatekeeping Satanists, your target is the newly interested neophyte. You aim to prevent anyone from even looking at sedevacantism. Because you know if they do they will see the perfect reasoning of it and become proper, actual, Christians. And that would leave you out in the cold. Well… for. bit, you’ll get to a real warm place in due course.

The point is that In These Times we can be sure that (later if not sooner) our fundamental assumptions will be exposed, and tested to breaking point. The question is: what then breaks?

You. Bruce. You break. And all those like you. You know what doesn’t break? Catholicism. Or Catholics. At most we die. And either as martyrs (the best of us) or as warriors, taking as many of you scum as possible down with us, except your ride will be a lot lower down and more permanent than ours.

It was good to see I was not the only one that recognised Bruce for what he is. CT had some pertinent thoughts on the matter.

C T Reply to  bruce g charlton 15 hours ago

What a steaming heap of bafflegarble. When the new Inquisition is put into place, you are not going to make it.

As is known now, the Secret King Bruce had to continue to try to have the last word

bruce g charlton Reply to  bruce g charlton 9 hours ago

I should add that I regard the basic “sede” stance – i.e. that the RCC was poisoned by Vatican II – as obviously correct.

Here he uses one of the tried and tested methods of the deceiver: “Oh but I agree with you, see? Now come walk with me down this yellow-bricked road…”

But I suggest that this position can and should be reached without recourse to legalism, and the solutions to Vatican II should not be legalistic either.

Transaltion: But I suggest that this position can and should be reached without recourse to TRUTH, and the solutions to Vatican II should not be TRUE either.

I would have thought it obvious that the Holy Ghost can and will (as I said) “short circuit” the impossibly complex legal problems to provide direct answers that can be agreed by all Catholics of good (i.e. genuinely Christian) motivation.

See? You are a “good” Catholic, if you listen to old uncle Bruce here who has genuine “Christian” motivation. And we’ll skip right over the simple fact that Catholicism IS Christianity. That the ONLY Christianity that has ever existed IS Catholicism, and all else is heresy, nonsense, lies and deceit.

What a serpentine mollusc you are Bruce, you might as well write, All men of good brotherhood can agree that good brotherhood and equality and liberty is the true “catholicism”. You freemason brothers would be proud.

But this can only happen if other factor/s than legalism are regarded as primary and foundational to the Catholic faith. Legalism (aka Pharisees-ism) – if adopted – will empower the wrong people by focusing on the letter, will utterly fail to solve the real problems – and will prove utterly destructive of the Christian spirit (as it always has done and will continue to do). If any church survives, it will be an empty shell.

Translation: But this can only happen if other factor/s than TRUTH are regarded as primary and foundational to the Catholic faith.

See Bruce, you have a bit of a hurdle here, in the sense that K2 or Mount Olympos is a “bit of a hill”. Catholicism has always stayed very clearly that it is the ONLY, ONE, TRUE, HOLY, APOSTOLIC, RELIGION. You really can’t get away from that. Now, you can agree or not. Don’t agree, then you’re not Catholic. Buh-Bye. Off you go, piss off and don’t bother us again. No Catholic cares about your opinions of Catholicism, you are not one of us, you don’t count. End of. Or you agree, in which case, you can’t water down the truth Bruce. You can’t twist it. You can’t change it. You can’t ignore it. Which is what you are advocating for. Precisely what you’d like Catholics to do is completely anathema to us. Oh, does it hurt you feel that we plainly say, we are right and yes, all of you who are not with us are wrong? Hmmm…I wonder who else said if you are not with me you’r against me. Anyone? Anyone? Guy in Galilee? Answered to the name of Jesus? Ever heard of Him, Bruce? Guess what, we Catholics ARE with him. People like you, I’m fairly sure He’s gonna say “I never knew you.” Go look it up. You might as well read that Bible one day eh?

CT too also fired back. More gentlemanly than I, as is often the case. But then I am not going for polite. I want to obliterate any shred of credibility these charlatanic gnostic deceivers have, forever. So Orbital Nukes is more my speed.

C T Reply to  bruce g charlton 3 hours ago

You often make these weird mistakes — e.g. “pharisees-ism” — that make me wonder sometimes what language you actually speak.

No, God won’t “short-circuit” His own law. That’s a stupidity that only a maleducated, non-Christian midwit could envisage. The plain truth is that outside of the Church there is no salvation, therefore all who wish to be saved must be brought into It, legally and publicly because there is no other way. Baptisms and other sacraments must be performed properly, evil must be publicly renounced, penance must be visibly performed before the apostates can be accepted as Catholic.

You are not even a member of the Church. You are so far from being a well trained and educated cleric that you can only aspire to be a layman. You have no say, are entitled to no opinion, can offer no relevant advice on the matter.

Quite. And on that note, we once more, turn the page on the non-Christian, liar, deceiver and intentional sophist Bruce Charlton.

The illiterate “Operator”

Few activities generate as many cretins with “tough man” bullshit syndrome as:

  • Martial Arts
  • Pick-Up-Artists
  • Guns (by people who have never actually been in a gunfight, nor worked with a gun especially, but not limited to them.)

On my piece on the Colt 1911 allow me to introduce you to the illiterate retard, Thomas Ramsey of [email protected] those of you who agree with him, feel free to write to him and join a mutual admiration society. Those who do not agree with him, you may be entertained by the Kurganing about to take place below his now immortalised comments.

Using the same kind of analysis we had on my post of the fed-commenter on the video about Bombard’s body language reading, we will now dissect this living specimens of Professor Cipolla’s undying truth about the human condition.

Thomas never learnt to read for comprehension. This is clear. Thomas is probably one of those people that can’t form abstract thoughts nor imagine what he would feel like if he had not had breakfast this morning. Google that sort of thing, you will find some fun facts about IQ and how people think. Especially if you look at 4 Chan sites.

Was it hard to understand what I wrote Thomas? Did it hurt your brain and make you drool extra or bite your tongue as you scrolled your finger painfully on the screen to keep your place?

First of all, let us some hard data that incontrovertibly makes it clear that the most important aspect of an actual gunfight is… drum roll… shot placement!

Which also, incidentally, shows that basically people who shoot 9mm DO in fact spray and pray, and as a result miss more than people who use a revolver in .44 magnum or .357 magnum, who get far more consistent results of one shot stops.

So, there is that. Secondly, Thomas there, Tommy, I’m gonna call you Tommy, since you have the brain of a small, excitable child, who thinks Hollywood is reality. Thomas also thinks that if you are capable of doing double taps with a pretty near-certainty of death for the assailants at the usual handgun ranges at which firefights happen, even if there were more than three assailants, the remaining ones would just stand about and carry on returning fire.

Especially since in 99.99% of cases, as I explained in the original post I would have got the drop on them, since I was “part of the scenery” and not in any way obviously with the client team. He also assumes that Hollywood shootouts in the style of Heat (the film) are how things work out in the real world. It’s not.

The reasoning I had was very simple. With my 6 shot revolver in .357 magnum, the most likely scenario would be the first shot would immediately drop one guy, then depending on number of people, the next four shots would likely drop two more at least, which left me one shot as I then looked for cover. Total time to shoot those five shots would be about 2 seconds at most, or there about, even if the targets were pretty spaced out. That’s enough to pretty much dominate the environment of a gunfight. Especially since the first guy dropping was pretty much guaranteed as I would have surprise.

But, all that aside, and going back to the original post, I thought it was fairly obvious even to lost tribes in the Amazon, that the point of the post was not that the 1851 Navy is THE “operator” weapon of choice, or that the Colt 1911 is, but merely that I liked them.

What part of this sentence hurt you and made you shied away from it in fear Thomas?

Coming from a family of hunters and familiar with pretty much all aspects of shooting, meant that in general I would subjugate my personal preferences to functionality.

Aside from the fact you obviously did not understand my role, the situation, the parameters, or the work I used to do, despite my detailing it quite clearly, you obviously also missed the fact that I specifically stated that my personal preference in a context where I expect actual trouble are irrelevant. Meaning quite clearly I would use whatever tool was deemed best for the job. People who read English at a basic level understood this. You did not. That tells us quite a bit bout you Thomas. And your inadequacies. And possibly your genetic make-up as far as IQ goes.

Thomas then goes on to show that once more, he did not understand at all, anything I wrote. The scenario of “high as a kite” was not ever really a factor. We worked for extremely wealthy individuals, the shadiest of whom had rivals of an equally wealthy, or close to it, lifestyle. The attempts we did have were from well-organised criminals with a plan, although, ultimately not as organised as we were when I was in the team, since the only time one of our clients got hit (no bodies, just common robbery of a lot of cash) was the one time I was not on the team and they went and did their own thing under-staffed. The other times, guess who warned everyone of an impending attack? Yup. Me. And frankly, a high-on-drugs thing was not really much of an occurrence anywhere in South Africa in the mid 1990s. If it had been, he would have simply got Swiss-cheesed by the combined firepower of everything from our team to most bystanders since the incidence of armed citizens stopping armed criminals in SA was one of the highest in the world.

But all that aside, yes a Central Nervous System hit under duress is precisely what I trained for. And yes, I have had occasion to react under high stress situations enough times to know that in such cases, my movement only becomes absolutely more accurate than even when I am NOT under stress. Nor can I put that down to training alone, although training helps. I just seem to have been wired that way from birth. And I really don’t care what you believe Thomas. Because you are a nobody, with no real world experience nor any inkling of my actual life or abilities or realities I lived through. You’re a plastic cut-out of a loudmouth idiot who is (as usual) blathering on about things he has zero practical experience or knowledge of, and tries to pass off his YouTube/Hollywood/James Patterson fiction as though it were real life experience. It isn’t Thomas. It’s just you bullshitting yourself first and foremost, and then trying to gaslight everyone around you too, into thinking you know something about anything. You don’t. You’re too stupid to read a few paragraphs and comprehend them, so what are the chances you actually know anything about real world gunfights?

And goys, goys, remember! Seals don’t go around carrying 1911s! Yeah man, because Thomas here is JUST like an OPERATOR MAN. Like in the war! That’s how he lives in the mean streets man!

And of course, Navy Seals DID use Colt 1911s up until 1986, when the US Military mostly switched to the 9mm Beretta.

Not that that is any kind of point. The reality is that at least until the Zombie Apocalypse, Thomas is about as likely to use, or need to use his firearm, as an Eskimo is to use a ballista. But you can bet your last doughnut that Thomas will tell you all about how the latest ballista is far superior to the one used by the Romans, because OPERATOR REASONS.

And his fluid pressure drop comment… Where do I begin? No Thomas. There are PLENTY of faster ways for a person to be incapacitated a lot faster than bleeding out. Massive trauma to pretty much any part of your body tends to shut down main systems. A broken neck or spine will immediately make you into a rag doll or at least a partial rag doll that falls to the ground. And again, the resulting shock from that is enough to get most people out of the fight long enough you can pepper them with more shots at will even if it was “just” their legs they can’t use anymore. A shot to the face, even one that doesn’t immediately kill you, from a .357 magnum with Cor-Bons or hydro-shock, which is what I carried, is also not going to let you just carry on firing away with abandon while retaining your composure. You’d be lucky to survive it, but you can bet you’d be thinking about God, your mommy and possibly emptying your bladder as you prayed while trying to keep your eyeball/teeth/brain, from leaking out your new and improved ear-hole. Assuming you’d even be conscious, of course.

Do you see how tiring these retards are?

They can’t read.

They can’t understand basic concepts.

They watch some tiktok video and think they now have the combined expertise on firearms of a seasoned special ops soldier, and a master gunsmith.

And then they open their stupid mouths and spread their idiocy into the world.

To what end? None. None that is useful or good anyway, because their only aim is to feel IMPORTANT. Precisely in direct proportion to their absolute worthlessness as a human being.

Which explains why they are so loud and insistent.

The Gamma Paradox

Vox Day’s Socio-Sexual Hierarchy nomenclature receives plenty of criticism from some people, and much praise from others. The split itself is telling. Those men who have observable patterns of behaviour most associated with being Gammas reject or try to redefine the entire hierarchy to somehow position themselves as the real “tops”, which is why Vox refers to them also as Secret Kings.

A recent comment on my own post about rapey idiots in glass houses expresses what many normal (Delta) Type men believe:

These famous rich guys who drug women like Bill Cosby and this Danny Masterson must be particularly depraved because being rich and famous they could surely get women without doing so.

This idea shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the inner world of the Gamma and what drives them, in the context of being rapists or at a minimum creeps. I have observed their behaviour for years, with the same kind of disgusted fascination one might observe some parasite burrowing under an innocent’s skin.

The behaviour first became more prevalent and obvious on the internet in the mid 1990s, where frustrated men in alt-dot forums expressed a vitriolic hatred bordering on the psychotic towards any form of female rejection they experienced. Then I saw it in the flesh too and mostly it got told to me by pretty much almost all the women I was with in my life.

At first I though the behaviour of rage, when rejected, must apply to only a small percentage of unbalanced losers, but as I was told the same type of stories, by woman after woman after woman, and indeed saw it with my own eyes at times when a girl I was seeing was being hit on by some guy who usually was unaware she was with me in the specific context. As soon as she made it clear she was with me and therefore not available for his advances, some of these guys went into an obvious instant red-hot hatred. Because I look like I do, they usually just left, very occasionally making some sarcastic jab before slinking quickly away. On some occasions I even got an after-event report. One girl I was seeing for a time was a student at university and we had very much an on-off relationship. She was very pretty and was always surrounded by hangers on that thought they might eventually get with her if they just kept being in her orbit. One guy in particular went overboard with the “friends” cover. Whenever this girl and I were not seeing each other for a couple of days he would go over and try and “keep her company”. All of it was non-sexual “let’s watch a film together” or whatever, but his intent was obvious to me and I think to her too, though we didn’t really discuss it, because frankly, he was a non-entity and there was no chance she would do anything with him. It had not anything to do with looks or money either. He was just that sort of milque-toasty guy that really no woman wants to be with by choice.

Anyway, during one of these “pauses” in our relationship she later told me the guy was at her place for two days straight, during which she bitched to him about me and my uncompromising ways. She was marinated in British Feminist theory, and I simply have never had anything to do with it, nor ever accepted any of their absurd ideology. Her feminist theory invariably failed when confronted with her natural instincts concerning me and she would inevitably return to me with some very intimate ways to “make up”. Over time she would try to get me to bend to some insane feminist idea and I would once more simply reject it. Anyway, after her bitching about this for two days to this guy and his enthusiastically agreeing with her, and finally beginning to think this was his way to finally get with her, I believe, from memory that she recounted to me how her conversation went in the final stages. She had just said that I was impossible and drove her crazy with how I just made arguments she couldn’t really counter and it pissed her off and she “hated” me for it. He nodded and said something along the lines of “yeah, he sounds terrible, you should forget about him.”

To which she replied: “Yes, he’s terrible, makes me so mad… And yet… I can’t do without him. I’m going to go over to him now and be completely on his cock.”

And she did. Now, in that case, I can see the guy being frustrated, in his mind he had been sidling up to her like a proper gentleman of the woke variety, and was agreeing with her all the time and was obviously the “better” man, what with being all woke and pro-whatever feminist crap she spouted, and he affirmed and supported all her patriarchal suffering, or whatever, and then, she promptly announces that she’s off to do the very things he desperately was hoping to get from her with me.

You can see how he’d be upset. But the reality is he was more than just dejected. He was furious. Luckily he did not react physically against her, but the next time I saw him several days later, you could tell he had a murderous rage all about him towards me and her too. He never spoke to her again, as far as I know, which was just as well.

Now, in the above case you can sort of sympathise with the guy a little (not about the rage) at least everyone has felt a little sad or frustrated at being rejected by someone they really liked. But in my case, really that is as far as it has ever gone. Ultimately, if a person genuinely has no attraction for you, how can you get angry at them for that? The idea is just absurd to me. It has never computed and never will.

The reason I recounted that chapter of my life was to try and give you some insight into the fundamental difference of internal mechanism that a Gamma has from other archetypes.

The difference is in the internal world of the Gamma from that of a Delta or an Alpha or a Sigma.

The Alpha may actually get quite stung at rejection, especially if it is public and from a high status woman. His ego and need to be seen as the Alpha may in fact also cause him to be quite caustic or dismissive, but if so it will be generally only in the moment and temporarily. After all, no real Alpha wants to be seen as a pitiful shadow of a man that is pining after some woman. Besides, there are usually several waiting in the wings for him, happy to heal his broken heart. In the Alpha mind, getting angry at rejection from a woman is essentially below his dignity and status to do. He may privately be quite hurt, but rage, even to himself, goes against his nature, which is essentially generous and expectant of plentifulness (be it women, business, fame, and so on). The Alpha is a reacher for things, including women, but usually not a desperate grabber in the normal course of affairs.

The Delta is more of a balanced individual and generally will take rejection on the chin, be hurt, then move on with his life and try and find peace where he can. These are the majority of well balanced men.

The Sigma is a special case and may not care at all about the rejection, or be a freak on which the rejection is really the least of his concerns. Keep in mind that both James Bond as well a the character in the series Hannibal are Sigmas. These are not people who follow normal social conventions, but precisely because of that, their internal world, strange as it may be, is founded on a solid bedrock of self-reliance and hence self-knowledge. While they might be professional killers for hire, they are probably unlikely to get angry at a woman for rejecting them. A case in point from fiction may be Dexter. He killed bad guys with abandon, but was always a loyal boyfriend to the women he was with, and took their rejections or bad behaviours with calm resignation.

The Gamma however has wholly different internal mechanisms and they end up being the really creepy and dangerous ones, even if they present as easy-going, liberal, modern metrosexual men in touch with their feminine side. In almost diametric opposition to Sigmas, the Gamma has a profound (and un-admitted) lack of self-confidence. This is a root cause in their very core and they try to cover up that existential hole in their soul with all manner of fakery. Be it money, status, recognition by the masses for their achievements (real or most often imagined or “manufactured”), it is never enough to really fill that essential lack of self-truth.

A Gamma can be a billionaire (see Bezos) and still behave in a completely creepy/loser/gamma way with women. It is true that an Alpha or a Sigma or even a Delta, that is really a millionaire or billionaire can have his pick of women willing to be his sexual partners, and many of those women, initially attracted by the power, wealth and status, may even end up having genuine feelings for the man in question, but there is a core difference in the dynamics with a Gamma.

The billionaire alpha, sigma or even delta, may be perfectly aware of the sexual liaison with women being purely transactional. Their temporary thrill at being on a private jet, or even just seen with the billionaire in question, is enough for them to permit sex between them. The Delta will eventually be a bit sad at such an arrangement and over time get disillusioned with this woman or perhaps even women in general if the pattern repeats. An Alpha may even prefer the situation to be transactional and be fine with it and get a new “performer” once he bores with the first one, or have multiple ones in play or make a proper business contract out of a “marriage”. A Sigma may do the same or become a pimp, or a celibate monk by choice. But a Gamma will simply think that his material wealth gives him the right and the authority to do what he imagines Alphas do or get away with doing. And this is the tragic error.

An Alpha, whether a billionaire or homeless, will have a woman act towards him intimately because she wants to. Because the man’s internal sense of self is strong and she responds to that, ultimately, aside from his exterior, worldly, if you like, trappings. I have personally known (in my hedonistic days) beautiful women, married to extremely wealthy men, who, nevertheless would get naked and have sex with a man that had no money to speak of, but a sense of self that was of a different order from their husbands. This type of effect cannot be bought. The effect it has on women cannot be replicated nor faked very effectively even by the women themselves. So, what happens when a Gamma has reached some perceived pinnacle of power, wealth, fame or combination thereof, in his abysmal understanding of the female mind and heart, he thinks he is now “entitled” to the female attention that he imagines Alphas and Sigmas get (and in fact do get). When, to his utter shock and horror women continue to dodge him like radioactive plague, his natural emotion is rage. In his broken understanding of “life” he is rich, he is successful, he is famous, EVERY woman OWES him sex at will. HIS will. And if they don’t give it of their own volition, why, they must be defective, and/or it doesn’t matter, because in the Gamma’s mind Alphas just take what they want anyway and the women always go along with it.

And this is how you get the Danny Masterson of the world, the Bill Cosbys and all the other wealthy and powerful executives that end up getting caught groping angrily at unwilling secretaries and colleagues. So, no, the money is not enough. The fame is not enough. The status is not enough. And gammas simply will never get that.

Because all it takes is what in Italian is commonly referred to as “balls”.

And like real courage, real, intimate self-knowledge can’t be faked. And women can sense it.

Fisking Liars

From the Urban Dictionary:


The word is derived from articles written by Robert Fisk that were easily refuted, and refers to a point-by-point debunking of lies and/or idiocies.

And it is now time to do that to the inveterate liar (and coward) JMSmith of the communal blog of idiots at the “orthosphere”.

First, a point of intellectual rigour: sometimes, when dealing with people that are essentially functional retards, it is difficult to immediately know if the cause of their errors is mainly due to their obvious mental deficiencies, rather than intentional wish to deceive, but there is an easy method for being certain: check how many outright lies they state in their version of events.

And while in this case, it is absolutely clear that JMSmith is very stupid too, we can be certain he is mainly a flat out liar and deceiver.

I will be fisking his whole post, (archived, because liars tend to… well… change stories) as is reserved for intentional liars.

His lies with grey background, my facts in normal type.

First his title:

Bruce Charlton is not a “Gatekeeper” Nor a “Shill” Nor a “Glowie” Nor a “Fed”

He is referring to this post of mine, and, well sunshine, the only word I attributed to Bruce was gatekeeper, and that, it is clear from my post, only in terms of the effect he is having on people who subscribe to his nonsense. I made this obvious when I specifically wrote:

“I am not yet convinced he is an intentional gatekeeper, like say, Milo Yankmypolus, but he is undoubtedly adding to the level of blackpilling despair. I am more liable to put this down to his being the intellectual coward he is, as well as being a gnostic heretic, which, intentional deceiver or not, can only lead to Hellish effects, results, conclusions and beliefs.”

And that point was repeated. I certainly never accused Bruce of being a “Fed”, a “Glowie” or a “Shill”, these are fantasies (lies) attributed to me by the liar JMSmith. He lies a lot. Let us continue to fisk his lies.

I had not read Giuseppe Filotto until Kristor linked to his denunciation of Bruce Charlton. I have since read nothing but that denunciation and Filotto’s appended comment that the Orthosphere is a nest of “cretins.”

I never used the word cretins, with respect to these fake “orthos”,

UPDATE: A commenter pointed out I did in fact do this, and called them cretins, though in a comment, not on the actual post. Fair enough. Mea Culpa. The rest remains correct though.

so he is lying when he pretends to quote me. What I have done is pointed out that their are dishonest, that is, that they lie. Here. I will grant however that they are also stupid, but I reserve the word “cretin” for foes actually worthy of at least an insult. These morons hardly rise to that level, they are common, garden-variety, lying, retards.

Filitto accuses Charlton of being a “gatekeeper,” possibly by intention and certainly in effect.

This is the only sentence he got mostly right, except for spelling my name wrong, but stupid is as stupid does.

He means what is more properly called a “shill,” since the accusation is that Charlton is aiding the side that he ostensibly opposes.

Ummm… no. You disgusting liar. If I meant to call Bruce a shill, I would have said so. I never used the word shill, nor in any way hinted he was anything of the sort. I specifically stated Bruce is most likely a quasi-incel infatuated with his own sub-standard (and cowardly) intellect. I certainly never remotely assumed Bruce was a shill. And for who would he be a shill anyway? But JMSmith, being a retard, probably doesn’t even know what the word “shill” means. And it’s gonna be really hard to try to retroactively make that accusation against me stick; once he googles up the meaning.

In culture theory, a “gatekeeper” is a person who can admit or exclude aspirants to some coveted inner ring of the chosen few. Like St. Peter at the gates of Heaven, a “gatekeeper” can say “welcome to the elect” or “be damned and to Hell with you.”

Again. No, you miserable retard and borderline illiterate. Gatekeeper in common parlance is someone that prevents large numbers of people from discovering or acting upon the truth, by feeding them partial truths and deceptions mixed in such proportions as to steer them towards some other effort that will sap their energies instead of have them expended on the real issue.

Charlton is as far as possible from being a “gatekeeper” because he is not himself part of a clique, club, cabal or inner ring.

And I never hinted or said he ever was. So stick your strawman were the sun don’t shine.

No one has ever improved his prospects, or advanced his career, by oiling up to Charlton. And I don’t believe Charlton is accepting applicants to his idiosyncratic church of one.

And where did I say he did? I didn’t. Shove this second strawman too.

The truth is that Filotto is “gatekeeping” when he denounces Charlton for acting as a “shill.” I should perhaps say “insidious fear monger,” since a “shill” fosters false hope. In its pure sense, a “shill” is a covert salesman who pretends to be a disinterested bystander in order to boost consumer confidence and thereby sell some dubious product. An “insidious fear monger” is a secret agent of the thing that is feared. He demoralizes, discourages, and fosters despair. In the guise of a friend, he spreads despondency and alarm.

Once again, this is literally 100% the opposite of the truth, as can be gleaned by the original post on Bruce, my very point was that Bruce is the one causing despair. And I have made numerous posts stating precisely the opposite, that despair is the very thing to avoid as it is a lie. Here is one blatant example, and here another. In fact pretty much my entire existence is geared against despair, indeed the very article criticising Charlton does so because he’s spreading despair, as this moron later proves too. So as an accusation, the entirety of the above is not just an obvious lie, but also projection and mental retardation of the highest order. And again, I never, ever, said Charlton was, or was acting as, or represented a “shill” so in every way and form, the accusation is simply an outright lie.

I seldom close Bruce Charlton’s Notions with the feeling that that God will very shortly be returned to his Heaven, and that all will very shortly be set right in the world. This of course proves that he is not a “shill.”

So, you admit he makes you despair, but… this means he’s not a “shill” (which only YOU have ever accused him of being, never me) because… wait for it…

A “shill” would have tricked me into purchasing one of the opiate nostrums that are peddled by the charlatans, mountebanks, and carnival barkers of the Right.

…because he didn’t SELL you something and hence “steal” your money. Let me guess, this fucking moron is an American. They are the most materialistic of cultures, and the dumber they are, the more so.

And I don’t think he is an “insidious fear monger” since our danger is really much greater than many good people suppose.

Again, you utter liar, I have never used the words “insidious fear monger”, especially not against Bruce. So why the fuck are you pretending to quote me? Are you so desperately stupid you don’t understand that people can verify what I wrote for themselves? Clearly, the answer to that question is yes. Yes you really are.

Filotto is grossly unfair when he says Charlton is an “intellectual coward.” A fair critic could say that Charlton is overly bold, or even rash; that he rushes in where angels fear to tread, bites off more than he can chew, gets in over his head. I do not say these things myself, but I would not laugh out loud at someone who did. I do laugh out loud at anyone who says that Charlton is an “intellectual coward.”

Given that JMSmith has now amply demonstrated he’s a complete idiot that barely knows the meaning of common words, I will put the above paragraph down to his being too stupid to understand what “intellectual coward” means. And no, I am not unfair, at all, I am merely making observations, since Bruce has flat-out avoided addressing the absolute nonsense that is Mormonism.

In fact JMSmith makes it clear he has no idea, when he lists attributes that say nothing of intellectual cowardice or bravery, but rather highlight the fact that Bruce is just dumb, and believes dumb things that are literally so stupid a normal child would laugh at them, such as believing Mormonism in any guise can be true. Do you even know the story of Mormonism? Look it up. It makes the Xemu of Dianetics (scientology) sound logical and likely! Seriously, go see the musical Book of Mormon, it’s hilarious and not too far off historically speaking from the actual facts.

The man sacrificed his reputation as a scientist when he came out as “religious,” and then sacrificed his reputation as “religious” when he did not settle comfortably into some collective creed.

Which only evidences that my take of him that he is enamoured with his own “iconic” intellect (which in reality is mostly specious nonsense written as if it were deep thoughts) while really not having much there at all, is very close to the bullseye.

Charlton may be a nut, but he most certainly is not a “intellectual coward.”

Again, JM, invest in a good dictionary. You clearly need one.

Towards the end of his post Filotto tells us that Charlton is actually a physical coward because all his wild speculation just excuses  shirking “battles in meatspace.”  Filotto particularly accuses Charlton of the quietist conviction that God’s people should not fight spiritual battles with the weapons of this world because those who handle the weapons of this world will become worldly.  He says,

“Bruce is obviously of the opinion that the Spartans should have just gone quietly into the night, and so too the knights of Malta and everyone who ever picked up a weapon and fought the tyrants and won.  Pathetic, disgusting, black-pilling coward.”

I am not sure that a man as ornery and pugnacious as Charlton should be accused of quietist convictions, but his fear of fighting with the weapons of this world is hardly naïve.

Ah, the lies, they multiply eh? Let’s see what I actually accused Bruce of, eh? The full quote of my writing:

One [of Bruce’s posts] on the doom and gloom idea that even if we try to fight back against the forces of evil we are only contributing to the overall evil and destruction of all, and his completely nihilistic nonsense ends with the panacea that we must only rely on the “spirit” since all battles in meatspace are only adding to the evil. It is possibly his most cowardly post yet and the one I despise most of the ones I have read. Bruce is obviously of the opinion that the Spartans should have just gone quietly into the night, and so too the knights of Malta and everyone who ever picked up a weapon and fought the tyrants and won. Pathetic, disgusting, black-pilling coward. It is enough to make me believe he is a gatekeeper and intentionally so, but I know enough to realise that the probability is more on the side of him being your typical, nihilistic British geek. All theory and no balls.

It is obviously clear I am referring to the intent of his message, and that intent is nihilistic, cowardly, black-pilling lies. And I again specifically point out his “gatekeeping” is the result of his own misery and despair, and not an actual intentional wish to be a gatekeeper.

J.R.R. Tolkien wrote a very long book that illustrates the reality and hazards of earthly power, and Charlton has brooded more than most on the lessons contained in Tolkien’s book. Spartan “freedom” is, I would add, a very ambiguous sort of freedom.

It is obvious I never even considered Charlton’s bravery or lack thereof from a physical perspective, frankly the thought never even entered my mind because I simply do not rate him, as I do not rate most people, as even significant in any physical confrontation.

But that aside, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, ambiguous about Spartan freedom. The difference was either continue being Spartans, free to live as Spartans chose to do, or be slaves and servants of Xerxes and his Persians.

How this fucking intellectual pustule on the ass of a gnat can not understand that very simple point is precisely because he is an intellectual pustule on the ass of a gnat, while pretending to have an idea worth sharing with the world. He doesn’t. He’s just a virtue-signalling-machine, pretending to know what JRR Tolkien meant with respect to fighting evil in the flesh.

It is obvious that whatever JRR intended, JMSmith is literally to stupid to ever possibly even guess at it, much less get it right.

And yes, this is the usual , Kurgan sledgehammer to a crippled flea, but how else will these morons learn, other than by purifying fire?

And lastly, let’s look at my actual final take on Bruce, shall we?

Do I think Bruce Charlton is evil incarnate? No. I assume he’s your typically pedestrian Brit, unsatisfied with life and going about it in his quiet desperation, while sharing it with others in an effort to make himself feel more relevant as a whole, but instead, just spreading despair, nihilism, and heresy. I don’t care about Bruce. I am far more concerned with the people he might influence into taking his gnostic nonsense on board in any way.

So, yeah, it’s the usual moron, wanting to insinuate himself into concepts, ideas and online discussions far above his station, probably in the misguided hope of getting more clicks to his site in order to seem more relevant than he is to… someone. Anyone. And instead, just proving to anyone reading this that he is an idiot.

UPDATE 2: JMSmith responds with what, in Roman Law, goes for general agreement, since he remains silent on the factual accusations of deception I level at him:

Filotto Strikes Back

Ok, I admit it, I kinda like the title, as it’s a distant recall to Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back. And as we all know, Darth Vader, and the Empire are the good guys. Just like the Kurgan they nicknamed me after is too. Obviously. I mean who wants that whiny, depressed Frenchman as an immortal?

Readers who like to consider both sides of an argument may peruse Giuseppe Filotto’s blistering rejoinder to my apology for Bruce Charlton.  Filotto argues that I am stupid, a liar, and at times even a stupid liar who lies stupidly.   I also once misspelled Filotto’s name, for which I apologize. 

I didn’t lose sleep over it, but the apology is accepted though it wasn’t required at all as far as I am concerned.

Filotto is a vigorous vituperator, although his stock of insults is limited to deprecation of the intelligence and veracity of those who disagree with Filotto. 

Nope. This is another lie. A factual observation is not an insult, even if done in a rhetorically insulting manner. The Rhetoric is just to make sure the sting drives the point home. If you don’t want to be called an idiot, don’t behave like one. And if you don’t want to be called a liar, don’t lie. Simple.

In my experience, disagreement has less obvious origins. 

But we are not discussing disagreement. In fact, honestly, you never even entered the arena with regard to discussing the points. You lied about me and what I did and said and I pointed out you lied. That’s pretty much it. You also made some comments about Bruce which, if anything, supported my take on Bruce, not yours, whatever that might be, other than he’s a great guy apparently, as far as you’re concerned, despite the fact he spreads misery and despair with very little in the way of solutions.

I will say that I agree with Filotto that despair is self-fulfilling prophesy, and that we should all do what we can to keep our peckers up.

Well, I never suffered from erectile dysfunction, so I can’t agree with your implication that taking viagra is the answer to life’s problems, but then, as I said, I never suffered from that particular affliction, so who am I to judge!

And as a final point, since you agree with me on despair, I fail to see how you can defend Bruce on his general zeitgeist.

On the Weakness of the Heretics: Michael Lofton

I have covered the knowing heretics, fake Catholics, and Freemason Satanists several times, and by now, I should hope it is clear that I give no “clergy” that doesn’t specifically reject Vatican II and the Fake Popes from 1958 on any kind of pass. They are knowing heretics, and to be treated as such, as per Cum Ex Apostolato Officio; to wit (emphasis added):

(iii) that all such individuals also shall be held, treated and reputed as such by everyone, of whatsoever status, grade, order, condition or pre-eminence he may be and whatsoever excellence may be his, even Episcopal, Archiepiscopal, Patriarchal and Primatial or other greater Ecclesiastical dignity and even the honour of the Cardinalate, or secular, even the authority of Count, Baron, Marquis, Duke, King or Emperor, and as such must be avoided and must be deprived of the sympathy of all natural kindess.

But… but… what about some poor wanna-be Catholic “priest” that is ignorant of the whole Vatican II issue, and the rampant sodomy in the seminaries, and the utter manifest heresy of Bergoglio in real-time, never mind all of it since 1958, you say?

Yeah… that’s like saying that an adult, who takes all the courses to be a firearms instructor, then points a loaded gun at a child and pulls the trigger and then claims he didn’t know the gun was loaded when he did it. Even if you assume he’s telling the truth, and even if you could somehow determine it with absolute certainty (impossible), the fact remains that such an idiot would and should, go to jail, or preferably the death penalty, for what is known legally as criminal negligence. Or as I prefer to call it, criminal stupidity. Yes, being stupid enough is a crime. Because really stupid people should not be allowed to take certain jobs. You don’t want a 50 IQ retard trying to fly a plane. And I don’t care whose feelings it hurts. Ditto these fake “idiot” “priests”. If they are that stupid, they have no business being priests, and no, I do not give them the benefit of the doubt, and neither should you. Why? Because it is Church dogma to not do so. If you act like a heretic, practice like a heretic, promulgate heresy, regardless of your possible retardation, we are to treat you like a heretic. And must be deprived of the sympathy of all natural kindess. See above.

So that deals with the intentional, knowing heretics.

But what about the laymen who are also trying to lead people to Hell? Well, once again, I have detailed some of these grifting liars, Emo Jones, Tay-Tay Marshall, Michelle Voris, Milo Yankmypoleus and their kind. And one hopes it is now relatively easy to spot them. And we have a generic witch test for all who profess to be “Catholics”, it’s really simple:

Do you reject Vatican II and all those who promulgate it?

Anything other than a resounding YES! means you are dealing either with a knowing impostor, an egomaniacal fame or status hungry “smartboi”, or, at best, a deceived, lazy, ignorant.

Yes, yes, I know, charity and all that, but let me point something out here: It is by using and appealing to your charity when they have absolutely no right to do so, that these snakes enter your home and pervert it. And the Catholic Church also dogmatically explains that one should use prudence and avoid anything suspect.

Great. We got that cleared up. What then of the autistically persistent laymen? And here I add a couple of warnings:

  1. First of all assure yourself as best you can that they actually are simple laymen. The example of note here is John Salza. Who has written a retinue of lies against Sedevacantism, supposedly in defence of Catholicism as a simple, pious layman. Except… that Salza was (is) a self-confessed freemason. Oh, oh, but he’s not anymore… right, because Satanists are such paragons of truth-telling. Get it through your head, freemasons are Satanists, that is literally what Freemasonry is. The literal worship of Lucifer. The fact the lower echelons might not be immediately aware of it… again… see criminal stupidity above. And if a freemason did honestly convert and became a Catholic (there are historical examples) then the only thing they may continue to do is explain how freemasonry is Satanic. That’s it. And that is the only legitimate thing they might be allowed to speak on as laypeople. Because once you have been a Satanist, it’s really quite obvious you should never be allowed to say anything at all about Catholicism, other than it is the absolute truth and you were absolutely wrong. And should such a person go on to write long tracts on why this or that theological position is better or worse, they are to be immediately assumed to be simply continuing their Satanic mission. These people, once you discover they are in fact freemasons or associate with such, etcetera, can safely be dismissed as liars at the very least, and heretics almost to a certainty.
  2. But let us now assume you have satisfied yourself that they are not intentional deceiver or gatekeepers. And further (somehow) satisfied yourself they are not grifters either, making a buck from their “preaching”. And by making a buck I mean, literally making their living, or a substantial part of it from it. Because if they are, well, then their intent might not be consciously Satanic, but they are certainly at least useful idiots for Satan.

Ok then, assuming they even pass the Satanists/Grifter smell test, what are we left with? The smartbois. The Gammas who do it for personal ego/stature/status.

Are there honestly deceived people who believe they are “Catholics” when instead they are just fooled, lazy ignorants? Yes. Plenty of them. Millions. maybe even over a billion of them. Certainly.

Why do I call them lazy ignorants? Because they are. Is it harsh? Not really, it is a statement of fact. If I decided to call myself a prince of the blue garter belt of Liliputz, or whatever, you can bet I would not do so until I have studied with care what and how one becomes or is born as a Prince of Liliputz, and even if I fit those requirements, I would then delve deeply into what it takes to belong to the order of the blue garter belt, and why that isn’t gay somehow, if indeed it is not!

And how much more important is your claim to belong to a specific religion, to a specific God, with specific rules, because after all, if God is real, and Good, and Loving, then he MUST have, at a minimum, a Way for you to find Him and His rules and a way for you to KNOW what those rules are. And indeed there is: The Catholic Church. And it is your minimum duty to ensure you are actually in it, and not fooled into some travesty of it through your laziness of not bothering to learn your own religion.

So, if you’re one of the lazy ignorants, either get offended, flounce off in flamboyant fake indignation, or, get your lazy ass off the couch, and start reading. And learning.

But what about the smartbois?

Ah yes.

And here we encounter one such: Michael Lofton (because I am still being charitable here and still investigating him). He appears to have spent a LOT of time and effort to defend the heretic, fake, impostor riddled “Catholic Church” headed by the Vicar of pedophiles himself, Bergoglio. Now, why would that be?

If we give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he’s a true believer (in the Novus Orco, fake Church) and not a grifter (but he does make considerable revenue from his podcasts) or an intentional deceiver, then we need to assess what he is, and why he’s doing it.

At first glance, what I can say so far is that he certainly likes to use the sophist’s method preferred by Bill Clinton when asked if he had sex with Monica Lewinsky. For those young-uns among you, here is the detail:

During his grand jury testimony, Clinton questioned the exact meaning of the word ‘is’ in an attempt to defend a false affidavit in which Lewinsky claimed ‘there is no sex of any kind, in any manner, shape or form with president Clinton’. When asked by former Deputy Independent Counsel Sol Wisenberg, to confirm the affidavit was ‘utterly false’, the former president gets into semantics. ‘It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. If ‘is’ means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement,’ Clinton said with what seems like a smirk on his face. 

I remember watching that on TV and seeing the lawyer take him to task on it, saying effectively: Wait…what? Are you saying that your statement was “true” because you weren’t physically having sex with Monica Lewinsky at that specific time the question was asked?!

It was truly baffling and absurd. Well, Michael does quite a bit of this.

When cornered on certain topics he tries to dodge by becoming absurdly “specific” about certain words.

For example, watch this video from 53.20 on, where he admits that Bergoglio said that Proselytising is a sin. But, he goes on to “explain” that what Bergy-the-Oleous means by that, is “to use force” to convert people to Catholicism.

Which is, of course, abject nonsense. “What does he mean by Proselytism?” he says, “the question is, is proselytism the same as evangelisation?” And he goes on to say that “convincing people” of the truth is evangelising, and fine, but Proselytism is, according to him, understood by Bergoglio to be the use of “coercion and force”. He doesn’t explain how he knows this, or what evidence he has that Bergy-the-Olous uses this word this way, of course. But does it matter? No. Because we know very well what words mean around here.

But hey, don’t take my word for it. Let’s go to my 13 volume set of the Oxford English Dictionary and look them both up.

Evangelise means:

  1. to preach the gospel or
  2. to bring under the influence of the gospel
  3. the state or condition of being evangelised or converted to the Christian faith

And Proselytise means:

  1. To make proselytes
  2. To make a proselyte of

What is a Proselyte?

It is defined as:

  1. One who has come over from one opinion, belief, creed or party to another; a convert
  2. A gentile convert to the Jewish faith
  3. to convert form one religious faith or sect to another

In short, they are perfectly synonymous of each other, and if anything evangelise is the one that could potentially have some “force” attributable to it since in definition 3 it simply states to be “converted to the Christian faith”. And in definition 2 one might be “brought under the influence of” by having a gun pointed to one’s head with a command to convert. One (if autistic) might try to argue that in this case, the presumption is that perhaps it’s okay to do it by any means, including against the individual’s free will.

While in the definitions of Proselyte the implication of free will of the convert is clearly always grammatically present.

So, it is, of course a lie. Nonsense. And it is said to run cover for the never-was-Catholic, protector of Pedophiles on Earth, Bergy-the-Oleous, fake “pope” and grand vizier of Moloch.

He does this in other ways and in other videos. He in fact tried to dismiss the entirety of the Code of Canon Law using similar subterfuge, I forget now the detail and I can’t be bothered to look for it presently, but the case is clearly made, if you listen to him for any length of time on the topic of Sedevacantism, that he is dishonest.

So WHY is he dishonest? Is he getting paid for it? (I don’t know)

Is he funded by some rich heretic interested in funding gatekeepers like the money man behind both Emo Jones and Church Militant’s ex(sure)gay guy Voris, Marc Brammer? (I don’t know)

Does he make a substantial amount of money from his podcasts? Yes. Is it enough to keep him in the level of luxury he wants? I don’t know but I doubt it, these guys tend to be greedy.

So can I definitely point at him and scream “KNOWING HERETIC! BURN HIM!” Well, I certainly will treat him like one, because he is, but no, I can’t quite yet do that, because he may just be stroking his own ego instead of have a vested interest in sending souls to Hell for a third party.

But what we can be certain of is that the he is a sophist. And I mean that in the EOD version n. 3:

One who makes use of fallacious arguments; a specious reasoner.

And by specious, here they mean EOD definition n. 2:

Having a fair or attractive appearance or character, calculated to make a favourable impression on the mind, but in reality devoid of the qualities apparently possessed.

And, without surprise, he not only never argues Sedevacantism honestly, but he is absolutely terrified of even beginning to have an argument with someone that (though ultimately wrong) knows enough to prove him to be absolutely flawed in all his reasonings concerning Catholicism.

Peter Dimond is ultimately wrong because he doesn’t not recognise Baptism of Desire and of Blood, which the Church and Canon Law in fact do recognise, and as a result of that error he then rejects the few remaining valid Priests and Bishops (sedevacantists).

That said, Dimond would wipe the floor with Lofton, because autistic though Dimond is about baptism of desire (he literally twists the meaning of the black on white word of Canon Law of 1917 to “make his case”, not unlike Lofton himself) he is pretty rock-solid on most other aspects of Catholicism. In fact, barring that (serious and unfortunate error) and a few other points which are really so far-out as to be literally non-issues for almost anyone at all, Dimond is sound in his Catholicism. But note how Lofton resorts to specious ad hominem instead of answering the question.

If I were tasked with arguing Dimond I would say that we essentially only have one main point of contention, and it is baptism of desire and baptism of blood. I would have to research the various places this was clearly stated by multiple Popes etcetera, which would be pointless, because it is addressed in the canon Law of 1917, and Dimond has already shown that his approach to it would be autism redux with no ability to objectively evaluate the relevant code. So, arguing with him would be pointless and fruitless for us both. But I have no doubt he would be able to recite the various passages from Papal Encyclicals that he uses (erroneously) to make his case, from memory. I certainly could not.

Lofton instead, tries to side-step the entire major point of the Sede vs Heretics arguments, and never really addresses them in his own “takes”.

Tell us Michael, where is the Code of Canon Law, or the Dogma, that says 70 years is too much for an interregnum? Oh wait…what is that? There isn’t one?


And the Church has been without a Pope for a few years before and for over 70 with no clear way of knowing who was Pope because there were up to three at a time claiming it. But that was fine was it?

Oh and, no one judges the Pope… yet… there have been more than 40 antipopes before 1958, so… SOMEHOW we must be able to know when a Pope is a heretic, eh Michael? And definitely judge it so. Why don’t you explain that one away too.

But I want to now address those who get affected by specialbois or deceivers, whichever he is, like Lofton.

That is, those who get convinced by him on the basis that he introduces right at the start of the linked video, and that is, that oh, well, if there are only a few actual Catholics left (i.e. if Sedevacantism is true and there are “only” 200,000 to a 1,000,000 catholics left) then one should despair and become oh… he doesn’t know… Say Eastern “Orthodox” or a Copt or maybe a Syrian Catholic… (are there even 200k of those guys?!) because, you know, as Jesus Himself and all the Apostles clearly stated, Christianity is a popularity contest!

If you don’t have the numbers you just don’t play, right?

Go to a “winning” team like Russian Orthobros. Or stick with the Molochian usurpers LARPing at being “Catholic” clergy, because, hey, they have the numbers!

Right. Sure.

If you go along with hat argument, then, it is patently obvious, that your flaw here is not just your ability to do logic, perceive truth, or understand objective reality, but also, that you are supremely weak, and more akin to a herd animal than a reasoning, thinking, human being.

And, at best, that’s the type of “Catholic” Michael Lofton is, Ladies and Gentlemen, by his own admission at 18.10 or so of his video.

So I rest my case.

Matthew 7:13-14

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Didn’t I tell you the “Pagan” LARPers are Retarded?

For the uninitiated LARP stands for Live Action Role-Playing. It’s like make believe where people dress up in cardboard costumes pretending to be cartoon animals or superheroes, or, in this case “Vikings”.

The difference being that the actual LARPers are knowingly engaging in a bit of fun and games, the “Pagans” somehow believe they are “real” Vikings, just waiting for the right time before they take over the world.

See my last post on the blackpilled where this fantastic specimen decided to comment. Think of this as part 2 of The unbearable Weight of Stupid People.

I have copied his comments and will now be doing the usual: Kurgan Woodchipper Moment for your entertainment. His Commentary is in retarded bold, mine in refined Italic.

Jeff Rollin, (retarded “Pagan” LARPer) whose email I will provide you at the end in case you want to converse with him about his impending “Viking” rising, wrote the following, apparently “innocuous comment”:

I would be a great Pagan Viking, if only guns didn’t exist and swords and war-axes were still the peak of military technology. Is that black-pilled?

But, as the comment from Uncle John’s Band, stated, it was already clear to me what we were dealing with, thanks to, as he mentioned in the same post, Single Data Point Pattern Recognition. Nevertheless, for your benefit and amusement, I thought I’d lay the obvious Kurgan pit of doom with woodchopper at the bottom right in front of him, and asked:

Well, I have a few questions for you:
1. Do you even know anything at all about the Vikings and the practical consequences of their beliefs?
2. Are you even remotely in shape?
3. Are you even remotely aware of what life back then was like?

Now, what do you think his response was going to be? An objective reply to my questions, perhaps showing a deep knowledge of ancient Viking practices? Yeah… don’t hold your breath. In the first place, because literally most of the ancient Viking practices are now completely unknown, and the few hints we do have about them are really quite horrific and nothing anyone today would really want to live by. Their ideas on marriage/death/rape for example, and the interplay between them were, a tad uncivilised you might say. The ONLY people who might think this was cool are frustrated incels fantasising about becoming the next Elliot Rodger.

So let us now begin the woodchipper process in earnest. I have combined his two retarded comments into one continuous one that I comment as we go. As I said, he’s in retarded bold, I am in refined italic.

You’re just avoiding the question Not at all. I was, charitably, giving you a tiny chance to prove you are not exactly the kind of LARPing retard your kind ALWAYS, invariably, inevitably, absolutely, always is. Thanks for playing, now we have absolute proof for everyone.

because you don’t want to admit you are too knee-jerk-reactionary in labelling any complaint about modernity as “blackpilled.” First of all, unlike you amoeba-like creatures, I knee-jerk, to practically nothing, with a bit of concentration, I can even make the reaction to an actual knee-jerk test be muted. But you can’t understand that, as you are a barely sentient biomass with no conception of agency or free will beyond possibly choosing which breakfast cereal you eat in the morning, alone and miserable in your council estate. Secondly, people who incessantly complain about modernity while doing absolutely nothing to change it, are indeed, oxygen thieves and disgusting parasites, so it is not a “reaction” of any kind to label them thusly, merely a factual observation. People who can do logic and note ratios, patterns and sets understand this. Oh, I am sorry, I’ll try to not bring in things you have no conception of whatsoever, like logic and factual observation, though it will be difficult unless I reduce myself to making monkey noises at you. I know you’d prefer that, but we’re not doing this for you. We’re doing it to amuse the people who can read.

Just becauae someone complains about some aspect of the economy doesn’t mean they are blackpilled. Blackpilled means they’ve given up. Yes, and you clearly fit the description, as does the other moron who got fisked. You have given up (on reality) and are a coward (for having abandoned reality and retreating in your homoerotic fantasies of “Vikings”).

Some guy complaining he hates his job and doesn’t even care if they fire him because it will just give him a vacation before he finds another one is not “blackpilled.” Yes, yes he is. He’s a coward and a loser that doesn’t have the balls to say “Shove your shit job” to the employer, because he is too lazy, too stupid, and too cowardly to do so. Explain to me how a “powerful, Viking-like MAN” would justifiably sit there like a wet, rotten fruit, stinking up the place doing as little as possible as he continues to try and leech some form of payment for no good reason, instead of, you know, standing up and saying “fuck this, I can and I will do better. Now!” I’ll wait.

And complaining that its harder to find one because of H1B visa hires (a US thing, i.e. importing Indians to take white-collar jobs) or illegal immigrants (for blue collar jobs). Oh, oh, wait, he WANTS to say “shove your job” but doesn’t because he’s scared it’s harder to find another one? Oh, yeah, THAT is how brave, courageous “Vikings” behave and behaved in history all the time right? Yeah, of course. It’s not the inaction of a cowardly worm, right? And goes counter to your previous statement directly above, right? Hey, why so silent… right?

That’s a fact, not “blackpilled.” No, as I have just shown that’s a blackpilled attitude a coward and loser has.

You are just a fossilized boomer so you can’t see. As anyone who really can’t think their way out of a wet paper back should do, a minimum of effort would have made it clear I am GenX and have no boomer traits since I changed careers, jobs and countries multiple times, all successfully, without any of the Boomer advantages. But I understand, a guy who can’t even see himself even remotely accurately is hardly going to get anything right about anyone else.

But the vikings will return, Ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah! Yeah, sure… oh, wait, you’re “serious” hahhahahahhahahah! Dear readers, do you see? Do you see what I mean? hahahhahahahahaha. I suppose he also thinks guns will all just disappear, and drones, and well… reality. Literal reality. Hahahahhahahah Seriously, perhaps I should feel bad for making fun of the mentally ill, but hey, he asked for it.

and they will be pagans, Hahahahahahahahahahah, sure they will, sure. And will they be wearing big helmets with horns too? Shave their heads like in the Last Kingdom? Tatoo their face? Oh yeah, you may have one of those eh Jeff? Wait, are you going to keep that name? Jeff? It doesn’t sound very “Viking-ish” you know? Maybe Jeff-O, or Jeff-O of the Rollin, Rollin, Rollin Stones? I dunno, I’m not too familiar with your fantasy version of “Viking-ness”, but I’m just saying… “Jeff” hmmmm…iffy, you know? Just think about it.

because vikings is killing the browns and taking their land. Really? Is there a new war I am unaware of? Tell me Jeff, can you see these murderous Vikings right now? In your council estate one bedroom flat?

You might say “Catholica can do that too”; No, I would not say that, because “Catholica” is not even a word, but assuming you mean Catholics, they actually only responded to aggressions and RECLAIMED their own lands for a time. Oh, but you’d have to have read a few books to know that. And reading is hard for you Jeff, isn’t it? That big horned helmet always falls over your eyes when you bend over to follow your index finger over the page, I get it.

yes, because Catholicism inbided the paganism of the vikings. Hahahahah, seriously, stop, you’re retarded and ignorant to a degree that is hilarious, but all this laughing might hurt someone’s spleen or something. You fucking idiot. the Vikings CONVERTED to Catholicism after the monks on the shores of Normandy got tired of being raided and said, look, you can stay here but protect the lands from other raiders, and they did and after they saw that Catholicism was a better way they converted. You absolute idiot. Read a book once in your life. No, not Cos-Play for retards, or wherever you get your knowledge of “history” from. An actual book.

But that was then. Indeed. Vikings don’t exist AT ALL anymore. None. Not a single one. Catholics on the other hand, we’re still here aplenty. Much reduced from our heyday, no doubt, but real Catholics continue to exist as Sedevacantists.

Modern Catholics don’t have it in them any more than the Prots do. Assuming you’re even talking about actual Catholics and not the Novus Orco, but that aside, “have it in them” to do what? Oh, right, “kill brown people and take their lands” according to your pearls of wisdom. Yeah, generally mass murder based on skin-colour is not a big thing with us Catholics. To be fair, it generally tends to be more of an African people thing. Generally done against whites in the modern age. See Zimbabwe and South African farm murders, but yes, we’re not absolute retards with mass murder fantasies like you.

So when the vikings return after the collapse caused by WW3, Wait, I am still curious about where these Vikings are going to come from, Jeff. Do they come in a spaceship? Or maybe in longships from beyond the ice-wall on your flat Earth? Or… wait, I have it! Magic! Magic right? Like spells of teleportation and so on? Magic portals from the Viking world? Or maybe just from our past? But then the time-continuity issues alone…what’s that? I should spell it Magik, you say? Oh, ok, sure, we gotta get the “runes” in the right order for the Stargate spell eh?

they will be pagan. They told you this through a time-portal spell too right? Yeah, I knew it. You just hear the “voices” in your head right? Uh-huh… I see, Jeff, I see.

And they won’t be of youe boomer “the system is great, you’re just lazy” fossilized dinosaur denial of reality generation. Well, that’s quite the “grammar” there, Jeff, but I think I understand. Still, Jeff, they won’t be of ANY generation, because the Vikings, Jeff, are gone. All gone. And they are not coming back. Ever. Ever, ever. Oh, I know, it makes you so sad. Never mind eh, just get another delivery of Indian curry (dirty foreigners eh, but you love a good curry in your council estate flat in front of the telly to watch the football, hey Jeff? And put on another episode of “Vikings” on Netflix. Don’t get too excited by all the muscly men, hey Jeff, you know it’s wrong. You know it.

And even among Sedes, whether vacantisg or privationist, manly acts are forboden and the only act allowed is praying a novena to your gynoceatic goddess. I think you’re getting excited there Jeff. Probably thinking of “manly acts” is getting you all hot and bothered and one-handed typing is resulting in your current word/spelling salad. Just take your time and when you’re done get back to using both hands calmly to type, yeah? Now as to the actual “point” of your one-handed comment, you’re again, totally wrong and lying too. In Catholic dogma, it is actually a DUTY of any Catholic man to defend the innocents from aggression of any kind, and they are duty bound to act. Including with extreme violence if required, in their defence. You, on the other hand, are only familiar with the “manly acts” that are currently impeding your typing.

Yoy aren’t men but women. I see you have taken on board the current narrative of transgenderism Jeff. This is why you’re confused Jeff. Now, listen up: Men are men and women are women, and no man can be a woman or vice versa. Got it? Get right in your head about this Jeff. Just because you like men doing “manly acts” on you, doesn’t make you a woman Jeff. You’re just gay, and a fake “Viking” that’s all Jeff. Gay and fake.

And the pagan vikings will wipe you out along with the rest of the trannies, when the vikings finally return after civilization completely collapses. That’s quite the fantasy scenario you have there Jeff. So, when is this total civilisation collapse happening Jeff? Is it this week? Or next year? And you still haven’t told me, WHERE are these Vikings coming back from? Where did they go for a thousand years? It’s the ice wall isn’t it? You think they are tunnelling their way through the ice-wall of the flat Earth as we speak, right? Oh Jeff. I hate to do this to you, I am not a cruel person, but you have to know this… the flat-Earth Jeff, it’s a lie. We’re on a ball, spinning in space. Yup. I know. Another dream crushed. That’s ok. You always have Netflix.

What is paganism? Oh that’s easy. It’s the worship of demons under the mistaken idea they are “gods”.

One god didn’t create all the races. Oh. pray, do tell Jeff. I am soooo curious as to your gods-created race-theory. I can’t tell you. Maybe you’ll write a book on it eh? Ok, no, I know, teasing. Writing is hard for you as you’ve clearly demonstrated. Maybe a video though? Yeah. A video. Put it on YouTube and send me a link ok? And don’t forget to wear the horned helmet. Maybe a Thor’s hammer in your hand too. Well, ok, a papier-mache version, but still. A hammer. Good touch eh? Or maybe you can buy a rubber mallet from B&Q! Classy!

So pagans can kill other races. Ah, is this like a rule in the card game MagiK! The reterdening! That you play/made up? Only Pagans can kill people with a different skin tone? You know, I’m fairly sure the prison populations of any country will make it clear that rule you have Jeff, it’s only in your head. Like the voices from the “Vikings” beyond the “ice-wall”.

Catholics have to worship other races as the image of their one woman-god mary. That’s… yeah, that’s a real new take on “Catholicism” for me Jeff. That LARPing you do, is sure confused. and by “confused” I mean, batshit insane and not even remotely pretending to have a thread linked to any aspect of reality.

Vatican II is the natural consequence of your theology. I’d really enjoy seeing your 200 page thesis on this point Jeff. Could you send me a hardcopy?

Even if you roll it back it will happen again because you believe your kween mary created all the races. Again… I really am at a loss here. Do you “see” this “queen” in your room right now Jeff? Does she “create” races Jeff? Or… wait, are you playing with dolls again Jeff? I hope that’s it, really, because the alternative is probably more disturbing from a mental health perspective.

Gay priests and effiminate priests is the natural consequence of mary-goddess worship. I wouldn’t know Jeff. I’m a Catholic and we don’t worship anyone called mary. Much less any “goddess”. But I’ll take your word for it. In your “Pagan” made-up religion you’re gay because you worship a made-up “goddess”, ok Jeff.

“but pagans worshipped goddeses too” the women did. Ok Jeff, it’s good you admit you worship your “goddess” and that’s what you think made you gay, I get it, but you’re gay Jeff, not a “woman”. Ok? Get it right. And… I know this is personal Jeff, but I’m curious, is your mommy called Mary by any chance? Cause you seem to have a few issues, Jeff. Maybe you should talk to someone about them.

men worshipped the male gods obviously. Right…obviously. Because of your demonstrated, deep knowledge of your made-up “religion” with transgenderism rules. Ok, Jeff.

Catholicism imposes female religion on men and turns them into women. Again Jeff, you really need to get this into your head. Men are born men, stay men and die men. And never, ever become women. Not even if you cut your junk off Jeff. So don’t do it. Stop wearing mommy’s dresses and the horned helmet too Jeff. You’re just gay, you’re not a woman trapped in a man’s body. The sexes are not interchangeable Jeff. Wake up. For the love of God, Jeff, wake up! join reality!

Catholicism is religious transgenderism. I am sure in your head that probably makes sense Jeff. But only there, I assure you.

And now you see why I can’t do this every time. I actually have a farm and a family to tend to, as much fun as this has been. Just try to imagine the responses I might give for the next lot of idiots. Try it yourselves, it’s quite entertaining. And if you wish to continue an in depth conversation with Jeff about his religion, write him a note at: [email protected]

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words…

This is essentially the totality of the entire Andrew Tate story.

Except that he’s going to be in jail for some years, of course.

Whoever made the meme got it right.

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