Ah, the Chutzpah!

It really is amazing the level at which the Jews are supposed to be prevented from being criticised; by anyone, at any level, for any reason whatsoever.

And how they expect this to simply be accepted by everyone forever. And in fact already have special laws preventing any criticism, any questioning and in some cases even precluding not trading with Israel for private firms.

It certainly clarifies that old saying about if you want to know who runs things, look at who you are not allowed to criticise.

Except we have move well beyond criticism here. It is now effectively apparently becoming illegal to simply notice facts.

And woe betide anyone who notices that if you get kicked out of 109 countries for a total of over 1000 times, and you happen to always have a totally disproportionate number of representatives in the mass media, banking, various branches of government, and lawyering of said countries, perhaps, just perhaps, you know, maybe, just maybe, you are the problem and not everyone else just being violently “antisemitic” for no reason at all.

2 Responses to “Ah, the Chutzpah!”

  1. fitzhamilton says:

    I’d like to know how many of these people are not merely Jewish, but hold dual US/Israeli passports. I poked around this past week trying to find a list of Biden and Trump Administration officials and congress members with any dual citizenship, but there is apparently little interest in the question, and no law requiring transparency. The press made some hay over Ted Cruz and Michele Bachman holding Canadian and Swiss citizenship respectively, because they love to embarrass Republicans. But there is silence regarding anyone holding Israeli passports..

    • G says:

      As they say… notice who you are NOT allowed to criticise and you will know who really runs things.

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