I have written to you about this on a few occasions. You have not replied to those emails, and normally that would be the end of it.
However, you have repeatedly stated that people in error should be corrected on matters of doctrine. I tried to do so privately several times precisely to avoid a more public correction. I know you received the emails because you replied to others.
You do a lot of good work on educating Catholics in general to many of the false teachings and so on of the fake Church currently being headed by the satanic Bergoglio, as well as calling a spade a spade. Which is very much needed.
You, however, are absolutely mistaken about Ratzinger being any more legitimate than Bergoglio.
I believe there are two parts to your error.
A purely objective/factual one, and an emotional one.
The factual one is simple to address if not obvious to anyone who has not bothered to research the facts.
Vatican 2 is Heretical
This is easily demonstrated by simply reading the 16 documents that compose Vatican 2 and comparing them with Church doctrine.
Here is a simple and easy to verify link to a clear and concise criticism (which is also sometimes a delight and funny to read):
It is only 16 pages in large print and entertaining too, so take a look.
Now… the Vatican II documents have been officially published between 1963 and 1965.
Which means that by the time they were published, and until 1983, the only official canon law for the Catholic Church was the one known as the Pio-Benedictine Canon Law of 1917. This is not in question. It is a simple fact that no one can deny.
So the Vatican II documents had been officially published for almost 20 years before the “new” canon law was published.
And herein lies the problem. Because the documents of Vatican II are heretical, they cannot be accepted as Catholic or valid. In any way or form. In fact if they were just ambiguous, that in itself would make them unable to be relied upon for any kind of doctrine. That too, is prudent and canon law. (See for example Canon 6 part 4 and other canons too).
Which brings us to how we should view and treat those who created these documents, promulgated them and presented and taught them as if they were valid Church doctrine.
And here we come to Canon Law 188, part 4.
Which reads as follows:
Any office becomes vacant upon the fact and without any declaration by tacit resignation recognized by the law itself if a cleric:
4.° Publicly defects from the Catholic faith
Now, you cannot preach heresy as if it was doctrine for 20 years and be considered a Catholic. That level of “error” can only be intentional or of an incompetence so thorough that it becomes de facto criminal.
But there is more. Because the “popes” who all instigated, promoted and created the vile Vatican 2 documents were, without exception, ALL involved form 28th October 1958 onwards.
Because if something is suspect the prudent thing to do is to reject it, we therefore are compelled to not accept any of the false popes that came to power from the 28th October 1958.
In any event, even if you wanted to ascribe merely deep imbecility to the fake popes from 1958 to 1965, the fact remains that after official publication, of Vatican 2, (1965) no Catholic cleric of any kind had any further excuse for accepting the Vatican 2 heresies as doctrine.
So even at your most charitable, you are compelled, by Canon Law 188.4 to reject all that came after 1965. Additionally, all those clerics who specifically and clearly do not reject Vatican 2 in toto are heretics, non-Catholics and not fit to hold any kind of office. Nor is there any official decree required for this to be the case. Precisely as canon law 188.4 points out.
They may, as they do, of course, hold on to their physical office by subterfuge, force, deception and so on, but spiritually, morally, ethically and from a divine perspective they are void and irrelevant. Absolute fraudsters pretending to be clerics.
Ratzinger was one of the architects of Vatican 2. So he certainly is not any kind of legitimate Pope.
The legalistic process here is clear. Canon law 188.4 was absolutely in effect and this means the fake clerics that eventually went on to produce the “new” canon law of 1983 are not valid clerics and their work is as relevant to the Catholic Church proper as the scratchings of a rabid squirrel.
They have zero authority.
Besides, this is not difficult to understand once you know the history of the infiltration of the Church which was well under way in the 1920s and effectively complete by 1958.
For those who are functionally illiterate, (not Ann) here is a short video that even references some books you can look up that prove the infiltration by predatory homosexuals, Marxists and feminists intent on destruction of the family unit and the Church:
The above settles the factual part of the error. Anyone can look it up for themselves.
It may require purchasing the book of Pio-Benedictine Canon Law of 1917 and the Council of Trent from Amazon and for you to spend time reading both, if, like me, you prefer to find out for yourself if what I am saying here makes sense, but literally anyone can verify the above in a few minutes of research and really know absolutely if they want to spend the time to look at it fully on their own terms by referencing the books themselves.
The Emotional Component of your Error
I do not blame you for this error. In fact I feel kindly towards you because of it. It merely goes to show, that despite that hard shell, underneath it all, Ann, you’re still very much a feminine woman. You err because you can’t bear to face the true fact of the state of the Church. Which is that it has fallen. Rome has fallen. The Vatican is literally nothing more than a hive of pederasts and sexual perverts. Legally there isn’t a single valid cleric in the place and morally I am about as sure as anyone can be it’s the same. Furthermore it means the Church has been without a head since 1958. An unprecedented crisis in the entire history of the Church. And before you go there, no, I am not a sedevacantist.
The Holy See is not empty. Obviously.
It is very much occupied. By an impostor. As was the case when Ratzinger was “pope” too.
The correct term is Sede Privationist. The Holy See is being prevented from being occupied by the legitimate Pope; whoever he may be.
Accepting this, however, means that pretty much 99% of so-called Catholics are in error. It means that materially the fraudsters are in physical possession of almost all the churches and artwork of what used to be the Catholic Church but is now merely the hollowed out shell of a spiritually decomposed corpse.
And how sad is that realisation. How terrible.
And it is.
But it is also the truth.
There is no “saving” what you, along with most people alive assume is the Catholic Church. Because it is not the Catholic Church at all.
If I murder your father and then wear his skin like a suit, it no more makes me your father than Bergoglio and all the fake “priests” and “bishops” make the Catholic Church.
The real, actual Catholic Church continues and is alive and growing; slowly but surely.
But beside all this, the collapse of the Church, and the fooling of most supposedly nominal Christians is foretold, both in the Bible as well as from various saints. So there is nothing to despair.
It is war and we are to fight. Rejoice in it sister Ann, and please, join the true Church and help the other lost and confused would-be Catholics to get back on the right road.
You help many already, and have done much more than I have to date. So it is not with scorn or ego that I wrote this to correct you, but with a genuine wish to force you to see the truth as it is. I hope you will consider this carefully and make the right choice concerning it.
An open letter to Ann Barnhardt
Dear Ann,
I have written to you about this on a few occasions. You have not replied to those emails, and normally that would be the end of it.
However, you have repeatedly stated that people in error should be corrected on matters of doctrine. I tried to do so privately several times precisely to avoid a more public correction. I know you received the emails because you replied to others.
You do a lot of good work on educating Catholics in general to many of the false teachings and so on of the fake Church currently being headed by the satanic Bergoglio, as well as calling a spade a spade. Which is very much needed.
You, however, are absolutely mistaken about Ratzinger being any more legitimate than Bergoglio.
I believe there are two parts to your error.
A purely objective/factual one, and an emotional one.
The factual one is simple to address if not obvious to anyone who has not bothered to research the facts.
Vatican 2 is Heretical
This is easily demonstrated by simply reading the 16 documents that compose Vatican 2 and comparing them with Church doctrine.
Here is a simple and easy to verify link to a clear and concise criticism (which is also sometimes a delight and funny to read):
It is only 16 pages in large print and entertaining too, so take a look.
Vatican II Heresies
Now… the Vatican II documents have been officially published between 1963 and 1965.
Which means that by the time they were published, and until 1983, the only official canon law for the Catholic Church was the one known as the Pio-Benedictine Canon Law of 1917. This is not in question. It is a simple fact that no one can deny.
So the Vatican II documents had been officially published for almost 20 years before the “new” canon law was published.
And herein lies the problem. Because the documents of Vatican II are heretical, they cannot be accepted as Catholic or valid. In any way or form. In fact if they were just ambiguous, that in itself would make them unable to be relied upon for any kind of doctrine. That too, is prudent and canon law. (See for example Canon 6 part 4 and other canons too).
Which brings us to how we should view and treat those who created these documents, promulgated them and presented and taught them as if they were valid Church doctrine.
And here we come to Canon Law 188, part 4.
Which reads as follows:
Now, you cannot preach heresy as if it was doctrine for 20 years and be considered a Catholic. That level of “error” can only be intentional or of an incompetence so thorough that it becomes de facto criminal.
But there is more. Because the “popes” who all instigated, promoted and created the vile Vatican 2 documents were, without exception, ALL involved form 28th October 1958 onwards.
Because if something is suspect the prudent thing to do is to reject it, we therefore are compelled to not accept any of the false popes that came to power from the 28th October 1958.
In any event, even if you wanted to ascribe merely deep imbecility to the fake popes from 1958 to 1965, the fact remains that after official publication, of Vatican 2, (1965) no Catholic cleric of any kind had any further excuse for accepting the Vatican 2 heresies as doctrine.
So even at your most charitable, you are compelled, by Canon Law 188.4 to reject all that came after 1965. Additionally, all those clerics who specifically and clearly do not reject Vatican 2 in toto are heretics, non-Catholics and not fit to hold any kind of office. Nor is there any official decree required for this to be the case. Precisely as canon law 188.4 points out.
They may, as they do, of course, hold on to their physical office by subterfuge, force, deception and so on, but spiritually, morally, ethically and from a divine perspective they are void and irrelevant. Absolute fraudsters pretending to be clerics.
Ratzinger was one of the architects of Vatican 2. So he certainly is not any kind of legitimate Pope.
The legalistic process here is clear. Canon law 188.4 was absolutely in effect and this means the fake clerics that eventually went on to produce the “new” canon law of 1983 are not valid clerics and their work is as relevant to the Catholic Church proper as the scratchings of a rabid squirrel.
They have zero authority.
Besides, this is not difficult to understand once you know the history of the infiltration of the Church which was well under way in the 1920s and effectively complete by 1958.
For those who are functionally illiterate, (not Ann) here is a short video that even references some books you can look up that prove the infiltration by predatory homosexuals, Marxists and feminists intent on destruction of the family unit and the Church:
Video on the Infiltration with references
The above settles the factual part of the error. Anyone can look it up for themselves.
It may require purchasing the book of Pio-Benedictine Canon Law of 1917 and the Council of Trent from Amazon and for you to spend time reading both, if, like me, you prefer to find out for yourself if what I am saying here makes sense, but literally anyone can verify the above in a few minutes of research and really know absolutely if they want to spend the time to look at it fully on their own terms by referencing the books themselves.
The Emotional Component of your Error
I do not blame you for this error. In fact I feel kindly towards you because of it. It merely goes to show, that despite that hard shell, underneath it all, Ann, you’re still very much a feminine woman. You err because you can’t bear to face the true fact of the state of the Church. Which is that it has fallen. Rome has fallen. The Vatican is literally nothing more than a hive of pederasts and sexual perverts. Legally there isn’t a single valid cleric in the place and morally I am about as sure as anyone can be it’s the same. Furthermore it means the Church has been without a head since 1958. An unprecedented crisis in the entire history of the Church. And before you go there, no, I am not a sedevacantist.
The Holy See is not empty. Obviously.
It is very much occupied. By an impostor. As was the case when Ratzinger was “pope” too.
The correct term is Sede Privationist. The Holy See is being prevented from being occupied by the legitimate Pope; whoever he may be.
Accepting this, however, means that pretty much 99% of so-called Catholics are in error. It means that materially the fraudsters are in physical possession of almost all the churches and artwork of what used to be the Catholic Church but is now merely the hollowed out shell of a spiritually decomposed corpse.
And how sad is that realisation. How terrible.
And it is.
But it is also the truth.
There is no “saving” what you, along with most people alive assume is the Catholic Church. Because it is not the Catholic Church at all.
If I murder your father and then wear his skin like a suit, it no more makes me your father than Bergoglio and all the fake “priests” and “bishops” make the Catholic Church.
The real, actual Catholic Church continues and is alive and growing; slowly but surely.
You can find one of its branches here:
Sodalitium Pianum
But beside all this, the collapse of the Church, and the fooling of most supposedly nominal Christians is foretold, both in the Bible as well as from various saints. So there is nothing to despair.
It is war and we are to fight. Rejoice in it sister Ann, and please, join the true Church and help the other lost and confused would-be Catholics to get back on the right road.
You help many already, and have done much more than I have to date. So it is not with scorn or ego that I wrote this to correct you, but with a genuine wish to force you to see the truth as it is. I hope you will consider this carefully and make the right choice concerning it.
God bless you and keep you and guide you.
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Tags: Ann Barnhardt, catholics, sede privationism, sede vacantism
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