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And Now For The Positives…

So my last post sort of gave a tiny insight into how the world really works and if you grasped that fully, you might have become suicidally depressed. Well, don’t blow your brains out just yet. Look at things this way:

Everyone likes an underdog film, right? You, the lonely, misshapen, loser at life, with no money, hope or charisma, finding the Shangri-La of happiness!

So, don’t be a wuss. If you DO happen to be a downtrodden unfortunate, think of it this way, you got the intro/first half of the film down pat. Now it’s time to do that heroic montage or perhaps slow middle part grind of the film, where you build yourself up into a quasi-functioning member of society (but still harbour a lot of your insecurities). And in this film, if you do it via reading my books and my blog, you can think of it as a single scene where you pick up some corny book title from some even cornier guru, read it and it ridiculously changes your life, or, is your film is a grittier and grainier one, where you read and take in some of the stuff I say and really apply it and regardless of whether we meet in person or not, you find a way to apply these lessons in a way that measurably improves your life. We might never meet, you might never even drop me an email or anything. I may never know you existed, or we might become very good friends, but the important part is that YOU get better. that you become more successful at life and find a good partner to marry and make and raise happy and numerous children.

And if you just twitched, thinking that getting married is a fool’s game and having lots of children is a recipe for disaster, well, my chicken-hearted and soft-brained youngster, take heart. I used to think the same stupid shit in my 20s and even my thirties. These are not your thoughts. These are the thoughts that have been beamed into your head from birth by an evil entity that controls a lot of things on this planet. It doesn’t matter if you believe in the evil entity and his minions or not. They believe in you. And in fact, your not believing in them makes their job easier.

The problems of life

Are simple. Pretty much everyone, wants:

  • To be loved and have someone they love near them.
  • To have enough (money) to do what they want.

That’s basically Love and Freedom. Not hard to understand.

But the barriers to entry on both of those are massive. And most of them begin in your head, where they have been placed by pretty much decades (if not centuries) of lies.

First Barrier to Entry – Your Beliefs

It really does not matter what reality is like. If you believe you can’t then you certainly can’t. And life can be hard, so even if you believe you can, often you will still fail. That said, if you obsessively work at and believe you can, you generally achieve most things to at least a certain degree.

So let’s do Love first. What might be some wrong/erroneous/unhelpful beliefs you may have:

  • Women are all whores/men are all idiots
  • Women will divorce rape you/men only want quickie sex
  • No one believes in traditional family life anymore
  • I can’t afford to be in a relationship (money)
  • I can’t afford to have children (money)
  • I don’t have a support group to have children (money/people)
  • I don’t trust men/women
  • People lie too much to trust them
  • People are too stupid
  • They don’t have my interests
  • No one is loyal anymore
  • The internet gives us too much choice
  • Hookup culture has destroyed relationships
  • 10% of the top men get 90% of the top women
  • I’m too ugly/stupid/poor/short
  • You bought into a PUA Redpill (really a blackpill)
  • You bought into feminist theory of anything
  • You bought into communist theory of anything
  • You bought into equality theory of anything
  • You bought into any Hollywood idea of “relationships”
  • There is no one out there for me
  • Everyone is now Vaxxed and I am a pureblood
  • I don’t own X and I need X before I can settle down
  • I don’t earn X and I need to earn X before I do Y

That’s just a list off the top of my head I literally did as fast as I can type. I am sure the people reading could add pages to it, but it covers the large issues for the most part and is fairly comprehensive and applicable to all. Right, so what can we notice right away?


Having money solves a LOT of these issues (all in red above). And guess what the other part is, the freedom part, that’s pretty much (not entirely but largely) a function of money too. If you can read this, you are in a position where you can earn some money, regardless of who and where you are. It will be harder for some of you and less so for others, but honestly, if you can read this, you can make money.

Right, so it looks like if we can scratch money off the list, of things we need to have, we would solve pretty much all the Freedom part (to some degree anyway) and several of the Love part of the problem, so, making it, having it, is important.

And here enters another thing. If you obsess about making money and making money itself becomes the goal, you can and probably will, lose sight of the other goals. That’s just how human beings are wired. You get more of what you focus on, to the exclusion of everything else. So if MAKING the money is the important thing, and you do it long enough, and well enough, and you become better at it, and you can do it more, and get more, pretty soon, you are addicted to making money and you necessarily may lose out on other things. That said, having a certain level of money is important. It is not ESSENTIAL, in the true sense, and it might not be true in an existential sense either, but from a practical perspective, it allows you to achieve certain things. the trick is to know you are using money and not money using you.

There are many paths to money. Personally mine have always been extremely haphazard, because the making of money never really interested me much. My curiosity was in exploring places, people, ideas, and figuring those things out. Money was just a necessary tool, but not one I ever had any particular affinity for. As a result I have had period in my life where the totality of food I had to eat was a bag flour, some salt (luxury item) and the tap water in my studio apartment. And I was in my mid-twenties, so not exactly just out of school. I also had periods where I’d fly to see a woman I was involved in, pretty much every weekend from UK to Italy, and this set up happened more than once in my life. I often paid for friends on holidays or dinners and never kept any kind of count, but I am sure it is a staggering amount if it were all added up. I also have had periods where friends or family borrowed or gave me money. So I might not be the best person to advise you on how to MAKE a lot of money, but I can tell you without hesitation that there are many, many, many, ways to make money. Not all are available to you at all times of course, and the older you get and more responsibilities you have, the harder it might be to hop and change from one way to another. I never built a so-called career, not cared to keep rolodexes of colleagues and contacts to network and socially climb any corporate ladder. I literally got by on my intelligence and ability to pick anything up really very quickly. it’s fine for a young man to live that way for a while, but it’s not ideal or even good for older or for family men to do so.

What I can tell you with some authority is that, concerning money:

  • Where there is a will there is a way, you can make some
  • Consistency and persistence pay off
  • In the long run, honesty pays off too (arguable by some, see below)
  • It is easier to make more money if you compromise your integrity and principles, but personally, I think that’s a complete fool’s trade. And I really don’t care if it’s for billions. I have turned down a LOT of money on repeated occasions because I like to have a clean-shaven face and that requires me looking in a mirror. I can’t really quantify the value of that to you, but I assure you that for me, it is pivotal. You might be different from me. Most people are. As always, as the oracles at Delphi used to say: Man, Know Thyself.

That’s about all the advice I feel comfortable giving you about money, plus one more point:

Money is pretty much all inherently fake. People in Eastern Europe and South America and other places too, throughout history, woke up one day and their Fiat money was suddenly worthless. So… keep that at the back of your mind too. To a degree it’s true of material possessions too, the government can appropriate your land or property but generally things have to get fairly more drastic (See Red Indians, Zimbabwean Farmers, Soviet Union, etc. etc ad infinitum).


The items in bold on the above Love list are all ideas. Very bad ideas. Of course, one could say that any belief is an ideology, but there are subtle but important differences between reality being observed, understood (to whatever extent we can do so) and then catalogued into a convenient but not completely inflexible shorthand. For example, the speed of light is thought to be absolutely fixed. In reality, experimentation tends to suggest it may vary perceptibly depending on various factors, some of which are unknown, but for most models, pretending the speed of light is fixed, works well enough. This is vastly different from it is so. Good enough is not It is so. Ideology is: It is so (wrong). Reality Perception is Good Enough.

Some examples of ideology are the whole idiotic “gender-fluidity” nonsense. The observed natural order of things is that dimorphic species have males and females, and they mate to produce offspring. Anything else is a deviation from nature and what actually works and perpetrates the species. Now, you may have a fetish for inserting unripe bananas where they do not belong, or golf balls by the bucket for that matter, and you say “But if I harm no one…” And therein lies the trick. For you to TRULY harm no one, your unripe banana and golf-ball insertion deviancy should be very much closeted and discussed with precisely no one. The minute you try to pretend your deviant, aberrant, unnatural behaviour is “normal” you begin to damage banana production economics, upsetting golfers, and incentivising proctologists to pretend certain plastic surgery reconstructions are “routine”.

Other examples of ideology are as listed:

Feminism – It’s made no one happy and destroyed untold millions if not billions of lives, fostering a complete fake narrative of what women “should” want or “need” instead of what they are biologically designed to be like. And of course, the same applies to the damage done to men and especially young boys. Literally every statistic on human happiness and suicide bears this out.

Equality – It’s completely false. Not even twins are equal, and certainly not men and women, or different ethnicities, religions, cultures and so on. Of course, if you are a Venetian, you are smarter, better looking and already know this, since we know very well the rest of the world is composed of other humans. And humans are just the worst. But at least we are better than all of you. I am sure you think otherwise, but you’re just wrong about that. See? I just proved the point. Stop and review your thoughts. Seriously. Review.

Communism – Another Jewish lie (Karl Marx was a Jew, and yes, I put this at his and their collective feet, like usury. Why? Because facts. What? what? Antise-what? Yeah, shut up. Go look up who came up with feminism mostly. And immigration on a huge scale “for thee but not me”. I got more. Just ask.) Communism is basically the idea that everyone is the same and everyone should get the same. Except the guys in charge. Oh and also, we need to kill millions of people to make it work. Every single time. Because all the other times wasn’t really done right. But this time, with this pile of skulls, we will perfect it. Seriously, read a fucking book. Communism is a gigantic lie and always has been.

PUAs – blogged about these cretins at length for years. Use the Search me link on the right.

There is no one out there for me – Pretty much ALL of the above ideologies are not rooted in reality but rather your Achille’s heel of deep down believing you’re unlovable. And so the whole world needs to stop spinning on its axis, become a flat disc, to suit the flat-earther morons, and life must all bend to your specific will, with all your flaws, so you can feel validated. Except you won’t, because shrivelled, crippled, addicted to all drugs and booze as your miserable soul is, it still KNOWS that you are as you are, and no amount of fake outside validation will fill the gaping maw of despair that is in your heart. Only truth and reality and facing it will do that.

It was always thus

See the green items? Yeah…. pretty much the same throughout world history. To whatever degree these items are “true” they have always been so. The proportions may vary a little, but believe me, only a little. Most humans are really fucking terrible. Didn’t I already tell you that? What are you, some Algerian or something? Obviously not Venetian eh?!? Jeez. Pay attention will you?

OK what’s left?

So the items in normal text have some truth right? Ok, for the most part, all this means is that your task of finding a suitable mate are made even easier. Because they are so much easier to identify.

A woman that believe in most of the ideologies listed in bold, and acts out most of the things written in green and also flags the normal text items, is probably a waste of time. On the other hand, there exist, men and women who:

  • Believe in traditional family life
  • Agree having a support group to raise a family is great, but not absolutely essential
  • Agree that the internet and hookup culture have given everyone unrealistic expectations, which are based on completely false concepts. A few of them might even understand that most humans are a bunch of ugly idiots, and you too and them too. And that the best they can do is find an idiot just as ugly and stupid as they are and build a life on it.
  • Both the Vaxxed and non-vaxxed tend to admit it freely. Males it easier to select your group: Mutants or Pure Strain Humans. Then roll our Gamma World stats.

The selection process has become more discerning. That’s all. If you are reading this you now have the top of the top 0.1% information to make a good go of scoring the perfect partner. You realise he or she will not be a millionaire, supermodel, nymphomaniac, who enjoys sharing you with his/her disease-free stripper friends.

So you select someone of similar 1-10 scale looks to you that shares at least some of the more important values you believe in and if those values are not based in reality, you know your relationship will most likely catch fire, go into a tailspin and leave a messy crater below.

Work on yourself to shave off the mono part of your mono-brow. Learn to talk to EVERYONE. Learn to approach ANYONE, without being a creepy, stalkerish type. Go out in the real world and join activities that you enjoy where likely partners might be found.

And keep at it.

One thing I am certain of, is that if you do these things, and also work on removing whatever negative beliefs and traits you have (NOT WITH SURGERY, YOU MORON! NOT UNLESS YOU’RE THE ELEPHANT MAN!) there absolutely IS a person out there that can love you and truly actually love you. Yes, even if you are a crippled hunchback. And yes I do know actual crippled hunchbacks (more than one, yes) who made something of their lives and are happily married. Are their partners supermodels? No. But you know what, after a while that really doesn’t matter. I obviously hope nothing of the sort ever happens and my wife would be devastated if it did, but if she had some horrible accident and was disfigured, my attraction to her would not really make a twitch on the needle. There was a time I was absolutely attracted to her looks, I still am, and she still has them, but the shift has moved for me already, and it is not a function of age so much, but of intimacy. I have always noted that if I was serious about a woman, although her looks originally attracted me, afterwards, they made little difference. It is also true that the important ones in my life have been very few compared to the “just for fun” ones.

The ability to connect deeply on the things that really matter in life, far supersedes the temporary allure of the merely physical (albeit they can last a few decades with good care). The more time I spend with her, the closer I feel and if the feeling is mutual and she too feels closer then, our level of true understanding and intimacy grows exponentially too, and honestly, nothing “looks” better than that sensation.

So keep these things in mind.

As I can, I will next post about how the entire world lies to you and how to spot it.

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