Yes, I know that’s from Bladerunner, not Terminator. But it’s more appropriate.
I have had a rather interesting year. And by interesting I mean hellish. I literally still cannot talk about many aspects of my work for various reasons, suffice it to say that the prospect of hunting down fake people in a dystopian future world were I may be a replicant myself feels a lot saner and more easygoing than what my assignments have been of late.
I shall therefore limit myself to general observations or social commentary for a bit.
The good things so far are Brexit and Trump. Let’s hope they form the beginning of a fight back against the forces of evil. Along with the letter by a few cardinals to The Herald of the Antichrist, fake Pope Bergoglio, it may be the beginning of something new.
And if someone starts to work in earnest to expose and punish the sick pedophiles that are deeply embedded in the Hillary Clinton camp, that would really be a start.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you need to read a bit more online and get off the mainstream media narrative. I’m not joking or hyperboling. There are deeply evil, child molesting perverts deeply embedded at the highest level of most Western governments. This has been exposed somewhat in the U.K. Government as well as the US government, the French and the Belgian governments and most of the judiciary too, and it is high time these sick fucks were brought to justice. And by justice I literally mean hung from the neck until dead. It is time that honest men and women dragged these vermin out into the sunlight and set them alight in the public square.